View Full Version : Aliens exist and live among us (?) - Catherine Austin Fitts

2nd June 2010, 07:06 AM
Old, but interesting!

The $64 Question: What's Up With the Black Budget? (http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/HL0209/S00126.htm)

It is time to deal with the 64 dollar question --- the biggest crazy aunt in the living room.

The questions that need to be raised in any effort to find the truth about a significant event related to power and money in the US --- and answered if we are to ever find the truth of how our world works --- are:






I do not know the answer to these questions. What I do know is that asking these questions brings up a whole pile of challenging uncertainty. (For background on my experience dealing with black budget/slush fund operations at FHA and Ginnie Mae at the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Justice, Treasury and the New York Federal Reserve Bank, see my article, "The Myth of the Rule of Law," http://www.scoop.co.nz/mason/stories/HL0208/S00055.htm)

When dealing with challenging uncertainty, I find that many researchers simply delete the existence of such uncertainty from their reality. That is a big mistake --- again pretending that we do not have a very big crazy aunt sitting in the living room. George Orwell once said that "Omission is the greatest lie." Hence, our crazy aunt has to be dealt with.

f you listen to the Ferdinand video/audio depositions in the Carone/Tyree lawsuit ( http://www.blackopradio.com/inc_archives2002.html), what you will hear is something I have heard many times. Carone gives his family the sense of all of the organized crime operations by CIA, Army and Mafia through the 1970's as legitimate for national security purposes that then got out of hand and turned bad in the 1980's. That is, what started out as justifiable got out of hand. This begs the question ---- Why Were Such Activities Considered Justifiable?

The way to deal with uncertainty is with scenario design and probability -- ie to create a framework of the possible explanations with your best estimate of the plausible scenarios and the probability (all adding up to 100%) of each one being true based on intuition. Maintaining such a framework allows data collection on key variables and assumptions and an evolution to occur that can enlighten --- even determine --- concrete questions and answers over time.

So, let me tell a story, give you my framework that I use to handle the fact that I do not have the answers and invite your framework. I am not looking to hear only what is wrong with my framework. I am looking to improve mine or find a better one. Or better inform my estimate of the probabilities that this one or that one is true. Hence, I invite you to put forward your framework for managing this uncertainty. If we had the truth of the issue I am going to introduce, I dare say we could get to the bottom of 9-11 faster.

In 1998, I was approached by John Peterson, head of the Arlington Institute, a small high quality military think tank in Washington, DC. I had gotten to know John through Global Business Network and had been impressed by his intelligence, effectiveness and compassion. John asked me to help him with a high level strategic plan Arlington was planning to undertake for the Undersecretary of the Navy.

At the time I was the target of an intense smear campaign that would lead the normal person to assume that I would be in jail shortly or worse. John explained that the Navy understood that it was all politics ---- they did not care.

I met with a group of high level people in the military in the process --- including the Undersecretary. According to John, the purpose of the plan --- discussed in front of several military or retired military officers and former government officials--- was to help the Navy adjust their operations for a world in which it was commonly known that aliens exist and live among us.

When John explained this purpose to me, I explained that I did not know that aliens existed and lived among us. John asked me if I would like to meet some aliens. For the only time in my life, I declined an opportunity to learn about something important. I was concerned that my efforts with Arlington could boomerang and be connected with the smear campaign and the effects that I was managing. I regret that decision. At John's suggestion I started to read books on the topic and read about 25 books over the next year on the alien question, the black budget, and alien technology.

I had to drop from the project due to the need to attend to litigation and the physical harassment and surveillance of me and some of the people helping me. This process ---which turned out to be incredibly time consuming --- I now believe was connected with the black budget/slush fund activities connected with FHA and Ginnie Mae at HUD. (See, "The Myth of the Rule of Law") John then asked me if I would join the board of the Arlington Institute.

When I attended one of my first meetings, I joined in discussion with about 10 people which included James Woolsey, former head of the CIA in the Clinton Administration, Napier Collyns, founder of Global Business Network and former senior Shell executive, Joe Firmage, John, and other members of the Arlington board. The main topic of discussion was whether or not the major project for the coming year should be a white paper on how to help the American people adjust to aliens existing and living among us. I said nothing -- just listened. Not that long after, I dropped from the board due to the continued demands related to litigation with the Department of Justice and their informant.

