View Full Version : American Jews eye Obama's 'anti-Israel' appointees.

3rd June 2010, 07:45 PM
What a shame, I guess that I never would be able to be a poletician in the US.
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American Jews eye Obama's 'anti-Israel' appointees.

Nominees have been accused of being anti-Israel and touted as evidence showing Obama's bias.
By Natasha Mozgovaya

Israel news Every appointee to the American government must endure a thorough background check by the American Jewish community.

In the case of Obama's government in particular, every criticism against Israel made by a potential government appointee has become a catalyst for debate about whether appointing "another leftist" offers proof that Obama does not truly support Israel.

A few months ago, boisterous protests by the American Jewish community helped foil the appointment of Chaz Freeman to chair the National Intelligence Council, citing his "anti-Israel leaning."

The next attempt to appoint an intelligence aide, in this case, former Republican senator Chuck Hagel, also resulted in vast criticism over his not having a pro-Israel record.

American Zionists are urging Obama to cancel Hagel's appointment because of what they call a long and problematic record of hostility toward Israel.

The president of the Zionist Organization of America, Morton A. Klein, described Hagel's nomination as such: "Any American who is concerned about Iran's drive to obtain nuclear weapons, maintaining the Israeli-U.S. relationship and supporting Israel in its legitimate fight to protect her citizens from terrorism should oppose this appointment."

Republican Jews have also protested Hagel's appointment, citing an incident in 2004 when Hagel refused to sign a letter calling on then-president George Bush to speak about Iran's nuclear program at the G8 summit that year.

In August of 2006, Hagel refused to sign a letter requesting the UN declare Hezbollah a terrorist organization.

In a speech at the conference of self-declared "pro-peace, pro-Israel" lobby J Street, Hagel spoke about his views on the issue of Israel and the Middle East.

"The United States' support for Israel need not be - nor should it be - an either-or proposition that dictates our relationships with our Arab allies and friends. The U.S. has a long and special relationship with Israel, but it must not come at the expense of our Arab relationships," Hagel said.

The latest round of heated debate has been over the nomination of Hannah Rosenthal to head the Office to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism in the Obama administration.

Rosenthal, who is the daughter of a Holocaust survivor, served as a Health Department regional director under the Clinton administration, and held positions in different left-leaning Jewish organizations.

Between 2000 and 2005, Rosenthal was the head of the Jewish Council for Public Affairs; she was also the executive director of the Chicago Foundation for Women. In recent years, she has served on the advisory board of the J Street lobby.

The president of Americans for Peace Now lauded Obama's appointment of Rosenthal. Even Anti-Defamation League chairman Abraham Foxman came out in support of Rosenthal's appointment.

"This appointment signals the continued seriousness of America?s resolve to fight anti-Semitism," Foxman said in a statement.

Shortly after the announcement of Rosenthal's nomination, conservative Jewish web sites began to attack her, some of them declaring that Obama appointed an anti-Israeli to fight anti-Semitism.

Rumors brewed that she had accused Israel of systemically strengthening anti-Semitism. Bloggers argued that her appointment would cause Jews and Israelis to cast doubt on Obama and his relationship with Israel.

In one of her articles, Rosenthal criticized conservative voices in the Jewish community who she accused of taking over the discourse regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

"It's a scary time, with people losing the ability to differentiate between a Jew, any Jew, and what's going on in Israel," Rosenthal said.

In an interview with the new online Jewish magazine, Tablet, Rosenthal said that she loves Israel.

"I have lived in Israel. I go back and visit every chance I can. I consider it part of my heart. And because I love it so much, I want to see it safe and secure and free and democratic and living safely," Rosenthal said.


3rd June 2010, 07:56 PM
Rosenthal, who is the daughter of a Holocaust survivor

Does it ever astound you how many "survived"? Aside from the fact that they claim 6 million jews were killed which exceeds the entire population of jews in europe let alone Germany at the time, how did so many survive?

Apparently the Nazi's should've taken some pointers from the marxists Stalin and Mao, when they do a genocide they get results.

FWIW here is a partial list of jews in obama's cabinet. What a rabid anti semite he is :oo-->

David Axelrod (2009- ) Senior Advisor to the President
Jared Bernstein (2009- ) Chief Economist and Economic Policy Advisor to the Vice President
Rahm Emanuel (2009- ) Chief of Staff
Lee Feinstein (2009- ) Foreign Policy Advisor
Gary Gensler (2009- ) Chair of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission
Elena Kagan (2009- ) Solicitor General of the United States
Ronald Klain (2009- ) Chief of Staff to the Vice President
Jack Lew (2009- ) Deputy Secretary of State
Eric Lynn (2009- ) Middle East Policy Advisor
Peter Orszag (2009- ) Director of the Office of Management and Budget
Dennis Ross (2009- ) Special Advisor for the Gulf and Southwest Asia to the Secretary of State
Mara Rudman (2009- ) Foreign Policy Advisor
Mary Schapiro (2009- ) Chair of the Securities and Exchange Commission
Dan Shapiro (2009- ) Head of Middle East desk at the National Security Council
James B. Steinberg (2009- ) Deputy Secretary of State
Lawrence Summers (2009- ) Director National Economic Council
Mona Sutphen (2009- ) Deputy White House Chief of Staff

3rd June 2010, 08:30 PM
Same situation in Russia when they formed the Peoples Communist Party, five of the first Politburo members were Zionist "Jew".

