View Full Version : Israeli Soldier Shoots American Art Student in Face

Large Sarge
1st June 2010, 02:20 PM
May-31-2010 22:09
Israeli Soldier Shoots American Art Student in Face

US activist loses eye after being shot in face with tear gas canister, she was protesting the deadly Israeli attack on the Gaza Freedom Flotilla.

US citizen Emily Henochowicz was shot directly in the face with a tear gas canister as she non-violently demonstrated against the Flotilla massacre

(JERUSALEM ISM) - An American solidarity activist was shot in the face with a tear gas canister during a demonstration in Qalandiya, today. Emily Henochowicz is currently in Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem undergoing surgery to remove her left eye, following the demonstration that was held in protest to Israel’s murder of at least 10 civilians aboard the Gaza Freedom Flotilla in international waters this morning.

21-year old Emily Henochowicz was hit in the face with a tear gas projectile fired directly at her by an Israeli soldier during the demonstration at Qalandiya checkpoint today. Israeli occupation forces fired volleys of tear gas at unarmed Palestinian and international protesters, causing mass panic amongst the demonstrators and those queuing at the largest checkpoint separating the West Bank and Israel.

“They clearly saw us,” said Sören Johanssen, a Swedish ISM volunteer standing with Henochowicz. “They clearly saw that we were internationals and it really looked as though they were trying to hit us. They fired many canisters at us in rapid succession. One landed on either side of Emily, then the third one hit her in the face.”

Henochowicz is an art student at the prestigious Cooper Union, located in East Village, Manhattan.

Henochowicz lost her left eye after being shot directly in the face with a
tear gas canister. Israeli soldiers are allowed to do this, even encouraged.

The demonstration was one of many that took place across the West Bank today in outrage over the Israeli military’s attack on the Gaza freedom flotilla and blatant violation of international law.

Demonstrations also took place in inside Israel, Gaza and Jerusalem, with clashes occurring in East Jerusalem and Palestinian shopkeepers in the occupied Old City closing their businesses for the day in protest.

Tear gas canisters are commonly used against demonstrators in the occupied West Bank. In May 2009, the Israeli State Attorney’s Office ordered Israeli Police to review its guidelines for dispersing demonstrators, following the death of a demonstrator, Bassem Abu Rahmah from Bil’in village, caused by a high velocity tear-gas projectile. Tear-gas canisters are meant to be used as a means of crowd dispersal, to be shot indirectly at demonstrators and from a distance. However, Israeli forces frequently shoot canisters directly at protesters and are not bound by a particular distance from which they can shoot.

Israeli occupation forces boarded the Mavi Marmara, one of six ships on the Freedom Flotilla at 5 a.m. this morning, opening fire on the hundreds of unarmed civilians aboard. No-one aboard the ships were carrying weapons of any kind, including for defense against a feared Israeli attack in international waters. At least 9 aid workers aboard the ship have been confirmed dead, with dozens more injured. The assault took place 70 miles off the Gaza coast in international waters, after the flotilla was surrounded by three Israeli warships. The Freedom Flotilla, carrying 700 human rights activists from over 40 countries and 10,000 tonnes of humanitarian aid, was headed for the besieged and impoverished Gaza Strip. The Israeli blockade on Gaza, combined with the illegal buffer zone, has put a stranglehold on the territory. 42% of Gazans are unemployed, and food insecurity hovers around 60% according to figures from the Palestine Centre for Human Rights.

Source: International Solidarity Movement


Large Sarge
1st June 2010, 02:27 PM
one of the pics

Large Sarge
1st June 2010, 02:27 PM
here is another

1st June 2010, 02:36 PM
The Satanic Jew IDF thug was merely "defending himself" from this evil woman armed with...eyes.


1st June 2010, 02:38 PM
Why is this such a SURPRISE, the Zionist are what they are and I don't expect less from them..........why do you think that Herr Hitler wanted to get rid of all of them?, it was not because they were "Jew" but because of the way that they acted as "Jews"..........I can only hope that the American people will some day wake up........but of course by that time it will be to late.

1st June 2010, 02:43 PM
I am not surprised, If you are protesting anything, wouldn't you try and pay attention to what is going on around you? If you see somebody shooting tear gas cans or anything else get the hell out of the way. :oo-->

Large Sarge
1st June 2010, 03:03 PM
I am not surprised, If you are protesting anything, wouldn't you try and pay attention to what is going on around you? If you see somebody shooting tear gas cans or anything else get the hell out of the way. :oo-->

Hey Zap,

Tear Gas, Rubber bullets, etc are what is called "non-lethal force"

the idea is to disperse people, without harming them

The Israelis intend to hurt people, they aim tear gas grenades for the head area

just like they like to harvest organs, or shoot unarmed civilians (or a whole laundry list of crimes)

1st June 2010, 03:41 PM
I am not surprised, If you are protesting anything, wouldn't you try and pay attention to what is going on around you? If you see somebody shooting tear gas cans or anything else get the hell out of the way. :oo-->

