View Full Version : Using cash doesn't solve anything
1st June 2010, 09:28 PM
Hyptertiger: "The entire money supply is being rented…the average interest rate is the cost to service its continued existence and since interest is a growth rate the supply must also grow by that amount and since the entire money supply is debt with interest attached…the rent that is due is hidden in the cost of everything." (emphasis mine)
The problem is that we don't live in a vaccuum.
Anyone that uses money is using borrowed money. In a system of 'interest on top of interest', those that use only cash forfeit the opportunity cost of using leverage. Leverage is the only way to defeat a system of (chanelling HT) 'rented' money, because every dollar earned and every dollar spent is mostly confiscated indirectly to the banks. Money is just a proxy for the things in this world that really matter. Imperfectly: labor, productivity, power, property, and food.
You 'borrow' even if you don't borrow.
You 'pay' even if you don't buy anything.
You participate even if you abstain.
1st June 2010, 09:39 PM
About 75% of all that I do is with cash.........and happy to do ones business what I buy, when or where.
At CosCo I no longer use my own card because every time that I went I usually spend over five bills and this guy would come running over with a hand held divice to hit my members card.
1st June 2010, 09:55 PM
old amerikan cash is untraceable, new stuff can be seen from satalited inside your suitcase or bunker... better to card it and default?
1st June 2010, 10:19 PM
Well, I usually carry my cash under my tin foil hat.......they will never see it.
2nd June 2010, 12:28 AM
Well, I usually carry my cash under my tin foil hat.......they will never see it.
Tin foil hats are so 90s though Ponce. It’s the tinfoil and duct tape wallets that are the new trend.
2nd June 2010, 04:35 AM
At the core of it all is power or energy. I say "or" because they maybe the same thing. They are the forces that do things. That cause things to be done. With out energy or force no-thing happens. In fact I might revise that and say that thought is at the core/base of it all. Some-one puts energy toward thinking creating a thought. They might share that thought or gift it to someone or keep it for themselves. Then more energy might be put toward that thought to turn it into something else, like a physical thing.
The thing is, how do you induce that energy? If I want something done, however I would like help or I need someone to do some other thing so that me doing my thing becomes possible. How do I make this to occur.
I have seen this idea before and I discounted it but after spending 6 months studying basic electronics I think you can model human energy, resistances, inductances, capacitances, reactance just as you would when considering an electrical/electronic circuit. Everything is energy/power and how you exchange it determine who is involved in the exchange. Do you exchange it in it's native form, like for like or do you convert it into a 3rd form for transmission and leave the other party to convert back.
It is the transmission that is being interfered with, there are resistances, shunts, drains, all sorts of obstacles to the free flow of energy. The interference of the Govt. It needs to be bypassed and then it can be ignored. Once it becomes ignored it ceases to exist. Govt is a state of mind interfering with the natural order of things IMO.
Nomen luni
2nd June 2010, 05:12 AM
My response to 'leverage' is 'interest, capital gains tax'
Nomen luni
2nd June 2010, 05:16 AM
Power is energy per unit time. It measures a flow or rate of change of energy. Google 'Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars' - it analyses Glass' analogy in more detail and deduces the electronic equivalents of various economic quantities.
2nd June 2010, 05:52 AM
Excellent thought filled post, Glass. A refreshing analogy.
What constitutes government in your electrical circuit analogy? Where does the monetary force(money) start from and is it somehow separate from government?
If we all agree to remove the drain factor of government as unnecessary, where then does the money, the "force" originate from? If gov. is removed, does the Reserve remain? Do we still borrow(indebt) ourselves to the Banking Cartel?
I mean, if we remove gov., is the existing "top" still the force from which we derive our incentive toward materialization or creation from thought to object?
In other words, what sovereign entity would have the validation or authority to charge up the force(money) sufficiently enough to incentivize us to convert our thoughts into objects without the obstructive shunts and drains of gov. ???
Who IS the "TOP" without government and how does the TOP achieve authority?
This is basically all one question. I just don't know how to phrase it very well.
2nd June 2010, 06:39 AM
Using cash may not get you out of a usury based system, but it does allow for a certain amount of privacy to be obtained.
All forms of 'money' that are traceable are the ultimate goal. Why? Because our privacy is the last thing we all have left. Its not enough to know you are broke, they want you to know that they know you are broke.
Imagine a King knowing where all of his peasants spent their money. Was it on necessities like food, shelter, etc? Or was it on meaningless things like the circus, etc? He would then be able to manipulate the system in any way he wanted.
