View Full Version : BP Gulf Oil Disaster: Conspiratorial View Of History Perspective

1st June 2010, 03:16 PM
Many of us skeptics @ GSUS smell a major NWO (http://policestateplanning.com/id19.htm) rat regarding the BP gulf oil disaster. And we're aware of the distinction between the "accidental view of history" (http://www.threeworldwars.com/intro.htm) taught to us in school & fed to us daily by the CorpGuv "news", and the "conspiratorial view of history" (http://www.threeworldwars.com/intro.htm) which brings our world into a completely different focus. The difference can be so stark and shocking, it evokes the "Blue Pill vs Red Pill" analogy dramatized in the movie "The Matrix" (where the underground city where the last humans were holed up was named "Zion" ;)) (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0133093/synopsis)

So I hope to fashion this thread as an omnibus depository of articles/videos, MSM or alt-news/blogosphere perspectives, which explicitly or incidentally, contribute "dots" to a conspiratorial picture of the BP gulf oil disaster.

I'll start with several I've encountered here at GSUS as well as around the web, in no particular order:

The most blunt I've seen: Makow: Oil Spill = Illuminati's Covert War on America (http://www.henrymakow.com/oil_spill_illuminati_covert_wa.html)

Could Millions Die From Gulf OIL SPILL? (http://beforeitsnews.com/news/47/601/Could_Millions_Die_From_Gulf_OIL_SPILL.html)

Oil disaster - possible false flag? (http://gold-silver.us/forum/general-discussion/oil-disaster-possible-false-flag/msg48779/#msg48779)

Plans to evacuate the Gulf are BEGINING TO FLY AROUND THE NET. (http://gold-silver.us/forum/general-discussion/plans-to-evacuate-the-gulf-are-begining-to-fly-around-the-net/msg48852/#msg48852)

Coast Guard and BP threaten journalists with arrest for documenting oil spill (http://www.mnn.com/green-tech/research-innovations/blogs/coast-guard-and-bp-threaten-journalists-with-arrest-for-docume)

Revelation - The Second Trumpet - BP Oil Disaster (http://europebusines.blogspot.com/2010/05/revelation-second-trumpet-bp-oil.html)

Corexit is a chemical which the oil industry makes to sell to itself (http://gold-silver.us/forum/general-discussion/corexit-is-a-chemical-which-the-oil-industry-makes-to-sell-to-itself/msg52952/#msg52952)

"Philippe Cousteau Jr. and Sam Champion take hazmat dive into Gulf's oily waters"


Opinion: Crude deceptions: Why is the oil spill being shrouded in secrecy? (http://digitaljournal.com/article/292697)

Mike Ruppert even has some alarmist essays out recently, and he's not historically prone to sensationalism around illuminati/NWO/FEMA/martial-law/etc:

IT’S TIME TO PRAY (http://mikeruppert.blogspot.com/2010/05/its-time-to-pray.html)

"...I predict that US Continuity of Government provisions will be activated and that FEMA will, before end of summer, be placed in complete control of the Southeast United States… limited martial law. "

"AN EXTINCTION EVENT" and THE AGE OF LAWLESSNESS – WILL THE REAL FEMA PLEASE STAND UP? (http://mikeruppert.blogspot.com/2010/05/extinction-event-and-age-of-lawlessness.html) [scroll past the job opening ad]

Gulf oil spill: This disaster just got enormously worse (http://www.miamiherald.com/2010/05/30/1656204/gulf-oil-spill-this-disaster-just.html)

BP Revised Permits Before Blast (http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704490204575278952784008676.html)

From the 1953 CIA Overthrow of Democracy in Iran, to the Iraq War, to the Criminal Gulf Catastrophe and Deaths, BP Was There (http://blog.buzzflash.com/editorblog/312)

Post-Katrina conspiratorial perspective from Ed Griffin, forget about the prophetic pre-Katrina TV-movie Oil Storm (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oil_Storm), forget HAARP (http://www.amazon.com/Weather-Warfare-Jerry-E-Smith/dp/1931882606/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&s=books), forget blown levees (http://www.google.com/webhp?hl=en&tab=vw#hl=en&source=hp&q=Katrina+blown+levee); the gummit's post-Katrina "incompetence" may have been an NWO dress rehearsal for what they're planning to roll out to the broader South-East US this Summer:
IN THE WAKE OF HURRICANE KATRINA (http://www.freedomforceinternational.org/freedomcontent.cfm?fuseaction=FEMA_Katrina)

Fierce hurricane season predicted (http://www.usatoday.com/weather/storms/hurricanes/2010-05-26-hurricane-season-prediction_N.htm)

Not Good - Matt Simmons Suspects there is a Second Leak 5-6 miles away (http://gold-silver.us/forum/general-discussion/not-good-matt-simmons-suspects-there-is-a-second-leak-5-6-miles-away/?topicseen)

Is It Raining Oil In Florida? This Is Just The Beginning (http://www.sott.net/articles/show/209378-Is-It-Raining-Oil-In-Florida-This-Is-Just-The-Beginning)

Oil Threatens Eastern US With 'Total Destruction' (http://www.presstv.ir/detail.aspx?id=128113&sectionid=3510203) (clarifies that the controversial, highly toxic dispersal agent is what enables the evaporation & later oily rain)

Bombshell expose'. The real reason the oil still flows into the Gulf of Mexico. (http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message1082282/pg1)

US Military Rejects Call To Take Control Of Oil (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/earth/energy/oil/7791013/US-military-rejects-calls-to-take-control-of-oil-spill.html)

BP Oil Volcano - Death And Devastation Just Starting (http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2010/may/31/bp-oil-spill-death-impact)

Schlumberger Leave Rig Just Before Blowout? (http://adropofrain.net/2010/05/rumor-schlumberger-exits-deep-horizon-hours-before-blowout/)

Partial Confirmation Schlumberger Left Before Blowout (http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE64J0GS20100520)

BP Admits Oil Could Flow For Months (years?) (http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2010/may/30/bp-oil-spill-deepwater-horizon)

US Readies For Oil Worst As Best Hope Fails (http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-prepares-for-the-worst-after-best-hope-of-oil-solution-falls-apart-1987508.html)

LOL, http://blog.buzzflash.com/files/images/bp32.jpg

... that ought to be enough to start!

1st June 2010, 03:43 PM
Thank you for consolidating so much info in one place.

1st June 2010, 05:08 PM
Nicely done, PatColo.

1st June 2010, 08:23 PM
tanks fer da tanks, MN, K-os. Gut tells me this gulf thing is scripted to be huge moving forwards, so having something resembling a blog dedicated to gathering info of the CT perspective of the evolving event, will be valuable. There may already be a BP-disaster-CT blog up, like there is wrt last year's swine flu/vax (http://theflucase.com) scam, if so I'd like to learn of it... can link to it here! 8)

Gulf Oil SPILL? What a Lie!

'Money is killing us,' Gulf fisherman says (http://pagingdrgupta.blogs.cnn.com/2010/06/01/money-is-killing-us-gulf-fisherman-says/)


June 1, 2010

By Elizabeth Cohen
CNN Senior Medical Correspondent

The latest health risk in the Gulf of Mexico is an abundance of money, says one Louisiana fisherman.

“Money,” says Clint Guidry, acting president of the Louisiana Shrimp Association, “is killing us.”

BP is paying fishermen up to $3,000 a day to help clean up the oil, according to a contract between BP and one of the fishermen obtained by CNN.

He says the nine fishermen who were brought to the hospital while working for BP are unwilling to talk because they fear losing their jobs. The men suffered symptoms such as shortness of breath, irritated nasal passages, nausea and headaches.

“Working for BP is their livelihood, since they can’t fish anymore,” Guidry said. “BP is putting food on their tables. These gentlemen won’t talk publicly because they’re scared for their well-being and scared for their families.”

Graham MacEwen, spokesperson for the petroleum company, says workers have no reason to fear retaliation if they speak out and should feel free to voice any safety concerns to their supervisors.

Several of the shrimpers contacted by CNN declined to talk on the record.

When the clean-up effort first started, BP required those hired to work in their “Vessels of Opportunity” program to sign confidentiality agreements, according to Jim Klick, an attorney representing two fishermen who became ill while working for BP. But he says the clause was taken out after objections from lawyers.

Even those who didn’t sign a confidentiality agreement are scared of retaliation by BP if they speak out, Klick added

“There’s huge concerns about this,” he said.

It’s not clear exactly what’s made the fishermen sick. Guidry says it’s breathing in vapors from a combination of the oil and Corexit, the dispersant being used to break down the oil, but Tony Hayward, the chief executive officer of BP, has another theory.

“Food poisoning is a very big issue,” Hayward said Sunday. “We have to be very mindful of that.” [<<< ;D ;)]

Guidry was having a cup of coffee Monday morning at a marina in Lafitte, Louisiana, when he heard Hayward talking on CNN. The marina had a pool table.

“I couldn’t believe it. First, he makes our boys sick, and then he insults good Cajun cooking,” he said. “If he’d been right here, I would have shoved the pool cue down his throat.”


2nd June 2010, 12:26 AM
Mike Ruppert's not really beating the CT drum here, but, well, read on:

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

DEEPWATER HORIZON WILL BE THE END OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (http://mikeruppert.blogspot.com/2010/06/deepwater-horizon-will-be-end-of-united.html)

June 1, 2010 – The Obama Administration today opened a criminal investigation (http://www.marketwatch.com/story/oil-spill-commission-chairs-huddle-with-obama-2010-06-01?dist=afterbell) into all the events before, during and since the April 20th explosion that triggered the largest environmental catastrophe in human history. (If it’s not now, it will be.) -- This investigation is going to end badly for everybody.

As the catastrophe worsens, as people grasp what it means... there will be blood demanded and blood spilled. The tens of millions of soon-to-be victims will not accept less. There will be an almost insatiable need for vengeance and all of the pent-up rage after swallowing all of the lies fed to the American people by Wall Street and Washington for so long will have found a single, unifying issue. The frustration built up in every corner of our lives will become a blowout exactly like the Gulf…. Because of the Gulf.

We know that BP, the mainstream media and the U.S. government have at best deceived, and at worst outright lied about two key things. The first is the actual flow rate (now minimally) confirmed at 75,000 bpd. (I’m kind of leaning towards 125,000 bpd myself.) The second is the fact that there are two very huge leaks – not one. The second one is about five miles west of the bore hole. That means the explosion caused geologic ruptures. (Hello… CNN? Anybody in there?)

Nobody has any credibility here. Nobody. It’s all finger pointing. It’s tasteless. It’s transparent. It’s embarrassing. It's insulting. And it is infuriating.

-- For me a rosy side to this is that Dick Cheney has dived deep. He will be remembered for Halliburton. Those skeletons will be recalled and resurrected. Bush-Cheney’s role in turning the Minerals Management Service into a roving, drug-crazed whore house will become (finally) something actionable. Of course, the American populace didn’t get upset when MMS, Interior and Energy lied to them about how much cheap energy there was going to be… forever. Yes, Old FTW readers will remember that we took on MMS in 2004, 2005 and 2006.

This is going to be a nasty, nasty catfight and the legal and political ramifications of Deepwater Horizon will – I am very confident -- eventually bring about the collapse of the United States government. They will certainly bankrupt it (sooner) and force it into default. Political collapse is the third stage of overall collapse (Orlov). It was coming anyway. It’s just going to get here a lot sooner now. Social collapse will begin as soon as the people from the Gulf coast become refugees.


2nd June 2010, 06:07 AM
Pat--Thanks for the info!


philo beddoe
2nd June 2010, 06:49 AM
Nicely done

2nd June 2010, 07:20 AM
Hey PatColo,

Excellent summary of events thus far. When it comes to a conspiratorial view of the Gulf catastrophe I have been hesitant to write about my thoughts. My "is this story we're being told bullsh*t?" detector first started heating up the day of the event.

