View Full Version : This is America - I just hope you're prepared
General of Darkness
7th June 2010, 03:39 PM
7th June 2010, 03:47 PM
General, were you recording your neighbors again?
She should have listened to the naked guy on the couch.
7th June 2010, 03:49 PM
Imagine what happens when she has no food. :imskerd:
7th June 2010, 03:49 PM
I couldn't even stomach watching the whole thing. I had to turn it off.
7th June 2010, 03:56 PM
I believe that at least 80 % of the american public is just like this !
7th June 2010, 03:58 PM
best youtube video ever ;D
7th June 2010, 04:13 PM
Have some compassion people...her whole life is ruined now! :'(
7th June 2010, 04:16 PM
best youtube video ever ;D
yes it is... tells more truth than most people can comprehend...
lol... the crossing of her arms reminds me of the INGSOC thing during 2 minutes hate...
7th June 2010, 04:16 PM
I believe that at least 80 % of the american public is just like this !
95-98 percent is where I would put it.
5 percent of 310 million puts us @ 15 million.
Damn, is NASCAR racing yet?
7th June 2010, 04:20 PM
I believe that at least 80 % of the american public is just like this !
95-98 percent is where I would put it.
5 percent of 310 million puts us @ 15 million.
Damn, is NASCAR racing yet?
Ok, Ok don't go confusing me with all those numbers, :D
7th June 2010, 04:28 PM
welfare... food stamps... disability... section 8... etc...
7th June 2010, 04:37 PM
Remember back in the GIM days where we were all talking about how bad the future was gonna suck??
Looks like we were right.
7th June 2010, 04:53 PM
Imagine what happens when she has no food. :imskerd:
Tap, tap, tap......anybody home? yuhooooooooooo, she will be the food ::)... good for at leasy 75 called "White Mountain Pig".
7th June 2010, 05:05 PM
Bread and Circuses (
"Bread and circuses" (or bread and games) (from Latin: panem et circenses) is a metaphor for handouts and petty amusements that politicians use to gain popular support, instead of gaining it through sound public policy. The phrase is invoked not only to criticize politicians, but also to criticize their populations for giving up their civic duty.
In modern usage, the phrase has become an adjective to deride a populace that no longer values civic virtues and the public life. To many across the political spectrum, left and right, it connotes the triviality and frivolity that defined the Roman Empire prior to its decline and that may contribute to the decline of modern society.
This phrase originates from Rome in Satire X of the Roman poet Juvenal (circa 100 AD ). In context, the Latin phrase panis et circenses (bread and circuses) is given as the only remaining cares of a Roman populace which has given up its birthright of political involvement. Here Juvenal displays his contempt for the declining heroism of his contemporary Romans. Roman politicians devised a plan in 140 B.C. to win the votes of the poor; By giving out cheap food and entertainment, politicians decided that this policy of "bread and circuses" would be the most effective way to rise to power.
Juvenal here makes reference to the Roman practice of providing free wheat to Roman citizens as well as costly circus games and other forms of entertainment as a means of gaining political power through populism. The Annona (grain dole) was begun under the instigation of the popularis politician Gaius Sempronius Gracchus in 123 BC; it remained an object of political contention until it was taken under the control of the Roman emperors.
Indeed, Spanish intellectuals between the 19th and 20th centuries complained about the similar pan y toros ("bread and bullfights"). It appears similarly in Russian as хлеба и зрелищ ("bread and spectacle").
Aldous Huxley used the phrase in Brave New World Revisited as an example of one of the ideas he used as a theme in Brave New World.
We all have a choice. We can choose to live our lives full of meaningless materialistic ego driven choices, which will lead to an empty quiet shell of a life. When we gauge importance from an ego driven perspective, we will get only empty hollow results. The ego cannot feed the ego.
Or we can choose to pursue great ideas and knowledge about what it is to be human. The spectacular entities that we are, and the never ending infinity of possibilities we all have in each of us.
We are purposefully being kept in a state of arrested mentality. We are all capable of amazing things. Yet most of us are kept dummbed down by design.
Makes me so sad......
7th June 2010, 05:19 PM
That broad has had way too much bread, and takes the circuses too seriously.
7th June 2010, 05:28 PM
That broad has had way too much bread, and takes the circuses too seriously.
Im back to smiling.....
