View Full Version : Rep Brad sherman (jew) "throw all americans in Jail who were with flotilla"

Large Sarge
6th June 2010, 06:30 AM

A Democratic member of the US House of Representatives says he wants to see US citizens aboard the Gaza flotilla prosecuted for providing aid to terrorists.

In a conference call organized by The Israel Project, Rep. Brad Sherman (D-CA) told reporters that activists participating in the flotilla were aiding Hamas and therefore breaking US law.

“The Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996 makes it absolutely illegal for any American to give food, money, school supplies, paper clips, concrete or weapons to Hamas or any of its officials,” Sherman said, as quoted at Jim Lobe's foreign policy blog. "And so I will be asking the Attorney General to prosecute any American involved in what was clearly an effort to give items of value to a terrorist organization.”

TalkingPointsMemo's M.J. Rosenberg, a frequent writer on Middle East issues, describes Sherman as "the most pro-Likud Democratic member of Congress," referring to Israel's most prominent conservative political party. "But this is crazy even for Sherman."

Sherman's declaration has taken heat from conservative commentators as well. Writing at The American Conservative, Kelley Vlahos declares that "the overall reaction to the abuse of our citizens has been strangely muted and flaccid — whether at the White House, Capitol Hill or in the corporate media."

Writes Vlahos: "Instead of demanding an accounting — you know, like Turkey is doing for its own citizens — we have elected leaders trying to put Americans on that flotilla in jail."

General of Darkness
6th June 2010, 06:38 AM
He's a looker.


Rep. Brad Sherman (D-Sherman Oaks) patiently waits at the Chabad of the Valley Booth while "Rabbi Mordy" fumbles around a pile of tefillin trying to find a special set of phylacteries for the congressman -- who is a lefty. The rabbi finally finds the right set, pulls up Sherman's sleeve and wraps the black leather strap around his arm. This is for the heart, the mind and the soul," he explains, and then recites the blessing slowly, waiting for Sherman to repeat after him. After the ritual is done and the congressman rolls down his sleeve, the rabbi turns constituent.

6th June 2010, 08:18 AM
He's a looker.

it also illustrates one of the Achilles heels of the Jews - lack of physical health & vigor.

raise their blood pressure, let Mother Nature do the rest.

6th June 2010, 04:16 PM
every time a politician like him opens his mouth, what he advocates seems
like it applies to him.

George Bush did that a lot.

Rep. Brad Sherman surely belongs in jail.

it's wierd living in a country with this imitation democracy.