April 20th is a day rich in occult history. It is one of the magical days related to fire from what I understand.

11 deaths also rings in occult numerology.

11 days later the Times Square hoax took place.

After watching the videos I Am Me, I Am Free posted yesterday about the purposeful Corexit poisoning of the Gulf I am becoming quite inclined to say yes; the stench of the illuminaughty surrounds the event.

Also, it has been said but I think it is worth repeating, this event is going to put the "green" legislation and taxation front and center. Watch for these buzzwords (Carbon credits/cap-and-trade) to come back full swing in the fall to winter months.

2nd June 2010, 10:37 AM
DMac, I read another occult analysis of the significance of 4/20, but not sure where to find it again. It noted that the date is also the alleged birthday of the guy ironically accredited by official history with being the master-practitioner of the Big Lie deception technique (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_lie): none other than zio-asset Adolf Hitler.

The pot heads seem to think 4/20 is da bomb, too.

Well consider these "outcomes" from the BP disaster,

Oil tax increase would help pay to clean up spills (http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=D9FTDV7O1&show_article=1) (oil tax to quadruple)

I don't have time to find a link, but how many gulf platforms were ordered to stop operations based on this disaster? couple dozen?

Kurt Nimmo May 2:
Gulf Oil Rig Fiasco: It’s About Scarcity and World Government (http://www.prisonplanet.com/gulf-oil-rig-fiasco-it%E2%80%99s-about-scarcity-and-world-government.html)

"In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens you can bet it was planned that way. "

2nd June 2010, 02:35 PM


2nd June 2010, 04:03 PM
Interesting DMac on the movie "Knowing" (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0448011/). But the newscast overheard in that movie is somewhat thinner than how brazen they were with "Oil Storm" which aired 6/5/05, ~3 months before Hurricane Katrina (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hurricane_Katrina). From the OP:

Post-Katrina conspiratorial perspective from Ed Griffin, forget about the prophetic pre-Katrina TV-movie Oil Storm (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oil_Storm), forget HAARP (http://www.amazon.com/Weather-Warfare-Jerry-E-Smith/dp/1931882606/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&s=books), forget blown levees (http://www.google.com/webhp?hl=en&tab=vw#hl=en&source=hp&q=Katrina+blown+levee); the gummit's post-Katrina "incompetence" may have been an NWO dress rehearsal for what they're planning to roll out to the broader South-East US this Summer:
IN THE WAKE OF HURRICANE KATRINA (http://www.freedomforceinternational.org/freedomcontent.cfm?fuseaction=FEMA_Katrina)

I think basing the whole "future-based" docu-drama's plot upon the chain of events following the drama's opening (future-dated) event: a massive hurricane sweeping through the Gulf, causing among other destruction, the catastrophic levee breaks & flooding of NOLA; the docu-drama even giving the correct (future) time frame of this event: top of Sept '05, is a pretty extraordinary coincidence! ::)

You may find Oil Storm on bittorrent, but I've never seen it on gootube. I do see this 30 second trailer, (AJ had nothing to do with it, ignore the title the uploader wrongly gave it):


I gave the Oil Storm wiki entry (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oil_Storm) above, here's the Oil Storm IMDB entry (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0461695/).

3rd June 2010, 09:17 AM
Goldman Sold 44% Of Its BP Stock 3 Wks Before Blowout (http://moneycentral.msn.com/ownership?Holding=Institutional+Ownership&Symbol=BP)

I'm doing 'God's work'. Meet Mr Goldman Sachs (http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/us_and_americas/article6907681.ece)

BP Denies Oil Plumes Exist; Blames Illnesses on Food Poisoning (http://www.courthousenews.com/2010/06/01/27704.htm)

Peter Dale Scott- 'Continuity of Government' Planning: War, Terror and the Supplanting of the U.S. Constitution (http://japanfocus.org/-Peter_Dale-Scott/3362)

2 min video clip of dialog described in the above article:

BP share plunge wipes billions off UK pension funds: Spill crisis deepens as U.S. starts criminal probe (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1283338/BP-oil-spill-crisis-deepens-US-starts-criminal-probe-share-price-plunges-17.html)

from Mike Ruppert 6/2, NEPDG is "National Energy Policy Development Group (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Energy_Task_Force)" or "Energy Task Force", which took place behind closed doors during President Cheney's 2nd week in office:
NEPDG REPORT BECOMING MAJOR ISSUE FOR BP AND DEEPWATER HORIZON (http://mikeruppert.blogspot.com/2010/06/nepdg-report-becoming-major-issue-for.html)

BP Commands Government to Strangle Off Media Coverage of Oil Gusher (http://www.infowars.com/bp-commands-government-to-strangle-off-media-coverage-of-oil-gusher/)

Deepwater Horizon survivors allege they were kept in seclusion after rig explosion, coerced into signing legal waivers (http://news.yahoo.com/s/ynews/20100521/sc_ynews/ynews_sc2191)

Local fishermen block mouth of Bayou to protest BP hiring, payment practices (http://theglobalrealm.com/2010/06/02/local-fishermen-block-mouth-of-bayou-to-protest-bp-hiring-payment-practices/)

6th June 2010, 08:58 AM
BP chief sold shares weeks before oil spill (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/energy/oilandgas/7804922/BP-chief-Tony-Hayward-sold-shares-weeks-before-oil-spill.html)

BP Oil: Coming Soon to a Beach Near You (http://www.stumbleupon.com/su/6bwnjH/motherjones.com/blue-marble/2010/06/bp-oil-coming-beach-near-you-summer-2010/r:f)


Gulf Oil Spill Could Spread to Atlantic Coast (http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2010/06/gulf-oil-could-spread-to-atlantic-coast/)

Half Past Human March 2010 Predictions Of Oil Disaster (http://rense.com/general91/pred.htm)

6th June 2010, 10:54 PM
Top Gulf oil/CT story tonight is... the relative dry up of news flowing from the disaster. Problem was the usual suspects, with their flotilla massacre a week ago, and all the spin & fallout, leading the news all week. That massacre story was outrageous, but this oil story could poison/starve/etc millions.

BP and Feds Withheld Videos Showing Massive Scope of Oil Spill (http://abcnews.go.com/Blotter/bp-feds-withheld-videos-showing-massive-scope-oil/story?id=10819367)
Mentions three leaks.

Top PR firm for BP tied to White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel (http://ht.ly/1UKfl)

BP Oil Spill: A Slippery Slope to FEMA Detention Camps? (http://motherjones.com/politics/2010/06/bp-oil-spill-fema-camps) go Mother Jones! Of course they ridicule the CTs. The Hawk/evacuations audio they discuss is here,
Forced evacuations begin in less than two weeks (Gulf catastrophe). (http://gold-silver.us/forum/conspiracy-theories/forced-evacuations-begin-in-less-than-two-weeks-(gulf-catastrophe)/msg55146/#msg55146) That audio was over the top, with the obligatory space alien soldiers talk near the end, which is why I didn't post it to this thread before.

Power and water problems loom for Florida as oil threat lurks off shore (http://onlinejournal.com/artman/publish/article_5947.shtml)

Gulf damage will last 'for years if not decades' (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/37535767/ns/us_news-washington_post/)

BP spill choice: Ecology vs. economy (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/37498681/ns/disaster_in_the_gulf/?ns=disaster_in_the_gulf)

6th June 2010, 11:29 PM
Great thread, Pat.

This part I did not know.

The plant, which uses seawater reverse osmosis to turn seawater into 16 to 19 million gallons of drinking water daily for residents of the Tampa Bay area

7th June 2010, 07:48 PM
I was listening to NPR yesterday.

The guy was trying to fly with or for the Times-Picayune over the gulf.

Limits on access to oiled waters, coast frustrates journalists (http://www.nola.com/news/gulf-oil-spill/index.ssf/2010/05/limits_on_access_to_oiled_wate.html)

When a photographer from The Times-Picayune earlier this week tried to hire a plane to fly over Grand Isle, the charter plane company was told that the flight could not descend below 3,000 feet.

Southern Seaplane owner Rhonda Panepinto said her husband called the BP Command Center on Tuesday for permission to fly photographer Ted Jackson over Grand Isle, so that he could take pictures of the impact of the spreading oil from the Deepwater Horizon well. But the plane company was told by a BP contractor that media flights weren't allowed in the restricted air space established by the Federal Aviation Administration.

"They told him absolutely no media or press on any planes. The press flights are limited to Saturdays only and only in Coast Guard helicopters," Panepinto said.

Found the text to what I heard on NPR.

Media Claim Access To Spill Site Has Been Limited (http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=127269172)

BP contractors are operating alongside the FAA and Coast Guard at a command center that approves or denies flight requests. Charter pilots say they have been denied permission to fly below 3,000 feet when they have reporters or photographers aboard.

Those special flight restrictions, imposed on May 12, cover thousands of square miles of the Gulf and a broad swath of Louisiana's coast. Normally there are no restrictions on flying.

Charter seaplane pilot Lyle Panepinto of Belle Chasse, La., said his request to enter restricted airspace was denied after he told a BP contractor that his passenger was Jackson, the Times-Picayune photographer

The contractor, Dennis Dorsey, worked in a command center staffed by the company, the Coast Guard and the FAA. Reached by telephone Dorsey, who works for O'Brien's Response Management, said Panepinto's flight was rejected because it was not part of the response to the spill. He said that was based on rules set by the FAA.

"We don't want people (in the restricted flight area) that aren't working through this group trying to take care of the environmental problem," he said. "That's all set by the FAA."

Government officials and BP contractors take turns answering calls from pilots with requests for exemptions from the flight restrictions, Dorsey said.

The chief of the Coast Guard's public affairs programs branch said access had been hampered by a cumbersome approval process that stretched all the way to the White House.

Why the hell are BP contrators working calls for flights?

Good infor Pat, thanks.

8th June 2010, 12:41 PM
I was listening to NPR yesterday.

The guy was trying to fly with or for the Times-Picayune over the gulf.

Limits on access to oiled waters, coast frustrates journalists (http://www.nola.com/news/gulf-oil-spill/index.ssf/2010/05/limits_on_access_to_oiled_wate.html)


Found the text to what I heard on NPR.

Media Claim Access To Spill Site Has Been Limited (http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=127269172)


Why the hell are BP contrators working calls for flights?

Good infor Pat, thanks.

That's half the story of the BP Gulf oil disaster: the conspiracy to keep the public in the dark as to what's really going on. :o

BP Blowout May Be Ejecting 100,000 Barrels A Day (http://www.mcclatchydc.com/2010/06/07/95467/bp-well-may-be-spewing.html#ixzz0qEamBzbD)

Mass Crop, Vegetation Killer Still A Mystery (http://www.wreg.com/news/wreg-mystery-crop-damage%2C0%2C187535.story?track=rss) - Vid (Memphis TN area)

Police Protection For BP Boss Hayward Family (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/energy/oilandgas/7809401/Police-protection-for-family-of-BP-boss-Tony-Hayward.html)

Oil Volcano - Looming Environmental Mega-Disaster (http://oilprice.com/Environment/Oil-Spills/The-Cover-up-BP-s-Crude-Politics-and-the-Looming-Environmental-Mega-Disaster.html)

Confirmed - Oil Pouring From Multiple Seabed Cracks (http://www.floridaoilspilllaw.com/senator-confirms-reports-that-wellbore-is-pierced-oil-seeping-from-seabed-in-multiple-places) - MSM keeps pretending there's only one oil volcano ahem "leak", not multiple... watch the magician's other hand!

