View Full Version : Review of Zionism, Militarism And The Decline Of US Power by James Petras.

4th June 2010, 10:03 AM
Where we are becoming weaker they are becoming stronger, will they use our own weapons against us?
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Review of Zionism, Militarism And The Decline Of US Power by James Petras.

- 04. Jun, 2010 in Commentary/Analysis, Israel, News/Politics, U.S. Foreign Policy, Zionism -
December 2009 issue of Culture Wars magazine – Ken FreelandThe hegemonic influence of Zionist-Israeli forces over America’s foreign policy, particularly Middle East policy, is a phenomenon without historical precedent. While right-wing radicals, with their focus on patriotism and constitutional values, set off early alarms about this perceived foreign domination, the Left pretty much slept through its insidious ascent to power.

The American Left, indeed, has a long and unfortunate history of giving a free pass to Israel, reserving the whole of its diatribe for imperialists of the indigenous variety. (As James Petras makes clear again and again, this is a predictable result of the antiwar movement’s frequently pro-Israel leadership, and the ubiquitous Zionist-liberal influence within it.)

For the traditional Left, this emergence of a Zionist power elite within the United States presents a significant theoretical problem… it really does not follow from the normal Leftist-materialist construction of the political world, and so it tends to be just ignored. The popular antiwar movement slogan “no war for oil” is its residue: the Left is happy to pin the war tail on the donkey of Big Oil, a traditional bogeyman, and one which fits neatly into a materialist paradigm…
