View Full Version : Helen Thomas retires amid contrversy

7th June 2010, 03:03 PM

June 7, 2010 (WABC) -- Reasonable people can disagree about politics, although we're so fractured these days, sometimes it might be hard to tell.

But when it comes to how to solve problems, the intellectually honest approach is filled with differences of opinions and perspectives.

The Middle East is one of those springboard issues that sparks a disproportionate amount of emotion. Much of the debate in the Israel-Palestinian conflict revolves around who gets what land, and how to create a Palestinian state that can live side by side in peace with Israel.

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There've been many words written in this space on the subject - and it always generates emotional, sometimes heated, response.

Palestinians have called me a Zionist; Israelis have called me pro-Palestinian. I've always taken the criticism from both sides to mean I'm doing my job as a journalist.

All of which is prelude to the rather sad but predictable end to the White House reporting career of Helen Thomas, who, until today, was the dean of the correspondents in the briefing room.

Thomas, who will be 90 in August, had an illustrious and long tenure, giving Presidents of both parties - 10 of them - the what-for. But a video interview she gave a Rabbi outside the White House at a Jewish Heritage event last month did her in.

She said Israeli Jews should "get the hell out of Palestine."

She wasn't talking about Israeli troops getting out of Gaza, or about them lifting their blockage of Gaza, or about letting Palestinians have complete control over the West Bank. No, Ms. Thomas instead was saying that Jews in Israel should leave and go back home - to Poland or Germany.

Unfortunate is not the right word. It's beyond that. You can criticize Israel for so many things - but to suggest that Jews should leave there, and go back to where they were exterminated by the Nazis not-that-many-years-ago, is reprehensible.

The minute it became public, the end of her tenure became a fait accompli. It was a matter of when, not if.

And the when part of that happened quickly, today.

Did she feel like this all these years? Was it just the meandering thoughts of someone who wasn't thinking? Hard to say. Lots of people tell so-called off-color or politically incorrect jokes in private that they wouldn't want to say in public. I get it. But this wasn't off-color. This was out-of-the-park wrong. Again, the question: Is this how she really feels? That Jews should go back to the countries where they were exterminated? That's far afield from criticizing Israel, or believing that Palestinians need a homeland too.

It's an inconvenient truth that many good careers have been ruined by one public mistake. Thomas, forced to retire today after shattering the glass ceiling for female reporters at the White House, now joins the list.

We'll have any fallout, tonight at 11.

And we'd like to hear what you think, by CLICKING HERE.

Also at 11, we're following the latest from the Gulf of Mexico oil spill to the war in Afghanistan, which today became the longest war in U.S. history - 104 months, compared to 103 months in Vietnam. Ten more U.S. and NATO soldiers were killed today.

And our Jeff Pegues, using some of the moves that made him a college football star, tonight literally runs after a man suspected of ripping off high school students in an alleged raffle drawing rip-off. It's a story we first reported last month - high schoolers lured into the raffle-selling business by a smooth-talking guy who, cops say, simply took the money they raised and left.

Tonight at 11, Jeff tracks him down.

We'll also have any breaking news of the night, plus Lee Goldberg's AccuWeather forecast, and Scott Clark with the night's sports. I hope you can join Liz Cho and me, tonight at 11.


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(Copyright ©2010 WABC-TV/DT. All Rights Reserved.)

7th June 2010, 03:10 PM
a reporter is retired for expressing an opinion (that Jews should leave Palestine) based on the truth (Israel became a the primary source of terror in the region in 1935 and has been ever since) ?!

she should get a Pulitzer AND a Nobel Peace Prize.

7th June 2010, 04:02 PM
I won't be surprised if she's dead by year's end. And it may not be due to natural causes.

7th June 2010, 05:29 PM
I won't be surprised if she's dead by year's end. And it may not be due to natural causes.

Was she waking up ?
They are happy she is gone.

7th June 2010, 05:47 PM
I won't be surprised if she's dead by year's end. And it may not be due to natural causes.

Ya see, they feel they can get away with it, in those later stages of life.

Where's Ponce?

7th June 2010, 06:06 PM
Fairly common in older folks. They stop being able to censor themselves, and start saying what they really think. Can't have that now, can we.

As we age, both bodies and personalities change. However, for some older adults, these changes can be quite disturbing: New research shows inappropriate social behavior, what appears to be increased racism and problems with impulse control and gambling can occur as the result of atrophy in the frontal lobe of the brain. In his recent article entitled Aging, Executive Functioning, and Social Control which will be published in the October 2007 issue of Current Directions in Psychological Science, University of New South Wales professor William von Hippel discusses and what can be done to offset these changes.

According to von Hippel, the level of racism expressed by the elderly, inappropriate social behaviors, and the inability to control gambling problems are all related to lack of inhibition caused by atrophy of the frontal lobe, the region of the brain governing executive functions including the control of thoughts and actions. As we age and the status of the frontal lobe of our brain becomes compromised, we become less able to control some of our thoughts and behaviors due to "contamination" of our thought processes with unwanted information. This is caused because the unwanted thoughts take up the resources used by the brain to inhibit behaviors that may be considered inappropriate or socially unacceptable.

Link. (http://www.findcounseling.com/help/news/2007/09/grampa_said_what_impulse_control_and_the_aging_bra in.html)

7th June 2010, 07:05 PM
LOL Horn......are you saying that I am in the later stages of my life because as Helen I talk against the Zionists??????? hummmmmmmmm or maybe that I will die before years end AND NOT BY NATURAL CAUSES????.......I'd better keep a look out for Horn.

Maybe Helen just opened the doors for other to use it?.......I hope so.

"When the truth comes into the light, the lies will hide in the dark"... Ponce

7th June 2010, 07:37 PM
Maybe Helen just opened the doors for other to use it?.......I hope so.

Was just wondering if there was a recommended age for initiating, or should just wait for retirement?

Ps. I still got a family to support... :-X

7th June 2010, 11:09 PM
I think she was perfectly able to sensor herself,if she wanted to, it was just that she thinks that her remaining life was to short to continue parroting diplomatic lies. Peace in the middle east and the world is impossible as long as that shhitty little schit-stirrer is there. Her fate was sealed though!

7th June 2010, 11:21 PM
It was a good martyrdom

7th June 2010, 11:28 PM
She had balls and no one will ever forget her..........but, why did she apologize?,
all that she did was to tell the truth and also what's in many peoples mind.

16th November 2010, 09:18 AM

Helen Thomas Interview

Twisted Titan
16th November 2010, 09:26 AM
For 40 plus years that windbag has spewed lies that keep the masses stoked and given comfort to the enemy.

Now at the end of her days she says something which every rational thinking person knows???

Somehow she is supposed to be applauded??

Absolute Bullshit.

16th November 2010, 09:31 AM
Now at the end of her days she says something which every rational thinking person knows???

Nobody else SAYS this Truth out loud.


16th November 2010, 10:22 AM
Now at the end of her days she says something which every rational thinking person knows???

Nobody else SAYS this Truth out loud.


Because if they do, they get retired-ed, or fired outright.

I thought the interview was good. Book's been spamming it in all the Helen Thomas threads - which is good. But I am only going to thank him once. |--0--|

16th November 2010, 11:32 AM
For 40 plus years that windbag has spewed lies that keep the masses stoked and given comfort to the enemy.

The world will interpret it as someone who's held a grudge for some past trespassing, then suddenly lost their wits at the end.

Not as some issue worthy of immediate response, It works to reinforce the "end game".