View Full Version : Porn Actor Falls Off Cliff

willie pete
6th June 2010, 03:52 PM
This is the guy they were looking for in regards to a murder and others injured, story says he fell off a cliff while being cornered by cops, looks like they helped him out a little first... :D


6th June 2010, 04:02 PM
Very strange video. At least one shot fired before he jumped off of the cliff. What is also interesting about the video is the lack of discussion, commands, instruction on the part of the police and rescue crew.

6th June 2010, 04:04 PM
Whatever the cop shot at him was enough to push him over the edge.

6th June 2010, 04:06 PM
It is a strange vid.. and he didn't really fall that far, I'm surprised he died... did he died from the fall?
And why is every cop in town after him... did he steal donuts?

6th June 2010, 04:06 PM
looks like he had a knife (or something) in his hand

willie pete
6th June 2010, 04:11 PM
It is a strange vid.. and he didn't really fall that far, I'm surprised he died... did he died from the fall?
And why is every cop in town after him... did he steal donuts?

No, .....I read the story like 2 days ago, apparently he was a "homeless" porn-star, living in the studio of where the company filmed, so they finally gave him the word to move out, he got pissed, picked up some type of edged-weapon, maybe a sword, killed one person, and wounded 2 other bad, then took off, and this is finally where they cornered him, in fact it looks like he still has the sword in his hand in the video, hate to see him go like that, but no great loss I'm sure, he'd been locked up for good anyway if he'd survived

From the Huffingtonstein Post:

"Hill attacked a colleague with a sword that was used as a film prop during a social gathering at Ultima's studios about a week after being told he was being fired and that he would have to move out of the production facility, where he had been living, authorities said.

He then turned on two others who rushed to their co-worker's defense. One of those who attempted to help, Herbert Hin Wong, 30, was killed in the attack.

Hill, whose professional name is Steve Driver, fled in an SUV with the murder weapon, authorities said.

Ultima is located in the San Fernando Valley, known in the adult film industry as Porn Valley for its large number of porn businesses. The small company produces niche films featuring fetishes and sexual domination of men."

That last sentence gets me ...lol I guess he enjoyed being tied up and whipped by women.... :lol

willie pete
6th June 2010, 04:20 PM
What is the shot fired at 0:05min ?
A tazer ?
9 mm ?

What is the thin shinny wire alongside of him before the 0:05min shot and during the early part of the fall ?

I'd say that shot was from a bean-bag gun, those wires are from a taser, and probably more than one

6th June 2010, 04:21 PM
looks like he had a knife (or something) in his hand

It was a samurai sword.

It was reported a while ago that the suspected perpetrator stabbed four co-workers with possibly the same sword, something which he had a fascination with.

Anyway, it does appear suspicious and he may have intentionally plunged knowing that he'd probably be convicted.

Good riddance.

Large Sarge
6th June 2010, 04:45 PM
it does not look like he jumped to me

looks like he got tazed a few times, and he was leaning forward, and his body kind of went limp

over the side he went.

you see him reach up towards his neck, as the first tazer hits.

then he gets hit again.

I can promise you that if you asked the taser company "do you taze someone sitting on the side of a cliff"?
they would say "no"

loss of body function is what tazing is/does.

the taser worked, he lost control of his body, and fell off the cliff.

I guess if he had talked to police, not been carrying a sword, and had not just killed someone, etc

he would be alive

technically that is death by taser, but the guy was really stupid (or high on drugs)

willie pete
6th June 2010, 05:02 PM
Fairly recently, I think it was in NYC, the cops tased a naked clearly psychotic man on the balcony/fire-escape of a third floor apt, his mother was on the sidewalk trying to talk him down, he had a flourescent light tube he was using as a Jedi-light saber, OK, SWAT arrives, tases him he falls 2 or 3 stories on the sidewalk, his head cracks open like an egg he's DOA...all this in front of his mother, the cops said they didn't have a choice, they had to keep the public safe ;) It came out later, that NYC has a standing policy; no one is to be tasered on ANY type of elevated structure....ie a 3rd story balcony, apparently though the Lt. at the scene deemed it necessary

Nomen luni
6th June 2010, 05:11 PM
Yeah looks like he was tazed once in the neck and a second tazer misses (the wires visible over the edge of the cliff). That really doesn't look like a lethal fall. Maybe he dies of a gunshot? It sounds like a gun going off just before he falls.