Hey Zap,

Tear Gas, Rubber bullets, etc are what is called "non-lethal force"

the idea is to disperse people, without harming them

The Israelis intend to hurt people, they aim tear gas grenades for the head area

just like they like to harvest organs, or shoot unarmed civilians (or a whole laundry list of crimes)

I agree with you, I guess she was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

1st June 2010, 04:30 PM
I am not surprised, If you are protesting anything, wouldn't you try and pay attention to what is going on around you? If you see somebody shooting tear gas cans or anything else get the hell out of the way. :oo-->


Your comments here are very weak to say the least. Common, a tear gas projectile should be aimed away from people as the gas will cover a wide area after it stops. Even aiming it at the feet or in front of protesters is dangerous, as it could bounce up and severely injure or kill someone. If the threat of the protesters was such, that the solders lives were at risk (not the case here) they would have switched over to lethal weapons on a dime. But since the situation called for nonlethal methods, they should employ them as designed.

Whoever did this is a punk! Honorable men don't act in such a mannor.

1st June 2010, 04:33 PM
They do worse everyday.




1st June 2010, 04:53 PM
I am not surprised, If you are protesting anything, wouldn't you try and pay attention to what is going on around you? If you see somebody shooting tear gas cans or anything else get the hell out of the way. :oo-->


Your comments here are very weak to say the least. Common, a tear gas projectile should be aimed away from people as the gas will cover a wide area after it stops. Even aiming it at the feet or in front of protesters is dangerous, as it could bounce up and severely injure or kill someone. If the threat of the protesters was such, that the solders lives were at risk (not the case here) they would have switched over to lethal weapons on a dime. But since the situation called for nonlethal methods, they should employ them as designed.

Whoever did this is a punk! Honorable men don't act in such a mannor.

Ok , If I was the one out there doing the protesting, I wouldn't be surprised a bit if I got hurt or killed, If you have soldiers trying to disperse a crowd do you think they are going to be sweet and nice about it, come on non lethal doesn't mean people don't get hurt, I'm surprised nobody died.

Yes in a perfect world you would have honorable men, but this is reality.

1st June 2010, 05:02 PM

WTF would you have expected someone to die if the protesters were not presenting a life threatening situation to the solders?

Do you expect someone to die at every protest?

Is the the right of the state to come in and kill at every peaceful protest?

1st June 2010, 05:19 PM

WTF would you have expected someone to die if the protesters were not presenting a life threatening situation to the solders?

Do you expect someone to die at every protest?

Is the the right of the state to come in and kill at every peaceful protest?

You know what, TPTB do exactly what they want to when they want to, you know that.

($hit happens), rights thats funny, the only rights we have are the ones they let us have.

No I don't think they have a right to come in and kill at peaceful protests, But they do what they want to, and who is going to stop them?

1st June 2010, 05:44 PM

Well if this is how you feel about peaceful protests, and I'm sure you are not the only one, you'll likely never participate in any. I'm glad you contributed here, this proves that by in large, the state has successfully knocked off a large contingency of peaceful protest through past heavy handed methods and will continue with excessive force in the future, as it helps keep the attendance down.

1st June 2010, 05:50 PM
Peacefully protesting doesn't do squat.

If you want to institute any real change you need either violence or money. Or a combination of the two.

To clarify I am not saying this is either "right" or "wrong", it simply is.

1st June 2010, 05:53 PM
Sad but true.... and if I were to protest it wouldn't be for the rights/wrongs of Israel or Turkey, and I would be prepared to be hurt and/or killed.

That is just the way it is now.

1st June 2010, 06:02 PM
Why was this American protesting in Israel? They are better things to do--she could be pushing for reparations for descendants of slaves....
Actually most of the Zionist-haters sound like slaves. Closet muslims at least.

1st June 2010, 06:04 PM

WTF would you have expected someone to die if the protesters were not presenting a life threatening situation to the solders?

Do you expect someone to die at every protest?

Is the the right of the state to come in and kill at every peaceful protest?

You know what, TPTB do exactly what they want to when they want to, you know that.

($hit happens), rights thats funny, the only rights we have are the ones they let us have.

No I don't think they have a right to come in and kill at peaceful protests, But they do what they want to, and who is going to stop them?

The Boogeyman...


1st June 2010, 06:07 PM
Actually most of the Zionist-haters sound like slaves. Closet muslims at least.

Jew-lovers are the slaves...slaves to the self-chosen Master Race.

Jesus Christ is a Zionist-hater.

1st June 2010, 06:08 PM
Peacefully protesting doesn't do squat.

If you want to institute any real change you need either violence or money. Or a combination of the two.

To clarify I am not saying this is either "right" or "wrong", it simply is.

You do not "talk with" or "negotiate with" a rabid dog. You destroy it.

"Israel" is a rabid dog.

General of Darkness
1st June 2010, 06:33 PM
Oh no, more members are going to leave now. More TRUTH than they can handle for sure. ;)

1st June 2010, 06:43 PM
Why was this American protesting in Israel? They are better things to do--she could be pushing for reparations for descendants of slaves....
Actually most of the Zionist-haters sound like slaves. Closet muslims at least.