MS Gov - Press Coverage More Damaging Than Oil Slick (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/energy/oilandgas/7807579/BP-oil-spill-Mississippi-governor-says-press-coverage-is-more-damaging-than-slick.html)

Many Federal Judges In Gulf States Have Oil Ties (http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100606/ap_on_bi_ge/us_gulf_oil_spill_judge_conflicts)

Corexit Is Killing The Gulf - Pt 1 (http://video.godlikeproductions.com/video/Corexit_Is_Killing_The_Gulf_Part_I) - Vid

Corexit Is Killing The Gulf - Pt 2 (http://video.godlikeproductions.com/video/Corexit_Is_Killing_The_Gulf_Part_II) - Vid

BP buys Google, Yahoo oil spill search terms (http://gold-silver.us/forum/general-discussion/bp-buys-google-yahoo-oil-spill-search-terms/)

Dems intend to repackage cap and trade in 'BP Spill Bill" (http://gold-silver.us/forum/general-discussion/dems-intend-to-repackage-cap-and-trade-in-%27bp-spill-bill%27/msg59015/#msg59015)

8th June 2010, 02:33 PM

One conspiracy theory that comes to mind that I have yet to seen covered anywhere is Warren Buffet and his purchase of Burlington Northern.

If shipping comes to a stand still or a large slowdown in the Gulf, wouldn't rail freight to the coasts be the only alternative? I was listening to a local crop analyst saying to expect a drop of 50 cents a bushel in corn if ships are slowed down getting into and out of the New Orleans port.

The purchase was anounced in the beggining of November. Maybe I've been reading too much conspiracy crap.

8th June 2010, 03:00 PM

One conspiracy theory that comes to mind that I have yet to seen covered anywhere is Warren Buffet and his purchase of Burlington Northern.

If shipping comes to a stand still or a large slowdown in the Gulf, wouldn't rail freight to the coasts be the only alternative? I was listening to a local crop analyst saying to expect a drop of 50 cents a bushel in corn if ships are slowed down getting into and out of the New Orleans port.

The purchase was anounced in the beggining of November. Maybe I've been reading too much conspiracy crap.

First I've heard of that theory... but I allow for many possibilities; the "predictable outcomes" of a good massive PTB conspiracy will meet many agendas and the insiders will be positioned to profit from them before they pull the trigger on the cataclysmic event.

Corn has been plummeting, here's corn for Sept delivery,


Crude's behavior has been mysterious, popped to a new yearly high in late Apr in the wake of the disaster, then began descending all through May. Given the disruption in supply from this disaster, my best guess is expectation of demand destruction this Summer when things are generally scripted to hit the fan. Crude for Sept delivery:


The crude contracts are in contango presently (http://www.crbtrader.com/data.asp?&page=quote&sym=CLM10&mode=i), generally an indication of expectations of higher prices ahead.

8th June 2010, 07:04 PM

One conspiracy theory that comes to mind that I have yet to seen covered anywhere is Warren Buffet and his purchase of Burlington Northern. I have been watching some of the rail stocks

If shipping comes to a stand still or a large slowdown in the Gulf, wouldn't rail freight to the coasts be the only alternative? I was listening to a local crop analyst saying to expect a drop of 50 cents a bushel in corn if ships are slowed down getting into and out of the New Orleans port.

The purchase was anounced in the beggining of November. Maybe I've been reading too much conspiracy crap.

First I've heard of that theory... but I allow for many possibilities; the "predictable outcomes" of a good massive PTB conspiracy will meet many agendas and the insiders will be positioned to profit from them before they pull the trigger on the cataclysmic event.

Corn has been plummeting, here's corn for Sept delivery,

Crude's behavior has been mysterious, popped to a new yearly high in late Apr in the wake of the disaster, then began descending all through May. Given the disruption in supply from this disaster, my best guess is expectation of demand destruction this Summer when things are generally scripted to hit the fan. Crude for Sept delivery:

Well I think this is my theory. Something I have been mulling around after hearing about all the other coincidences. I have yet to find anyone else thinking the same thoughts on BN and uncle warren.

I just looke @ the charts of CNI, CP, UNP, & SCX. They have all been following the same trend. They all trend well with DJI.

Thanks for the corn chart, I don't normally follow the grains although I should. Hadn't realized the recent weakness.

Would the weakness in corn and oil be partially attributed to the relative strenght of the USD? How about margin calls in the the last month? I'm still a newb with the stock game.

9th June 2010, 01:57 PM
Not all these links are necessarily "CT dots", some are just telling in getting a big picture of the forest.

Two More Gulf Spills? (http://www.theatlantic.com/national/archive/2010/06/two-more-gulf-spills/57847/)

BP spill response plans severely flawed (http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5j5wrBdUcklmSa7eViGBpO0t8g1xQD9G7KKEG2)

Oil Volcano Pressure Too Strong For Containment (http://rense.com/general91/oilor.htm)

Diving Into The Gulf Oil Spill (http://news.yahoo.com/video/us-15749625/ap-exclusive-scuba-diving-in-the-gulf-oil-spill-20239801) - Vid

Journalist Scuba Dives Gulf - Can Only See Oil (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/37589237/ns/disaster_in_the_gulf/)

'BP Lied From Day One - We Could Have Stopped Oil' (http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/pj-hahn-bp-has-lied-to-us-from-day-one-we-could-have-stopped-the-oil-1995015.html)

BP 'Manipulating Search Results' On Google (http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/article7146177.ece)

BP Disaster Fears - Norway Bans Drilling (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/energy/oilandgas/7812225/BP-oil-spill-fears-hit-North-Sea-as-Norway-bans-drilling.html)

Decline in oil consumption largest since 1982 (http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2010/jun/09/oil-consumption-declines) - recession/depression = demand destruction for energy

Two More Gulf Leaks? (http://www.theatlantic.com/national/archive/2010/06/two-more-gulf-spills/57847/)

Two More Major Gulf Leaks? (http://motherjones.com/blue-marble/2010/06/two-more-gulf-spills)

US naval expert with ideas to stop oil spill ignored by BP (http://www.theflucase.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3691%3Aus-naval-expert-with-ideas-to-stop-oil-spill-ignored-by-bp&catid=1%3Alatest-news&Itemid=64&lang=en)

Why is the general public giving better ideas for stopping the Gulf oil spill than BP? Suggestions from Tom O'Donovan (http://www.theflucase.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3681%3Awhy-is-the-general-public-giving-better-ideas-for-stopping-the-gulf-oil-spill-than-bp-suggestions-from-tom-odonovan&catid=1%3Alatest-news&Itemid=64&lang=en)

Reports of media blackout in Gulf and arrests: citizen journalists needed to investigate (http://www.theflucase.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3680%3Areports-of-media-blackout-in-gulf-and-arrests-citizen-journalists-needed-to-investigate&catid=41%3Ahighlighted-news&Itemid=105&lang=en)

Evidence Points To BP Oil Spill False Flag (http://www.theflucase.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3679%3Aevidence-points-to-bp-oil-spill-false-flag-&catid=41%3Ahighlighted-news&Itemid=105&lang=en)


Attorney: Deepwater Horizon Managers Knew About Oil Rig Problem Before Explosion (http://www.theflucase.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3678%3Aattorney-deepwater-horizon-managers-knew-about-oil-rig-problem-before-explosion-&catid=1%3Alatest-news&Itemid=64&lang=en)

Obama Warns Oil Spill Will Substantially Impact Economy (http://www.theflucase.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3677%3Aobama-warns-oil-spill-will-substantially-impact-economy&catid=1%3Alatest-news&Itemid=64&lang=en)

Is Obama BP's Poodle? (http://www.counterpunch.org/cooke06092010.html)

Devastation: You Can Smell The Oil From A Helicopter And Birds Are Frying!


Power and Water Problems Loom for Florida as Oil Threat Lurks Off Shore (http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=19575)

News With Views Poll: Do you Think the Gulf Oil Spill was Created Deliberately to Shut Down Offshore Oil Drilling? (http://www.newswithviewsstore.com/polls.html) - tough crowd, 81% say yes now, but no vote total provided! :-\

9th June 2010, 02:15 PM
Still Pat, they see no evidence off oil plumes under the surface, once the black box was found everything was cleared up.

Missing data pose mystery in Gulf spill probe


9th June 2010, 02:34 PM
Missing data pose mystery in Gulf spill probe


Wow horn, see it's like I've been telling you, just ignore all those GSUSers who gossip that you're good for nothing, it aint so! :-*

from your article,

[...] Yet there are no records of a critical safety test supposedly performed during the fateful hours before the Deepwater Horizon oil rig exploded in the Gulf of Mexico.

They went down with the rig.

While some data were being transmitted to shore for safekeeping right up until the April 20 blast, officials from Transocean, the rig owner, told Congress that the last seven hours of its data are missing and that all written logs were lost in the explosion.


Like those nasty incriminating records about Enron & WorldCom were destroyed in WTC7, along with NYC's specially built emergency command center!


9th June 2010, 02:48 PM
[size=11pt]Wow horn, see it's like I've been telling you, just ignore all those GSUSers who gossip that you're good for nothing, it aint so! :-*

Apparently, some of these fellas have never been kayaking without a paddle. :sun:

10th June 2010, 09:48 AM
Tests Confirm Spreading Oil Plumes in the Gulf (http://www.nytimes.com/2010/06/09/us/09spill.html)

Oil making Gulf spill workers sick? (http://www.fox11online.com/dpps/green/national_green/gulf-spill-workers-complaining-of-flulike-symptoms-jgr_3396834) - Gulf spill workers complaining of flulike symptoms

Gulf oil spill: Sickened cleanup workers evacuated (http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/greenspace/2010/05/gulf-oil-spill-cleanup-workers-evacuated-to-hospital.html)

Media ignores Goldman Sachs’ ties to Corexit dispersant (http://www.picassodreams.com/picasso_dreams/2010/05/media-ignores-goldman-sachs-ties-to-corexit-dispersant.html)

Corexit Sprayed By BP Tops One Million Gallons (http://rense.com/general91/corexit.htm)

BP refuses EPA order to switch to less-toxic oil dispersant (http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/nation/la-na-oil-spill-20100523%2C0%2C907236.story)

Less Toxic Dispersants Lose Out in BP Oil Spill Cleanup (http://www.nytimes.com/2010/05/13/business/energy-environment/13greenwire-less-toxic-dispersants-lose-out-in-bp-oil-spil-81183.html)

Benzene Exposure In The Gulf Of Mexico Blowout (http://www.rense.com/general91/BenzenePollutants.pdf) - pdf - A Short Benzene Toxicity Primer –How to Stay Healthy By A. True Ott, PhD

Second Gulf Well Blowout Confirmed (http://news.discovery.com/earth/second-oil-spill-in-gulf-confirmed-so-what.html)

Witness statement says bosses knew Gulf oil rig disaster was 'gonna happen': report (http://www.nypost.com/p/news/national/witness_statement_says_bosses_knew_5eWhDEKYV4BWpxt DfCpO0K)

Gulf Oil Disaster may top 100,000 BARRELS per day (http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/us_and_americas/article7146713.ece)

As Missteps Mount, So Does the Backlash (http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703302604575294523724355994.html?m od=WSJ_hpp_MIDDLENexttoWhatsNewsFifth)

Guard readies as Gulf Coast braces for oil spill (http://www.army.mil/-news/2010/04/30/38347-guard-readies-as-gulf-coast-braces-for-oil-spill/) - army.mil

Troops Deployed To Evacuate 50 Million Residents In Gulf Region? (http://stevenjohnhibbs.wordpress.com/2010/06/07/troops-deployed-to-evacuate-50-million-residents-in-gulf-region/)

Massive Flow Of Bullsh*t Continues To Gush From BP Headquarters (http://tinyurl.com/2e893xx)

Dense streams of shit are expected to continue spreading throughout the region and the entire United States.

