View Full Version : Helen Thomas tells the tribe: "GTFO!"

I am me, I am free
4th June 2010, 03:34 PM
When do you think the tribe will give her four bullets to the head?


4th June 2010, 03:43 PM
She really speaks out quite a lot. Very brave of her to go around taking shits on people the way she does.

However, in the past, she usually takes shits in the name of freedom, so...

Large Sarge
4th June 2010, 03:44 PM
zionist hit piece on helen, obligatory "holohoax" mentioned/guilt trip

4th June 2010, 04:24 PM
Good for her, "When you ain't got nothing, you got nothing to lose." I'm old but not yet so old that I don't care if I die or not. I envy her.

4th June 2010, 04:31 PM
Bravo, Helen Thomas.

4th June 2010, 04:31 PM
Can I say that this statement just seems to be very ignorant? Just saying that the Jews "should get the hell out of Palestine" is just an emotional outburst and carries no more weight than those who call for Caucasians to leave the USA because we're occupiers of the Native American land or those who say that all Blacks should go back to Africa.

...waiting for my smite count to double...

4th June 2010, 05:10 PM
Helen Thomas is lead by Satan. That land was PROMISED by God to Israel and it BELONGS to the Jews! Period!

This stinking old crock is almost ready to fall into hell and saying things like this is going to make hell a whole lot hotter for her.

4th June 2010, 05:21 PM
I think the Jews should all go to Idaho... :)

4th June 2010, 06:17 PM
Back to Germany eh? I think there is a reason they left in the first place. Maybe all the Israeli Jews should just move to America, the people here seem to really enjoy being their slaves.

4th June 2010, 07:20 PM
Helen Thomas is lead by Satan. That land was PROMISED by God to Israel and it BELONGS to the Jews! Period!

This stinking old crock is almost ready to fall into hell and saying things like this is going to make hell a whole lot hotter for her.

If I convert to Judaism, am I also entitled to the land?

4th June 2010, 07:29 PM
This stinking old crock is almost ready to fall into hell and saying things like this is going to make hell a whole lot hotter for her.
How do you know she's going to hell for saying this? This sounds more like an emotional outburst rather than a reasoned or biblical criteria for damnation.

Wishing eternal damnation on anyone is a bit harsh.

4th June 2010, 07:31 PM
Helen Thomas is lead by Satan. That land was PROMISED by God to Israel and it BELONGS to the Jews! Period!

This stinking old crock is almost ready to fall into hell and saying things like this is going to make hell a whole lot hotter for her.

Still supporting the Satanic Jews, I see.

Why don't you address John 8:44 and 1 John 2:22-23?

4th June 2010, 07:32 PM
Can I say that this statement just seems to be very ignorant? Just saying that the Jews "should get the hell out of Palestine" is just an emotional outburst and carries no more weight than those who call for Caucasians to leave the USA because we're occupiers of the Native American land or those who say that all Blacks should go back to Africa.

...waiting for my smite count to double...

So you're saying slaughtering all those Indians was the right thing to do, and if given the choice you would do it again?

4th June 2010, 07:34 PM
Helen Thomas is lead by Satan. That land was PROMISED by God to Israel and it BELONGS to the Jews! Period!

This stinking old crock is almost ready to fall into hell and saying things like this is going to make hell a whole lot hotter for her.

Still supporting the Satanic Jews, I see.

Why don't you address John 8:44 and 1 John 2:22-23?

I'll chime in here and recommend Streets also read Rev. 2:9 and 3:9 while they're at it.

4th June 2010, 07:35 PM
Helen Thomas is lead by Satan. That land was PROMISED by God to Israel and it BELONGS to the Jews! Period!

This stinking old crock is almost ready to fall into hell and saying things like this is going to make hell a whole lot hotter for her.

If I convert to Judaism, am I also entitled to the land?

Yes, you get a free house with swimming pool, and a shiny new machine gun!

4th June 2010, 08:54 PM
Helen Thomas is lead by Satan. That land was PROMISED by God to Israel and it BELONGS to the Jews! Period!

This stinking old crock is almost ready to fall into hell and saying things like this is going to make hell a whole lot hotter for her.


John Hagee is that you????? ???

4th June 2010, 10:40 PM
It would only take one hollow point. Not mine to take vengeance, though. She is as pretty as pelosi. If she had said the Africans should go back, would most on this board agree?

4th June 2010, 11:23 PM
It would only take one hollow point. Not mine to take vengeance, though. She is as pretty as pelosi. If she had said the Africans should go back, would most on this board agree?

Yeah, I'd agree; we'd have one less kenyan in the white house!

