View Full Version : Is the USA on the brink of economic crisis?

4th June 2010, 12:59 PM
Is the USA on the brink of economic crisis?

Pages: 12

An economic crisis may occur in the USA the day after tomorrow, if American congressmen do not decide to increase borrowings to USD 9 trillion by the time they leave for their autumn recess.

USA needs to increase borrowings


Sky is the limit for the USA's national debt

On 6 March the Head of the Treasury John Snow warned congressmen that by 20 March the USA may exceed the fixed limit of $8.2 trillion.

Snow announced that the American administration had taken measures to avoid exceeding the agreed limit of national debt. He encouraged congress to approve the increasing of the borrowings as soon as possible so as to avoid a possible economic crisis.

They plan to limit the Social Security Fund which the Treasury thinks will save a few billion dollars. They propose to take $65 billion from the State Pension Fund and $15 billion from the Exchange Stabilization Fund which is in place to account for currency fluctuations. The measures are only temporary and it is thought that the money would be returned to where it came from.


4th June 2010, 01:10 PM
"Is the USA on the brink of economic crisis? "

Are the Kennedy's gun shy?

4th June 2010, 01:17 PM
9 trillion
This is from 1996.

4th June 2010, 01:20 PM
"Is the USA on the brink of economic crisis? "

Are the Kennedy's gun shy?

"Does Charlie Daniel's play a mean fiddle?" - (I hate that commerical)
"Are the Kennedy's at room temperature?"
"Does the Pope sh*t in the woods?" - Thingfish - Frank Zappa
"We're boned." - Bender Rodriguez - Futurama

It looks like a game of musical chairs - with every nation circling around waiting for the music to stop - except that there are no chairs.

4th June 2010, 01:21 PM
Maybe you need to start a "PONCE" thread and post all your findings there :]

A little dated, don't you think....John Snow, Treasury Secretary ? ;]

4th June 2010, 01:33 PM
By reading and knowing about the past you will know the future........as I do.

Grand Master Melon
4th June 2010, 01:41 PM
One need not even read that to know the answer.

4th June 2010, 03:02 PM
You are right Mr Melon........just look around you.........4 day's schools?