10th June 2010, 09:50 AM

I saw that at some point you posted a link pertaining to the spill possibly being the 2nd trumpet. But I can't find it now.. could you possibly repost it or direct me to it? Thanks,


ps- btw good work on this issue, I appreciate it

10th June 2010, 10:08 AM
dys- it's in the OP, Revelation - The Second Trumpet - BP Oil Disaster (http://europebusines.blogspot.com/2010/05/revelation-second-trumpet-bp-oil.html)

10th June 2010, 01:57 PM


11th June 2010, 01:26 PM
New Estimates Double Rate of Oil Flowing Into the Gulf (http://www.nytimes.com/2010/06/11/us/11spill.html) - new estimate 25-30K barrels/day now, oooooh! Simmons/Ruppert have been saying 75-125K barrels/day (http://mikeruppert.blogspot.com/2010/06/deepwater-horizon-will-be-end-of-united.html) for weeks already.

Gulf Oil Spill "Could Go on Years and Years" ... (http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=19660)

New oil numbers may mean more environmental damage (http://finance.yahoo.com/news/With-each-look-at-oil-flow-apf-2536261528.html?x=0&sec=topStories&pos=1&asset=&ccode=) - these reports confusingly alternate between number of gallons & number of barrels; just remember 1 barrel = 42 gallons, 1 million barrels = 42 million gallons, etc. This Yahoo/AP article says 42 million gallons to 'more than' 100 million gallons (or 1 million to 'more than' ~2.4 million barrels) may have been spilled into the Gulf so far. The high 2.4M barrel cumulative total estimate doesn't jibe well with those estimating the flow is & has been >100K BPD. If we imagine 100K BPD for 53 days, that would be 5.3M barrels total spilled so far. For comparison, Exxon Valdez spilled 250K barrels (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exxon_Valdez_oil_spill), or <5% of a more pessimistic (realistic?) Gulf estimate of 5.3M barrels so far. Ref prior links in this thread estimating 100K+ BPD.

BP oil 'leak' is gushing and the estimates of the flow numbers are all over the place (http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/nationworld/2012085024_oil11.html) - "Scientists put out an array of numbers in play Thursday as they struggled to come up with a solid estimate of how much oil is gushing each day from the black geyser at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico. ..." Again, the high end of their "array of numbers" is 50K BPD, half or less of the >100K BPD we see estimated herein by other credible sources.

BP Oil Gusher Doomsday scenario discussed on Olbermann's "COUNTDOWN"


Scientists Find Signs of Dead Zones in Sea (http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703302604575294562962339570.html?K EYWORDS=ROBERT+LEE+HOTZ)

The Conversation: Press Hassled on Gulf Coast? (http://abcnews.go.com/WN/Media/conversation-press-hassled-gulf-coast/story?id=10877263)
ABC Reporter Matt Gutman Questioned During Video Chat on Alabama Beach

New BP Corporate Logos (http://rense.com/general91/newbp.htm)

Slow Motion Oil Tragedy Unfolding For Marine Life (http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2010/jun/10/bp-oil-leak-marine-life-wildlife)

Florida Hoteliers Urged To Sue BP (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/travelnews/7820408/BP-oil-spill-Florida-hoteliers-urged-to-sue-BP.html)

Oil Disaster shuts the nation's oldest oyster shucking company (http://dinersjournal.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/06/10/oil-spill-shuts-the-nations-oldest-oyster-shucking-company/)

Crack in the World Trailer - "Dr. Steven Sorenson plans to tap the geothermal energy of the Earth's interior by means of a thermonuclear device detonated deep within the Earth. Despite dire warnings by fellow scientist Ted Rampian, Dr. Sorenson proceeds with the experiment after secretly learning that he is terminally ill. This experiment causes a crack to form and grow within the Earth's crust, which threatens to split the Earth in two if it is not stopped in time."


BP PR Paid Rahm Emmanuel's Rent For Five Years (http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/washington/2010/06/rahm-emanuel-bp-gul-oil-spill.html)

BP Nightmare Causes FL Swimming Ban (http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/bp-faces-a-new-nightmare-as-oil-causes-florida-swimming-ban-1996127.html)

BP Accused Of Coverup (http://www.express.co.uk/posts/view/180130/BP-accused-of-cover-up-as-it-fails-to-plug-spill-)

Toxic Gas Concentrations Said Coming From The Blowout (http://rense.com/general91/tox.htm)

Evacuations for Gulf Coast residents? Benzene and methane poisoning air, threatening health (http://7bends.com/2010/06/10/evacuations-possible-for-gulf-coast-residents/)

BP to start burning captured Gulf oil at sea (http://gold-silver.us/forum/general-discussion/bp-to-start-burning-captured-gulf-oil-at-sea/msg60368/#msg60368)

Real time google news search: "Gulf fumes sick hospital" (http://news.google.com/news/search?aq=f&pz=1&cf=all&ned=us&hl=en&q=Gulf+fumes+sick+hospital)

USNORTHCOM Gears Up For Potential Attack On U.S. Soil (http://gold-silver.us/forum/general-discussion/usnorthcom-gears-up-for-potential-attack-on-u-s-soil/msg60972/#msg60972)

DHS and military preparing to engage the AMERICAN PEOPLE - relocation because of GULF SPILL??!!!!


Units make history with Air Force's first homeland defense ORI (http://www.northcom.mil/News/2010/060310.html)

Operation Garden Plot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Garden_Plot)

Ten Ways Zionists Would Spin BP Disaster (http://www.henrymakow.com/ten_ways_zionists_would_spin_b.html)

Did the BP Fire and Oil Disaster Take Place On Satanic Ritual Dates? (http://doctorjamespwickstrom.blogspot.com/2010/06/death-of-human-life-by-fire-by-esau.html) - blogger forgot zio-asset Hitler's alleged bday.

BP Spills Coffee (http://gold-silver.us/forum/general-discussion/bp-spills-coffee)


11th June 2010, 03:10 PM
Here's a conspiracy for you, the gusher in the gulf is barely any oil at all, it's actually a mud volcano:


(while I agree they might have hit an underwater mud volcano I can't say I agree wholeheartedly with the video above)

15th June 2010, 04:18 PM
Been a few days since I updated here, and it seems like this Gulf oil catastrophe has suddenly been exploding in people's consciousness for the brewing epic disaster which it is still poised to be.

GSUS threads on it have exploded, and today a new subforum was created: Gulf Oil Disaster (http://gold-silver.us/forum/gulf-oil-disaster/).

So I'll try to keep this thread focused more on evidence, or 'dots', suggesting a vast conspiracy, or CorpGuv black op under way WRT the Gulf catastrophe- perhaps the orchestration of some sort of "Armageddon script" TPTB are bent on seeing come to pass, and/or creating the "problem" which will open the door to the "solution(s)" which have already long been desired by TPTB. The human & ecological damage & displacement resulting from the disaster are already widely discussed, and speculated about.

Many Gulf news stories, esp from the MSM, appear to be touting BP's bad behavior. Until proven otherwise, I dismiss this as Good Cop, Bad Cop theatrics between gummit, MSM, and BP. These are all components of the same illuminati "CorpGuv" apparatus which I presume to be conspiring together to bring us the current catastrophe, as well as manipulating/deceiving us WRT what we're led to believe about the situation, it's good guys & bad guys, etc.

BP Deceit - The Film They Don't Want You To See


Obama Using Blowout To Revive Cap & Trade (http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/news/geraldwarner/100043493/barack-obama-turns-the-oil-spill-into-his-poor-mans-911-to-revive-cap-and-trade-climate-legislation/)

Proof US Knew In 1979 Corexit Was Dangerous (http://rense.com/general91/corexit2.htm)

US Refused Britain's Offer To Help Clean Up Oil (http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/us_and_americas/article7149576.ece)

What The Despersant Corexit Does To Humans (http://www.valdezlink.com/evos/others.htm)

BP Censoring Media & Destroying Evidence (http://rense.com/general91/bpce.htm)

BP Blocking Media Access To Workers


40 million people in Gulf oil spill region to be “evacuated” by military, sources say (http://birdflu666.wordpress.com/2010/06/13/40-million-people-in-gulf-oil-spill-region-to-be-evacuated-by-military-rumours-say/)

Jobs as concentration camp guards advertised by US government (http://birdflu666.wordpress.com/2009/08/09/jobs-as-concentration-camp-guards-advertised-by-us-government/)

Dr. Riki Ott states that BP is engaged in massive cover-up to hid Gulf Oil Disaster damage including human health damage


BP goons block news media- vid (http://www.brasschecktv.com/page/865.html)

BP discouraging crews from using respirators - video


The Hurricane Alarm Bells Ring Even Louder! - video (http://www.accuweather.com/video/91338663001/the-hurricane-alarm-bells-ring-even-louder.asp)

FAA closes airspace over BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Disaster area (http://tfr.faa.gov/save_pages/detail_0_5100.html#areas)

B.P, Halliburton and Transocean have unleashed Armageddon and now there is no stopping it (http://www.opednews.com/articles/B-P-Halliburton-and-Trans-by-Chris-Landau-100611-452.html)

BP hires private security contractors to guard ‘black water’. (http://gold-silver.us/forum/gulf-oil-disaster/bp-hires-private-security-contractors-to-guard-black-water/)

Oil Disaster Will Be End of Life As We Know It (http://gold-silver.us/forum/gulf-oil-disaster/oil-disaster-will-be-end-of-life-as-we-know-it/)

BP Spraying Corexit over populated areas? (http://gold-silver.us/forum/gulf-oil-disaster/bp-spraying-corexit-over-populated-areas/)

19th June 2010, 07:15 PM
New oil disaster/NWO essay at Makow's site, re depopulation agenda, see footnotes & reader comments @ link.

The Gulf Gusher & the NWO Depopulation Agenda (http://www.henrymakow.com/the_gulf_gusher_nwo_depopulati.html)

BP Must Stop Using Toxic Dispersant Now, Says Environmental Engineer (VIDEO) (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/06/18/bp-must-stop-using-toxic_n_617334.html)

Huge Amount Of Methane Now In Gulf (http://apnews.myway.com/article/20100618/D9GDO2V81.html)

Years Of Toxic Rain From BP Dispersants For US (http://www.examiner.com/x-33986-Political-Spin-Examiner~y2010m6d17-North-America-facing-years-of-toxic-rain-from-poisonous-BP-oil-spill-dispersants)

Who 'Died and Made BP the King of the Gulf of Mexico' (http://www.businessinsider.com/who-died-and-made-bp-the-king-of-the-gulf-of-mexico-2010-6)

Gulf Oil showing radiation in new test - Gasses may be radioactive also (http://www.rense.com/general91/glf.htm)

How the ultimate BP Gulf disaster could KILL MILLIONS (http://www.helium.com/items/1864136-how-the-ultimate-bp-gulf-disaster-could-kill-millions)

19th June 2010, 08:19 PM
Another Gulf/CT essay @ makow, some bankster prophesied the Gulf disaster in a book-

In 1903, Cabalist Banker Prophesied Gulf Apocalypse (http://www.henrymakow.com/cabalist_bankers_1903_novella.html)

"In 1903, they knew that an oil reservoir emptying into the oceans would become an apocalypse and could destroy the entire earth."

19th June 2010, 08:19 PM
more and more i'm leaning toward the theory that this " spill " happened BEFORE April 20th
and TPTB were positioning them themselves before making this public ( selling shares in BP ? )

and i don't know if a nuke will help, if this info about the methane bubble is correct

planned or not, i also believe this is getting bigger than TPTB can handle
and all TPTB can do now is hope to shape events to their agenda

19th June 2010, 09:19 PM
So, ok. BP helps get Obaabaama elected. BP clearly wants cap and tax legislation because they have a huge stake in carbon trading and brokering and so called green energy. Obaabaama wants cap and tax because it makes govt that much more powerful and makes him and his cronies rich. The PTB want most of us dead anyway and don't really care how this happens as long as enough of us are left to keep the lights on for them.