5th June 2010, 04:29 AM
Can I say that this statement just seems to be very ignorant? Just saying that the Jews "should get the hell out of Palestine" is just an emotional outburst and carries no more weight than those who call for Caucasians to leave the USA because we're occupiers of the Native American land or those who say that all Blacks should go back to Africa.

...waiting for my smite count to double...

So you're saying slaughtering all those Indians was the right thing to do, and if given the choice you would do it again?

Yeah those poor innocent Indians who used to have so much fun burning each other at the stake and other fun public torture methods. Who had such an amazing thriving civilization where they were split into a hundred different tribes all fighting each other. I could go on and on but if someone really thinks the Indian civilization was so great why don't you move to Africa, I hear they have a very similar one still to this day.

What should we have done with the Indians? I would love to hear how one gains territory without killing others I think it would be revolutionary to hear. Of course here in the real world people are willing to fight for their land and don't give it up so easily.

5th June 2010, 04:48 AM
God gave them the land...well, actually, a LOT more of it:


He then took it away from them.

Let me know when He decides to give it back.

5th June 2010, 06:49 AM
Helen Thomas is lead by Satan. That land was PROMISED by God to Israel and it BELONGS to the Jews! Period!

This stinking old crock is almost ready to fall into hell and saying things like this is going to make hell a whole lot hotter for her.

If I convert to Judaism, am I also entitled to the land?

If I convert to Satanism, am I also entitled to the land?

5th June 2010, 07:01 AM
God gave them the land...well, actually, a LOT more of it:


He then took it away from them.

Let me know when He decides to give it back.

It would be nice if God or someone else would define the borders of Israel so we would know what land they are fighting to keep...or take?

Desolation LineTrimmer
5th June 2010, 07:52 AM
Can I say that this statement just seems to be very ignorant? Just saying that the Jews "should get the hell out of Palestine" is just an emotional outburst and carries no more weight than those who call for Caucasians to leave the USA because we're occupiers of the Native American land or those who say that all Blacks should go back to Africa.

...waiting for my smite count to double...

I don't see how in theory we can say separating 2 people is always wrong. Look at the situation of Israel/Palestine. We have a small group of 5 to 7 million Jews claiming a territory that is surrounded by enormous numbers of enemies. For the Jews to live safely in this area the Gazans and West Bank population has to literally be locked-down, and this will likely be forever. It seems to me that somebody has to move. Either the Gazans and West Bankers, or the Israelis, either that or there will be harsh never ending conflict. I have a problem with that never-resolved part.

5th June 2010, 08:24 AM
This stinking old crock is almost ready to fall into hell and saying things like this is going to make hell a whole lot hotter for her.
How do you know she's going to hell for saying this? This sounds more like an emotional outburst rather than a reasoned or biblical criteria for damnation.

Wishing eternal damnation on anyone is a bit harsh.

I don't "wish" for her damnation at all, I have seen NO record of her Salvation anywhere and by most of her "other" statement (like this one) she is as lost as a golf ball in high weeds.

If someone is saved, truly saved ....AND they have any type of "public" exposure, they'll have some sort of witness or testimony to that fact.....somewhere.

5th June 2010, 08:30 AM
God gave them the land...well, actually, a LOT more of it:


He then took it away from them.

Let me know when He decides to give it back.

It would be nice if God or someone else would define the borders of Israel so we would know what land they are fighting to keep...or take?

He did, it's in the old testament. I'll NOT show you where but I GUARANTEE you it is. YOU do your own digging. I'll give you a hint though, read the kings and chronicles...as in ALL of them carefully noting where DAVID's FEET touched and what GOD said about that.

Desolation LineTrimmer
5th June 2010, 08:37 AM
I'll give you a hint though, read the kings and chronicles...as in ALL of them carefully noting where DAVID's FEET touched and what GOD said about that.

Well that settles the matter.

5th June 2010, 08:45 AM
God gave them the land...well, actually, a LOT more of it:


He then took it away from them.

Let me know when He decides to give it back.

It would be nice if God or someone else would define the borders of Israel so we would know what land they are fighting to keep...or take?

He did, it's in the old testament. I'll NOT show you where but I GUARANTEE you it is. YOU do your own digging. I'll give you a hint though, read the kings and chronicles...as in ALL of them carefully noting where DAVID's FEET touched and what GOD said about that.

If the people who call themselves jews today are automatically entitled to all this stuff, and if they are God's chosen, why not convert to judaism? It's worked well for the ashkenazi's! Plus look at it this way you can indulge in all the wickedness of this world and then magically in the end the scales fall from your eyes and heaven awaits you.

5th June 2010, 08:47 AM
Helen Thomas is lead by Satan. That land was PROMISED by God to Israel and it BELONGS to the Jews! Period!

This stinking old crock is almost ready to fall into hell and saying things like this is going to make hell a whole lot hotter for her.

