View Full Version : Sincere Apology to the pure disciples.

7th June 2010, 07:47 PM
After carefully studing the history of Mark matthew and luke I have come to the conclusion that they were the most beloved persons and pure and noble. They were uphold the truth of the messengership of Jesus pbuh to their last days.

Just as I publicaly denounced them because of my lack of knowledge and gereral brushing of all the disciples. Therefore I wanted as my faith demands to publicly also correct my accusations made against them.

For the hope in being forgiven by the creator and recorded that I did so before my time is up.

My denouncation and accusations of the corrupt PAUL stands as it is without a single shadow of any minutiest of doubts.


8th June 2010, 05:08 AM
Nice that you've been studying the Bible, ouncer.

I myself was studying Koran a bit.

What makes you think Paul is corrupted?

8th June 2010, 07:15 AM
What makes you think Paul is corrupted?
His strike down on the road to Damascus? :)

7th trump
8th June 2010, 07:39 AM
What makes you think Paul is corrupted?
His strike down on the road to Damascus? :)

His strike down wasnt because he was corrupt. Not in the manner you think. Paul was not corrupt after God intervened. God struck Paul down to get him on track with Gods plan.
Yes Paul did cruxify the church and was on his way to cruxify more when God struck him down on the road to Damascus.
God struck him down because God had predestined Paul from the time of old before God destroyed that first earth age.
All the predestined people from the time of Adam to today are predestined from the first earth age.......all of them are, just like all the prophets were. God knew everyone of them before them going into the bag of waters to be born of woman in the flesh. God even knew Cain and hated him.
God moves those who are predestined and intervenes in their lives just as he intervened with Paul's life on the road to Damascus.
If you noticed, Paul wasnt very happy with himself with cruxifying the church after God intervened in his life. Paul was quite ashamed of himself.

8th June 2010, 03:13 PM
I was joking around with 301. He is hung up with Paul's past as a pharisee and misses the point of a Christian's belief in God's mercy and forgiveness no matter how bad a person may be.

Most people called to be Christians are not physically knocked down, but the experience of accepting Jesus Christ is non-the-less equally profound.

His strike down wasnt because he was corrupt. Not in the manner you think. Paul was not corrupt after God intervened. God struck Paul down to get him on track with Gods plan.
Yes Paul did cruxify the church and was on his way to cruxify more when God struck him down on the road to Damascus.
God struck him down because God had predestined Paul from the time of old before God destroyed that first earth age.
All the predestined people from the time of Adam to today are predestined from the first earth age.......all of them are, just like all the prophets were. God knew everyone of them before them going into the bag of waters to be born of woman in the flesh. God even knew Cain and hated him.
God moves those who are predestined and intervenes in their lives just as he intervened with Paul's life on the road to Damascus.
If you noticed, Paul wasnt very happy with himself with cruxifying the church after God intervened in his life. Paul was quite ashamed of himself.

8th June 2010, 06:00 PM
Nice that you've been studying the Bible, ouncer.

I myself was studying Koran a bit.

What makes you think Paul is corrupted?

His background and his direct involvement in the killing of St. Joseph. His family background and he never said that he gave up jeudaisim and many other things.

I understand that a person changes and become good again by the guidance and mercy of his creator but our believe teachs us is that this same person should never be involved in anyway and to be allowed to add his accounts in holy scriptures. While at the same time going against Jesus's teachings in the earlier gosples.

If paul kept to the theme of the earlier writters of Mak and Matthew and did not introduce his own doctrine and laws then I would have no problem with it whatsoever.

Paul as a person converting to christianity should have been just that no more no less. I really hope you see my point. I am not saying this out of anger or hate as I do not hate christians, never.

8th June 2010, 06:05 PM
Nice that you've been studying the Bible, ouncer.

I myself was studying Koran a bit.

I have always read the bible from time to time recently but not to attack but to see the great similarity of Jesus pbuh teachings and that of all the messengers in the Quran. Indeed they all brothers.

I also been reading the gosple of saint Barnabas. It is langauge is so powerfull and and is intune with the Quranic teachings but unfortunaltly has been rejected as a false gosple.

8th June 2010, 06:20 PM
I was joking around with 301. He is hung up with Paul's past as a pharisee and misses the point of a Christian's belief in God's mercy and forgiveness no matter how bad a person may be.

Most people called to be Christians are not physically knocked down, but the experience of accepting Jesus Christ is non-the-less equally profound.

His strike down wasnt because he was corrupt. Not in the manner you think. Paul was not corrupt after God intervened. God struck Paul down to get him on track with Gods plan.
Yes Paul did cruxify the church and was on his way to cruxify more when God struck him down on the road to Damascus.
God struck him down because God had predestined Paul from the time of old before God destroyed that first earth age.
All the predestined people from the time of Adam to today are predestined from the first earth age.......all of them are, just like all the prophets were. God knew everyone of them before them going into the bag of waters to be born of woman in the flesh. God even knew Cain and hated him.
God moves those who are predestined and intervenes in their lives just as he intervened with Paul's life on the road to Damascus.
If you noticed, Paul wasnt very happy with himself with cruxifying the church after God intervened in his life. Paul was quite ashamed of himself.

Greetings Rjb. I see your point and I did touch on the mercy of the creator as I explained above and the situation why I reject paul's then any other person.

I have been lately in another forum attacking secularisim and the secular system and its evil that is causing to both christians and muslims. I also in these forums been attacking strongly athisim too.

I do not attack christians anymore as I believe we muslims have a duty to work along side them on common grounds that we both agree upon.

I acutally been defending both christianity and islam from the vehanem displayed by secularists and athists. These two groups are the most dangerouse entity mankind has ever known.

I also been sayi8ng in this particular forum that I would have no problem living under a correctly established christian state and will have no problem defending it from outside invaders as long as it is Jesus's teachings are used and not that of paul's. Also that the other condition that there is no major islamic infulence in the world and the muslims are very much in minority.

It is secular satanica and athisim I should pay attention to and not christainty as I personally believe that both muslims and christians applying the correct laws from both scriptures then the world would be a much better place.

The dwarfing dakness of secularisim is mind blowing and it is main agenda is to stripp both christians and muslims of any religious way of life.

I hope you understand now that secular elitest are their sole agenda to pitch religous communities against each other to show to the world that religion is no GOOD therefore give it up and secularisim come out on top.

I hope you understand what I learning and propagating.

8th June 2010, 07:09 PM
I have noticed that you are taking a different approach. I appreciate that.

His background and his direct involvement in the killing of St. Joseph. His family background and he never said that he gave up jeudaisim and many other things.

Not meaning to nit pick, but do you mean St. Stephen?
Acts 7:58-60 (King James Version)

58And cast him out of the city, and stoned him: and the witnesses laid down their clothes at a young man's feet, whose name was Saul.

59And they stoned Stephen, calling upon God, and saying, Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.

9th June 2010, 05:28 PM
I have noticed that you are taking a different approach. I appreciate that.

His background and his direct involvement in the killing of St. Joseph. His family background and he never said that he gave up jeudaisim and many other things.

Not meaning to nit pick, but do you mean St. Stephen?
Acts 7:58-60 (King James Version)

58And cast him out of the city, and stoned him: and the witnesses laid down their clothes at a young man's feet, whose name was Saul.

59And they stoned Stephen, calling upon God, and saying, Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.

you welcome rjb and yes i believe it is very much the correct approach.

Do not worry I dont questions your intentions. Yes I think so St stephen I must got the names mixed up.