Money is a 3rd party to all transactions. NOBODY wants the money, they want what they think the money will buy them.
2nd June 2010, 06:47 AM
dys, exactly, but then you need to create usury-free money, and that will come with a WAR....or at least at this point that they have their own land, army and 200 nukes - with very strong resistance.
2nd June 2010, 07:17 AM
At the core of it all is power or energy. I say "or" because they maybe the same thing. They are the forces that do things. That cause things to be done. With out energy or force no-thing happens. In fact I might revise that and say that thought is at the core/base of it all. Some-one puts energy toward thinking creating a thought. They might share that thought or gift it to someone or keep it for themselves. Then more energy might be put toward that thought to turn it into something else, like a physical thing.
The thing is, how do you induce that energy? If I want something done, however I would like help or I need someone to do some other thing so that me doing my thing becomes possible. How do I make this to occur.
I have seen this idea before and I discounted it but after spending 6 months studying basic electronics I think you can model human energy, resistances, inductances, capacitances, reactance just as you would when considering an electrical/electronic circuit. Everything is energy/power and how you exchange it determine who is involved in the exchange. Do you exchange it in it's native form, like for like or do you convert it into a 3rd form for transmission and leave the other party to convert back.
It is the transmission that is being interfered with, there are resistances, shunts, drains, all sorts of obstacles to the free flow of energy. The interference of the Govt. It needs to be bypassed and then it can be ignored. Once it becomes ignored it ceases to exist. Govt is a state of mind interfering with the natural order of things IMO.
Good stuff Glass. Thanks.
Ultimately we have to produce stuff. Demand is infinite, production is very limited. We have to do something. We have to act and this takes energy and thought. Money links the present tense to the future. Understanding the difference between the definitions of such financial moieties such as money, credit, currency (including cash), rent, interest, and usury is critical. They are all abstractions and they all require the ability to think and think clearly; to create a thought and then expend energy to convert the abstract thought to a tangible thing.
If there is an analogy that puts these complex abstractions in the reach of understanding of more people, I am all for it. This electronics one might be such.
2nd June 2010, 08:51 AM
LOL Ironfield.......the government sent me my passport card to go to Mexico or Canana and it did come with one of those even says to be sure to keep it there.............also my regular passport came in, the back and front covers are twice as thick as the old one and also has the micro ship inside but it came with no protector........I made my own.
Twisted Titan
2nd June 2010, 09:16 AM
Using cash may not get you out of a usury based system, but it does allow for a certain amount of privacy to be obtained.
All forms of 'money' that are traceable are the ultimate goal. Why? Because our privacy is the last thing we all have left. Its not enough to know you are broke, they want you to know that they know you are broke.
Imagine a King knowing where all of his peasants spent their money. Was it on necessities like food, shelter, etc? Or was it on meaningless things like the circus, etc? He would then be able to manipulate the system in any way he wanted.
Money is a 3rd party to all transactions. NOBODY wants the money, they want what they think the money will buy them.
I remember a long time ago when only top line CC's ( AMEX, Diners Club etc) had award point catalogs.
Now your basic kids account has it and its a "platinum" acct too.
What do you really think this is about??? Bringing you up the status of "elite" card members?
Its geting you to give away the last thing they need for total control:
Your everday Movements and purchases.
To know that is to know everything.
That is why "cash" has a important role to play in your privacy future.
As long as its acccepted.
2nd June 2010, 09:27 AM
It might sound crazy but they just gave me a $3,000 increase on my credit card (Discover)......I only use it to order on line and the most that I have used it for was for $2,000 (plane fare for my family). They even keep on sending me those checks to write my own numbers.........never use them.
2nd June 2010, 09:37 AM
Power is energy per unit time. It measures a flow or rate of change of energy. Google 'Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars' - it analyses Glass' analogy in more detail and deduces the electronic equivalents of various economic quantities.
Wow! "Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars" is freaking amazing... and I thought there was a kind of strange lack of Social Engineering Research in general with emphasis always placed on things like capitalism/socialism/black/white/blabbity blah... on and on in endless daisy chains of circular logic. Yeah, it's all intentional... predictive social control through statistical analysis and implementation.
It's a long document, and I've only just started reading it, but so far this fits a lot of my rather vague suspicions about a plan to control people through the use of computational and quantitative mathematical technologies.
Anyway, wow... thanks
Nomen luni
2nd June 2010, 10:06 AM
Thanks for posting that link, TPTB!
