View Full Version : NEVER FORGET the USS Liberty

8th June 2010, 09:34 AM
June 8th, 1967

USS Liberty " incident " (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Liberty_incident)

philo beddoe
8th June 2010, 09:42 AM
I am wondering if Glenn Beck will do an expose on this today... :oo-->

8th June 2010, 09:43 AM
Good reminder, my Canadian friend.

willie pete
8th June 2010, 10:01 AM
Yep, 34 killed, 174 wounded, the Capt. came out of it with a deserved MOH It's hard for me to believe they attacked her for as long as they did and didn't know it was a US vessel


I am me, I am free
8th June 2010, 10:31 AM
Yep, 34 killed, 174 wounded, the Capt. came out of it with a deserved MOH


Yes, but rather than be awarded the CMH by the President in a ceremony at the WH, Capt. McGonagle was awarded the CMH at the Naval ship yard by the Secretary of the Navy so as not to *offend* 'our friends' the Zionist criminal thugs.

8th June 2010, 10:36 AM
It's hard for me to believe they attacked her for as long as they did and didn't know it was a US vessel


What makes you think they didn't know it was a US vessel?

They cried for assistance and the commanding officer demanded that the planes that launched to save them were immediately grounded, and he stated "I want that damned boat at the bottom of the ocean" or something to that effect.

The only reason they stopped was because a Russian Submarine surfaced and witnessed the israeli planes strafing the Liberty.

8th June 2010, 10:56 AM
With "friends" like israel, who needs enemies?

8th June 2010, 11:02 AM
After more than two hours of unremitting assault, the Israelis finally halted their attack. One of the torpedo boats approached the Liberty. This same torpedo boat crew had been circling the ship, machine-gunning anyone who stuck his head above decks, as well as the lifeboats the crew had put over the side.

What had changed? The Israeli government knew that US aircraft carriers had just launched aircraft to come to Liberty's aid and the attack was quickly called off. The Israeli government called the US Embassy and said that they had made a "mistake."

A torpedo boat officer asked in English over a bullhorn: "Do you need any help?"

The wounded commander of the Liberty, Captain William McGonagle, instructed the quartermaster to respond emphatically: "Fuck you."

from http://www.gtr5.com/quotes/mcgonagle.htm

8th June 2010, 11:12 AM
Devvy Kidd interviewed one of the survivors-Phillip Tourney-and his colleague, Mark Glenn on her radio program on May 26 & 27.

The shows are at:

8th June 2010, 11:53 AM
Much as I want everyone to remember the USS Liberty, a use of JEW O pedia is not how I would do it.

2nd Paragraph from JEW O pedia:

Both the Israeli and U.S. governments conducted inquiries and issued reports that concluded the attack was a mistake due to Israeli confusion about the identity of the USS Liberty.[2] Some survivors, in addition to some U.S. diplomats and intelligence officials involved in the incident continue to dispute these official findings, saying the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty was not a mistake, and it remains the only major maritime incident in U.S. history not to be investigated by the U.S. Congress.[3]


willie pete
8th June 2010, 12:52 PM
It's hard for me to believe they attacked her for as long as they did and didn't know it was a US vessel


What makes you think they didn't know it was a US vessel?

They cried for assistance and the commanding officer demanded that the planes that launched to save them were immediately grounded, and he stated "I want that damned boat at the bottom of the ocean" or something to that effect.

The only reason they stopped was because a Russian Submarine surfaced and witnessed the israeli planes strafing the Liberty.

Oh I think they KNEW it was a US Flagged vessel

8th June 2010, 01:05 PM
i used wikipedia for a reason, from the article

During the morning of the attack, early June 8, the ship was overflown by Israeli Air Force (IAF) aircraft including a Nord Noratlas "flying boxcar" and Mirage III jet fighters eight times .[18][19] At least some of those flybys were from a close range

for the sheeple who blindly believe that wikipedia is a fortress of truth
seeing the above statement
surely the sheeple must have some doubts as to Israeli innocence in this matter

8th June 2010, 01:07 PM
Of course everyone knew.

