View Full Version : all Swedish Ports refusing all Israeli ships/goods for 1 week (woohoo!!)

Large Sarge
5th June 2010, 05:12 AM
Sweden ports to block Israel ships, goods in response to Gaza flotilla takeover
Week-long ban is initiated by Swedish Port Workers Union, who says act is reaction to the 'unprecedented criminal attack on the peaceful ship convoy.'
By The Associated Press and DPA
Tags: Israel news Gaza flotilla Sweden Swedish dockworkers will launch a weeklong blockade of Israeli ships and goods arriving in the Nordic nation to protest Monday's attack on a Gaza-destined aid flotilla.

Nine activists died after Israeli troops intercepted the convoy.

Swedish Port Workers Union spokesman Peter Annerback says workers will refuse to handle Israeli goods and ships during the June 15-24 blockade. The union has some 1,500 members and supports Ship to Gaza, which took part in the flotilla.

It says the reason for the blockade is "the unprecedented criminal attack on the peaceful ship convoy."

Demonstrates protesting Israel's raid of a Gaza-bound flotilla in Toronto June 4, 2010. Reuters1/9
It was unclear Saturday how much the blockade would affect trade between the two countries since the union still needs to identify cargos with Israeli origin.

Earlier Saturday, thousands of Australian demonstrators flocked to Sydney's Town Hall Saturday to protest Israel's lethal raid on a flotilla headed for Gaza last week.

An Israeli flag was burnt as demonstrators mostly from Sydney's large Turkish and Lebanese communities railed against the Jewish state.

Huseyin Erbis, 28, told Australia's AAP news agency that Israel deserved international censure for the blockade of Gaza and its effect on Palestinians.

"They criticize the Muslims but really our prophet was always kind to the Jewish people," he said.

The Sydney protest was replicated in cities around Australia.

Anti-U.S., Israel demonstrations had also taken palce in several New Zealand cities, as Pro-Palestinian protestors set fire to flags of
Israel and the United States.

The throwing of shoes has become a symbol of opposition to US and Israeli policy in the Middle East, following the example of an Iraqi journalist who threw one at then-president George W Bush during a press conference in December 2008.

"The sole of the shoe is dirty and holding it up that to a person or a place is an insult," John Minto, protest leader of the Global Peace and Justice organisation, told reporters.

He said it was the Middle East equivalent of the biggest traditional insult of New Zealand's indigenous Maoris - baring the buttocks

Up to 300 protestors marched through Auckland urging the government to expel Israel's ambassador in protest at last week's action by Israeli forces against a peace flotilla en route to Gaza.

Similar demonstrations were reported in Wellington, Christchurch and Dunedin. Pro-Palestinian protesters denounce Israel's raid of the Gaza flotilla, in India on June 2, 2010

Photo by: Reuters

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The Associated Press

5th June 2010, 05:18 AM
it's a start.

how about refusing all Israeli goods FOREVER ?!

5th June 2010, 08:31 AM
It's a start.

Interesting article......note bar code of Isreali goods at bottom (sorry, author listed, but no linky)

The most striking feature about Israel’s most recent act of terrorism, an act of piracy and murder on the high seas, is that it surprises nobody. A robber steals. Israel commits war crimes. What is even more remarkable is its attempts at self-justification, claiming that its soldiers were attacked.
Well of course they were attacked. They were illegally boarding a ship carrying peace activists trying to feed the starving people of Gaza in international waters. This was an act of piracy, this was an act of terrorism. Someone invades your space. You fight back.
What Israel has to understand is that to be accepted as a member of the international community, it has to act like one and this involves abiding by UN Resolutions, it means not only halting the building of colonies on land which has been stolen from Palestinians, it involves dismantling each and every colony set up on land outside the original borders of Israel.
The theft of identities to carry out a mafia-style hit, violations of human rights, the bulldozing of civilian homes, the seizure of land, attacking ambulances and shooting rescue workers, the shooting of children in the eyes with rubber bullets, the wearing of T-shirts with pregnant women with the caption “Two for the price of one” or “Two with one bullet” may be funny to Israeli people, it may even be hilarious and no doubt has many of them curled up giggling themselves helplessly to a doubled laundry bill.
True, there are many Israelis who are not Zionists. True, there are many Israelis who support Palestinian causes and inspect the actions of the Israeli Defense Force. True, not all Jews support the murderous horrific and illegal practices of the State of Israel. Yet the State of Israel goes on and on and on…and on, perpetrating them.
And what precisely does Israel hope to gain from these outrages against international law? Friendship? Sympathy? Respect? If so, then the notion that Israelis are intelligent, if one may hazard a collective description, is blasted into outer space. Such actions drive a wedge further between the hearts and minds of those of us who wish to live together like brothers and sisters around a common lake – our seas – and those who seem to like to live and die by the sword.
The notion that Israel can get off scot-free after this latest act of terrorism is as unacceptable as it is true. Ladies and gentlemen, it is going to happen. Watch this space. Israel’s main colony, the United States of America (ruled in fact by AIPAC) will veto any attempt at sanctions through the United Nations. Turkey will not pull off a punitive raid. After all, Israelis are not defenceless Armenians.
Israel will not shift an inch. It will go on bulldozing homes, it will go on stealing land, it will go on shooting kids in the eye with rubber bullets, it will go on letting pregnant mothers die in the streets, it will go on carrying out acts of terrorism and it will go on committing slaughters. International diplomacy will do nothing because the United States of America is held in a vice-like grip around its throat (or wherever) by Tel Aviv.
The way forward is not diplomacy as it stands today because diplomacy and international law do not exist where Israel is concerned. Let’s be honest about it. The way forward is also not violence and terrorism because it is fundamentally wrong, goes against every grain of common human decency and anyway engenders only more violence in an escalating spiral. No, the way forward is through economic measures. This approach is totally legal, non-violent and effective.
The only thing that the international community can do, is act with its feet. Or rather, with its wallet, boycotting Israeli goods. Anything with the serial number 729 (first three numbers on the left of a bar code) comes from Israel.

5th June 2010, 09:09 AM
how about refusing all Israeli goods FOREVER ?!

Its my understanding that Israel only makes offers that nobody can refuse.


5th June 2010, 10:59 AM
[font=Verdana] Anything with the serial number 729 (first three numbers on the left of a bar code) comes from Israel.

Unfortunately, that only applies to goods for which the barcode was requested & obtained by an "Israeli" company. Most "Israel" made goods are imported by foreign companies, and have barcodes relevant to their respective states.

Look for "Made in Israel" or inquire directly - and act like you're a Zionist when doing so, since boycotting "Israeli" goods is "illegal" in America. "I'd like to know if this product is made in Israel, because I like to support the only democracy in the Middle East" or some garbage like that - and then spread that information far and wide.

5th June 2010, 11:31 AM
well, if i buy a piece of Swedish farmland in the near future, you'll know why.