My guess she is an American Jew...Emily Henochowicz.

The Israeli regime are a bunch of criminal thugs and America better start separating themselves from them before our fate becomes their fate. What America has become is a travesty.

1st June 2010, 06:47 PM
Why is this such a SURPRISE, the Zionist are what they are and I don't expect less from them..........why do you think that Herr Hitler wanted to get rid of all of them?, it was not because they were "Jew" but because of the way that they acted as "Jews"..........I can only hope that the American people will some day wake up........but of course by that time it will be to late.

Oh come on Hilter was the Zionist, whether he was a Jew or not, he was the Zion. No jews ever died in gas chambers, the jews were being protected in camps , while white men died on behalf of th eZionist.

1st June 2010, 07:41 PM
Why is this such a SURPRISE, the Zionist are what they are and I don't expect less from them..........why do you think that Herr Hitler wanted to get rid of all of them?,

Umm...hitler WAS one of them :oo--> ( shikelgruber = shekel groover)

He was financed by khun loeb, shearson lehman and ALOT of big dollar jew companies.....
thats why they NEVER found his body or even ever LOOKED for it.

2nd June 2010, 08:34 PM
Bollyn, with more pics & analysis,

Global Outrage at Israeli Piracy - American Protester Maimed (http://www.bollyn.com/index.php#article_12196)

Large Sarge
2nd June 2010, 08:43 PM
Why was this American protesting in Israel? They are better things to do--she could be pushing for reparations for descendants of slaves....
Actually most of the Zionist-haters sound like slaves. Closet muslims at least.

guess who brought the slaves to America?

lets just say the VAST majority of them would qualify for citizenship in Israel

2nd June 2010, 09:39 PM
Bollyn, with more pics & analysis,

Global Outrage at Israeli Piracy - American Protester Maimed (http://www.bollyn.com/index.php#article_12196)

Great link, thanks Pat

3rd June 2010, 08:16 AM
Why was this American protesting in Israel? They are better things to do--she could be pushing for reparations for descendants of slaves....
Actually most of the Zionist-haters sound like slaves. Closet muslims at least.

Wake up! it was in INTERNATIONAL waters according to what i read......you hypocrite!....if this was somali's instead of israelies you would be calling for blood.....in international waters they can get naked and dance the watusi for all i care....closet muslims :lol thats rich...the girl who lost the eye had a JEWISH surname....they (the "brave" commandos had a list of exactly WHO to kill) ....
so your ok with a foreign country murdering Americans in international waters how pathetic.

philo beddoe
3rd June 2010, 08:22 AM
Why is this such a SURPRISE, the Zionist are what they are and I don't expect less from them..........why do you think that Herr Hitler wanted to get rid of all of them?,

Umm...hitler WAS one of them :oo--> ( shikelgruber = shekel groover)

He was financed by khun loeb, shearson lehman and ALOT of big dollar jew companies.....
thats why they NEVER found his body or even ever LOOKED for it.
I don't believe that

3rd June 2010, 08:29 AM
[/quote]I don't believe that

You DONT believe his mothers family was JEWISH?? ru KIDDING ME?? :lol shekel is the jewish measure or money... :oo--> ...lets do a lil research here...it explains perfectly why he witheld the panzer divisions during the battle of the bulge that decided the war...do a lil research... :oo-->....it also explains why the jews threw jewish earnest zundel in prison for wanting to exhume the bodies ( from the mass graves)and dna test them to see if they even WERE semetic...they were NOT mostly, they were christians who opposed the jew hitler....

warburgs $ helped him...solomon brothers...gimme a break :oo-->

philo beddoe
3rd June 2010, 11:37 AM
I don't believe that

You DONT believe his mothers family was JEWISH?? ru KIDDING ME?? :lol shekel is the jewish measure or money... :oo--> ...lets do a lil research here...it explains perfectly why he witheld the panzer divisions during the battle of the bulge that decided the war...do a lil research... :oo-->....it also explains why the jews threw jewish earnest zundel in prison for wanting to exhume the bodies ( from the mass graves)and dna test them to see if they even WERE semetic...they were NOT mostly, they were christians who opposed the jew hitler....

warburgs $ helped him...solomon brothers...gimme a break :oo-->
[/quote]If you have ever read a non biased biography of Hitler, you may second guess that. He didn't come out of nowhere like Obongo. He was politicking for 14 years before he became chancellor. He was truly a grass roots politician. He didn't do the congress to senate to president route.

3rd June 2010, 11:42 AM
Why is this such a SURPRISE, the Zionist are what they are and I don't expect less from them..........why do you think that Herr Hitler wanted to get rid of all of them?,

Umm...hitler WAS one of them :oo--> ( shikelgruber = shekel groover)

He was financed by khun loeb, shearson lehman and ALOT of big dollar jew companies.....
thats why they NEVER found his body or even ever LOOKED for it.
I don't believe that

Of course not; it shatters your cherished delusions. :P

But seriously... isn't Hitler the father of Israel?

Would Israel exist if it were not for Hitler?

(not to mention the fact that Hitler was funded by zionist bankers)

Something to ponder...