Yep, there are plenty of amazing documents out there, and once you have read them, you know that some very smart cookies have considered these issue in detail. This is why I always laugh at those who think politicians are bumbling imbeciles. Someone is steering the ship with intent, and the politicos are the ones that are there to sell it to you. Their bumbling public image is well groomed. After all, if they are not idiots that can't see the obvious coming, the only other conclusion is that it's being done on purpose. We used to have a tv programme here in England called 'Spitting Image'. They used caricatures to poke fun at politicians. I often fancy that it was one of the greatest propaganda pieces ever created.
By the way, always be on the lookout for the curve ball. How did this leaked document really come our way? I often assume these leaks are done with the intent to mislead. They have given away some choice knowledge in that document, so there is probably a big old bit of disinformation they want to impart to you in there somewhere... or maybe it really was accidentally left in a photocopier!
2nd June 2010, 10:36 AM
Thanks for posting that link, TPTB!
Yep, there are plenty of amazing documents out there, and once you have read them, you know that some very smart cookies have considered these issue in detail. This is why I always laugh at those who think politicians are bumbling imbeciles. Someone is steering the ship with intent, and the politicos are the ones that are there to sell it to you. Their bumbling public image is well groomed. After all, if they are not idiots that can't see the obvious coming, the only other conclusion is that it's being done on purpose. We used to have a tv programme here in England called 'Spitting Image'. They used caricatures to poke fun at politicians. I often fancy that it was one of the greatest propaganda pieces ever created.
By the way, always be on the lookout for the curve ball. How did this leaked document really come our way? I often assume these leaks are done with the intent to mislead. They have given away some choice knowledge in that document, so there is probably a big old bit of disinformation they want to impart to you in there somewhere... or maybe it really was accidentally left in a photocopier!
Energy is recognized as the key to all activity on earth. Natural science is the study of the sources and control of natural energy, and social science, theoretically expressed as economics, is the study of the sources and control of social energy. Both are bookkeeping systems: mathematics. Therefore, mathematics is the primary energy science. And the bookkeeper can be king if the public can be kept ignorant of the methodology of the bookkeeping.
I have no doubt that at least some of the methods written about are being utilized.
But I keep coming back to the role of quantitative physicists and the software innovators. For all of their amazing successes at prediction and control of populations, it also may represent their Achilles heel.
The exponential growth factor of computer/Internet interface itself.
In other words, the Quants (quantitative mathematicians) that are by necessity responsible for the maintenance of this super computer system that this economy is dependent upon are rapidly running into the wall of their ability to create the math necessary to maintain it.
The virtual speed and veracity of growth of the beast's predictive powers are leaping ahead of the controllers(bookkeepers) ability to control it.
2nd June 2010, 10:42 AM
Using cash may not get you out of a usury based system, but it does allow for a certain amount of privacy to be obtained.
All forms of 'money' that are traceable are the ultimate goal. Why? Because our privacy is the last thing we all have left. Its not enough to know you are broke, they want you to know that they know you are broke.
Imagine a King knowing where all of his peasants spent their money. Was it on necessities like food, shelter, etc? Or was it on meaningless things like the circus, etc? He would then be able to manipulate the system in any way he wanted.
Money is a 3rd party to all transactions. NOBODY wants the money, they want what they think the money will buy them.
I remember a long time ago only top line CC's ( AMEX, Diners Club etc) had award point catalogs.
Now your basic kids account has it and its a "platinum" acct too.
What do you really think is about??? Bringing you up the status of "elite" card members?
It is geting you to give away the last thing they need for total control:
Your everyday Movements and purchases.
To know that is to know everything.
That is why "cash" has a important role to play in your privacy future.
As long as it acccepted that is.
Well said Titan!
2nd June 2010, 10:57 AM
Using cash may not get you out of a usury based system, but it does allow for a certain amount of privacy to be obtained.
All forms of 'money' that are traceable are the ultimate goal. Why? Because our privacy is the last thing we all have left. Its not enough to know you are broke, they want you to know that they know you are broke.
Imagine a King knowing where all of his peasants spent their money. Was it on necessities like food, shelter, etc? Or was it on meaningless things like the circus, etc? He would then be able to manipulate the system in any way he wanted.
Money is a 3rd party to all transactions. NOBODY wants the money, they want what they think the money will buy them.
I remember a long time ago when only top line CC's ( AMEX, Diners Club etc) had award point catalogs.
Now your basic kids account has it and its a "platinum" acct too.
What do you really think this is about??? Bringing you up the status of "elite" card members?
