View Full Version : Video of IDF boarding the "Aid" ship that wouldn't halt on command.

1st June 2010, 10:09 PM
Looks like a KKK meeting. "I'd hit it, with a bat."

1st June 2010, 10:13 PM
and WTF is wrong with throwing an enemy and defending your self and people wrong?

What does this prove or disprove now?
Sorry late and not worth debating, perhaps tomorrow.

1st June 2010, 10:14 PM
Wow...thats the fist time Ive seen that...no wonder people died.
Did any soldiers die?

1st June 2010, 10:15 PM
I realize people died in there, but everytime I see that I can't help but remember the words of F.Z.

Frank Zappa. ... I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe.

1st June 2010, 10:18 PM
All that I saw was a guy trying to save and Israeli soldier that was going overboard, but he failed............also, a couple of guys saw this big rat about to bite the neck of one of the soldiers and they were trying to kill the rat.

I am talking now as if the roles were reversed hahahahahahahaahah.........anyone can play the game that the state of Israel likes to play.

1st June 2010, 10:24 PM
You think the IDF might have pasted the upper deck with a few layers of tear gas, or something firstly... :-\

There must be a jail/camp for stupid people we can lock them away in somewhere.

1st June 2010, 10:26 PM
I hear you both...I was thinking..."what where the soldiers thinking?"

philo beddoe
1st June 2010, 10:26 PM
All that I saw was a guy trying to save and Israeli soldier that was going overboard, but he failed............also, a couple of guys saw this big rat about to bite the neck of one of the soldiers and they were trying to kill the rat.

I am talking now as if the roles were reversed hahahahahahahaahah.........anyone can play the game that the state of Israel likes to play.
True Ponce....A naval blockade is an act of war....all bets are off

1st June 2010, 10:33 PM
Aye this was cluster fcuk from the get go. Naval laws aside, if they had wanted to take the ship with limited harm they should have peppered the upper decks with tear gas rather than the stupidly fast roping in one by one.

The MSN though and Israel are using this video footage as a means of justifying their excessive use of force and the resulting deaths. the problem is we don't know if what is shown is the very start of the assault and have no idea what preceded these events shown.

As for the IDF soldier thrown overboard he wasn't. He was however thrown from the upper deck and ended up on the level bellow.


1st June 2010, 10:35 PM
The MSN though and Israel are using this video footage as a means of justifying their excessive use of force and the resulting deaths.

Why do you think they call them demonstrators, instead of humanitarians...?

1st June 2010, 10:41 PM
"Peaceful" Demonstrators. They had been warned to stop the ship. They didn't stop. The soldiers shouldn't have been boarding with paintball guns.... If I get stopped for speeding, I will get out of the car if the officer asks me to. The terrorists are very good at bringing in meat shields. The new "Aid" ship is named the Rachel Carrie. Another good example of a misled meat shield.

1st June 2010, 10:48 PM
First? you and "your" people are wrong.......the ship was in international water and what your people did was and act of PIRACY.

You come into my home at night and I can assure you that I'll have something else for you than an iron bar.........you would be going back to your buddies in a casket.

1st June 2010, 10:48 PM
"Peaceful" Demonstrators. They had been warned to stop the ship.

"Hey guys stop your ship so we can paint you in Israeli Blue, nevermind we're out of our jurisdiction, and have zero cause for taunting you, if we can get you to stop here we'll just take all your booty and leave none, as not even our own people will have recourse..."

1st June 2010, 11:34 PM
State-sponsored PIRACY

What part of "international waters" do you not get?

The people on those ships had the RIGHT to resist with any means, including lethal force, to repel PIRATES.

1st June 2010, 11:35 PM
Wow...thats the fist time Ive seen that...no wonder people died.
Did any soldiers die?

Unfortunately, no.

Ken, if you were sailing at sea, and armed goons landed on your ship, would you resist or just give up?

1st June 2010, 11:38 PM
"Peaceful" Demonstrators. They had been warned to stop the ship. They didn't stop.


Satanic "Israel" had no authority to act until these ships entered "Israeli" territorial waters. To do so beforehand is PIRACY.

