View Full Version : Forced evacuations begin in less than two weeks (Gulf catastrophe)

2nd June 2010, 09:31 AM
Listening in now, interesting. I think this is from Steve Quayle (Hawk?)

From the David Icke Forum: (http://www.davidicke.com/forum/showpost.php?p=1058928064&postcount=1192)

Forced evacuations begin in less than two weeks

Greg Evensen is a former Oklahoma state trooper, very reliable. Anyone within a thousand miles of the Gulf of Mexico needs to listen to every word of this. Don't be put off by the religious tone of this; the info about the troops at 500 mile intervals is true. Forced evacuations will begin in less than weeks. If you don't leave now, you will never make it. You will either die on the road, or in a FEMA camp. The troops are already in place.
Best wishes,
John Kaminski


2nd June 2010, 09:59 AM
Listening in now, interesting. I think this is from Steve Quayle (Hawk?)

From the David Icke Forum: (http://www.davidicke.com/forum/showpost.php?p=1058928064&postcount=1192)

Forced evacuations begin in less than two weeks

Greg Evensen is a former Oklahoma state trooper, very reliable. Anyone within a thousand miles of the Gulf of Mexico needs to listen to every word of this. Don't be put off by the religious tone of this; the info about the troops at 500 mile intervals is true. Forced evacuations will begin in less than weeks. If you don't leave now, you will never make it. You will either die on the road, or in a FEMA camp. The troops are already in place.
Best wishes,
John Kaminski


1,000 miles from the gulf coast is like 85% of the southern United States.

Any evacuations, forced or not, will affect a great many people, just like Katrina refugees did in surrounding areas. This could displace even more. I dont know about forced mass evacs and all that, but I could very well see a mass exodus by summers end if things dont get better and for sure if a couple good 'canes come through the gulf.

A friend gave me the link above this weekend, but I havent had a chance to listen to it yet.

The good news is, maybe all the new yorkers will go back to new york like they did after our 04 and 05 hurricane seasons. I swear, those couple winters afterwards were the nicest, most new yorker free winters I've ever seen in Florida. (its also what started putting florida into a depression 2 years before the rest of the country, though).

2nd June 2010, 11:35 AM
Forcing them would be very difficult.. the banksters will use terror and fear to drive the masses away... this is what is happening now.

2nd June 2010, 12:07 PM
Yeah, forced evacuations isn't jumping to conclusions enough.

Should just say civil war starts in two weeks.

2nd June 2010, 03:53 PM
Oh crap. That means I will be a refugee or a revolutionary.

4th June 2010, 12:56 PM
This no longer (evacuations) seems that outlandish anymore:

Crystal River Nuclear Power Plant Braces for Oil Spill's Impact (http://www.am850.com/index.php?id=3045)

As the oil off Louisiana’s coast continues to threaten wildlife, tourism, and the fishing industry, nuclear power plants along Florida’s Gulf coast are also on edge. Progress Energy spokeswoman Susan Grant says that while forecasts look good now, they are definitely preparing for the worst at locations like their Crystal River Nuclear Plant. Grant says their coastal plants are already somewhat prepared because of standard precautions already in place. She says Progress Energy is taking no chances considering the potentially devastating effects of oil entering their plants. Aside from the Crystal River Nuclear complex in Citrus County, Progress Energy is making preperations at their Anclote Plant in Pasco County and their Bartlow Plant in Pinellas County.

Posted: Tuesday, May 18, 2010, 17:28 PM

Possible power outages?

Possible water contaminations?


4th June 2010, 01:29 PM
It is not possible to force evacuations from Texas to Florida...even if hit by nukes...no where to go.

4th June 2010, 05:51 PM
It is not possible to force evacuations from Texas to Florida...even if hit by nukes...no where to go.

Exactly! I don't care if the entire gulf and Atlantic ocean catches on fire, a mass evacuation of the gulf States will never happen.

Besides, my tomato plants are looking really good. I'm staying put. >:(

6th June 2010, 10:26 PM
Mother Jones, mostly about this Hawk/evacuations audio,

BP Oil Spill: A Slippery Slope to FEMA Detention Camps? (http://motherjones.com/politics/2010/06/bp-oil-spill-fema-camps)

7th June 2010, 08:06 AM
On June 17th, we shall know that Steve Quayle and Greg Evensen are FALSE PROPHETS.

11th June 2010, 02:05 PM
Those guys have cried wolf so many times that they have lost all credibility. I have heard numerous martial law predictions form them 6+ months ago. I don't listen too them anymore because of the BS which is a shame because some of the stuff they talk about it interesting.

19th June 2010, 08:59 PM
On June 17th, we shall know that Steve Quayle and Greg Evensen are FALSE PROPHETS.

Its June 19th already. You're late. ;D

Desolation LineTrimmer
19th June 2010, 09:14 PM
Oh crap. That means I will be a refugee or a revolutionary.

The possibility also exists that the "forced evacuations" are nothing more than rumor.

19th June 2010, 09:16 PM
They have several more audios up at their site now, #122 is the last. I've listened to a few, generally interesting chatter, but they're schizophrenic Christian Zionists; one minute they're griping about the illuminati & the NWO, next they're praying for Israel, pfff! But if you can plug your nose & check out thelightgate.com (http://www.thelightgate.com/) every few days, there's sometimes some interesting news nugget posted which I hadn't seen elsewhere, esp re the oil disaster.

Incidentally Steve Quayle isn't one of the guys talking in the OP audio, though they mention SQ flatteringly once or twice. SQ is another Christian CTist, though he mixes some true/interesting/plausible stuff with aliens & "giants". His site maintains a list of the suspiciously dead scientists, now 98 (http://www.stevequayle.com/dead_scientists/UpdatedDeadScientists.html).