View Full Version : Pictures of Skin Cancer ... Better put Sun-Block in your BOB

6th June 2010, 11:43 AM
I was reading an article about skin cancer at Surfline.

They mention the 3 kinds of skin cancer, melanoma, squamous, and basal cell carcinoma.

The article didn't say much except "wear your skin block". with a few pictures of models & pro surfers holding their tubes of sun-block.

Well, that's the danger of "right click - Google search - images".

I was curious what these 3 kinds of cancer actually look like.

Well, it's as GROSS as the US Government is BANKRUPT.

so prepare yourself









Squamous Cell Carcinoma


Basal Cell Carcinoma


So ... uh ... Wear your Skin Block ! 8)

6th June 2010, 11:49 AM
The sun is actually NEEDED in human health. It's UVB rays assist in the manufacturing of Vitamin D3. As with all things, have it in moderation. Too much sun exposure and you'll start developing cancer, or if not cancer start aging at an accelerated rate.

But wearing sun block all the time will cause you problems down the road. Lack of D3 has been linked with many diseases, and the body is unable to rid itself of it as D3 is used by the immune system. Among keeping the calcium balance witnin your bones in check.

Like a good beer, or a good wine. Just have some in moderation. :)

6th June 2010, 11:51 AM
I don't think sunblock would have helped the 2nd person........unless of course he was a circus worker who constantly walked on his hands with the sole of his foot exposed to the sun. Just an observation.

Twisted Titan
6th June 2010, 12:32 PM
Sun Block is some of the most toxic stuff known to man

Whatever you put on your skin

You put in your mouth

I would like to know the case histories of the people in those pictures

Their diets must have been slop and a lack excersise


J in AZ
6th June 2010, 01:06 PM
Sun Block is some of the most toxic stuff known to man

Whatever you put on your skin

You put in your mouth

I would like to know the case histories of the people in those pictures

Their diets must have been slop and a lack excersise



Sunscreen use actually causes cancer, it doesn't prevent it, says exhaustive scientific research

I've been saying this for years. Now the research is finally coming out to prove it: sunscreen use actually causes cancer, according to comprehensive new research published in the U.K.

continued here: http://www.naturalnews.com/001264.html

Sunscreen found to generate harmful compounds that promote skin cancer

(NaturalNews) A team of researchers from the University of California has found that sunscreen can do more harm than good once it soaks into the skin, where it actually promotes the harmful compounds it is meant to protect against.

continued here: http://www.naturalnews.com/020237_sunscreen_skin_cancer_medical_myths.html

84% of sunscreen products are harmful to health, says alarming EWG study

For 29 years, the FDA has refused to publish safety standards for sunscreen products. That's nearly three decades of keeping the public in the dark about the extremely harmful, cancer-causing chemicals found in sunscreen products. Any idea why the Food and Drug Administration has taken so long to set safety standards for a product used by over 100 million Americans? If you guessed, "Because the greedy corporations selling the toxic sunscreen products don't want the FDA to study the safety of their products," give yourself golden star sticker. You got it! The FDA has no interest in protecting the public from cancer-causing personal care products, and that simple fact is made abundantly clear by the FDA's 29-year delay to establish basic safety guidelines.

continued here: http://www.naturalnews.com/021927.html

6th June 2010, 01:16 PM
TT and J in AZ, thanks for posting this. I had just recently found out about the dangers actually caused by sunscreen. I don't think many people realize this, because they feel like they are taking the extra step in protecting themselves by using sunscreen, so in their mind they can be doing nothing but helping. That is how we felt.

Personally I don't use sunscreen as I am usually covered when I work outside anyway, regardless of temperature. The kids, on the other hand are a different story, and we have been using sunscreen on them. When my wife looked at how what she used on them was rated (I believe copper tone or something) she tossed it in the trash.

The good stuff is somewhat more expensive, and a little harder to find (according to the wife) but is worth it if you are actually trying to prevent problems instead of just making yourself 'feel' better.

For me the best protection is a hat and light shirt.

6th June 2010, 01:29 PM
What kind of sunscreen is the good stuff? none of these links work for me. Here in the summer is is extremely hot 100 + and the little one needs protection.

6th June 2010, 02:32 PM
yeah that is good to know about the Sunblock.

so what is left, the zinc oxide preparations ? that white paste people smear on their face.

i guess what this means, when you go to the beach, use a shirt and a hat to cut down on the sun.

6th June 2010, 02:40 PM
This is a site that my wife found when trying to research sunscreen products. Not sure if any of these are really good or not - but I think she is using this list as something to work off of. If anyone has any better ideas - please pass them on.


6th June 2010, 03:06 PM
This is a site that my wife found when trying to research sunscreen products. Not sure if any of these are really good or not - but I think she is using this list as something to work off of. If anyone has any better ideas - please pass them on.



