Large Sarge
8th June 2010, 03:27 PM
Thursday, March 04, 2010

Turkish generals, in bed with Israel?

Have some of the Turkish generals been acting against the interests of the USA?

Recently, the Turkish police arrested 49 military officers over a coup plot

The Israeli lobby appears to be defending the generals. (Following the money trail amid traps)

It looks as though some of the Turkish generals are in bed with Israel and Mossad.

The generals reportedly plotted to bomb one of Istanbul's largest mosques during Friday prayers and blame it on mad Moslems.

The generals reportedly plotted to deliberately down a Turkish jet and blame it on Greece, which foolishly sees Israel as a friend! (Coups away )

Marc Grossman, who was United States Ambassador to Turkey, Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs, and Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs.

Mostaque Ali has written 'Hustling for justice.'

Among the points made:

1. Sibel Edmonds has made allegations about the theft of nuclear secrets from the USA by foreign allies and enemies.

Edmonds said that Marc Grossman had accepted cash to help procure and sell nuclear weapons technology to Turkey.

2. Edmonds claimed that Grossman, the U.S. Ambassador to Turkey before taking his State Department post, had tipped off Turkish diplomats to the true identity of covert CIA operative Valerie Plame Wilson’s front company, Brewster Jennings & Associates.

3. Reportedly, the Israelis and the Turks obtained influence over US legislators and over a number of senior government officials at the Pentagon and State Department.

4. According to Sibel Edmonds, Grossman bragged that if the Turks wanted a story to appear in the media, he could arrange it.

5. Reportedly Israel approached India many times during the 1980's to attack Pakistan's nuclear facilities.

Reportedly Israel simultaneously supplied Pakistan with nuclear technology stolen from the USA.

Ataturk, who became prime minister of Turkey in 1920.

It has been argued that Turkey has many crypto-Jews (Jews who appear not to be Jews).

The Young Turk movement, which set up modern Turkey at the beginning of the 20th century, is reported to have been run by crypto-Jews.
Kemal Ataturk and other Young Turks were reportedly of Jewish origin. (Jewish Founders of Modern (Secular) Turkey)
The Armenian Holocaust of 1915 was reportedly engineered by the Jews of the Young Turks.
In this holocaust, 1.5 million Armenian Christians were starved, tortured, and murdered.
On 3 March 2010, John L. Esposito, at middle-east-online (The Crisis in Turkey?) wrote:
"In the past week, several alarmist pieces, including Soner Cagaptay's 'What's Really Behind Turkey's Coup Arrests?' and Daniel Pipes' 'Crisis in Turkey,' have warned of a mortal crisis that threatens Turkey's future and its relationship with Europe and the US.
"Both are particularly exasperated by the continued arrest and indictment of senior military for conspiring to commit acts of terrorism in a plot to overthrow the government and what they see as an alliance between the ruling AK party and Fetullah Gulen's movement."
So, apparently, Israel is still friends with the Turkish generals.

8th June 2010, 03:40 PM
Someday the world will see the Zionists for what they are.........the Israelis are only for the Israelis and anyone else is just a tool to be used against their own people.

8th June 2010, 08:20 PM
I posted about a lot of this recently without links,
the Turks and Israelis had a blowout over Ergodan
the populist Islamist attacking Peres openly saying
nasty things about blood on their hands, next thing
you know there is attempted assasination and coupe.
The elite establishment created Turkey out of the Ottoman
Empire, they were the "young turks" led by "attaturk",
all Jews.

Just like the Likud is largely the families of the people
that created Israel through terrorism.

They are involved in all crimes and partnered.

Sibel Edmonds again, "it is all the same people."

all over google search (http://www.google.com/search?q=erdogan+peres&hl=en&prmd=vi&source=univ&tbs=vid:1&tbo=u&ei=uPoOTOxMgrvyBsb4rYgJ&sa=X&oi=video_result_group&ct=title&resnum=1&ved=0CCIQqwQwAA)


8th June 2010, 08:24 PM
ZOG sent a warning to the Turks who are very dirtied.

Turkey mass murdered the Kurds too and wiped out
thousands of villages and nobody said anything.

Why does the ADL lobby for Turks ?

Why is it that people do not know this history ?

Why are the Turks allowed to bomb Iraq under US control ?

What does Eustace Mullins have to say on Byzantium ?

