View Full Version : Hydrogen peroxide for your plans, trees, gardens, etc

Large Sarge
4th June 2010, 06:34 AM

Large Sarge
4th June 2010, 10:20 AM
here is another site for using HP on the farm (for animals, etc)


5th June 2010, 03:25 PM
what's it for if you use it on plants ? killing mold ?

Large Sarge
5th June 2010, 04:29 PM
what's it for if you use it on plants ? killing mold ?

you can spray it to kill mold (on the plant/tree)

or you can water the plants with it, the roots love it, the nitrogen fixing bacteria really respond to it.

just amazing stuff

that guy in the second link, uses it on his farm, all the animals get H2O2 in their drinking water (parts per million)

anyway, they never get parasites, infections, etc

costs pennies per day

5th June 2010, 11:19 PM
Thanks for the info. My zuchs are getting moldy leaves already, so I will try it.

OT: If you are coming on with an ear ache you can pour HP in your ear and it should stop it in it's tracks.

5th June 2010, 11:54 PM
Thanks for the info. My zuchs are getting moldy leaves already, so I will try it.

OT: If you are coming on with an ear ache you can pour HP in your ear and it should stop it in it's tracks.

Yep I've Used it in the past for swimmers ear ...works well...but really loud...lol

12th June 2010, 03:17 PM
Yep I've Used it in the past for swimmers ear ...works well...but really loud...lol

is it like a fizzy sound - only amplified ?

last time i got swimmer's ear they said it was "serous otitis" and prescribed Sudafed.

which is basically like speed.

i got swimmer's ear from doing too much diving, going a little too deep holding my breath.

so when i took the Sudafed, i went swimming again and the first swim was fun. swam about 7 miles. that's what happens when you swim after taking Sudafed.

but ultimately, my ability to correct my ear pressure just plain has decreased a lot. i used to be able to go to 30 feet comfortably, now 10 feet is pushing it.

i guess that's sort of off the subject of Hydrogen Peroxide.

anyway, those kelp beds are kind of like an underwater Garden ! 8)

Large Sarge
24th June 2010, 01:36 PM
ok, I have become a hydrogen peroxide believer, WOW!

I have used hydrogen peroxide on all my houseplants (7-10 drops 35% grade H2O2 per cup of water)

the results are amazing!

used it on my fruit trees, etc

it is unbelievable!

the plants just love it, I have seen sickly, barely hanging on house plants turn around completely over night, just from peroxide.

one poor old plant, was ready for the trash can, did the peroxide to him, and overnight, he improved dramatically, within 3 days you would not even think its the same plant (seriously)

I did it in the garden (watered the veggies with peroxide water, using a bucket)

now I am doing it with foliar feeding, 20 gallon hose end sprayer.

the corn (sweet corn) is the tallest I have ever seen, my guess is over 8 feet tall.

if you decide to try it, you can goto a pool supply store, and get "technical grade peroxide"

costs about half of what food grade does,

and it fine for gardening

really wish I had known about this years ago.

you can take about any sick plant, and make it grow like no tomorrow.

Large Sarge
24th June 2010, 01:43 PM
Hydrogen Peroxide And Farming
The Amish started using hydrogen peroxide in agriculture. Amish people spray their string beans after they're done yielding, with a solution of hydrogen peroxide several times in the morning. Those beans re-bloom, and they get another 1-3 pickings. They spray it on their cabbage and on their cauliflower and potatoes, and the bugs leave. They spray their alfalfa with it and they find that they get 6 inches more growth, and the alfalfa aphids and weevils leave. An ounce of 3% H2O2 per quart of water used. Spray the solution on the leaves as well. Seeds germinate faster, with bigger sprouts when they are first soaked in one ounce of H2O2 to a pint of water. Instead of cutting trees that are diseased or otherwise struggling, spray them with 1 part H2O2 to 32 parts water. To use it as an insecticide, take a gallon of water and add 8 oz. of white sugar, and 8 oz. of 3% hydrogen peroxide and spray your plants with it. The sugar absorbs the hydrogen peroxide, and it sticks to the leaf. However it will fall off if it rains. If you do your carrots with this sugar solution they will foliage feed and become very sweet. The H2O2 stimulates the plants so they take out more nitrogen from the air.

24th June 2010, 02:18 PM
Wow that sounds pretty amazing. I think I might give it a shot. I have been having many problems with my garden this year. The weather has been extremely bizarre. First it was way to cold decent weather was 2-3 weeks late. Many of my seeds rotted in the ground. Then it suddenly got hot and many of the plants that were up could not handle the temperature swing. Most people I know lost all there cucumbers. I lost most of them and half of my squash. The ones left are really stunted and having trouble. Maybe this will help.

Large Sarge
25th June 2010, 06:34 AM
if any of you folks decide to try this amazing and cheap substance, I recommend you do it early morning (pre-dawn)

Sunlight breaks down peroxide in a hurry.

When I do my foliar feeding, I do it early early, like 5 A.M.

I think most of you would be shocked at the result from this simple thing, its no wonder the Amish do it.

simply amazing