To cut a series of additional long stories short, when I talk with my few sources from the military and intelligence community, I hear the same themes:

1. Aliens exist and live among us;

2. In part for this reason as well the accumulated investment over the last 50 years, the technology we have access to through the black budget is far more advanced than is commonly understood;

3. The black budget/slush fund construct was created to deal with this issue, which is why reasonable people thought selling drugs to the children who were US citizens was the better of several options --- including the option of telling the American public the truth and funding the expenses on budget.

As a result of these experiences, here is my framework for dealing with this very large pile of uncertainty.


SCENARIO #1. ENTRE NOUS: The alien question is the single largest and most expensive disinformation campaign in the history of our race. A portion of the human race has advanced technologically so far beyond the rest of us --- and is attributing various things to aliens as a way of managing their resulting risk---that we have become as aliens to each other. To fully understand this scenario, we need to try to understand the use of individual mind control such as criminal hypnosis to effect financial and government fraud and corruption and the truth, whatever it is, of wider subliminal programming and brainwashing. These are slippery subjects for most people to deal with unless they have the training and ability to do so.

% PROBABILITY SCENARIO #1 IS TRUE ______ (You fill in)

SCENARIO #2 --- HOLY COW!: Aliens exist and live among us. Planet earth is subject to the politics, economics and laws and/or lawlessness of a larger system or systems. The transfer of advanced technology into a society that has not evolved governance and legal systems to manage a world with the presence of such technology and the influence of such other system(s) helps to explain current events. To fully understand this scenario, we must also try to understand the use of individual mind control such as criminal hypnosis to effect financial and government fraud and corruption and the truth, whatever it is, of wide subliminal programming and brainwashing. Again, these are slippery subjects for most people to deal with unless they have the training and ability to do so.

% PROBABILITY SCENARIO #2 IS TRUE ______ (You fill in)

3. SCENARIO #3 --- MUDDLED: Some combination of (1) and (2) above.

% PROBABILITY SCENARIO #3 IS TRUE ______ (You fill in)


Could my experiences with Arlington and the Navy or any subsequent contacts fit with a disinformation scenario? Absolutely. I have no evidence to support any scenario. The only evidence I believe I have is my experience dealing with tremendous amounts of money siphoned off over the years, whether through Iran-Contra S&L, HUD and BCCI fraud, or the latest round of money missing from the federal government in the last five years. This is all documented in the articles below. This cash flow and the operations and syndicates it appears to fund are important to what drives the governance and allocation of resources in this country and around the globe. There is a reason that power and money are centralizing and the rich are getting richer. I want to know what it is.

Whichever scenario is true ---and I do not know which one is ---- if we had the truth it will help us grapple with 9-11 and the War on Terrorism. It would also help us better understand all the efforts to press for centralization of economic and political power that have grown as the black budget has grown since WWII. The reality is the possibilities of why 9-11 occurred and how it was operationalized are impacted by the facts of the US black budget and the advanced technology it has developed. Why would sane and even decent people think it was the best option for the good of the whole?

We must sit in the shoes of the person or people who gave the order ---whoever they may be and wherever they may be ---- and understand how their power and money worked. Why would a group with the operational and financial capacity to effect a 9-11 operation give the green light to plan 9-11, finance 9-11, do 9-11, stand down so 9-11 could happen, take advantage of 9-11 or to make sure the truth was not illuminated?

My experience in Washington and Wall Street would indicate that there is a reasonable chance that all these various people and many in the food chain Are Not Bad Or Irrational People. That is, we have a better chance of finding the truth if for purposes of our explorations we assume that the people involved in all these roles were people like you and me --- just with a different map of certain parts of the world and dealing with a variety of stress and pressures trying to build cooperation or achieve goals that we do not understand.

