View Full Version : Catherine Austin Fitts and Clifford Carnicom on Chemtrails

Large Sarge
3rd June 2010, 11:32 AM
so that interview from about 7-10 days ago finally made it onto the "free section"


3rd June 2010, 12:25 PM
Thanks Sarge.

.m4a audio file plays on free VLC Player (http://www.videolan.org/vlc/) for those unawares, that player plays just about any audio/video file you throw at it.

Carnicom interview begins at the 16:00 mark, and lasts 10 mins through the end of the audio file.

I'm going to copy your OP to my Chemtrails/Morgellons thread (http://gold-silver.us/forum/conspiracy-theories/chemtrails-morgellons-syndrome-primer-latest-news/msg5320/#msg5320), which I'd like to keep up to date as sort of a "blog" with the best & latest info.

edit: I just listened, it's only an 8 minute teaser from the longer full CAF/Carnicom interview... the full interview remains a seekrit to those who aren't paying Solari Report subscribers.. bummer; I've said before, "hoarding" this interview re a major public health issue is poor judgment from CAF. Hope she changes her mind and sets it free for everyone, like Rense does (http://rense.com/Datapages/morgRSPEC.htm).