View Full Version : Our legal system.. creating domestic terrorists.. one child at a time.

3rd June 2010, 12:49 AM
A Cry For Help From A Political Prisoner, Robert Wanek

video on my court case, the judge ruled against me behind closed doors without having a hearing.



Names and and images are scarce due to the legal restrictions upon me, at a later date a vast amount of the 400+ page transcript will be available to the public.
Dating way back to December when I was a Junior at Breckenridge High School, many of you probably encountered my video describing how I was assaulted and suspended by faculty for handing out anti-vaccine information. This video gained over 31,000 views in three days, reaching the front pages of youtube, and gaining mega viral status. The attention garnered from this my video led to hundreds of phone calls and emails pouring into Breckenridge High, eventually the teacher who assualted me filed a restraining order on behalf of him and his family in an attempt to halt production of my online videos. the petition for restraining order was accepted and the terms were highly unconstitutional and orwellian, I was no longer allowed to mention BHS staff members names on the internet, and no video could be shot of any teachers in public, a gag order was also in place to prevent me from discussing the contents of the order.

In this restraining order it was stated that I made death threats and displayed threatening behavior/ made threatening phone calls to staff homes. Alleged threats including ‘Putting an axe through your forehead’ , ‘Burning down your house’, and even ‘Killing your children.’ I was shocked to read that these comments and these sick statements supposedly were the work of me?? I would never engage in such horrendous behavior, and I certainly wouldn’t jeapordize my credible by harrassing faculty at their homes. A 2 year harrassment restraining order was accepted by the court against me putting major limitations on my quest for justice after being assaulted.

Armed with the phone records to prove my innocence I aquired Sam Johnson from Johnson Law Offices in Wahpeton, ND to represent me in repealing this fraudulent restraining order. After all, the order even stated I could be arrested for ‘Third Parties’ contacting the school or engaging in activism. The first hearing was simply a debate between the opposing attorney and Mr. Johnson, the matter was continued. Hearing number two on the issue was a grueling 9 hour court appearence in which Judge Peter Hoff could not make a decision on the matter. Throughout the entire hearing Mr. Hoff refused to accept evidence from us, he overruled possibly 98% of my lawyers’ objections, and viewed and assesed evidence before it had been marked or admitted. That is a major conduct violation.

3rd June 2010, 06:59 AM
I have watched Roberts problem for a while now. Too bad he hired Attorners to 'defend' his rights. LOL

"He who claims no rights, HAS NO RIGHTS." - Maxim in Law

You cannot sign power of attorney over to another man, and then expect your 'rights' to be recognized! WAKE UP!

Robert- Do you have the right to free speech? WHERE DID IT COME FROM?

Not to mention if he was assaulted, why didnt he sue the man who assaulted him? Sue the man civilly for damages. Instead he pursued the school. THE FICTION. (The attorney's idea, guaranteed!) Which only leads to more bullsh*t, etc.

Claim your right.
Stand upon your right.
Defend your right.

I have a feeling this is more about attention and winning, than doing the right thing.

3rd June 2010, 07:23 AM
Sui Juris,

Please keep in mind that he's a high school student. Most of us were brainwashed in high school about rights. This is a learning experience he'll never forget. He'll learn what rights are, and are not because of this I'm sure.

3rd June 2010, 07:40 AM
Good post, Ximmy. Thanks.

Twisted Titan
3rd June 2010, 07:53 AM
As my Momma would say:





3rd June 2010, 08:23 AM
Like I said before..............."Terrorists are not born that way but made by the injustice being committed against them and those who cannot defend themselves"

And besides, what is a "terrorist" to some is a hero to many for the terrorist is speaking up for them.

Twisted Titan
3rd June 2010, 08:55 AM
Like I said before..............."Terrorists are not born that way but made by the injustice being committed against them and those who cannot defend themselves"

And besides, what is a "terrorist" to some is a hero to many for the terrorist is speaking up for them.

You need only reflect that one of the best ways to get yourself a reputation as a dangerous citizen these days is to go around repeating the very phrases which our founding fathers used in their struggle for independence."

Charles A. Beard