Watching the federal government contract announcements and without benefit of seeing the full budget and assuming The Disclosure Project allegations regarding the estimates of the black budget size, if I had to guess today my guess would be that 9-11 has been highly successful in permitting the black budget to be moved on budget, partly in the normal budget and partly in the budget that is only disclosed to the Congressional intelligence committees.

The solution to continued growth and funding of the black budget may have been to steal as much money and assets as possible from the federal budget and then to move the black budget on budget when control of media, Congress, Justice and Securities & Exchange Commission ensured that the legal budget was non-transparent, controlled by private government contractors and could not be harmed or fiddled with by Congress. (See various stories on the disappearance of over $3.3 trillion from the federal government from fiscal 1998-2001 http://www.scoop.co.nz/mason/stories/HL0207/S00031.htm#a ) Grossly oversimplified, by the end of the 2004 fiscal year, covert operations and the black budget may be fully legal, run and controlled by corporations and banks without interference from knowledgable career civil service, taxpayer funded, and non-transparent.

Why do I say all of this? We do not have time to pay attention to people who use smears like "conspiracy theorist" to waste our time. Money, budgets, finance...these are all facts. If something does not work, and it continues to not work, there is a reason. Systems have a logic. They have a rationale. Money helps explain and illuminate that rationale. Anyone who would smear a serious researcher or writer for trying to understand where a great deal of money is disappearing to as a "conspiracy theorist" is someone who would never be taken seriously or associated with in the circles in which I travel. The exception is if the person doing the smearing is a professional being paid to smear those who have the scent of "the real deal" --- Cointelpro or related public relations. The number of people paid to do such things are many and growing.

9-11 was an operation that was implemented by a conspiracy. To get to the bottom of what happened and why one must develop and use conspiracy theories to research in what can only be described as a conspiracy reality. We know in regards to 9-11 one of two scenarios must be true ---- some portion of the US military and intelligence are (i) complicit and/or (ii) guilty of criminal gross negligence. We also know that the official story is not truthful. Either scenario and the reality of the official story beg the question, "why?" This course always leads us to consider the fact that US military and intelligence have enjoyed significant expansion of their budgets and powers as a result of 9-11. We are rewarding failure. 9-11 was great for business. Lockheed Martin's stock is up over 50% in a falling stock market. The oil companies have their pipeline.

When a system does not work and continues to not work, there is something that prevents its learning. Ultimately what we must understand that the problem is not that the system does not work and that it is not learning. The problem is that the system is controlled and operated by the most powerful forces in that system and that the system is indeed working and learning in the general direction they want it to go. This happens in a manner that is highly organic and requires lots of planning, trial and error and factionalism that involves competition and cooperation over time in the pursuit of the system's real goals. Hence, the system is working and is learning. It is our construct that is wrong. We do not understand the system and the goals of the system. Once we are clear that the system is working and is learning, once we stop falling back on scapegoating as a technique to explain events, we can start to understand the real system that we are a part of. This is how power and money work in reality.

The amount of money and power spent to keep the general population from understanding this --- and focused on things like scapegoating which keep us from building a good map of "the real deal" or gaining the power to impact events by using our money and time as a vote in the marketplace in which the banks and corporations must thrive ----is immense. That is why I strongly encourage reading Jon Rappoport's back interviews on his Infomonster and becoming a subscriber for his ongoing interviews.

For those would like to know more, I would refer you to articles on all the money missing from the US Treasury and the manipulation of the gold markets as well as the Disclosure Project video of their event at the National Press Club. You can find them on the web. As for me, I do not have the answers. I wish I did. That is why I am so appreciative of efforts like UnAnswered Questions (http://www.unansweredquestions.org) and the effort of researchers networking and collaborating globally to illuminate, research and answer the right questions.

Let me close with the unanswered questions with which I began and which I believe are critical to our ongoing collaboration:






Anti©opyright 2002

2nd June 2010, 08:12 AM
Ok. I'll bite.

SCENARIO #1. ENTRE NOUS: The alien question is the single largest and most expensive disinformation campaign in the history of our race. A portion of the human race has advanced technologically so far beyond the rest of us --- and is attributing various things to aliens as a way of managing their resulting risk

SCENARIO #2. Aliens exist and live among us.

