View Full Version : BP Shares

2nd June 2010, 06:28 AM
Saw this info posted at GLP this morning:

20 days before the Rig exploded Goldman Sachs sold 43.7% of its BP stock. PNC bank also sold the same day 17.9% of its BP stock:


Excellent timing, Goldman....

2nd June 2010, 08:27 AM
they seem to have a nack for it, dont they......

2nd June 2010, 09:11 AM
That's enough evidence for me to conclude that this was a planned event.

2nd June 2010, 09:15 AM
swamp gas, i tell ya!

2nd June 2010, 09:16 AM
swamp gas, i tell ya!

$276,770,112 worth of swamp gas!!!

2nd June 2010, 09:20 AM
That's enough evidence for me to conclude that this was a planned event.

Exactly! ala 9/11.

Now, the question is "why"?

What could be the motive for such an event that would cause the evacuation of huge swaths of coastal gulf area's and the possible evac of the entire state of Florida? There is speculation that this is the end goal but for what reason?

2nd June 2010, 09:31 AM
i've wondered about the motivation, too. frankly the only thing that makes any sense to me is that the NWO know that their days are extremely numbered, and they are causing as much grief in their final moments as they possibly can. some childish thrashing about while attempting to resist the reality of their own demise. fits their depopulation agenda too perhaps, a lot of people make an income (let alone eat) the produce of the gulf of mexico.

2nd June 2010, 11:30 AM
Interesting information that for me points this more towards a timed event.

The motivation could be simple, look over here at the oil disaster while we start up WW3 in the Middle East.

Or just some other form of distraction. They need as many distractions as they can these days.

2nd June 2010, 11:47 AM
That's enough evidence for me to conclude that this was a planned event.

Exactly! ala 9/11.

Now, the question is "why"?

What could be the motive for such an event that would cause the evacuation of huge swaths of coastal gulf area's and the possible evac of the entire state of Florida? There is speculation that this is the end goal but for what reason?

Cap & Trade. It'll make .gov and a shxtload of insiders and hangers-on boatloads of fiat. The worse the problem, the more fiat that will be thrown around.

Before anyone knows it, there will be billion$, possibly trillion$ 'missing', and someone's BiL will get to sell a lot of things like ice, moldy trailers... etc. for a premium.

It's a proven model. And, a huge problematic, unnecessary and unwanted tax will be imposed on us with not so much as a murmurer.

2nd June 2010, 12:20 PM
Cap & Trade. It'll make .gov and a shxtload of insiders and hangers-on boatloads of fiat. The worse the problem, the more fiat that will be thrown around.

Before anyone knows it, there will be billion$, possibly trillion$ 'missing', and someone's BiL will get to sell a lot of things like ice, moldy trailers... etc. for a premium.

It's a proven model. And, a huge problematic, unnecessary and unwanted tax will be imposed on us with not so much as a murmurer.

Not everything is about you, Carbon. :plll (Get it, carbon dioxide?)

Seriously, though, I think this is exactly it. More regulation, more government, Cap & Trade . . .

2nd June 2010, 12:21 PM
That's enough evidence for me to conclude that this was a planned event.

Indeed. Follow the money.

2nd June 2010, 01:08 PM
The only thing other than money is power or some other goal. In this case, and maybe I'm stretching a bit is that the gulf coast and Florida are a planned clearing ground for private or foreign troops to stage their plans. I just don't like what I'm smelling.

2nd June 2010, 01:10 PM
That's enough evidence for me to conclude that this was a planned event.

Indeed. Follow the money.
The guy that sits next to me at work bought BP after this crap went down. His break even price is in the $53/share range. He went home early yesterday with a headache. He's definitely out of the loop!

One of the things that attracted me to accounting is my love of numbers. Numbers don't lie. If something doesn't add up, there's a reason behind it. Goldman dumping almost half of their BP stock can't be hidden. No matter what the spin doctors will say to defend the rather timely trade, the numbers are out there. You're 100% right Gaillo, follow the money. Who made a profit from this? Who stands to make a profit in the future? Like a CEO dumping all of their stock days before a big price crash, the timing can't be ignored.

2nd June 2010, 02:28 PM
Numbers don't lie. If something doesn't add up, there's a reason behind it. Goldman dumping almost half of their BP stock can't be hidden.

agreed that this is pretty obviously not an accident (halliburton buying the company that are the clean up experts for this kind of mess a day or 2 before the accident is similarly stinky), but why didn't GS sell all their BP stock? they don't really seem to care whether the rest of the world can put 2 and 2 together anyway, so why hold on to half that you know is going to decline?

2nd June 2010, 02:37 PM
Numbers don't lie. If something doesn't add up, there's a reason behind it. Goldman dumping almost half of their BP stock can't be hidden.

agreed that this is pretty obviously not an accident (halliburton buying the company that are the clean up experts for this kind of mess a day or 2 before the accident is similarly stinky), but why didn't GS sell all their BP stock? they don't really seem to care whether the rest of the world can put 2 and 2 together anyway, so why hold on to half that you know is going to decline?

They probably covered that corner with options...

2nd June 2010, 02:48 PM
i've wondered about the motivation, too. frankly the only thing that makes any sense to me is that the NWO know that their days are extremely numbered, and they are causing as much grief in their final moments as they possibly can. some childish thrashing about while attempting to resist the reality of their own demise. fits their depopulation agenda too perhaps, a lot of people make an income (let alone eat) the produce of the gulf of mexico.

Obama calls for rolling back oil 'tax breaks'

(AP) – 5 hours ago

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama says it's time to roll back "billions of dollars in tax breaks" for oil companies and use the money for clean energy research and development.

Obama made the comments Wednesday in prepared remarks for a speech at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh.

He said the catastrophic Gulf oil spill shows the country must move toward clean energy by embracing energy efficiency, tapping natural gas and nuclear power and eliminating tax breaks for big oil.

Obama said that the Gulf spill "may prove to be a result of human error — or corporations taking dangerous shortcuts that compromised safety" — but that deepwater drilling is inherently risky and America cannot rely solely on fossil fuels.

2nd June 2010, 03:45 PM
They probably covered that corner with options...

aye you're probably right, neuro.