Still supporting the Satanic Jews, I see.

Why don't you address John 8:44 and 1 John 2:22-23?

John 8 is Jesus speaking to OLD testament Jewish leaders UNDER the law. You can't possibly think this is any references to the nation of Israel AS A WHOLE today in the New Testament ?? seriously, that's past ridiculas and the most botch up exegesis I've ever seen. The entire book of 1 john is written to Christians and does NOT deal with the nation of Israel AS A WHOLE in NO WAY!

Romans 11:26 And so ALL ISRAEL shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob:
Romans 11:27 For this is MY COVENANT unto them, when I shall take away their sins.
Romans 11:28 As concerning the gospel, they are enemies for your sakes: but as touching the election, they are beloved for the fathers' sakes.

The nation of Israel has rejected the messiah (Jesus Christ, Acts 7) and we are in the time of the gentiles BUT that does NOT mean individual Jews can't or won't be saved and AS a NATION they ARE BELOVED for the father's sake. God promised to bring them back to their land and this process started in 1918 and the concluding 6 day war was nothing short of a miracle with GOD's divine intervention. This anti-semite thing here MUST GO! The jews are not responsible for what you see, the devil is behind all this and he will make you THINK it's the jews because he hates THEM most of all! If you are saved I don't know how you can't see this? One last thing, yes, I know there are some really bad, evil people out there being USED to bring all this about and YES some are jews, but that's an INDIVIDUAL thing, afterall, they are (as a people, blessed with talents many gentiles are not) and so Satan can "USE" this to HIS advantage and then turn around and point the finger at ALL of them to make you think the NATION is responsible. The more this nation turns it's back on Israel, the MORE judgement will be brought to this country, this current oil spill is just the beginning. http://atomicnewsreview.org/2010/05/29/toxic-oil-spill-rains-warned-could-destroy-north-america/

5th June 2010, 08:55 AM
God gave them the land...well, actually, a LOT more of it:


He then took it away from them.

Let me know when He decides to give it back.

It would be nice if God or someone else would define the borders of Israel so we would know what land they are fighting to keep...or take?

He did, it's in the old testament. I'll NOT show you where but I GUARANTEE you it is. YOU do your own digging. I'll give you a hint though, read the kings and chronicles...as in ALL of them carefully noting where DAVID's FEET touched and what GOD said about that.

If the people who call themselves jews today are automatically entitled to all this stuff, and if they are God's chosen, why not convert to judaism? It's worked well for the ashkenazi's! Plus look at it this way you can indulge in all the wickedness of this world and then magically in the end the scales fall from your eyes and heaven awaits you.

They are only entitled to that land, NOT salvation. Salvation is through the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, which Israel AS A NATION rejected back in Acts Chpt 7. An individual Jew needs to get saved in the EXACT same way any gentile needs to. In that respect, there is no difference.

Romans 3:22 Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference:
Romans 10:12 For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him.

5th June 2010, 09:00 AM
God gave them the land...well, actually, a LOT more of it:


He then took it away from them.

Let me know when He decides to give it back.

It would be nice if God or someone else would define the borders of Israel so we would know what land they are fighting to keep...or take?

He did, it's in the old testament. I'll NOT show you where but I GUARANTEE you it is. YOU do your own digging. I'll give you a hint though, read the kings and chronicles...as in ALL of them carefully noting where DAVID's FEET touched and what GOD said about that.

If the people who call themselves jews today are automatically entitled to all this stuff, and if they are God's chosen, why not convert to judaism? It's worked well for the ashkenazi's! Plus look at it this way you can indulge in all the wickedness of this world and then magically in the end the scales fall from your eyes and heaven awaits you.

They are only entitled to that land, NOT salvation. Salvation is through the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, which Israel AS A NATION rejected back in Acts Chpt 7. An individual Jew needs to get saved in the EXACT same way any gentile needs to. In that respect, there is no difference.

Romans 3:22 Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference:
Romans 10:12 For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him.

I don't know if you have seen this thread but I eagerly await your response.


5th June 2010, 09:05 AM
I don't "wish" for her damnation at all, I have seen NO record of her Salvation anywhere and by most of her "other" statement (like this one) she is as lost as a golf ball in high weeds.

If someone is saved, truly saved ....AND they have any type of "public" exposure, they'll have some sort of witness or testimony to that fact.....somewhere.
She may be wrong on many points, but only God truly knows her heart and only he can give or take salvation. You can point out her errors, but do not try to do God's job:

Matthew 7:2 (King James Version) 2For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. A prayer for her would be more appropriate.

5th June 2010, 10:52 AM
Still supporting the Satanic Jews, I see.

Why don't you address John 8:44 and 1 John 2:22-23?