Probability of #1 - 99%. Probability of #2 - 1%. Combination (her case #3) is the same as #2.


Considering that drugs is over a $1 trillion dollars a year industry, and that a third of that is now produced in Afghanistan, I'd say at least $300 Billion dollars (profit margins, I presume, are high).




Where do you see decent people supporting it? Trigger-happy army? They are trained to not use brain and execute orders, which they do well.

2nd June 2010, 09:25 AM
i didn't know that CAF had talked about this, certainly not so long ago. i read that g. edward griffin recently joined the ET bandwagon too. if it's the most expensive psyop campaign in history, it's a damn long running one, too:

Of course UFOs are real--and they are interplanetary.....The cumulative evidence for the existence of UFOs is quite overwhelming and I accept the fact of their existence.

AIR CHIEF MARSHAL LORD DOWDING Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Air Force Fighter Command during the Battle of Britain, statement (http://www.paradigmresearchgroup.org/QuotesPage.html) made in August of 1954

i tend to think that the ET presence here is very much a reality, if not always in the same dimension as us, although science is beginning to show evidence of impacts on our dimension from higher dimensions (i think of stuff like the hexagon at the pole of saturn, the tendency for large volcanoes at 19.5 degs latitude). frankly i think it's just a matter of time (and not a lot of time, at that) before the whole thing becomes public knowledge, at which point the times become really really interesting!

2nd June 2010, 09:30 AM
I for one believe that the new science and electronics comes from the Roswell UFO and others like it.........we are smart but not that smart.

2nd June 2010, 07:14 PM
here's Ed Griffin, just updated in Feb '10,

Is there a Black-Ops cabal, even more powerful than government, using technology from alien civilizations? (http://www.freedomforceinternational.org/printerfriendly.cfm?pffile=disclosure_content.cfm)

What can I say, but, I don't friggin know?!? SHOW ME! ABDUCT ME! 8)

What researchers are finding about Morgellons Syndrome (http://gold-silver.us/forum/conspiracy-theories/chemtrails-morgellons-syndrome-primer-latest-news/msg5320/#msg5320), esp re self-replicating nano-machines "living" inside the human body, well, sounds like alien tech! Why did TPTB remake that silly plotted "Body Snatchers (http://www.911weknow.com/about-the-sky/the-body-snatchers)" movie 3 different times over 51 years?! Trying to tell us something?!

2nd June 2010, 07:16 PM
LOL PC! If anyone from GS-US were to be abducted, I'd want it to be you! Only because you'd get facts & take names & then report back to us!!! :D

2nd June 2010, 07:33 PM
If they don't return him to us I'll give the aliens 100 oz of silver :oo-->

2nd June 2010, 07:57 PM
Aliens=demons and/or fallen angels.

2nd June 2010, 10:11 PM
LOL PC! If anyone from GS-US were to be abducted, I'd want it to be you! Only because you'd get facts & take names & then report back to us!!! :D

yous GSUSers are so mind-kontrolled by TPTB, I'd come back and say "aliens abducted me", and like Pavlovian Sheeple hearing the designated trigger word "aliens", your brains would snap shut, and I'd get permabanned for spamming about space aliens! :o

If they don't return him to us I'll give the aliens 100 oz of silver :oo-->

Just for that, if I ever am abducted, I'll persuade them to use their space alien powers to find & steal all your silver, and let me go free anyways, after which I'll post at GSUS about how I heard an awful rumor that space aliens stole all Ponce's silver! :'(

3rd June 2010, 05:05 AM
I wasn't sure how to interpert Ponce's reply, but I figured he meant he'd pay 100 oz of silver as ransom, to get you back PC! ???

3rd June 2010, 08:36 AM
C A Fitts = total credibility......dont shrug this one off too fast.

3rd June 2010, 08:38 AM
M.............I do? ;D

3rd June 2010, 08:41 AM
C A Fitts = total credibility......dont shrug this one off too fast.

It may not count for much on the board but I've had the pleasure of speaking to Catherine on more than 1 occasion back around 2005-2006 and she struck me as a very intelligent person. That she wrote this article raising the points above is hugely important, IMO.