Its geting you to give away the last thing they need for total control:
Your everday Movements and purchases.
To know that is to know everything.
That is why "cash" has a important role to play in your privacy future.
As long as its acccepted.
I disagree. Privacy is besides the point. Tracking your purchases and movements is irrelevant; it is a symptom of our dying system. No amount of tracking and peeping into your 'privacy' results in you actually producing anything. Slaves are useless and uninterestig eaters; there is no human productive value involved. Sure, you can use force to get them to produce stuff, but you can't force creativity, or thought; hard labor will not result in solutions that will enable mankind to exist in its current state.
The whole privacy as a primary issue is a red herring. If we don't accept the responsibility to produce more than we consume as individuals, tracking consumption will be pointless.
(Before anyone gets their underwear in a bunch, I am not saying privacy is not important, I am just saying it off target)
Who is John Galt?
2nd June 2010, 11:19 AM
Someone, or some group has to remain smarter than the virtual system they're using in their attempt to control the world population. They have to remain on top of this numbers machine, this weapon they created.
They are fast running into the limits of the biological human mind to control this electronic leviathan in order to guide it,
otherwise, the leviathan breaks out of its harness and runs a muck... metaphorically speaking.
See, what they want, and what they absolutely must continue to have is a system that they can absolutely control.
Without "absolute" control, their plan goes to shit and I think they believe that they've nearly arrived at a nexus point where a sort of mental evolution has to occur in order for the elite to be able to control it at all.
2nd June 2010, 02:51 PM
Using cash may not get you out of a usury based system, but it does allow for a certain amount of privacy to be obtained.
All forms of 'money' that are traceable are the ultimate goal. Why? Because our privacy is the last thing we all have left. Its not enough to know you are broke, they want you to know that they know you are broke.
Imagine a King knowing where all of his peasants spent their money. Was it on necessities like food, shelter, etc? Or was it on meaningless things like the circus, etc? He would then be able to manipulate the system in any way he wanted.
Money is a 3rd party to all transactions. NOBODY wants the money, they want what they think the money will buy them.
I remember a long time ago when only top line CC's ( AMEX, Diners Club etc) had award point catalogs.
Now your basic kids account has it and its a "platinum" acct too.
What do you really think this is about??? Bringing you up the status of "elite" card members?
Its geting you to give away the last thing they need for total control:
Your everday Movements and purchases.
To know that is to know everything.
That is why "cash" has a important role to play in your privacy future.
As long as its acccepted.
I disagree. Privacy is besides the point. Tracking your purchases and movements is irrelevant; it is a symptom of our dying system. No amount of tracking and peeping into your 'privacy' results in you actually producing anything. Slaves are useless and uninterestig eaters; there is no human productive value involved. Sure, you can use force to get them to produce stuff, but you can't force creativity, or thought; hard labor will not result in solutions that will enable mankind to exist in its current state.
The whole privacy as a primary issue is a red herring. If we don't accept the responsibility to produce more than we consume as individuals, tracking consumption will be pointless.
(Before anyone gets their underwear in a bunch, I am not saying privacy is not important, I am just saying it off target)
Who is John Galt?
Privacy with cash is all that we can hold onto. My panties aren't in a bunch, Gknow. BUT, the system is training hamsters to stay in the wheel and back to slavery. The freedom of using cash allows one to pursue happiness for the sake of happiness. Learning for the sake of learning. Enjoying simple pleasures as one sees fit. Cash is the f/u to the system with must watch around us.
Accepting responsibility to produce more then we consume is a great idea. Let's start with cutting the tax strings that are weighing down our mental state. Given more freedoms to think is IMHO what will ultimately create prosperity and production.
Did you say you have a new Gulch?
2nd June 2010, 03:21 PM
Responsibility is a value that nearly everyone has a distorted perception of. George Orwell said that the integrated man seldom posesses a sense of resonsibility. He was right.
In the system we live in, the victims beg for crumbs and the 'good and responsible' people revile them for it. All the while the userers laugh all the way the bank. The strategy for getting away with murder is to get people angry at people that run a red light. And the strategy is working.
2nd June 2010, 03:24 PM
Responsibility is a value that nearly everyone has a distorted perception of. George Orwell said that the integrated man seldom posesses a sense of resonsibility. He was right.
In the system we live in, the victims beg for crumbs and the 'good and responsible' people revile them for it. All the while the userers laugh all the way the bank. The strategy for getting away with murder is to get people angry at people that run a red light. And the strategy is working.
Aint that the truth.....
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