BP has the well drilled with the clearing and co-operation of the Obaabaama regime whatever. BP sabotages the wellhead once it goes online and a couple of insiders sell a bunch of their stock and get rich. Other entities in the know buy oil fire and cleanup firms and get rich. At the appointed time, they blow the rig and kill off some of the peons so that it looks like an accident. They then proceed to keystone kop the whole capping off of the well to ensure a real catastrophe. BP takes the PR hit, Obaabaama looks tough and oh, by the way gets rich on his oil dispersant stock or whatever, and blatantly allows BP to bungle attempt after attempt to "plug the hole". B.O.o then makes sure that FedGov keeps things rolling by delaying any attempt by anyone to keep the catastrophe from getting worse.

Everyone in charge of Barack, inc. then makes sure to mention cap and trade(tax) legislation that will help "renewable" and "green" energy sources that by the way, makes them wildly rich. The happy byproduct for TPTB (is that trademarked? I like that for a company name, TPTB LLC!) is that the oil and the dispersants (poison) sprayed upon and through the ocean may end up circling the globe and killing off millions of people dependant on the ocean for their food and livelyhoods. Oh, and they get rich. Did I mention that? BP lets the shareholders "hold the bag" so to speak, but comes out of re-org with a whole lot of cap and trade deals to make the corporate whores at the top richer scumbags than they already were.

Is that about it?

Greed always wins.

19th June 2010, 09:23 PM
Oh, and if I did get all of the above glaringly right, I had nothing to do with it, don't blame me. :P If you are TPTB and reading this, I am just speculating and I would not like to disappear, don't take me seriously. ;D :-*

20th June 2010, 09:35 PM
The oil spill could destroy humanity: the hour has come for us to take responsibility for our destiny (http://birdflu666.wordpress.com/2010/06/20/the-oil-spill-could-destroy-humanity-the-hour-has-come-for-us-to-take-responsibility-for-our-destiny/)
By Jane Burgermeister

Disaster follows disaster. The pandemic flu disaster, the banking and eurozone disaster, the oil spill disaster. And all these disasters have one thing in common.

They are being artificially engineered. They are being engineered for the profit of a small group.

We know who that group is. It is the Bilderberg corporate group.

We know that they met in secret in Spain once more in June. We know who belongs to their inner core; and we know, too, who are their hired hands: the corrupt government officials, the corrupt regulators, the corrupt editors of the corporate media and the corrupt leaders of our armies.

Of all the disasters to strike us, the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico could, however, be potentially be the most terrible, and we must act decisively, act without delay, and act in unity to stop it.

People across the globe must unite their efforts to stop this oil spill.

The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico could continue for four more years, the Bilderberg BP CEO Tony Hayward himself has admitted. The oil has already reached the Gulf Stream and could be distributed among all the oceans of the world through the interlinking currents of that stream. Already spotted close to the east coast of the USA, the oil will move over the Atlantic and could destroy the fishing and tourism of Europe.

The Gulf Stream is a global maritime current that will send the oil to all four corners of the globe. Everyone could be affected in the months to come whether they live in Africa or Australia or Asia or South America.

The oil pollution will prevent the proper surface evaporation of sea water for the formation of rain and so could affect the amount and distribution of rainfall across the entire world, threatening crops. In addition, the rain will be mixed with oil and serve as a vehicle for pollution.

There is no greater threat to humanity today than this Bilderberg group and their activities, specifically, the oil spill they created.

Wherever we see a major catastrophe and dig beyond the slogans of the mainstream media they control, we see evidence of this group at work. We see them at work in engineering September 9/11, 2001, to find an excuse for a war in Afghanistan and Iran to make profits from drugs and oil; and we see them at work right now as they try to engineer a world war three over Iran when even the CIA has said Iran has no nuclear weapons.

There will be no world war three.

We the people are sick and tired of the wars that cost us our blood and our freedom. We are sick and tired of the suffering being inflicted on millions, if not billions of people in the form of war, diseases and famine, by an organized crime group, and we will not tolerate any more.

Poll after poll shows that the people of Europe are as sick and tired of the Afghanistan war, fought for the profit of the Bilderberg cartel – as sick and tired as the people of the USA are of the fake war. We will not accept fake polls claiming we support a war in Iran. We do not support any such war.

We are sick and tired of the erosion of our freedoms under the pretext of having to deal with false flag terror emergencies, swine flu emergencies and war emergencies created by the Bilderbergs.

We are sick and tired of the assassination of honest politicians such as JF Kennedy and more recently, the Polish elite in an engineered plane crash in Smolensk.

And we are sick and tired of the lies of so much of the controlled corporate media.

We want our freedom back. We want true democracy. We want real accountability from the people in power and the officials in our government. We want the rule of law and order. We will no longer accept the corruption at every level of our government that is allowing all these disasters to happen.

If people 2000 years ago in ancient Greece enjoyed accountable and enlightened government, why can’t we?

It is becoming increasingly clear as the weeks pass that the Bilderberg international corporate crime syndicate has now set in motion in the Gulf of Mexico a series of events that could lead to the extinction of humanity in order to increase their short-term chance of hanging on to power as the world wakes up to their existence, to their activities and to their nature.

There is plenty of evidence that the oil spill in the Gulf was engineered by BP, Halliburton and Transocean. And yet no one from BP has been put in goal. Instead, Bilderberg President Barack Obama effectively shields BP from all responsibility, and also blocks any intervention to stop this disastrous flow of oil even though there are many methods to do so.

BP sends its private security guards to hinder access to the polluted beaches, even stopping the media. BP rules the USA, it seems. BP calls the shots. BP is the power behind the throne. BP commits any crime and we must foot the bill.

There mounting indications that BP will declare itself bankrupt when the time comes to pay the bills for the pollution and the destroyed businesses. The Bilderbergs will shift their money out of BP and to another entity.

We, the people, will have to pick up the bill for the oil spill and we will have to suffer the consequences of the destruction it causes, including possibly tsunamis.

When some billions of liters of oil have poured out from the gigantic reservoir five miles under the ocean, sea water will be sucked into the empty space by the pressure of the ocean on top. It will evaporate at the 400 degree temperatures of the surrounding rock , expand and could cause an explosion with sufficient force to rip apart the sea floor, and cause a tsunami large enough to be felt up to 200 miles inland.

In addition, an area with methane believed to be 15 to 20 miles in size is believed to be in the cavity. The highly explosive gas could blow up and cause more cracks on the sea floor, more tsunamis, more devastation.

There is plenty of evidence this oil spill is part of a long-term plan. Gerhard Wisnewski reports of the existence of a book written more than a hundred years ago that describes just such a scenario – an oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico – as triggering the destruction of the oceans of the world and the ecological basis of human kind’s survival.


english: http://www.henrymakow.com/cabalist_bankers_1903_novella.html

This book was written in 1903 by a man called Gustav Meyrink, who was a member of the Theosophy circle, the esoteric group that is the ideological foundation of the Bilderberg group, the Freemasons and the Lodges, and that believes in the existence of a super race.

We reject the notion there is a genetically superior super race. If there is a super race, it is not them, not the Bilderberg s and not the Freemaons.

A super human being is, in our estimation, every human being who is spiritually evolved, who cares for their fellow human beings, who shows high ethical standards, insight into the universal laws and who does what is just no matter what the temptations of money and power might be. It is every human being who strives for enlightenment, spiritual understanding, and who struggles to live an authentic and creative life. It is every human being who is touched by the wonder of nature and who feels awe at the inherent greatness of human beings.

The Bilderbergs do not meet this standard. They are a parody of the super human being. They are the inverse of the super human being as conceived by philosophers such as Plato or described by the ancient cultures. They are amoral, nihilistic, deluded and ignorant about history, languages and culture. They display a narrow and superficial intellectualism without heart or soul or breadth of thinking.

They worship brute force, money and power. This is the same group of bankers and industrialists put the Nazis into power and their leader Adolf Hitler.

The Deepwater Horizon oil spill started on 20th April, which is the date of Hitler’s birth.

This is another clue that they are at work.

We reject the idea that these Bilderbergs are the legitimate heirs of ancient civilization.

A study of the highest civilizations of the past, whether in ancient India, ancient Greece, ancient Egypt or even ancient Ireland, show they all shared a high respect for ethics and justice, an understanding of the interconnectedness of living beings and a recognition of the existence of a universal intelligence.

The Bilderbergs are the blind cave dwellers staring at shadows, so well described by Plato. They do not see the sun of truth. Their time is over and they do not recognise it.

The hour is now for people all over the world to unite against this group that has inflicted so much suffering on humanity.

We call on people in every country to set up protest groups, to make videos, to go to their local police stations and to their sheriff offices and demand the arrest of the Bilderbergs wherever they are, and, if necessary, to march themselves to make those arrests. Whether the internet functions or not is not material. We know who they are. We know where they live. We know what we must do.

It was not God’s plan that people should suffer in artificial wars, in artificial famines, in artificial vaccine holocausts, in artificial natural catastrophes such as this oil spill catastrophe.

We, the people, have a right given to live in a dignified way and we will fight for that right.

We call on everyone, whether you live in Ireland, in Germany, in Spain, in England, in the USA, in Africa, to mobilize to stop this oil spill as soon as possible and to put the people responsible into goal.

Enough is enough.

21st June 2010, 05:30 PM
no it not enough. more abuse coming and you will take it because nobpdy want to sacrifice and fight.

21st June 2010, 07:58 PM
more and more i'm leaning toward the theory that this " spill " happened BEFORE April 20th
and TPTB were positioning them themselves before making this public ( selling shares in BP ? )

and i don't know if a nuke will help, if this info about the methane bubble is correct

planned or not, i also believe this is getting bigger than TPTB can handle
and all TPTB can do now is hope to shape events to their agenda

Cracks in the sea floor filled with cement back in February.

THEY KNEW. (http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2010-06-17/bp-struggled-with-cracks-in-gulf-well-as-early-as-february-documents-show.html)

Goldman and everyone else that sold stock prior to the blowout should be prosecuted for trading on insider information.

>:( >:( >:( >:( >:(

21st June 2010, 09:25 PM
the rig did not explode until april 20

22nd June 2010, 06:12 AM
the rig did not explode until april 20

maybe the rig exploded on April 20th

but when did the oil start leaking ?

22nd June 2010, 12:54 PM
the rig did not explode until april 20

maybe the rig exploded on April 20th

but when did the oil start leaking ?

when the rig caught fire. ask the workers they know.

22nd June 2010, 02:43 PM
Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S) 'Held Back Evolution Of Life' (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1288125/Rotten-egg-chemical-Hydrogen-Sulphide-held-evolution-life.html)

Hydrogen Sulfide - Don't Mess With H2S - Vid


Oil Disaster Could Cost A Million Jobs (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/06/21/gulf-oil-spill-job-losses_n_619238.html)

Gulf Oil Catastrophe - Epic Lies And Deceit (http://rense.com/general91/ec.htm)

Gulf oil spill: A hole in the world (http://www.guardian.co.uk/theguardian/2010/jun/19/naomi-klein-gulf-oil-spill)

BP Oil Gusher Twice Original Estimate? (at least) (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/energy/oilandgas/7842322/BP-oil-spill-could-be-nearly-double-original-estimates-internal-document-shows.html) - Now BP's conceding it may be gushing 100,000 barrels/day. Matt Simmons & others have said for weeks already it's 120,000/day. Exxon Valdez spilled 250,000 barrels. The toxic dispersant is keeping much of it under water, so the size of a surface oil slick is misleading.