6th June 2010, 03:14 PM
This is a site that my wife found when trying to research sunscreen products. Not sure if any of these are really good or not - but I think she is using this list as something to work off of. If anyone has any better ideas - please pass them on.



yeah, thanks !

J in AZ
6th June 2010, 03:42 PM
I have been taking Coconut oil every day - 1 table spoon. Coconut actually does something to your skin the prevents you from burning. Hence coconut oil in the commercial brand sunscreens. I am fairly PAIL skinned. A few weekends ago, I was outside working in the garden for 3 very sunny days. I never burned. Last year, when I was outside for 6 hours..... I fried! We are talking lobster color! If you ever get a burn from cooking, slap some coco nut oil on it and watch it go away! You will have to research this more as I don't have any links to it, but did read it somewhere on the net. Only first hand experience, sorry!

I wasn't thinking when I was working in the garden last week and got sunburned on my upper arms and on the back of my neck. I applied coconut oil to the red areas at bedtime, it cut down on the "heat" substantially and by the next day it was almost gone. No peeling at all. IMHO, coconut oil is a miracle and I am constantly finding new uses for it.

willie pete
6th June 2010, 03:43 PM
What kind of sunscreen is the good stuff? none of these links work for me. Here in the summer is is extremely hot 100 + and the little one needs protection.

You may want to consider some UV resistant clothing also..


6th June 2010, 03:51 PM
I was just reading about an Italian doctor, Simoncini, who has a controversial cure
for skin cancers.
Actually all cancers.
The medical profession is against him but there seems to be a lot of evidence
proving his theories.
Very interesting videos and reports at his pages.

"... Dr. Simoncini natural cancer therapy

Dr. T. Simoncini, an oncologist in Rome, Italy has pioneered sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) therapy as a means to treat cancer. The fundamental theory behind this treatment lies in the fact that, despite a number of variable factors, the formation and spreading of tumors is simply a fungus.

Sodium bicarbonate, unlike other anti-fungal remedies to which the fungus can become immune, is extremely diffusible and retains its ability to penetrate the tumor. This is especially due to the speed at which it disintegrates it, which makes fungi’s adaptability impossible, thus it cannot defend itself. Sodium bicarbonate is administered directly on the tumor, if possible. Otherwise, it is possible to administer it by the selective arteriography, which basically means selecting specific arteries through which to administer and subsequently begin to dissolve the tumor. Selective arteriography represents a very powerful weapon against fungi that is painless, leaves no after effects, and has very low risks. With sodium bicarbonate, it is possible to reach almost all organs; they can be treated and can benefit from a therapy which is harmless, fast, and effective..."


6th June 2010, 04:07 PM
hats... the key is hats ;D

6th June 2010, 04:09 PM
I was just reading about an Italian doctor, Simoncini, who has a controversial cure
for skin cancers.
Actually all cancers.
The medical profession is against him but there seems to be a lot of evidence
proving his theories.
Very interesting videos and reports at his pages.

"... Dr. Simoncini natural cancer therapy

Dr. T. Simoncini, an oncologist in Rome, Italy has pioneered sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) therapy as a means to treat cancer. The fundamental theory behind this treatment lies in the fact that, despite a number of variable factors, the formation and spreading of tumors is simply a fungus.

Sodium bicarbonate, unlike other anti-fungal remedies to which the fungus can become immune, is extremely diffusible and retains its ability to penetrate the tumor. This is especially due to the speed at which it disintegrates it, which makes fungi’s adaptability impossible, thus it cannot defend itself. Sodium bicarbonate is administered directly on the tumor, if possible. Otherwise, it is possible to administer it by the selective arteriography, which basically means selecting specific arteries through which to administer and subsequently begin to dissolve the tumor. Selective arteriography represents a very powerful weapon against fungi that is painless, leaves no after effects, and has very low risks. With sodium bicarbonate, it is possible to reach almost all organs; they can be treated and can benefit from a therapy which is harmless, fast, and effective..."


Are you questioning the validity of killer nuclear isotopes for the treatment of tumors?? Bad sheep. Very baaaahd sheep.

6th June 2010, 04:38 PM
What kind of sunscreen is the good stuff? none of these links work for me. Here in the summer is is extremely hot 100 + and the little one needs protection.

Coconut oil is great before ,during or after sunning ,despite that some people will say you are frying yourself.

Twisted Titan
6th June 2010, 05:29 PM
I have been taking Coconut oil every day - 1 table spoon. Coconut actually does something to your skin the prevents you from burning. Hence coconut oil in the commercial brand sunscreens. I am fairly PAIL skinned. A few weekends ago, I was outside working in the garden for 3 very sunny days. I never burned. Last year, when I was outside for 6 hours..... I fried! We are talking lobster color! If you ever get a burn from cooking, slap some coco nut oil on it and watch it go away! You will have to research this more as I don't have any links to it, but did read it somewhere on the net. Only first hand experience, sorry!

