View Full Version : Letter from an online zionist supporter...

2nd June 2010, 02:47 PM

Letter from an online zionist supporter
By: Syrian on: 01.06.2010 [14:33 ] (777 reads)

Dear Sir or Madam,
You have made a post that dares to criticize Israel. As you know, this makes you an anti-semite.
I would like to point out the following facts that are relevant to the discussion:

(x) 6 million Jews died in the holocaust.
(x) You are an anti semite.
( ) Israel made the desert bloom and we have beautiful beaches.
( ) The Jews have been persecuted for thousands of years.
(x) All arabs want to push the Jews into the sea.
(x) Israel is a shining example of democracy and ethnic discrimination does not exist.
(x) Suicide bombers are killing Israeli citizens and collective punishment will put a stop to this eventually.
(x) The IDF are showing remarkable restraint; They have the power to nuke the entire region but choose not to.
(x) It is the fault of the Palestinians that they don't rebuild infrastructure fast enough after we bomb it.
(x) Arafat walked out on camp David, proving that 100% of Palestinians want war, not peace.
( ) The Jews are God's chosen people and this is the land that was promised to us by a book.
( ) It is not a genocide until hundreds of thousands of Palestinans are killed and we aren't even close to that yet.
(x) 100% of Palestinians are terrorists.
( ) The Arabs drove the Jews from their homeland thousands of years ago so it is about time for some payback.
( ) Israel has killed fewer people than Iran or Iraq which means we are a peaceful state.
( ) Carpet bombing an entire country is a perfectly rational response to the kidnapping of a soldier.
(x) It's not a concentration camp, it's a safety wall!
(x) The IDF were carrying paintball guns! Really!

Therefore, your claim of Israel attacking a humanitarian aid flotilla in international waters is false and we should continue to send money and military support to Israel.

Yours sincerely,
P.S. you are an anti-semite.

2nd June 2010, 02:51 PM
Not anti-Semite for you are not a Semite......only anti-Zionist, which you are.

2nd June 2010, 05:35 PM
( ) Israel has killed fewer people than Iran or Iraq which means we are a peaceful state.

Israel was instrumental in starting the Iran Iraq war and my guess is, they are behind much of the civil war type violence/ suicide bombings in Iraq.

Iraq is just a few hundred miles from Israel. Israel would like to see Iraq wiped off the map.

In order to find comparable numbers of war dead in recent times, I think you would have to go back to the Vietnam/ Southeast Asian war, where the US killed about 4.5 million civilians.

If the Olympics had a gold medal for mass murder, Israel & the related Christian Zionist & Jewish elites that run the US would share the medal.