If they US had attacked their own ship as an excuse to go to war, it would have worked out as long as everything went right (and everyone kept their mouths shut). However, imagine the explaining they'd have to do if the ship didn't sink and there were witnesses...

By using the Israeli planes instead, the worst case (which happened!) isn't all that bad and they can write it off as a mistake, something they couldn't do so easily if American planes were seen attacking the American ship. (In that case they'd have to claim Arabs hijacked the planes!)

8th June 2010, 01:13 PM
i used wikipedia for a reason, from the article

During the morning of the attack, early June 8, the ship was overflown by Israeli Air Force (IAF) aircraft including a Nord Noratlas "flying boxcar" and Mirage III jet fighters eight times .[18][19] At least some of those flybys were from a close range

for the sheeple who blindly believe that wikipedia is a fortress of truth
seeing the above statement
surely the sheeple must have some doubts as to Israeli innocence in this matter

How many paragraphs deep is this buried?

Do you think anyone will read that far?

There are more honest accounts of what happened.

8th June 2010, 01:17 PM
Of course everyone knew.

If they US had attacked their own ship as an excuse to go to war, it would have worked out as long as everything went right (and everyone kept their mouths shut). However, imagine the explaining they'd have to do if the ship didn't sink and there were witnesses...

By using the Israeli planes instead, the worst case (which happened!) isn't all that bad and they can write it off as a mistake, something they couldn't do so easily if American planes were seen attacking the American ship. (In that case they'd have to claim Arabs hijacked the planes!)

Poor, poor Israel always the victim :oo-->

8th June 2010, 01:46 PM
Damn... some of you guys... if a poster isn't condemning Israel with every sentence you see it as support.

Someone in our government sent the men on that ship to be executed by the Israeli forces. That's pretty cold. It's like a father sends his daughter overseas to work in a brothel and you only find it acceptable to condemn the patrons of the brothel. The guys in Israel willing to sink the boat are dicks and the guys in America that sent the men on the boat to their probable death are dicks too... geez sorry if that isn't one-sided anti-israel enough for you...

I am me, I am free
8th June 2010, 01:52 PM
Damn... some of you guys... if a poster isn't condemning Israel with every sentence you see it as support.

Someone in our government sent the men on that ship to be executed by the Israeli forces. That's pretty cold. It's like a father sends his daughter overseas to work in a brothel and you only find it acceptable to condemn the patrons of the brothel. The guys in Israel willing to sink the boat are dicks and the guys in America that sent the men on the boat to their probable death are dicks too... geez sorry if that isn't one-sided anti-israel enough for you...

That's utter and complete BULLS H I T!

As if the Zionist criminal thugs are free of any culpability and the USN had a direct hand in the loss of life. Get a grip. In case you failed to pick up on it, the Zionist criminal swine fully intended to sink the USS Liberty and kill all hands (as evidenced by the machine-gunning of the lifeboats) so as to leave no survivors to give a testament.

8th June 2010, 02:07 PM
As if the Zionist criminal thugs are free of any culpability and the USN had a direct hand in the loss of life
This is exactly what I was saying in my post. I say the US and Israeli governments are responsible for murder, and you're upset because I didn't 100% blame the jews for everything, you somehow took that as me saying they were 0% responsible.

No one can say anything reasonable and logical, it has to be 100% jews 100% of the time.

Hey I guess the boat just happened to be there and the jews were bored so they decided to sink it for no reason and american military command was asleep because of jew tv sleeping waves or something and then there was no real investigation because of jew hypnosis on the noble american policians. Yeah our own government had nooothing to do with it.

Please show me any logical explanation for the event that doesn't involve our own government...

Damn I swear if a Rabbi and a Priest raped a little girl you'd kill the Rabbi and give the priest a frigging medal..