Tru Coconut oil is a Godsend

Vitamin shop has a good deal.

I only buy C.O. that is in a glass jar


willie pete
6th June 2010, 05:48 PM
I have been taking Coconut oil every day - 1 table spoon. Coconut actually does something to your skin the prevents you from burning. Hence coconut oil in the commercial brand sunscreens. I am fairly PAIL skinned. A few weekends ago, I was outside working in the garden for 3 very sunny days. I never burned. Last year, when I was outside for 6 hours..... I fried! We are talking lobster color! If you ever get a burn from cooking, slap some coco nut oil on it and watch it go away! You will have to research this more as I don't have any links to it, but did read it somewhere on the net. Only first hand experience, sorry!

Love that avatar ;D it's only my opinion, but I think ANY kind or type of oil (butter) you put on your skin and then expose that to sunlight (heat) is only going to accelerate a negative process, think about it, you use oils and butters to cook with, not only to influence taste but more so to transfer heat to whatever your cooking, so I think when you baste yourself with oil of any kind and go out in the sun, you helping the heat along with the damaging UV rays to penetrate even deeper layers of epidermis, you won't find any oils or butters in the ingredient panels of sunblock products, I think the bottom line is to COVER-UP when prolonged exposure to sunlight is expected, and the trick there is to use clothing that actually blocks the sunlight or the majority of it, a good test would be to hold a white T-shirt up to the light, you'll get an idea of what comes through, as for burns say in the kitchen, I wouldn't put any type of oil or butter on it, best thing is to put the extremety under cool running water, it'll minimize tissue damage

willie pete
6th June 2010, 09:58 PM
Yea, I know, I read that, I was just sayin' about applying it topically, as far as consuming it, I don't know if it'd have any other benefits other than add fat calories to your diet and maybe aid in defecation, Olive oil may be a better choice sense there's probably more data out there in the consumption of it

6th June 2010, 11:02 PM
Smear yourself with Yoghurt if you have burned yourself, almost instant relief! The thing with sunblocks is that they block mainly UVA, which causes burning, but not so much the higher frequency UV rays, that causes cancer. So it allows you to stay longer in the sun, and it takes you longer to develop the protective tan... Sun blocks doesn't protect against skin cancer, it promotes it!

7th June 2010, 06:44 AM
Smear yourself with Yoghurt if you have burned yourself, almost instant relief! The thing with sunblocks is that they block mainly UVA, which causes burning, but not so much the higher frequency UV rays, that causes cancer. So it allows you to stay longer in the sun, and it takes you longer to develop the protective tan... Sun blocks doesn't protect against skin cancer, it promotes it!

Just wanted to correct you sentence regarding UVA. It's UVB that causes burning, UVA will not burn you.

7th June 2010, 07:30 AM
Thanks for the correction Ares! According to most sunscreen positive sites, they do state that the longer wave length UVA penetrates deeper, while the higher frequency UVB supposedly has a shallower penetration. While we do not even need to think about UVC cause it is (mostly) filtered away by the Ozon layer. To me this doesn't make sense! Higher frequency rays usually have deeper penetration, think X-rays or Gamma-rays. Further I really doubt that all UVC is filtered out by the Ozone layer. You need high energy rays to knock away electrons/atoms in the DNA molecule which is a pre-requisite for making cancerous cells, even though the UVC portion on earths surface is much smaller than UVA and UVB I do think it is more likely these are the culprit in cancers, and by filtering out UVA (that creates a protective tan) and UVB that burns you when out to long in the sun so you go in, you have effectively taken away two protective mechanisms, further you have reduced your vitamin D absorption, which is vital for the function of the immune system in combatting cancer.

Can someone with a physics degree weigh in here on how supposedly a lower frequency Ray has higher penetration than a high frequency ray. To me that doesn't make sense, but of course I can be wrong about this.

7th June 2010, 08:11 AM
Not sure why why UVA penetrates deeper. Although long exposure to UVA has been proven to cause skin cancer, so it won't burn you, but is a cancer component. UVB is used in Vitamin D3 production in the skin. I don't really use sun screen, in the summer I get a tan (working outside, not trying to tan) in the winter I'm as white as an albino. lol

Haven't done much reading in to UVC that one I'll have to look more into.

7th June 2010, 08:47 AM
You have to understand what is blocking the sun.
Some are like the white cream (zinc oxide) that is on a lifeguards nose and the others are invisible. The first is a physical block (Sun Block), and the second is a chemical absorber (Sun Screen).

The least toxic are the Sun Blockers, but they don't have the "look" (who wants to run around all white) and longevity of the Sun Screens. Also there is no such thing a SPF over 30. Anything over 30 equals the same effect as 30.

Most use several ingredients.
Here are some:
Cinnamon (has long been used) which will be Octyl methoxycinnamate
Zinc Oxide
titanium dioxide
oxybenzone (this is usually considered bad for health)
Octyl salicylate
And a whole list here: