View Full Version : The Ultimate Humiliation: Nikkei Explodes Higher After Japanese PM Hatoyama Resi

1st June 2010, 07:19 PM
The Ultimate Humiliation: Nikkei Explodes Higher After Japanese PM Hatoyama Resigns

It's always embarrassing for a CEO when their company's stock goes upon their departure.

We're guessing Japanese PM Hatoyama, whose resignation was announced early Wednesday in Japan, is feeling the same way right now. After just 8 months in office, he's stepping down due to low popularity (making him the fourth straight PM to resign after less than 1 year).

And here's now the Nikkei is doing.

Link to Article (http://www.businessinsider.com/japans-prime-minister-yukio-hatoyama-resigns-after-being-in-office-only-8-months-in-office-according-to-cnbc-rt-2010-6#ixzz0perueVeM)

EDIT: Replaced long link with named link to prevent horizontal scrolling. -Gaillo

General of Darkness
1st June 2010, 08:17 PM
I think something is up. German president resigns and now Japans. FYI the Nikkei is only plus 35 not much to write home about.

1st June 2010, 08:44 PM
Hmmmm, resignations are happening all over the place. Wonder if the world backed patriot thingy has something to do with it.

1st June 2010, 11:16 PM

General of Darkness
2nd June 2010, 06:46 AM
FYI - Nikkei closed -106 so I guess the PM got the last laugh.

2nd June 2010, 06:51 AM
Wonder if the world backed patriot thingy has something to do with it.

What I see in this AP (Rothschild) video is that Japanese prime minister promised to move US base off the island during the campaign, and then - being japanese and having an honor, unlike US gov scumbags - tried to do it. And was pushed back hard, and had to resign. And then they (banksters) "created" a fake pop (just like they created a fake down hour in US) to "tell" everyone that "see we told you so, people think the guy was bad".