I am me, I am free
8th June 2010, 02:21 PM
As if the Zionist criminal thugs are free of any culpability and the USN had a direct hand in the loss of life
This is exactly what I was saying in my post. I say the US and Israeli governments are responsible for murder, and you're upset because I didn't 100% blame the jews for everything, you somehow took that as me saying they were 0% responsible.

No one can say anything reasonable and logical, it has to be 100% jews 100% of the time.

Hey I guess the boat just happened to be there and the jews were bored so they decided to sink it for no reason and american military command was asleep because of jew tv sleeping waves or something and then there was no real investigation because of jew hypnosis on the noble american policians. Yeah our own government had nooothing to do with it.

Please show me any logical explanation for the event that doesn't involve our own government...

Damn I swear if a Rabbi and a Priest raped a little girl you'd kill the Rabbi and give the priest a frigging medal..

In this particular case with the USS Liberty it WAS in fact 100% Zionist criminal thugs (note: NOT Jews in general) 100% of the time - the USS Liberty was in international waters. HELLO?!?!?!?

You strike me as someone unable to make the distinction between one of the three major religions based on the Pentateuch and a relatively recent political ideology based on the inerrable supremacy of a select few leading to the exploitation of all others.

8th June 2010, 02:44 PM
If it was zionists on the US side that agreed with Zionists on the Israeli side that the liberty would go down then then I suppose zionists would be fully responsible. If some of those on the US side weren't zionists then they'd be partially responsible. Nothing in any of my posts said they were not responsible.

I do think it's stupid to put it all on Israel when Americans (zionist or not) were obviously involved. We have no control over another country but we do have some limited control over this one and it would make more sense to point out those within our own government that caused this to happen then to simply blame a foreign country for it. That approach can accomplish nothing.

philo beddoe
8th June 2010, 02:49 PM
If it was zionists on the US side that agreed with Zionists on the Israeli side that the liberty would go down then then I suppose zionists would be fully responsible. If some of those on the US side weren't zionists then they'd be partially responsible. Nothing in any of my posts said they were not responsible.

I do think it's stupid to put it all on Israel when Americans (zionist or not) were obviously involved. We have no control over another country but we do have some limited control over this one and it would make more sense to point out those within our own government that caused this to happen then to simply blame a foreign country for it. That approach can accomplish nothing.
Yeah sure..... Name any other country that would attack us on an inside job. Ireland? No France? No Germany? No Switzerland? NO Your excuses are beyond weak

J in AZ
8th June 2010, 03:17 PM
I am currently reading this book:


Not very far into it but so far it is a good read.

From the Amazon page:

From The Washington Post's Book World/washingtonpost.com Reviewed by John Lancaster Few events in modern military history have spawned as many conspiracy theories as Israel's attack on a U.S. Navy spy ship, the Liberty, during the Six-Day War in June 1967. For those too young to remember, the Liberty was collecting intelligence off the Gaza Strip when, literally out of the blue, it was strafed, bombed and finally torpedoed in a horrific hour-long assault that killed 34 of its men and wounded 171, many of them gravely. The ship was operating in international waters, and the United States, then as now, was Israel's closest ally. How could Israel have made such a blunder? Israel's official explanation -- that the ship was mistaken for an Egyptian horse-and-troop carrier -- raised as many questions as it answered. Hours before the assault, Israeli reconnaissance aircraft repeatedly buzzed the Liberty, which should have cleared up any confusion as to its identity. After all, the Liberty was twice the size of the Egyptian vessel and cut a distinctive profile with its thicket of eavesdropping antennae, to say nothing of its U.S. Navy markings and American flag. To this day, many Liberty survivors -- as well as some former U.S. officials -- contend that Israel's vaunted military could not possibly have carried out such a sustained and ferocious assault except as a deliberate act.


8th June 2010, 04:55 PM
If it was zionists on the US side that agreed with Zionists on the Israeli side that the liberty would go down then then I suppose zionists would be fully responsible. If some of those on the US side weren't zionists then they'd be partially responsible. Nothing in any of my posts said they were not responsible.