Out of 368 commissar 289 were Zionist "Jew"

The head of the secret police was a Zionist "Jew" as well and 93% of its police force.

There is a lot more but this will give you a general idea.

Interesting that for over forty years the US has been fighting a cold war with Russia and meanwhile those who started the whole thing were taking over the US government.............live and learn.

3rd June 2010, 09:16 PM
FWIW here is a partial list of jews in obama's cabinet. What a rabid anti semite he is :oo-->

David Axelrod (2009- ) Senior Advisor to the President
Jared Bernstein (2009- ) Chief Economist and Economic Policy Advisor to the Vice President
Rahm Emanuel (2009- ) Chief of Staff
Lee Feinstein (2009- ) Foreign Policy Advisor
Gary Gensler (2009- ) Chair of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission
Elena Kagan (2009- ) Solicitor General of the United States
Ronald Klain (2009- ) Chief of Staff to the Vice President
Jack Lew (2009- ) Deputy Secretary of State
Eric Lynn (2009- ) Middle East Policy Advisor
Peter Orszag (2009- ) Director of the Office of Management and Budget
Dennis Ross (2009- ) Special Advisor for the Gulf and Southwest Asia to the Secretary of State
Mara Rudman (2009- ) Foreign Policy Advisor
Mary Schapiro (2009- ) Chair of the Securities and Exchange Commission
Dan Shapiro (2009- ) Head of Middle East desk at the National Security Council
James B. Steinberg (2009- ) Deputy Secretary of State
Lawrence Summers (2009- ) Director National Economic Council
Mona Sutphen (2009- ) Deputy White House Chief of Staff

You forgot the second & third most important (behind Emanuel):

Tim Geithner

Janet Napolitano

3rd June 2010, 09:35 PM
Thanks 2232, I just tried to send her an email but the site took me elsewhere, they can dish it out but cannot take it....the head of that site is a cow by the name of Rosenthal........it figures.

6th June 2010, 06:29 AM
Rosenthal, who is the daughter of a Holocaust survivor

Does it ever astound you how many "survived"? Aside from the fact that they claim 6 million jews were killed which exceeds the entire population of jews in europe let alone Germany at the time, how did so many survive?

there were 3 1/2 million Jews in occupied Europe at the beginning of WW2.

so, for every Jew that survived, that is one less that could have died at the hands of Nazi Germany.

Jewish Historian Walter Sanning studied this at great length and published his book on the subject in the early 1990's. the Jews realized it looked stupid to claim 6 million died when there were only 3 1/2 million in occupied Europe. so they revised their claimed death toll down but never updated American textbooks.

The Dissolution of Eastern European Jewry
by Walter Sanning

Sanning estimates that 1.2 million Jews died during WW2 - 200,000 in occupied Europe, 1 million in Soviet territory.

6th June 2010, 01:17 PM
Same situation in Russia when they formed the Peoples Communist Party, five of the first Politburo members were Zionist "Jew".

Out of 368 commissar 289 were Zionist "Jew"

The head of the secret police was a Zionist "Jew" as well and 93% of its police force.

There is a lot more but this will give you a general idea.

Interesting that for over forty years the US has been fighting a cold war with Russia and meanwhile those who started the whole thing were taking over the US government.............live and learn.

Close but not factually correct.

According to a table made up in 1918 by Robert Wilton, a correspondent of the London Times in Russia. There were 384 commissars which included 2 Negroes, 13 Russian, 15 Chinamen, 22 Armenians, and more than 300 Jews. Of those Jews 264 had come from the United States.

This information comes from David Dukes book, Jewish Supremacism (That word isn't in this forums dictionary by the way.) on page 47.

6th June 2010, 02:16 PM
For all the Nazi's morons out there, if you don't belive in the halocaust, then you realize Hilter was a Zionist Jew. There is no rationel that white people would behave in such a manner, even though they should.

6th June 2010, 07:37 PM
For all the Nazi's morons out there, if you don't belive in the halocaust, then you realize Hilter was a Zionist Jew. There is no rationel that white people would behave in such a manner, even though they should.

You of course are believing the jewish claim that 6 million jews were killed.