John 8 is Jesus speaking to OLD testament Jewish leaders UNDER the law. You can't possibly think this is any references to the nation of Israel AS A WHOLE today in the New Testament ??

Jesus in John 8 is speaking to ALL Talmud Jews, then AND NOW.

seriously, that's past ridiculas and the most botch up exegesis I've ever seen.

No, your satanic endorsement of Satan's people, the Talmud Jews, is past ridiculous and botched up. You dare call your Judeophilia "Christian."

The entire book of 1 john is written to Christians and does NOT deal with the nation of Israel AS A WHOLE in NO WAY!

John's words stand to condemn ALL OF JEWRY who rejects the Messiah promised in the Old Testament - 1 John 2:22-23:

"Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son. Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also."

ALL Talmud Jews who reject Jesus Christ DO NOT HAVE THE FATHER, YAHWEH. The satanic State of "Israel" not only rejects but blasphemes Jesus Christ, and is ANTI-CHRIST.

If you persist in supporting satanic Talmud Jews and "Israel," then you, too, are ANTI-CHRIST.

The nation of Israel has rejected the messiah (Jesus Christ, Acts 7) and we are in the time of the gentiles BUT that does NOT mean individual Jews can't or won't be saved and AS a NATION they ARE BELOVED for the father's sake.

So, we can believe you, or St. John. Oh, boy, hard choice..."Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father."

God promised to bring them back to their land and this process started in 1918

Your "god" is Rothschild?

and the concluding 6 day war was nothing short of a miracle with GOD's divine intervention.


The "divine intervention" was the American taxpayer.

This anti-semite thing here MUST GO!

I agree...since most "Jews" are not Semites, but Gog & Magog (Khazars).

The jews are not responsible for what you see, the devil is behind all this and he will make you THINK it's the jews because he hates THEM most of all!

"Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do."

The "Jews" merely take orders from the Chief Rabbi...in Hell.

If you are saved I don't know how you can't see this?

Maybe because I love Christ and His Truth more than I love the satanic "Jews"?

The more this nation turns it's back on Israel, the MORE judgement will be brought to this country


The more America "blesses" anti-Christ "Israel," the more DISASTER it shall receive.

America was doing much better before "Israel." America's decline has been directly correlated with its support for "Israel." The more money and weapons we give the anti-Christ State in the Middle East, the more ungodly this land has become, the more savage its population has become, the more iniquity of every kind we see in this once moral country. Interesting, to say the least.

5th June 2010, 11:19 AM
In the Zionist controlled media, I just heard Paul Gigot of fox news say Turkey has some explaining to do in regard to the hijacking of the relief ships? He is shifting the blame to Turkey. Too much. Not 2 minutes into the 'talk' the anti-semitic comment is made. It is all cheerleading for the zionist state, no substance, no news.

It's getting worse, Turkey's president is being compared with the leaders of N. Korea & Iran as the most anti- American leaders.

They should have cartoon figures dish out their news. It's a disservice to humans, being played as such dupes.

5th June 2010, 12:40 PM
In the Zionist controlled media, I just heard Paul Gigot of fox news say Turkey has some explaining to do in regard to the hijacking of the relief ships? He is shifting the blame to Turkey. Too much. Not 2 minutes into the 'talk' the anti-semitic comment is made. It is all cheerleading for the zionist state, no substance, no news.

It's getting worse, Turkey's president is being compared with the leaders of N. Korea & Iran as the most anti- American leaders.

They should have cartoon figures dish out their news. It's a disservice to humans, being played as such dupes.

Check out this link. http://www.boilingfrogspost.com/ Sybil Edmonds....

Apparently, Turkey is just another sock puppet for TPTB, or Zionists or the Neocon agenda, or whatever one cares to call those interested in controlling the entire Mid East.

In other words, just like in the past, both sides, or more than both sides of every International conflict and of every world war have been financed and fomented by the hidden hands of the Internationalists, primarily the Bankers, or those interested in controlling the resources necessary for the rapid advancement of the technologies required for the ultimate goal of total one world governance.

Hating on Jews isn't going to accomplish ditz. Hating on Israel isn't going to do anything. Hating on Islam is just as pointless and so is hating on Turkey.

And even while potential wars are being financed and fomented, we have the utterly insane Oil Gusher Crisis in the Gulf. And all this compounded 1000% by the overarching shock and awe of the collapse of the entire worlds de facto currency, the US petro dollar. Yikes.

5th June 2010, 01:01 PM
Salvation is through the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, which Israel AS A NATION rejected back in Acts Chpt 7. An individual Jew needs to get saved in the EXACT same way any gentile needs to. In that respect, there is no difference.Yet you condemn Helen based on belief in a U.N. establish nation rather than her faith in Jesus...