I do think it's stupid to put it all on Israel when Americans (zionist or not) were obviously involved. We have no control over another country but we do have some limited control over this one and it would make more sense to point out those within our own government that caused this to happen then to simply blame a foreign country for it. That approach can accomplish nothing.

Israel ADMITTED to doing it though...

8th June 2010, 05:04 PM
Guys, I clearly say Israel shot up the ship. I don't think anyone here is arguing that it was an accident, myself included. Where are the "excuses" I'm making for Israel? Why are you making excuses for US officials that were complacent in it? Some misguided patriotism making you think that this country was the victim? The victims are the dead humans, not this abstract country/corporation thing that let it happen.

It seems lazy. "It was Israel, we don't need to know which of our own were involved or any more information at all."

8th June 2010, 05:08 PM
Guys, I clearly say Israel shot up the ship. I don't think anyone here is arguing that it was an accident, myself included. Where are the "excuses" I'm making for Israel? Why are you making excuses for US officials that were complacent in it? Some misguided patriotism making you think that this country was the victim? The victims are the dead humans, not this abstract country/corporation thing that let it happen.

It seems lazy. "It was Israel, we don't need to know which of our own were involved or any more information at all."

I just wonder how the United States infiltrated the israeli planes and such.

I mean, israel attacked a marked US vessel... I'm one who is quick to blame the US gov't for many things, but I don't think they (the US gov't) used israeli planes to attack a US vessel. Not that they WOULDN'T, but I personally think israel did it without the US telling them to or whatever.

8th June 2010, 05:49 PM
God Himself kept Liberty afloat. Her survivors believe that.

She was supposed to sink. And once she slipped beneath the waves, A-4 Skyhawks from USS America, nuclear-armed and already in the air during the attack, were to ignite a nuclear war by dropping their loads on Cairo. Even the US Embassy in Cairo had been warned to take action to shield themselves from the blasts.


Dave Thomas
8th June 2010, 06:16 PM
If you'd like to read a pretty good blow by blow account of the attack on the Liberty, check out a book by James Bamford. It's called Body of Secrets.

It's a rundown of the NSA, and since the Liberty was a floating ELINT/NSA ship he covers lots of the history of the Liberty. Without a lot of political bias.


8th June 2010, 06:34 PM
I mean, israel attacked a marked US vessel... I'm one who is quick to blame the US gov't for many things, but I don't think they (the US gov't) used israeli planes to attack a US vessel. Not that they WOULDN'T, but I personally think israel did it without the US telling them to or whatever.

Why would they? Target practice? Seems like they'd plan it ahead of time so everyone had their stories straight and knew how to react. The potential for something going wrong or someone saying something wrong goes up 1000-fold if it was unplanned.

To me it seems like a smart way to have done it. If it worked they could have blamed anyone they wanted and bombed the shit out of the pyramids. If it didn't work Israel can say they did it accidentally. The Israeli government can then pay the families of the victims with money the US government sent them! Both sides cover their asses either way.

8th June 2010, 07:05 PM
Thanks for the remembrance.....



Pics from the NSA Liberty photos (http://www.nsa.gov/public_info/declass/uss_liberty/photos.shtml)

We Remember Them... 34 Who Died

William Allenbaugh
Philip Armstrong, Jr.
Gary Blanchard
Allen Blue
Francis Brown
Ronnie Campbell
Jerry Converse
Robert Eisenberg
Jerry Goss
Curtis Graves
Lawrence Hayden
Warren Hersey
Alan Higgins
Carl Hoar
Richard Keene
James Lenau
Raymond Linn
James Lupton
Duane Marggraf
David Marlborough
Anthony Mendle
Carl Nygren
Dave O'Connor
James Pierce
Jack Raper
Edward Rehmeyer
Tom Riley
David Skolak
John Smith, Jr.
Melvin Smith
John Spicher
Alexander Thompson
Thomas Thornton
Phillipe Tiedtke
Stephen Toth
Frederick Walton


General of Darkness
8th June 2010, 07:11 PM
If I ever was around LBJ's grave, I'd piss on it and punch the nearest rabbi.