Thanks for posting the Griffin material, I haven't gotten to that yet but I am looking forward to analyzing his opinion on the subject. He is another I hold a great deal of respect for.

4th June 2010, 08:18 AM
I read the whole thing, and it was interesting, but I thought the article lost all credibility here:

When John explained this purpose to me, I explained that I did not know that aliens existed and lived among us. John asked me if I would like to meet some aliens. For the only time in my life, I declined an opportunity to learn about something important.

So this person said essentially "Eh, no thanks, I don't need to meet any aliens"? Who in their right mind would turn down a chance to meet aliens? This was not explained to my satisfaction by her involvement with The Arlington Institute.

Hey, I am not sure if aliens exist, and to tell you the truth, aliens don't really interest me . . . but if someone asked me if I'd like to meet one, I would jump at the chance!

4th June 2010, 10:08 AM
C A Fitts = total credibility......dont shrug this one off too fast.

It may not count for much on the board but I've had the pleasure of speaking to Catherine on more than 1 occasion back around 2005-2006 and she struck me as a very intelligent person. That she wrote this article raising the points above is hugely important, IMO.

I think she has great credibility too; reading some of her articles (like the American Tapeworm series) led me to research and find alternative news sources like GIM1. I enjoy listening to interviews with her on the Coast-to-Coast AM radio show.

The American Tapeworm

4th June 2010, 11:13 AM

Scientists find 'hint of life' on Saturn's moon Titan (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1284013/Scientists-hint-life-Saturns-moon-Titan.html?ITO=1708&referrer=yahoo)

4th June 2010, 07:12 PM
C A Fitts = total credibility......dont shrug this one off too fast.

It may not count for much on the board but I've had the pleasure of speaking to Catherine on more than 1 occasion back around 2005-2006 and she struck me as a very intelligent person. That she wrote this article raising the points above is hugely important, IMO.

I think she has great credibility too; reading some of her articles (like the American Tapeworm series) led me to research and find alternative news sources like GIM1. I enjoy listening to interviews with her on the Coast-to-Coast AM radio show.

The American Tapeworm

Nice, thanx.

20th September 2010, 10:54 AM
I read the whole thing, and it was interesting, but I thought the article lost all credibility here:

When John explained this purpose to me, I explained that I did not know that aliens existed and lived among us. John asked me if I would like to meet some aliens. For the only time in my life, I declined an opportunity to learn about something important.

So this person said essentially "Eh, no thanks, I don't need to meet any aliens"? Who in their right mind would turn down a chance to meet aliens? This was not explained to my satisfaction by her involvement with The Arlington Institute.

Hey, I am not sure if aliens exist, and to tell you the truth, aliens don't really interest me . . . but if someone asked me if I'd like to meet one, I would jump at the chance!

I too, would have declined. Knowing too much can endanger lives...including your own. Having no idea what "they" could do or where you might have to go to "visit" them is just too compromising a situation for my liking.

Silver Shield
20th September 2010, 11:09 AM
I have a lot of respect for CAtherine and G Edward but I have to draw the line with the whole alien thing.

I have long said that TPTB would bring out ET as they started to lose power to rally the sheeple back into the barn. It wood give them justification for even a more powerful and intrusive government.

TPTB have technology and weapons way beyond what is know and just a little dramatics would be enough to scare people into submission.

Our society has been preconditioned with years of Hollywood movies and they are ready for it.

If they do roll it out top off peeps because they will be rolling out their final and big guns

20th September 2010, 11:14 AM
Sure Aliens have been with us for years and years..



20th September 2010, 11:29 AM
Hillary Clinton has been transformed into an alien.

Check out her picture on Drudge.

She is definitely reptilian looking.

20th September 2010, 12:14 PM
They walk among us: 1 in 5 believe in aliens - survey (http://in.reuters.com/article/idINIndia-47528720100408)

Aliens exist and they live in our midst disguised as humans -- at least, that's what 20 percent of people polled in a global survey believe.