Deepwater Horizon worker claims oil rig leaking weeks before explosion (http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2010/jun/21/bp-oil-spill-deepwater-horizon-leak)

Cracks Show BP Was Battling Gulf Well as Early as February (http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2010-06-17/bp-struggled-with-cracks-in-gulf-well-as-early-as-february-documents-show.html)

Oil will reach Atlantic within six months, say scientists (http://birdflu666.wordpress.com/2010/06/21/oil-will-reach-atlantic-within-six-months-say-scientists/) - I understood it would happen much sooner. But these are authentic gummit scientists soooo....

Americans establish own command structure in Gulf: Help out! Show your support around the world (http://birdflu666.wordpress.com/2010/06/21/americans-establish-own-command-structure-in-gulf-help-out-show-your-support-around-the-world/)

Oil blowout fumes sickening people in Atlanta--geologists says: "Where are the logs? (http://beforeitsnews.com/news/81/530/Oil_blowout_fumes_sickening_people_in_Atlanta--geologists_says:_Where_are_the_logs.html)

BP Executives And US Regulators Bushwhacked All Forms Of Life (http://www.rense.com/general91/bpex.htm)

Special Video Report by Lord Stirling - A Planetary Life Extinction Event (http://www.clayandiron.com/news.jhtml?method=view&news.id=2468) - what a doomer!

Gulf Oil Spill: 21st Century Black Death in America's New Frontier (http://beforeitsnews.com/story/81/338/Gulf_Oil_Spill:_21st_Century_Black_Death_in_Americ as_New_Frontier.html)

Gulf residents outraged by BP CEO's yacht outing (http://apnews.myway.com/article/20100619/D9GEI7UG0.html)

“Vast majority” of homeowner’s insurance policies will not cover oil contamination (VIDEO) (http://www.floridaoilspilllaw.com/vast-majority-of-homeowners-insurance-policies-will-not-cover-oil-contamination-video)

Oil continues to be dumped alongside “regular waste” in Florida landfill NOT designated for hazardous materials; Will extend hours to bring in more (VIDEO) (http://www.floridaoilspilllaw.com/oil-continues-to-be-dumped-alongside-regular-waste-in-florida-landfill-not-designated-for-hazardous-materials-will-extend-hours-to-bring-in-more-video)

CONFLICT?: State of Florida “holding onto 170 million dollars worth of BP stock and bonds”; participates in BP shareholder meetings (http://www.floridaoilspilllaw.com/conflict-state-of-florida-holding-onto-170-million-dollars-worth-of-bp-stock-and-bonds-participates-in-bp-shareholder-meetings)

110+ mph hurricane is “going to want to come into the Gulf of Mexico”; Late June landfall forecasted (VIDEO) (http://www.floridaoilspilllaw.com/110-mph-hurricane-is-going-to-want-to-come-into-the-gulf-of-mexico-late-june-landfall-forecasted)

“Tar” found in oysters at seafood restaurant; Manager admits “appeared to be oil” (VIDEO) (http://www.floridaoilspilllaw.com/tar-found-in-oyster-at-seafood-restaurant-manager-admits-appeared-to-be-oil-video)

Cover-up? Oil reported in Florida bay, “You can’t tell me that isn’t oil”; Officials deny BP link (PHOTOS) (http://www.floridaoilspilllaw.com/cover-up-oil-reported-in-florida-bay-you-cant-tell-me-that-isnt-oil-officials-deny-bp-link-photos)

Mystery submarine four miles off South Florida beach; flees after chased by boaters (http://www.floridaoilspilllaw.com/myestrious-submarine-four-miles-off-south-florida-beach-flees-after-chased-by-boaters)

Officials allowing oil to enter Panama City bay, “We don’t want to restrict commerce” (http://www.floridaoilspilllaw.com/officials-allowing-oil-to-enter-panama-city-bay-we-dont-want-to-restrict-commerce)

Hydrogen Sulfide from oil spill causes evacuation; “Black SUVs with no markings and monitoring equipment on their roofs” testing neighborhood (http://www.floridaoilspilllaw.com/hydrogen-sulfide-from-oil-spill-causes-evactuation-black-suvs-with-no-markings-and-monitoring-equipment-on-their-roofs-testing-neighborhood)

24th June 2010, 11:03 AM
20 million people are “to have to evacuate the gulf states” says prominent oil-industry insider (http://www.floridaoilspilllaw.com/20-million-people-are-to-have-to-evacuate-the-gulf-states-says-prominent-oil-industry-insider)

Newsweek: BOP “tilting noticeably”, “Very possible that there are subfloor leaks” says expert (http://www.floridaoilspilllaw.com/newsweek-bop-tilting-noticeably-very-possible-that-there-are-subfloor-leaks-says-expert)

Death aboard Vessel of Opportunity in Gulf says Coast Guard (http://www.floridaoilspilllaw.com/death-aboard-vessel-of-opportunity-in-gulf-says-coast-guard)

Gulf Boat Capt Commits Suicide Over Oil Disaster (http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/greenspace/2010/06/gulf-oil-spill-boat-captain-despondent-over-spill-commits-suicide.html)

Suspicious Oil Spill, Suspicious Suicide


Florida waters test positive for dissolved oil; Researchers “Suspect it’s a lot” (VIDEO) (http://www.floridaoilspilllaw.com/breaking-florida-waters-test-positive-for-dissolved-oil-researchers-suspect-its-a-lot-video)

CDC advises “Everyone, including pregnant women” to avoid areas affected by spill; Expert says crude oil contains “some of the most toxic chemicals that we know” (http://www.floridaoilspilllaw.com/cdc-advises-%e2%80%9ceveryone-including-pregnant-women%e2%80%9d-to-avoid-areas-affected-by-spill-expert-says-crude-oil-contains-some-of-the-most-toxic-chemicals-that-we-know)

U.S. Institute of Medicine experts: “Coastal residents” face “higher risk of cancer” from crude oil; “Potential here is huge” (http://www.floridaoilspilllaw.com/u-s-institute-of-medicine-experts-coastal-residents-face-higher-risk-of-cancer-from-crude-oil-potential-here-is-huge)

Methane in Gulf "astonishingly high": U.S. scientist (http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE65L6IA20100622) - (Reuters) - As much as 1 million times the normal level of methane gas has been found in some regions near the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, enough to potentially deplete oxygen and create a dead zone, U.S. scientists said on Tuesday.

History Channel Mega Disasters - Methane Explosion


Gassed In The Gulf - Benzene, New Gulf War Syndrome (http://rense.com/general91/spin.htm)

New Illness Dubbed 'TILT' Hits Oil Cleanup Workers (http://www.southernstudies.org/2010/06/tilt-the-illness-afflicting-workers-exposed-to-bps-oil-disaster.html)

BP Uses Dispersant While Toxicity Tests Stall (http://motherjones.com/environment/2010/06/epa-bp-toxic-oil-dispersant)

Agatha To Cover Florida With Deadly Fumes? - Vid


Very Strong Hurricane Season Predicted For Gulf (http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/7808102) - Vid

Gulf Disaster Plays Havoc With Real Estate (http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/gulf-spill-plays-havoc-with-real-estate/article1612385/)

Tom O’Donovan kicks off the “Voilcano” campaign in Ireland, help setting up online petition needed (http://birdflu666.wordpress.com/2010/06/23/tom-odonovan-kicks-off-the-voilcano-campaign-in-ireland-help-setting-up-online-petition-needed/)

Halliburton Buys Boots & Coots a week before the Gulf Disaster (http://gold-silver.us/forum/general-discussion/halliburton-buys-boots-coots-a-week-before-the-gulf-disaster/)

Webbots and the oil spill (http://gold-silver.us/forum/gulf-oil-disaster/webbots-and-the-oil-spill/) - The following are some excerpts from the March 2010 webbot reports:

"The oceans are described as being not as before."

"Disastrous summer problems with oceanic convection currents."

"the supporting aspect/attributes sets for the oceans being unlike their former selves."

"oceanic nightmare."

"many areas of costal habitat are forecast to be effectively forbidden for use."

"Destruction of life support systems."

"humans and other life directly impacted by large clouds of drifting complex methane..."

"methane gas release events coincide with dysfunction with the propaganda press."

"Substantial changes within our planetary environment under ocean"

Good Article on Economic Effects of Gulf Oil Spill (http://gold-silver.us/forum/gulf-oil-disaster/good-article-on-economic-effects-of-gulf-oil-spill/msg67554/#msg67554)

Gulf Spill: Disaster? Or a Well Organized Plan (http://theintelhub.com/2010/06/18/gulf-spill-disaster-or-a-well-organized-plan/)

How the ultimate BP Gulf disaster could kill millions (http://www.helium.com/items/1864136-how-the-ultimate-bp-gulf-disaster-could-kill-millions)

Oil spill will end the New World Order, predicts ray Songtree (http://birdflu666.wordpress.com/2010/06/23/oil-spill-will-end-the-new-world-order-predicts-ray-songtree/)

25th June 2010, 06:49 PM
I find it interesting that the H1N1 "pandemic" was a lot of nothing, sure it got some people vaccinated but it didn't kill many. Now we have this, which really has the potential to kill many so soon (with in a year) after the failed H1N1.

25th June 2010, 08:37 PM
I find it interesting that the H1N1 "pandemic" was a lot of nothing, sure it got some people vaccinated but it didn't kill many. Now we have this, which really has the potential to kill many so soon (with in a year) after the failed H1N1.

and yet, so MUCH less media attention is given to the oilcano. No-fly zones, media blackouts, liability waivers, et al....

25th June 2010, 09:09 PM
It's hard to say what happened with last year's swine flu racket. Last I heard, WHO still has it labeled a pandemic, though! But no more media propaganda/deception efforts that I've seen. GIM1 vets will recall I was one of a few users there who was quite active in disseminating info about swine flu/vax being a bio-war against us. I wonder if TPTB weren't a little surprised by the public skepticism & how fast the public were mobilizing against the (obvious) bio-warfare campaign-- like the way Zbig remarked recently how people are waking up. Hard to say what the status is for their swine flu racket this year?

One interesting angle: the gulf workers are gettng sick, but docs are allegedly having trouble telling the symptoms apart from the flu.

"Gulf BP Oil Spill Fumes Gas Mysterious Flu Like Illness - TILT - Toxicant Induced Loss of Tolerance"


TILT vax (bioweapon) in the pipeline?

25th June 2010, 09:16 PM
not to derail, but to answer PatColo about H1N1, here's a preview of their fall recommendations: http://gold-silver.us/forum/health-and-fitness/kids-may-need-2-h1n1-doses-again-this-year/

2 SHOTS for kids now. Wonder if it's to use up last years surplus of supply. Though I thought the .gov guaranteed/bought all the supply of vaccines.?

26th June 2010, 07:56 PM
VIDEO: The BP "Gulf Syndrome": Benzene and Corexit Poisoning
The Government is Silent on the Human Health Risks (http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=19914) - This is the most comprehensively conspiratorial gulf CT article I've seen, asking "LYHOP or MYHOP" (the proper abbreviations are LIHOP & MIHOP but whatever...)

Gulf military operation LYHOP or MYHOP

A "spill" reflects an accident. BP's reported "spill," actually an underwater oil volcano, was either a LYHOP, a Let It Happen On Purpose, or a MYHOP, a Make It Happen On Purpose. Both are false flag operations to further justify military control on U.S. soil in the already existing coup that began during the Bush administration in October 2008 when US troops were deployed for duty on U.S. soil.

The Gulf Gusher & the NWO Agenda – Your Health and Your Freedom at Risk… (http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/?p=5634)

It's Unstoppable - Oil Well Blowout May Never End (http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article25812.htm)

BP oil spill Corexit dispersants suspected in widespread crop damage (http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/blogs/ybenjamin/detail?entry_id=65552#ixzz0rziTFYj1) - S.F. Chronicle!

