View Full Version : Cooking fuel, prepping question.

4th June 2010, 06:17 PM
Howdy folks,

I've been prepping fuel for my stove/oven, and was wondering how much you all recommend to store.

I've been monitoring my current use, and I now have about a years worth of fuel stored away. Space is an issue for me, and I'm wondering if storing more is bit overkill.

Any thoughts?

Nomen luni
6th June 2010, 02:14 PM
I'll jump in as you've had no reply. I don't believe there is really an answer to 'how much should I store'. Nobody has a crystal ball.

Consider your other preps. Do you have food to last a year along with your fuel? Fuel has the advantage that it keeps well for a very long time, and it will no doubt be trade-able. Is there anything else you can store up that has more value per unit of storage space? Salt, sugar and basic spices store for ages and don't take up much space. Are you well stocked with ammunition? This has an excellent value per unit volume ratio, and is very useful.

Sorry, not much of an answer, I know, but only you can answer your own question based on your circumstances. A year's fuel is a great start and put's you ahead of 99% of the population.

6th June 2010, 02:47 PM
Sorry, not much of an answer, I know, but only you can answer your own question based on your circumstances. A year's fuel is a great start and put's you ahead of 99% of the population.

Thanks Nomen, you've given me a lot to think about, and you did answer my question. I definitely need to spread my prepping focus around. I do have a year's worth of basic staples, but I need to re-evaluate my prepps and fill in the gaps. I could use more ammunition for sure, one example.

So, for now I will keep the year's worth of cooking fuel supplies at that level. Focus resources on the other prepps I need. Eventually, I think I'd like to have a year and a half, or even two years of cooking fuel.