8th June 2010, 07:11 PM
Were gun camera photos doctored?

Fraud in Cristol's book, The Liberty Incident (http://gidusko.webs.com/cam_frd/)




8th June 2010, 11:25 PM

9th June 2010, 06:55 AM
To me it seems like a smart way to have done it. If it worked they could have blamed anyone they wanted and bombed the sh*t out of the pyramids. If it didn't work Israel can say they did it accidentally. The Israeli government can then pay the families of the victims with money the US government sent them! Both sides cover their asses either way.

If I remember correctly, they were intending to blame Egypt.

9th June 2010, 07:25 AM
To me it seems like a smart way to have done it. If it worked they could have blamed anyone they wanted and bombed the sh*t out of the pyramids. If it didn't work Israel can say they did it accidentally. The Israeli government can then pay the families of the victims with money the US government sent them! Both sides cover their asses either way.

If I remember correctly, they were intending to blame Egypt.

Correct on the Egypt blaming game.

From Wiki:

Two subsequent Israeli inquiry reports and an historical report concluded the attack was conducted because Liberty was confused with an Egyptian vessel and because of failures in communications between Israel and the U.S.

The Israeli government said that three crucial errors were made: the refreshing of the status board (removing the ship's classification as American, so that the later shift did not see it identified), the erroneous identification of the ship as an Egyptian vessel, and the lack of notification from the returning aircraft informing Israeli headquarters of markings on the front of the hull (markings that would not be found on an Egyptian ship). As a common root of these problems, Israel blamed the combination of alarm and fatigue experienced by the Israeli forces at that point of the war when pilots were severely overworked.

James Bamford, a former ABC News producer, in his 2001 book Body of Secrets, proposes a different possible motive for a deliberate attack: to prevent the discovery of a massacre by the IDF of Egyptian prisoners of war that was supposedly taking place at the same time in the nearby town of El-Arish. In 1995, mass graves of Egyptian soldiers were discovered outside of El-Arish, and IDF veterans have admitted that unarmed civilians and prisoners of war were murdered in the 1967 War.

The press release for the BBC documentary film Dead in the Water states that new recorded and other evidence suggests the attack was a "daring ploy by Israel to fake an Eygptian attack" to give America a reason to enter the war against Egypt. Convinced that that attack was real, President of the United States Lyndon B. Johnson launched nuclear-armed planes targeted against Cairo from a U.S. aircraft carrier in the Mediterranean. The planes were recalled only just in time, when it was clear the Liberty had not sunk and that Israel had carried out the attack. An information source for the aircraft being nuclear-armed, James Ennes, later stated that he was probably wrong in his original book. According to Ennes, the planes were not nuclear-armed, but most likely armed with Bullpup missiles. The video also provides testimonal evidence of a covert alliance of U.S. and Israel intelligence agencies.

Admiral Thomas H. Moorer, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and a critic of the official United States Government version of events, chaired a non-governmental investigation into the attack on the USS Liberty in 2003. The committee, which included former U.S. ambassador to Saudi Arabia James E. Akins, held Israel to be culpable and suggested several theories for Israel's possible motives, including the desire to blame Egypt and bring the U.S. into the Six Day War.

All other things aside; If you dont think that trained Military fighter pilots, Naval tower lookouts and the use of radio signals couldn't identify the Liberty as a 'Technical Research ship' and NOT any type of battleship, then you are not being rational about your preconceived notions.

You can argue all day about 'could they identify the ship as US', but all that matters is this was a NON WEAPONS ship in INTERNATIONAL waters. It had multiple radio towers ONLY and was used for gathering intelligence by monitoring the electronic communications of others.