Hurricane season triggers planning to evacuate oil spill site (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/06/26/AR2010062602943.html?hpid=topnews) - A full evacuation could stop containment activities for two weeks.

Effects Of Oil, Gasses On Health Not Close To Known Yet (http://www.time.com/time/health/article/0%2C8599%2C1999479%2C00.html?xid=rss-topstories)

Gulf Coast Toxicity Syndrome (http://intotheashes.imva.info/?p=311)

BP Oil Spill: Kindra Arnesen Venice LA Needs to Evacuate - This Venice LA local has been granted full security clearance... has seen the disaster from every possible angle and is NOT impressed. Hear the horrors of the front lines and behind scenes workings of the BP Gulf Oil Spill Catastrophe.


Catherine Austin Fitts: Solari Report on Gulf Oil Spill (http://solari.com/blog/?p=7684) - the actual audio discussion is for subscribers only, but the outline on this page is thorough.

Christopher Bollyn: Who is responsible for the oil spill? (http://www.bollyn.com/index.php#article_12222)

28th June 2010, 01:58 PM
New from Icke - another wild eyed conspiracy theorist! :o
'And The Sea Shall Turn To Blood'... (http://rense.com/general91/blood.htm)


TV Report Shows 'Rivers Of Oil' In Gulf - Vid


BP Builds Instant 'City' For 1,500 Cleanup Workers - Vid (http://videos.mediaite.com/embed/player/?layout=&playlist_cid=&media_type=video&content=C1PZNC17VLP8G9QV&widget_type_cid=svp) - I trust there's also a morgue on site, they forgot to mention. Recall, ALL Exxon Valdez cleanup workers are now dead (http://www.floridaoilspilllaw.com/cnn-gulf-residents-say-chemicals-almost-all-exxon-valdez-cleanup-workers-are-now-dead), avg age 51. Welcome to the New America!

Florida contractor hiring ONLY former convicts for oil cleanup; Worker says soon he’ll be able to “live comfortable” (http://www.floridaoilspilllaw.com/florida-contractor-hiring-only-former-convicts-for-oil-cleanup-worker-says-soon-hell-be-able-to-live-comfortable) - or perhaps "Rest In Peace"...

FL Resort Hotels Nearly Empty In Many Areas (http://www.vindy.com/news/2010/jun/27/gulf-oil-spill/)

Could Toxic Storm Make Beach Towns Uninhabitable? (http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/2010/0626/Gulf-oil-spill-Could-toxic-storm-make-beach-towns-uninhabitable)

BP Blocks Media Access - America Divided - Vid (http://www.wdsu.com/video/23877998/index.html)

Real Estate Analyst: “We’ve never seen anything like this in the history of man, and it’s all aimed at Florida” (http://www.floridaoilspilllaw.com/real-estate-analyst-weve-never-seen-anything-like-this-in-the-history-of-man-and-its-all-aimed-at-florida)

BP Cleanup: “It’s criminal what’s going on out there” says U.S. Congressman (http://www.floridaoilspilllaw.com/bp-cleanupit%e2%80%99s-criminal-what%e2%80%99s-going-on-out-there-says-u-s-congressman)

Florida scientist says CLEAR water tests positive for oil, “Can’t be seen and it poses health risks”; Officials “only doing visual assessments” (http://www.floridaoilspilllaw.com/epa-opening-public-decontamination-stations-400-people-seek-medical-care-after-visiting-florida-beach-2)

EPA opening public “Decontamination Stations”; 400 people seek medical care after visiting Florida beach (http://www.floridaoilspilllaw.com/epa-opening-public-decontamination-stations-400-people-seek-medical-care-after-visiting-florida-beach)

G4: Corexit/oil eats through boat hulls, kidneys (PHOTOS/VIDEO) (http://www.floridaoilspilllaw.com/g4-corexitoil-eats-through-boat-hulls-kidneys-photosvideo)

“Unprecedented” fish kill in Jacksonville for past two weeks “isn’t related to annual cycle”; “Lesions in the brain… points to toxicity” (PHOTOS) (http://www.floridaoilspilllaw.com/unprecedented-fish-kill-in-jacksonville-for-past-two-weeks-isnt-related-to-annual-cycle-lesions-in-the-brain-points-to-toxicity-photos)

Coast Guard plans to let oil hit the beach, “No booms in Florida Keys; (http://www.floridaoilspilllaw.com/coast-guard-plans-to-let-oil-hit-the-beach-no-booms-in-florida-keys)

Compromised? Florida newspapers get millions in BP-funded ads; Full page ads in Keys promoting BP’s image instead of paying claims (http://www.floridaoilspilllaw.com/compromised-florida-newspapers-get-millions-in-bp-funded-ads-full-page-ads-in-keys-promoting-bps-image-instead-of-paying-claims)

Florida lifeguards puzzled: Never-before-seen jellyfish wash up near Daytona Beach; “So clear, some beachgoers can’t see them” (http://www.floridaoilspilllaw.com/lifeguards-puzzled-never-before-seen-jellyfish-wash-up-near-daytona-beach-fl-so-clear-some-beachgoers-cant-see-them)

1000’s of baby fish wash ashore dead south of Cuba, “rare in Cayman Islands”; Seaweed used for shelter now soaked with oil (PHOTOS) (http://www.floridaoilspilllaw.com/1000s-of-baby-fish-wash-ashore-dead-south-of-cuba-seaweed-used-for-shelter-now-soaked-with-oil)

2 baby sperm whales dead after beaching themselves on Florida’s East Coast; “Infections and toxins are going to be the big killers of these animals” says pathologist (VIDEO/PHOTOS) (http://www.floridaoilspilllaw.com/2-baby-sperm-whales-dead-after-beaching-themselves-on-floridas-east-coast-infections-and-toxins-are-going-to-be-the-big-killers-of-these-animals-says-pathologist-videophotos)

BP’s Fake Cleanup: Worker quits, says “They told us not to dig”; “Forbidden” to clean beneath surface when oil is buried 12 inches deep (VIDEO) (http://www.floridaoilspilllaw.com/bps-fake-cleanup-worker-quits-says-they-told-us-not-to-dig-forbidden-to-clean-beneath-surface-when-oil-is-buried-12-inches-deep-video)

CNN: Gulf residents say chemicals & oil “are making them violently ill”; “Almost all” Exxon Valdez cleanup workers “are now dead” (VIDEO) (http://www.floridaoilspilllaw.com/cnn-gulf-residents-say-chemicals-almost-all-exxon-valdez-cleanup-workers-are-now-dead)

Why did Kindra Arnesan get security clearance from BP when no one else did? (http://birdflu666.wordpress.com/2010/06/28/why-did-kindra-arnesan-get-security-clearance-from-bp-when-no-one-else-did/) - Swine Flu/Vax biowar truther Jane Burgermeister is skeptical of this woman who's story is linked in the June 26 post above: "BP Oil Spill: Kindra Arnesen Venice LA Needs to Evacuate"

Is the internet kill switch being pushed through to allow force evacuation of GOM residents to FEMA camps? (http://birdflu666.wordpress.com/2010/06/28/is-the-internet-kill-switch-being-pushed-through-to-allow-force-evacuation-of-gom-residents-to-fema-camps/)

Jeff Rense/Clif High interview: Listen FREE MP3 (http://rense.gsradio.net:8080/rense/special/rense_C_High_062410.mp3) - Detailed Analysis Of - And Predictions For - The Oil Catastrophe - also see related: Webbots and the oil spill (http://gold-silver.us/forum/gulf-oil-disaster/webbots-and-the-oil-spill/)

Alex could become hurricane Monday or Tuesday (http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20100628/us_nm/us_storm_alex_23) - also see: Weather Warfare (http://www.amazon.com/Weather-Warfare-Jerry-E-Smith/dp/1931882606/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&s=books)

2nd July 2010, 12:00 PM
RT: Poison Spreads: Gulf air turns toxic after oil spill 'relief effort'


Much Of So. La (Dead Zone) To Be Evacuated - Madsen (http://thedrcoldwellreport.blogspot.com/2010/07/biblical-catastrophe-that-will-affect.html)

Alex May Reform Into New Storm In The Gulf (http://rense.com/general91/alx.htm)

Principal Investigator: CLEAR water in Gulf is toxic (VIDEO) (http://www.floridaoilspilllaw.com/principal-investigator-clear-water-in-gulf-is-toxic-video)

“Tar mat” washes up on Florida’s East Coast at Melbourne Beach; Large Hammerhead 1/2 mile from shore (http://www.floridaoilspilllaw.com/tar-mat-washes-up-on-floridas-east-coast-at-melbourne-beach-large-hammerhead-12-mile-from-shore)

Parish Councilman: Dispersants sank crude but “we’re told as the water gets warmer then the oil will rise to the top” (VIDEO) (http://www.floridaoilspilllaw.com/parish-councilman-dispersants-sank-crude-but-were-told-as-the-water-gets-warmer-then-the-oil-will-rise-to-the-top)

Banned? Deadly FEMA Trailers from Katrina now used to house women and children; BP Contractor says “perfectly good trailers” (http://www.floridaoilspilllaw.com/banned-deadly-fema-trailers-from-katrina-used-to-house-women-and-children-bp-contractor-says-perfectly-good-trailers)

Senate Witness: BP using dispersants so oil hits “beaches for 10 or 15 years”; To benefit from long-term amortization of costs (VIDEO) (http://www.floridaoilspilllaw.com/senate-witness-bp-using-dispersants-so-oil-hits-beaches-for-10-or-15-years-benefit-from-long-term-amortization-of-costs-video)

Pensacola Councilman reports BP bringing in white sand to cover oil, has evidence (VIDEO) (http://www.floridaoilspilllaw.com/pensacola-councilman-reports-bp-bringing-in-white-sand-to-cover-oil-has-evidence-video)

Oil pushed onto roadways as 7 foot seas hit Gulf Coast (http://www.floridaoilspilllaw.com/oil-pushed-onto-roadways-as-7-foot-seas-hit-gulf-coast)

Top scientist: Only one ship testing methane levels in Gulf, NOAA hiding results; Amount is “just startlingly high” (http://www.floridaoilspilllaw.com/top-scientist-only-one-ship-testing-methane-levels-in-gulf-noaa-hiding-results-amount-is-just-startlingly-high)

Gulf’s “looming future as the next Black Sea” (Dr. Samantha Joye teleconference) (http://www.floridaoilspilllaw.com/gulfs-looming-future-as-the-next-black-sea-dr-samantha-joye-teleconference)

Bush Energy Adviser [Matt Simmons]: BP has drilled into a “25 billion barrel oil field” (AUDIO) (http://www.floridaoilspilllaw.com/bush-energy-adviser-bp-has-drilled-into-a-25-billion-barrel-oil-field)

Gulf Beach Swimmers Report Illness (http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/2010/0701/After-Gulf-swimmers-report-illness-questions-about-opening-a-beach)

FEMA Prepares For Hurricane Alex Landfall (http://www.fema.gov/news/newsrelease.fema?id=52028)

Oil Pushed Into More Gulf Wetland By [storm] Alex (http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSN3027115920100702)

Treachery In The Gulf (http://rense.com/general91/treach.htm)

Methane's Hidden Impact In Gulf Oil Disaster (http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/2010/0630/Methane-s-hidden-impact-in-Gulf-oil-spill)

BP Controls Medical Care Access For Cleanup Workers (http://bpoilspillcomp.wordpress.com/2010/06/23/bp-controls-access-to-medical-care-for-gulf-oil-clean-up-workers/)

The BP Environmental Catastrophe: Living on a Dying Delta (http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=19974)

Biologists find 'dead zones' around BP oil Disaster in Gulf of Mexico (http://readersupportednews.org/off-site-news-section/49-49/2328-biologists-find-dead-zones-around-bp-oil-spill-in-gulf)

Gulf of Mexico Presents Unprecedented Toxicity Problems (http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=19962)

California Notified of Gulf Evacuation Plans (http://www.eutimes.net/2010/06/california-notified-of-gulf-evacuation-plans/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheEuropeanUnionTimes+%28The+ European+Union+Times%29&utm_content=Yahoo%21+Mail)

Methane Release from Gulf Oil Disaster: What Does It Mean? How Bad Could It Get? (http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2010/06/methane-release-from-gulf-oil-spill.html)

2nd July 2010, 03:23 PM
First Amendment Has been Suspended - I'm skeptical of the CorpGuv-MSM PR theatrics around the Gulf catastrophe, appearing to variously put BP, MSM & Gummit at odds, shaping heroes & villains, yada yada. They're all octopus arms of the same beast (http://gold-silver.us/forum/general-discussion/the-zionist-elephant-in-the-room/msg2940/#msg2940) which is orchestrating the Gulf catastrophe, and is seeking to shape the public's beliefs regarding "reality", the good guys & bad guys, which octopus arm we can & can't trust etc, as far as I'm concerned.

