View Full Version : So What Do we Do about it ?

2nd June 2010, 06:24 PM
First of all, I would like to acknowledge HR 1055 and 1059, which Pelosi was instrumental in the creation of.

What those laws do is make illegal any language about interfering with the US government.

So if we were to have a conversation where we acknowledge that the current US Government doesn't represent most American citizens, and then talk about "what to do about it", we run the risk of falling into the legal purview of the laws contained in HR 1055 and 1059.

So we can't talk about things like monkey-wrenching on a public forum, for it would endanger the forum and invite attention from the ZOG.

But we can talk about how to De-Zog our lives.

1. Boycott Industries that Support the Zionists.

Hollywood, for example. It doesn't mean, don't watch movies. It means, buy them used at the Salvation Army. Jerry Bruckheimer and Steven Spielberg can live without our money. Why subsidize an industry that practices extensive nepotism and discriminates against non-Jews ?

Another industry that supports the Zionists - the banking industry.

The pharmaceutical industry, the American medical industry, the American defense industry, biotech including Monsanto - certain industries seem to attract Criminal Jews more than others.

2. Gold is Money.

I have a list of 8 kinds of financial risk that mostly relate to avoiding Jewish scams. As many are aware here, there are health benefits to dis-engaging from the US banking system. Less stressful, and your savings keep their value.

3. Grow Your Own.

Food & Medicine.

4. Minimize your use of Fossil Fuels & Petro-chemicals.

The oil industry is one of the most Zionist industries on Earth. Why use their products any more than you have to ?

5. Teach Young People about Criminal Jews.

I think one of the best things we can do is teach our kids REAL history, so that they are aware of Jewish scams and the history of criminal Jews before they ever enter the workforce or go to college.

By teaching our kids REAL history, we give them the tools they will need to identify and avoid the many Talmudic vultures they will meet in their lives.

6. Support Moral Media & Anti-Zionist Media.

One of the few full-time Anti-Zionists that I know is Daryl Bradford Smith. I feel like one of the best ways to counter the Zionist dominated media is to help Daryl spread his database. This could be as simple as putting part of his book collection on a CD-ROM and burning 5 copies and giving them to young people.

His website is

2nd June 2010, 06:45 PM
And listen to Ponce when he goes crazy with his anti-Zionist rant........he's always right ;D

2nd June 2010, 07:14 PM
Their "law" is irrelevant.

I do not ask permission to speak freely, to think freely.

I will continue to call the US Government Satanic, for it is. I will continue to state the US Government represents the Devil, not the American people. I will continue to state that the right of revolution and armed resistance to US Government tyranny is an inalienable (non-cancellable) right, granted by God, and acknowledged in the Declaration of Independence.

2nd June 2010, 07:42 PM
Everyone gets an applaud for this thread.

The only problem I see is boycotting the petrochemical industry. Look around, almost everything and I mean everything is made of petrochemicals. Most painted things, all plastics, cars etc.

I have everything else covered so far. Now I will go check your link, perhaps another bookmark will be in order.

3rd June 2010, 12:03 PM
Everyone gets an applaud for this thread.

The only problem I see is boycotting the petrochemical industry. Look around, almost everything and I mean everything is made of petrochemicals. Most painted things, all plastics, cars etc.

I have everything else covered so far. Now I will go check your link, perhaps another bookmark will be in order.

yes, in college, in engineering school, everything was oriented towards learning how to work for companies like Apple (injection molded plastic computer cases) and Mattel (injection molded plastic toys) and Harris (injection molded metal-plated digital radio cases) and Ford (injection molded interior, injection molded bumpers, etc.). where the plastic is petro-chemical based.

i was confronted with something similar with my niece's birthday a few years ago. everything she had on her "birthday list" was stuff she saw on TV - all plastic.

not being comfortable with the idea that young Chinese people should work in fume-filled extremely dusty workplaces to make toys for young American people, i tried to find an American gift. i ended up buying a rosebush and a watering can. i thought they would enjoy watching it grow and stuff like that. i think they thought it was a wierd gift.

which i guess sort of gets away from the subject of boycotting Israel.

when i say, "So What Do we Do about it ?", clearly part of the response is, how do we impede Israel's ability to terrorize the rest of the world ? how do we stop the Israeli military machine - and the American military machine that works in service of Israeli delusions (using Christians to kill Muslims) ?

i think Ellsberg provides one example of what an insider can do. so that is one answer - become an insider & do not sacrifice your morals.

possibly, in leaking the Pentagon papers, about the Vietnam War, Ellsberg broke the law. then Johnson or Nixon broke the law trying to "get" Ellsberg, and i think Ellsberg managed to stay out of jail.

as an example of legal things that people can do, i had one friend who set up a table at the "career day" for her son's high school. next to all the military recruiters, she had information about Depleted Uranium, PTSD, and other fringe benefits & side effects of American military service.

educating young people so they don't go into the service of the Zionist meat-grinder military machine - that might be one of the most time-effective things a person can do.