An 8 year old can tell the difference.

Israel has paid out roughly $6.8 million since 1968 to the families and the injured. They have paid $6 million to the US .gov for the cost of the damage to the ship.

9th June 2010, 08:16 AM
That was the recovery plan if they got caught, which they did. (Claiming israel thought the ship was Egyption)

However as far as I remember it, the original intention was to have israel sink the ship, and then the USA was going to frame Egypt as the aggressor, giving them an excuse to invade the middle east, which they wanted to do for years.

The Russian Submarine spoiled the plan, as they would testify that Egypt had nothing to do with the attack on the USS Liberty.

It was a FF event that israel and the States were in collaboration on.

9th June 2010, 04:24 PM
there are some GREAT interviews with Jim Ennes (Lieut. Commander on the Liberty, acting Commanding Officer).



he talks about details like the 8 Israeli flyovers, about 1 every half hour.

he also talks about touring the ship early on to check the flags. one US flag was covered with soot, they changed that for a new one.

So, is Bibi Netanyahu a 6 Day War veteran ? (The Liberty incident was part of the 6 day war.) is Netanyahu one of the scum who stabbed Israel's supposed friend, the US, in the back ?

9th June 2010, 05:40 PM
God Himself kept Liberty afloat. Her survivors believe that.

She was supposed to sink. And once she slipped beneath the waves, A-4 Skyhawks from USS America, nuclear-armed and already in the air during the attack, were to ignite a nuclear war by dropping their loads on Cairo. Even the US Embassy in Cairo had been warned to take action to shield themselves from the blasts.


While i FULLY agree this was a conspired event to bring the US into war against the Arabs, your link has no evidence of the Nuclear attack other than this by its OP

"What I found out later is our government was 120 seconds away from dropping nuclear bombs on Cairo, Egypt and they would have if the LIBERTY would have sunk. The LIBERTY staying afloat was an act of God. He kept us afloat to tell you the truth. If our government would have nuked Cairo you can bet the Soviet Union would have retaliated in kind on the American people. This was a pact with the devil with only the greater interest of Israel in mind."

He gives no reference or source for this.

9th June 2010, 06:26 PM
Glenn Beck had this nice memorial piece on last night,



(I kid, I kid. Twas Russia Today, of couse! ;D)

9th June 2010, 08:00 PM
While i FULLY agree this was a conspired event to bring the US into war against the Arabs, your link has no evidence of the Nuclear attack other than this by its OP

"What I found out later is our government was 120 seconds away from dropping nuclear bombs on Cairo, Egypt and they would have if the LIBERTY would have sunk. The LIBERTY staying afloat was an act of God. He kept us afloat to tell you the truth. If our government would have nuked Cairo you can bet the Soviet Union would have retaliated in kind on the American people. This was a pact with the devil with only the greater interest of Israel in mind."

He gives no reference or source for this.

Why don't you watch the BBC video I posted?

Instead of assuming the Jews are not always up to no good.

9th June 2010, 08:40 PM
there are some GREAT interviews with Jim Ennes (Lieut. Commander on the Liberty, acting Commanding Officer).

The Ugly Truth podcasts hosted by Mark Glenn often focus on USS Liberty, survivor Phil Tourney is a regular guest.


Latest show, 6/9 features Dr. Alan Sabrosky, former director of studies at the US Army War College: "The Military Knows Israel did 911"

Hatha Sunahara
11th June 2010, 10:18 AM
Here is a piece that probably describes the politics of the USS Liberty attack correctly:


Kirwan most likely has read Michael Collins Piper's book The Final Judgment. That is an excellent, well documented piece on the JFK assassination. It is fascinating not only for what it says, but how it has been received. My guts tell me it may be close to, if not a bulls eye on the truth.


8th June 2022, 03:44 PM

8th June 2022, 06:02 PM

10th July 2022, 03:45 PM
On Rokfin, not premium.