7th June 2010, 07:45 PM
glad i have a quarter mile long driveway, uphill. you can look at people for a long time though a scope as they make their way up the hill.
7th June 2010, 07:53 PM
glad i have a quarter mile long driveway, uphill. you can look at people for a long time though a scope as they make their way up the hill.
You really think most people would or could walk a 1/4 mile up hill? Do you have benches along the way?
General of Darkness
7th June 2010, 08:27 PM
glad i have a quarter mile long driveway, uphill. you can look at people for a long time though a scope as they make their way up the hill.
You really think most people would or could walk a 1/4 mile up hill? Do you have benches along the way?
Depends, Chad could look like good eating. :ROFL:
7th June 2010, 09:48 PM
lmoa @ "I told you."
Damn that is disturbing indeed. Feel like I am an alien watching life on another planet through a hidden camera.
7th June 2010, 09:59 PM
I am not too concerned about people like that, I just feel sorry for them.
What would they do if their TV did not work? Would their personal 'world' collapse?
It's depressing to think about why people get so brainwashed like that.
Maybe we need a great depression, some great cleansing of our society.
If this woman got her ass off of the couch and stepped outside into the world, she would be so much better off.
My tv collects dust. I would get rid of it, if I didn't enjoy a dvd on occasion.
7th June 2010, 10:02 PM
The only tv I watch is mindless sitcoms, funny stuff that I don't have to think about, exception's ; discovery or history channels.
7th June 2010, 10:10 PM
That was fucking classic.
"My whole life is ruined".- Why, yes it is hun. Yes it is.
7th June 2010, 10:17 PM
That's what you call excitement! I think that was almost a religious experience for her...too bad it didn't work how she wanted :]
8th June 2010, 09:05 AM
If I'd have known I was going to end up naked on a couch in front of my GSUS brethren I'd have put some clothes on.
Twisted Titan
8th June 2010, 09:11 AM
best youtube video ever ;D
yes it is... tells more truth than most people can comprehend...
lol... the crossing of her arms reminds me of the INGSOC thing during 2 minutes hate...
8th June 2010, 09:14 AM
The scary part of that vid is thinking how many times that scene was repeated in millions of households across the country. Sad and scary.
willie pete
8th June 2010, 09:17 AM
Great Find TT, that was one of my favorite movies, here's a good part, @00:40 and around the 4 minute mark (the old rat-in-the-face-cage-torture).. :D Burton and Hurt were great
Silver Shield
8th June 2010, 09:22 AM
Zombies are real...
You need to be ready for them much more than the NWO Elite...
In the words of Twisted...
Click, Click
8th June 2010, 09:30 AM
Personally I am less worried about those fat pieces of shit and more worried about the types that could actually move more than a 1/2 mile.
How many of those types (fat American idol watching patriotards) did you see in the 1992 LA riots?
8th June 2010, 09:42 AM
You got it Brent, now imagine that happening in every major city in the country.
8th June 2010, 02:53 PM
You got it Brent, now imagine that happening in every major city in the country.
What's your definition of major. In IL, a lot of the St. Louis and Chicago area hoodlums have been shipped downstate or upstate to the small cities (100,000-30,000).
The worst part is most of these areas wanted the Sec 8 housing rejects to get more state bennies. The reject population also seems to increase around the state prisons.
8th June 2010, 04:41 PM
What's your definition of major. In IL, a lot of the St. Louis and Chicago area hoodlums have been shipped downstate or upstate to the small cities (100,000-30,000).
The worst part is most of these areas wanted the Sec 8 housing rejects to get more state bennies. The reject population also seems to increase around the state prisons.
That's a very important point, and a big problem. I read an article, more like a study done...for the life of me, I can't remember the city, I want to say Charlotte NC. Anyway, city officials/planners decided to spread out the section 8 housing to the suburbs, in order to 'deflate' the crime. Like a balloon, they thought if the section 8 housing was in nicer areas, spread out, it would lessen the crime.
However, a private group did a huge study on crime demographics. A checks and balance on their decisions. The crime followed the section 8 housing directly. It did not lower crime, but crime followd to those areas and brought them down too.
If section 8 housing comes to your town, be wary. But yeah, those will be the first to unfold in some societal breakdown, in the smaller towns at least.
8th June 2010, 05:20 PM
What's your definition of major. In IL, a lot of the St. Louis and Chicago area hoodlums have been shipped downstate or upstate to the small cities (100,000-30,000).