So when CNN's Senior Anchorwhore Anderson Cooper (Gloria Vanderbilt's boy (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anderson_Cooper#Early_life_and_education)) acts the part of 'independent journalist struggling against dark forces to bring us the truth!' in the following clip, it should be viewed with a grain of salt & a wink,


Breaking News Military Men Moving Their own Families Now!!!! Snowplows Ready To Remove Abandoned Vehicles from Highways When Evacuations Occur (http://beforeitsnews.com/news/90/749/Breaking_News_Military_Men_Moving_There_own_Famili es_Now_Snowplows_Ready_To_Remove_Abandoned_Vehicle s_from_Highways_When_Evacuations_Occur.html) - Caveat emptor: this source "Greg Evenson", has a slightly unreliable past WRT alarmist warnings like this, and he's tainted by being in survivalist equipment sales. Also see related: Mother Jones - BP Oil Spill: A Slippery Slope to FEMA Detention Camps? (http://motherjones.com/politics/2010/06/bp-oil-spill-fema-camps)

WWL New Orleans: “Federal responders take the 4th of July weekend off”; Felony for public to get near ‘cleanup’ (AUDIO) (http://www.floridaoilspilllaw.com/wwl-new-orleans-federal-responders-take-the-4th-of-july-weekend-off-felony-for-public-to-get-near-cleanup-audio)

Goldman Sachs: The Pirates of Poison in the Gulf (http://www.activistpost.com/2010/06/goldman-sachs-pirates-of-poison-in-gulf.html) - "The reason that this name pops up everywhere horrible things are happening is that the company is a key operating arm of the global banking cartel and they are destroying the earth to create their twisted satanic New World Order." - Lord Stirling (http://europebusines.blogspot.com/2010/07/news-disaster-warfare-links-of-day_02.html)

8th July 2010, 02:57 PM
why evacuated to california?

9th July 2010, 10:47 PM
Just a short update, been busy! Plus the Gulf/CT speculation is really humming now, too much related news to keep up with. Principal sources for me are rense.com (http://rense.com/), http://www.floridaoilspilllaw.com, http://europebusines.blogspot.com, http://beforeitsnews.com.

WAR on The World: Rothschild Leagues 30 Facts Evidencing Gulf Oil Disaster Was Planned‏ (http://beforeitsnews.com/news/98/152/WAR_on_The_World:_Rothschild_League_s_30_Facts_Evi dencing_Gulf_Oil_Disaster_Was_Planned.html) - This author, Dr. Len Horowitz, also authored & links to this interesting article "outing" Alex Jones, Alex Jones Tied to Homeland Security & Silver Sol Sponsors Advancing Consumer Fraud:
A Case Study in Media Propaganda and Health Crisis Capitalism. (http://web.mac.com/len15/SilverSolFraud/SilverSolFraud.com.html)

Toxicologists: Corexit Ruptures Red Blood Cells, Causes Internal Bleeding, "Allows Crude Oil To Penetrate Into The Cells and Every Organ System" (http://beforeitsnews.com/news/98/084/Toxicologists:_Corexit_Ruptures_Red_Blood_Cells,_C auses_Internal_Bleeding_,_Allows_Crude_Oil_To_Pene trate_Into_The_Cells_and_Every_Organ_System.html)

NAACP: Minorities assigned tougher oil spill jobs (http://beforeitsnews.com/news/98/070/NAACP:_Minorities_assigned_tougher_oil_spill_jobs. html)

Video: Wayne Madsen The Military Occupation of The Gulf Coast States has Begun! (http://beforeitsnews.com/news/98/075/Video:_Wayne_Madsen_The_Military_Occupation_of_The _Gulf_Coast_States_has_Begun.html)

Images BP Doesn't Want You to See,(These are newer pictures ) (http://beforeitsnews.com/news/98/034/Images_BP_Doesnt_Want_You_to_See,_These_are_newer_ pictures.html)

US Navy Evacuates the Gulf ~ link (http://www.survivalistnews.com/2010/07/08/u-s-navy-evacuates-gulf/) ~ Is this true, who knows but it makes you think.

BP turning Gulf Coast into corporate police state (http://www.examiner.com/x-23316-Madison-Independent-Examiner%7Ey2010m7d8-BP-turning-Gulf-Coast-into-corporate-police-states)

15th July 2010, 10:18 PM
they cap the well. no more oil gushing. now recovery can begin.

16th July 2010, 07:36 AM
they cap the well. no more oil gushing. now recovery can begin.

what's your source ?

MSM / .gov / BP


22nd July 2010, 05:43 PM
they cap the well. no more oil gushing. now recovery can begin.

what's your source ?

MSM / .gov / BP


yes the well is capped. wake up. dont be a dope.

what your source?

26th July 2010, 12:51 AM
they cap the well. no more oil gushing. now recovery can begin.

what's your source ?

MSM / .gov / BP


uuhhh, there is a second gusher......

yes the well is capped. wake up. don't be a dope/troll.

what your source?

8th September 2010, 06:05 PM
Still haven't maintained this thread lately, as there's plenty of threads skeptical of what's really going on with the "Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars" Gulf op at this point, esp in the GSUS Gulf Oil Disaster subforum (http://gold-silver.us/forum/gulf-oil-disaster/).

But this 3 part series is great in connecting a lot of dots:

Censored Gulf news: State-sponsored terrorism targets Deep South for Agenda 21 (Pt1) (http://www.examiner.com/human-rights-in-national/censored-gulf-news-state-sponsored-terrorism-targets-deep-south-for-agenda-21-pt1) ***

Censored Gulf news: State-sponsored terrorism targets Deep South for Agenda 21 (Pt II) (http://www.examiner.com/human-rights-in-national/censored-gulf-news-state-sponsored-terrorism-targets-deep-south-for-agenda-21-pt-ii)

Censored Gulf news: Terror in Deep South for Agenda 21 (Pt III) Disinformation, depopulation (http://www.examiner.com/human-rights-in-national/censored-gulf-news-terror-deep-south-for-agenda-21-pt-iii-disinformation-depopulation)

*** if you open this Pt. 1 page, know that a little "blogtalkradio" begins auto-playing, hate that! Console is located about 2 page-downs, in the article text, just hit pause to shut it up. But it is a pretty interesting 2 hour interview with AC Griffith, among a few others, commercial-free except for one commercial at the opening.

12th October 2010, 10:33 AM
I was just listening to this 6-part Matt Simmons interview on youtube. It was posted there Aug 10, prolly recorded within a week or so before, and given Simmons was murdered 8/8, this would've been perhaps his last interview. All I can say is WOW, no wonder Simmons needed to be silenced! Prophetic stuff!


14th October 2010, 01:09 PM
Remarkably well-substantiated article here, won't paste well so check it out at the source, but I've included the 9 minute video of Gulf-Truther George McClure here, well worth the watch.

Tennessee entertainer Gulf poisoned: 'Eastern US depopulation" (video) (http://www.examiner.com/human-rights-in-national/nashville-showman-gulf-poisoned-eastern-us-depopulation-mcclure-video)


Deborah Dupre, writer for examiner.com, has been "out in front" with her Gulf Truth articles which are written with the built-in assumption that the Gulf Op is a deliberate, 911-like false-flag warfare op conducted by TPTB. Check her archive of Gulf Truth articles at

28th April 2012, 12:05 AM
I see "Captain Eric May" published this at VT on 4/20, the 2-year anniversary of the BP disaster:

Horizon Holocaust Turns Two (http://www.veteranstoday.com/2012/04/20/horizon-holocaust-turns-two/)

There's a devil in the details behind every big lie.

By Captain Eric H. May (http://www.veteranstoday.com/2011/10/19/captain-eric-h-may-deserves-medal-of-honor/), Ghost Troop CO

When I studied Russian at the Defense Language Institute in Monterey, California, my language IQ (156 out of 160) was the highest in the Army. This, and my background in military intelligence, has enabled me to look at the BP Horizon Holocaust (HH) as a code-breaker. Here are some highlights of my analysis:
Hitler Hints:

HH had a body count of 11.
HH occurred on 110th day of 2010 (11).
Columbine occurred on 110th anniversary of Hitlers birth (11).
HH occurred on 11th anniversary of Columbine.
HH occurred on 121st anniversary of Hitlers birth (11 x 11).

Time Terms:

New York Citys Holocaust Museum was dedicated on 9/11/97 four years before 9/11.
Transylvanias Holocaust Museum was dedicated on 9/11/05 four years after 9/11.
Berlins Holocaust Museum was dedicated on 9/9/01 (991) two days before the 9/11 attacks (99 = 9 x 11; and 991 is a variant of 911)
There is a span of 33 years, 33 days between the 8/8/68 (888) beginning of construction on the World Trade Center and 9/11.
There is a span of 33 years and 33 days between the 5/3/73 (533) completion of Sears Tower and the Satanic date of 6/6/06 (666); and the Sears Tower zip code is 60606 (666)).

Anniversary Attacks:

The 9/11/01 attacks occurred on the 60th anniversary of the beginning of construction on the Pentagon.
The 4/19/04 attempted attack against Sears Tower occurred on the 9th anniversary of Oklahoma City, and the 11th anniversary of Waco.
The 4/22/04 assassination of Pat Tillman occurred on the 11th anniversary of the dedication of the National Holocaust Museum.
The 5/3/06 false flag attempt against Sears Tower occurred on the 33rd anniversary of its completion.

Satanic Sacrifices:

The Waco Holocaust occurred on 4/19/93, 3 days before the dedication of the National Holocaust Museum.
Rachel Corrie was bulldozed by Israel on 3/16/03, 3 days before the initiation of the Iraq war.
Pat Tillman was shot 3 days after the 4/19/04 false flag attempt against Sears Tower.
Christina Green, 9/11/01 1/8/11, was assassinated at the age of 9 years, 119 days (9119).

Judeopathic Justification:

9/11/2009 (9119): Haaretz publishes West Bank rabbi: Jews can kill Gentiles who threaten Israel (http://www.haaretz.com/jewish-world/news/west-bank-rabbi-jews-can-kill-gentiles-who-threaten-israel-1.4496)
1/22/2010 (12221): Haaretz publishes The Kings Torah: a rabbinic text or a call to terror? (http://www.haaretz.com/jewish-world/news/the-king-s-torah-a-rabbinic-text-or-a-call-to-terror-1.261930)


The BP Horizon Holocaust (HH) wasnt an accident, although there is an incessant media effort to convince us that it was. It was homicide against the platform workers, ecocide against the Gulf of Mexico, and econocide against Gulf Coast working people. When all is said and done, it will be recognized as genocide against millions of Americans, already ill, who will die decades before their time.

In the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. Adolf Hitler


Large Sarge
28th April 2012, 03:33 AM