The Reuters Ipsos poll of 23,000 adults in 22 countries showed that more than 40 percent of people from India and China believe that aliens walk among us disguised as humans, while those least likely to believe in this are from Belgium, Sweden and the Netherlands (8 percent each).

In India, the figure was very close to half. Figures, read their history books and it's full of ETs. Still, this is one of the more extreme questions that can be asked about the ET subject, and that a fifth of the global population are of the opinion that there are human-looking ETs among us is interesting.

20th September 2010, 03:40 PM
here's Ed Griffin, just updated in Feb '10,

Is there a Black-Ops cabal, even more powerful than government, using technology from alien civilizations? (http://www.freedomforceinternational.org/printerfriendly.cfm?pffile=disclosure_content.cfm)

What can I say, but, I don't friggin know?!? SHOW ME! ABDUCT ME! 8)

What researchers are finding about Morgellons Syndrome (http://gold-silver.us/forum/conspiracy-theories/chemtrails-morgellons-syndrome-primer-latest-news/msg5320/#msg5320), esp re self-replicating nano-machines "living" inside the human body, well, sounds like alien tech! Why did TPTB remake that silly plotted "Body Snatchers (http://www.911weknow.com/about-the-sky/the-body-snatchers)" movie 3 different times over 51 years?! Trying to tell us something?!


20th September 2010, 04:16 PM

We may also have some here on this forum.

Scanning us..As we stare at our screens. ;D

the riot act
20th September 2010, 04:27 PM

20th September 2010, 04:32 PM
I think I can understand the CAF's mindset at the time she declined the offer(without admitting the obvious paranoia associated with the smear campaign she was enduring). It is always better to stay off the cover of National Enquirer.

Some version of scenario 1 seems very likely with that small portion of the so called elites with access to the "most advanced technology" more than happy to mislead as many people as possible about what they have and how they use it. In fact that is part and parcel of their elitism- Deception. And of course, Force.

20th September 2010, 04:36 PM
in January 1995, the San Jose Mercury News had a very short article in the front news section of their paper, but not on the front page, like in the middle along with other press release type announcements.

"US Air Force admits recovering objects considered to be non-terrestrial in origin. The objects were recovered in New Mexico in 1947. The objects are considered to be manufactured in origin."

I saved the paper, but later on when i moved to San Diego, i threw out that stack of newspaper articles.

20th September 2010, 07:08 PM
The alien question is much more important than people realize. As a Christian, a truth seeker, and someone that has logged considerable hours muddling through the available (dis)information out there , I can tell you that aliens are either demons, fallen angels, the offspring of fallen angels and women (nephilim), or some combination thereof. I cannot tell you if they are from other dimensions or other planets (or both).
WARNING (especially to Christians): There are consequences to digging into this issue too deeply. Honestly, I'm no longer sure it is a good idea- and it's definetely a bad idea for those without faith and those not strong in their faith. If you do decide to dig, understand that there are a lot of wolves in sheep's clothing out there.


po boy
21st September 2010, 04:55 AM
Dsygenic, just curious what you think of William Cooper's mystery Babylon series. I know he started out with the alien belief but did a 180 when he realized he was being fed info. I started listening to his series and as well as others such as John Todd Alan Watt ect. and started to see things everywhere. Peace to you

21st September 2010, 07:07 AM
William Cooper is one guy that I've never been able to find a blemish on. My opinion is that he was a true American hero, one of the very few that isn't controlled opposition. At least that's what I really hope. It seems like just about everyone else out there has been exposed as CO. They killed Cooper, but I've learned that's not a guarantee of innocence. I got into Alan Watt years ago, then recently started getting into him again. Word is that he got exposed as CO near the end. Supposedly he was very rich man by that time and there are stories floating around that he felt guilty.
I'd recommend WC as a starting point. He had very good info concerning MJ12, the disinformation campaign, the technical and military aspect, the CIA black ops, and so forth. This thing goes a whole lot deeper than that, though.


Dsygenic, just curious what you think of William Cooper's mystery Babylon series. I know he started out with the alien belief but did a 180 when he realized he was being fed info. I started listening to his series and as well as others such as John Todd Alan Watt ect. and started to see things everywhere. Peace to you