The worst part is most of these areas wanted the Sec 8 housing rejects to get more state bennies. The reject population also seems to increase around the state prisons.
That's a very important point, and a big problem. I read an article, more like a study done...for the life of me, I can't remember the city, I want to say Charlotte NC. Anyway, city officials/planners decided to spread out the section 8 housing to the suburbs, in order to 'deflate' the crime. Like a balloon, they thought if the section 8 housing was in nicer areas, spread out, it would lessen the crime.
However, a private group did a huge study on crime demographics. A checks and balance on their decisions. The crime followed the section 8 housing directly. It did not lower crime, but crime followd to those areas and brought them down too.
If section 8 housing comes to your town, be wary. But yeah, those will be the first to unfold in some societal breakdown, in the smaller towns at least.
Kind of like giving oneway bus tickets to the homeless.
8th June 2010, 06:48 PM
Kind of like giving oneway bus tickets to the homeless.
About a year ago, I had to renew a cert I've got. Turns out, the guy sitting next to me in class was a cop from the city. Major city. He said he worked in public 'blight' development, or something like that...
Anyway, took the guy to lunch to pick his brian. Brought up my earlier post, about sec 8 housing in the suburbs..
It's a hidden topic, nobody wants to address it directly. His response, was the dept goal to keep blight contained. By it being contained, to my city, it doesn't spill over into the surrounding areas. By sec 8 crime areas contained, they can keep a contol on it. Keep it, swept under the rug.
So, essecialy they wanted to keep areas bad, so that it didn't affect all the other areas, and they could do their best to deal with it.
Bottom line, people are going to go somewhere. The problem doesn't go away, it just moves.
8th June 2010, 06:55 PM
There is an area in nearby towns where everyone knows (cops, criminals, upstanding citizens alike) that if you cross this one street, and you are looking for drugs, selling drugs, looking for prostitutes, etc. you will be arrested. On the other side of the street, the cops look the other way.
8th June 2010, 07:28 PM
Kind of like giving oneway bus tickets to the homeless.
About a year ago, I had to renew a cert I've got. Turns out, the guy sitting next to me in class was a cop from the city. Major city. He said he worked in public 'blight' development, or something like that...
Anyway, took the guy to lunch to pick his brian. Brought up my earlier post, about sec 8 housing in the suburbs..
It's a hidden topic, nobody wants to address it directly. His response, was the dept goal to keep blight contained. By it being contained, to my city, it doesn't spill over into the surrounding areas. By sec 8 crime areas contained, they can keep a contol on it. Keep it, swept under the rug.
So, essecialy they wanted to keep areas bad, so that it didn't affect all the other areas, and they could do their best to deal with it.
Bottom line, people are going to go somewhere. The problem doesn't go away, it just moves.
I think this is the game plan for most cities if I understand the cops statments correctly.
Where I live, sec 8 housing is in selected areas and near them is the cheaper apartments and the cheaper run down houses. Not a blanket statment for all houses or apts. But people can and do go out of their way to avoid these areas of town. The crime that normally goes on and is never reported in the media can then be ignored.
I sprayed for bugs at all the sec 8 housing in town at a job I worked once. The squalor people will tolerate is amazing. No lack of cockroaches either.
Twisted Titan
9th June 2010, 08:24 AM
Wherever "the bread" is placed .......The amusments and the circus will follow.
10th June 2010, 09:30 AM
I watched the video and while it's easy to be disgusted with what we see on the screen, the existentialist part of me is realizing that all of our lives pretty much boil down to the same thing. So what, we don't enjoy TV shows and think American Idol is stupid; we study economics and finance and think we have life figured out better than most; we all do our daily work, try to spend time doing the things we enjoy, and in the end, we will die just like that lady will, we'll be buried in the earth just like her, and our descendants will forget about us just like we've forgotten about our ancestors. So she likes American Idol, does it matter? So we like gold and silver, does it matter?
Ecclesiastes Ch 2: 14-16
14 The wise man has eyes in his head,
while the fool walks in the darkness;
but I came to realize
that the same fate overtakes them both.
15 Then I thought in my heart,
"The fate of the fool will overtake me also.
What then do I gain by being wise?"
I said in my heart,
"This too is meaningless."
16 For the wise man, like the fool, will not be long remembered;
in days to come both will be forgotten.
Like the fool, the wise man too must die!
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