"WE WILL DIE HERE !" Patriarch, last office holder of
the Eastern Roman Empire Byzantium.

Rothchilds and Masons stoled the double headed eagle from them.



8th June 2010, 08:58 PM
ADL lobbies for the Turks. Why ?

How Ataturk Destroyed Islam in Turkey




1 Prehistory of the 1915 Genocide

1.1 Introduction
1.2 Jews, Crypto-Jews and Freemasons—The Means
1.3 The Armenian Holocaust and the Battle of Armageddon—The Opportunity
1.4 From Herzl to Malcolm, Zionists Betray the Armenians
1.5 Blotting Out the Armenian Amalekites—The Motive

2 The Genocidal "Young Turks" Were Zionist Crypto-Jews

2.1 Introduction
2.2 Jews Foment Wars of Extermination and Genocidal Revolutions
2.3 Jewish Bankers Destroyed the Turkish Empire
2.4 Talaat Pasha, Djavid Bey, Ataturk, Etc., Were Jews

3 Rothschild, King of the Jews

3.1 Introduction
3.2 The Rothschild Plan to Take Palestine
3.3 Cabalistic Jews Calling Themselves Christian Condition the British to Assist in Their Own Demise-Rothschild Makes an Open Bid to Become the Messiah
3.4 The "British-Israel" Deceit
3.5 For Centuries, England is Flooded with Warmongering Zionist Propaganda
3.6 As a Good Cabalist Jew, David Hartley Conditions Christians to Welcome Martyrdom for the Sake of the Jews
3.7 Jewish Revolutionaries and Napoleon the Messiah Emancipate the Jews
3.8 Hitler Accomplishes for the Zionists What Napoleon Could Not
3.9 Zionists Develop a Strategy Which Culminates in the Nazis and the Holocaust as Means to Attain the "Jewish State"

4 Mordecai Manuel Noah

4.1 Introduction
4.2 Noah in 1818
4.3 Noah in 1837
4.4 Noah in 1844


General of Darkness
8th June 2010, 09:42 PM
Magnes, while I'm not religious, those videos bothered me. I appreciate you posting them, but I also have to wonder WHY do these folks worship the Koran?

I don't mean to derail the thread, but what is this infatuation with Islam? What does this religion offer? Or is it really a believe or be killed indoctrination? This happened in Europe with the Vikings. My guess it's like everything else, making the masses connected.

8th June 2010, 10:06 PM
Magnes, while I'm not religious, those videos bothered me. I appreciate you posting them, but I also have to wonder WHY do these folks worship the Koran?

I don't mean to derail the thread, but what is this infatuation with Islam? What does this religion offer? Or is it really a believe or be killed indoctrination? This happened in Europe with the Vikings. My guess it's like everything else, making the masses connected.

The Koran has been described by many as more of
a political manifesto than anything else, I have given
references, and even spoken about the vikings,
Charlamagne, Byzantium , the Crusades, Middle Ages,
all connected, it all overlaps.
Western History, I guarantee that you would appreciate
this history. How was Europe built ?
Who were the destroyers ? For how long ? Who united
Europe ? Who defended Europe ? I am not religious,
I am talking from a historical point of view.
Vikings came to fight for Byzantium, as pagans/heathens and
later as Christians.
Viking history ? Their beliefs and customs ?
All Indo Europeans came from the same place and
were at one point practicing the barbarity ?
Vikings raided Charlamagne's creation of Europe
for white slaves to sell to Muslims, Charlmagne put
a stop to them, join us or else, and they did, that
was their main source of income. Good thing Charlamagne
got to them first, the Normans became the greatest
defenders of Europe after that point, we would not
be here today if it was not for key battles and close
calls. Turkey was all Europeans, even the Celts in
Turkey were mass murdered, their homeland is
mentioned in the video, Cappadocia.
Byzantium was a Western city and Empire.
It ain't about religion, what if everyone just
converted and did not fight ? Became muslim.
LOTR , many parts of it are allegory on Byzantium.
Even the director says so, so many scenes,
not coincidence. You got me rambling.

8th June 2010, 10:17 PM
This is related, the Turko Mongol Khazar Huns are still in control.

"venetian bankers" ran them, they later took over England
and created "freemasonry".

"they came at the call of Byzantium" historians