1st June 2010, 11:43 PM
First? you and "your" people are wrong.......the ship was in international water and what your people did was and act of PIRACY.

You come into my home at night and I can assure you that I'll have something else for you than an iron bar.........you would be going back to your buddies in a casket.

That's what the IDF should have done to them. They are ignoring the NO TRESSPASSING sign and have the audacity to call themselves peaceful.

2nd June 2010, 12:14 AM
SeekYeFirst they were i believe 68-70 nautical miles off the cost of Gaza, still in international waters as shown bellow.


The biggest irony is that the "weapons" Israel claims were on board have not yet materialized or been shown to the media. But I bet you a dollar that given enough time they will magically appear.


2nd June 2010, 12:38 AM
Has anyone considered the possibility that some time AFTER they took control of the ships ... they re-filmed the event showing brave commandos armed with only paintball guns getting attacked by nasty protestors with steel rods.

It has after all taken a few days for this footage to come out - compared to the other footage which was released immediately. What gives ?

I dont understand how 16 people died and 50 or so were wounded from being shot at with paintball guns either.

2nd June 2010, 01:04 AM
Has anyone considered the possibility that some time AFTER they took control of the ships ... they re-filmed the event showing brave commandos armed with only paintball guns getting attacked by nasty protestors with steel rods.

It has after all taken a few days for this footage to come out - compared to the other footage which was released immediately. What gives ?

I dont understand how 16 people died and 50 or so were wounded from being shot at with paintball guns either.

Nope not the onlyone Steveoc

*Snip* The MSN though and Israel are using this video footage as a means of justifying their excessive use of force and the resulting deaths. the problem is we don't know if what is shown is the very start of the assault and have no idea what preceded these events shown. *Snip*

The chronological order of events is what we all need, in order to create an unbiased view of events that transpired on board the ship. However it does not remove my condemnation for the IDFs acts of piracy on the high seas.


I am me, I am free
2nd June 2010, 01:56 AM
"Peaceful" Demonstrators. They had been warned to stop the ship. They didn't stop. The soldiers shouldn't have been boarding with paintball guns.... If I get stopped for speeding, I will get out of the car if the officer asks me to. The terrorists are very good at bringing in meat shields. The new "Aid" ship is named the Rachel Carrie. Another good example of a misled meat shield.

lol Pot calls kettle black.


Who has the most notable history of terrorism going back to the '40s?

IsraHell has a history of attacking non-combatants in international waters, most notably even 'an ally'.


I am me, I am free
2nd June 2010, 02:10 AM
First? you and "your" people are wrong.......the ship was in international water and what your people did was and act of PIRACY.

You come into my home at night and I can assure you that I'll have something else for you than an iron bar.........you would be going back to your buddies in a casket.

That's what the IDF should have done to them. They are ignoring the NO TRESSPASSING sign and have the audacity to call themselves peaceful.

Isn't a blockade an act of war in itself? Hasn't war been waged on the indigs in Palestine for decades now?

So essentially, Israhell went out and staged a scene for the 24 hour news cycle, showing those sweethearts being mistreated yet again. Nice.

"To our friends across the border, with much love"

Big smiles all around...mom approved!

http://www.stolenchildhood.net/images/israel_lebanon_war_israeli_children_signing_missil es_israeli_children__1.jpg
http://www.stolenchildhood.net/images/israel_lebanon_war_israeli_children_signing_missil es_israeli_children_.jpg

"...wouldn't halt on command"...? This begs the question: Under what authority (in international waters)?

Grand Master Melon
2nd June 2010, 02:37 AM
State-sponsored PIRACY

What part of "international waters" do you not get?

The people on those ships had the RIGHT to resist with any means, including lethal force, to repel PIRATES.

I'm pretty sure this is the only thing I've agreed with you on so far.

2nd June 2010, 11:52 AM
Wow...thats the fist time Ive seen that...no wonder people died.
Did any soldiers die?

Unfortunately, no.

Ken, if you were sailing at sea, and armed goons landed on your ship, would you resist or just give up?

If I thought I had a chance...I would resist of course