View Full Version : So much for Videotaping the Police

willie pete
2nd June 2010, 08:57 PM
Just another step closer to totalitarianism


2nd June 2010, 08:59 PM
thats not gonna fly

2nd June 2010, 09:19 PM
never stop recording, ever, ever, ever. If everyone with a camera stopped and recorded every police interaction, whether their own or not, you'd have a half dozen recordings of every encounter. It would all go viral and affect hearts and minds quicker than the cops could cover it up, even more than it already does. It would be hard to organize a full jury without at least one of those people having seen it and formed their own opinions beforehand, and thats all it takes.

I dont have a camera on my phone, but I try to carry a little hand held digital recorder when I can. Even if it doesnt help you at all (as in it gets thrown out of court, etc) the more of these people see the better. I see more and more people waking up because of videos such as these on the internet. The state appologist have a hard time fighting and swaying the opinions of others in the face of most of these.

As far as peacefull resistance goes, it doesnt get much better than videos spammed over the net of the abuses of the state. From there......who knows.....

2nd June 2010, 09:31 PM

Good post Heimdhal

I don't get out much...(don't see many busts)
But I do have a video capable phone and I will use it when and if get a chance

2nd June 2010, 09:35 PM
Great, what a bunch of female reproductive organs! Too scared to have the public make a record of your actions, while you record every action beneficial to you on your dash cam?

I hope this makes it to the Supreme Court and gets overturned.

2nd June 2010, 09:51 PM
I agree.. keep recording.. don't expect help from the courts, they are on the police side... it is we-the-people against the legalist oppressors.

it is we-the-people who will inform each other, not mass media.

The banksters want rebellion (some resistance will come from the recognition of unjust laws) so they can initiate a fully policed and militarized state.. they think this will be their safety from us...


willie pete
2nd June 2010, 09:53 PM
Oh, I'll almost guarantee you it'll go to the SCOTUS, the problem is; WILL they decide to hear it? Here's a recent case that the dashcam video convicted a cop for shooting a motorcyclist in the back and paralysizing him, the cop was ultimately convicted and awaits sentencing 6/23/10


2nd June 2010, 10:14 PM
The pigs are going to keep pushing...and pushing...and pushing...until all citizens simply resist with vest-defeating, high-velocity ammunition.

2nd June 2010, 10:50 PM
On the dash board of both of my vehicles I have a small recoder that's on when ever I drive my car but in can be turn on in a second to record anything "interesting".