View Full Version : Constitution, Declaration now come with a disclaimer...

8th June 2010, 04:47 PM
via Drudge:


If you read yesterday’s thread in George Washington, “Oops! My, bad” you might have seen this mentioned by @racist. He bought a copy of the Constitution from Amazon, and upon reviewing his purchase, read a shocking statement from the publisher inside the book. He was kind enough to scan the page for iOTW and it is for real.

Here is the book’s page on Amazon.com. If you read the reviews-other folks are surprised/shocked/angered too. Why does Amazon still use A&D Publishing/Wilder Publications if their product is defective and biased? You might want to ask them.

Or, maybe you’d like to write a letter directly to:

A & D Publishing
PO Box 3005
Radford,Va 24143-3005

or contact: Wilder Publications

If you do contact them be respectful. As with the tea party, it takes one nasty comment or sign to paint everyone else with a broad rightwing/racist etc…brush. Show them more respect than they show to our Founding documents.

I’m wondering, is this what Obama and company think about the Constitution? Is this the copy that Elena Kagan has been using to determine rulings of cases and teachings in school? Things that make you go, WTF?!?

AND…another hattip to @joeclark77 who found more info about this “Warning Label” over at Cato@Liberty


8th June 2010, 05:51 PM
well isn't that just precious

8th June 2010, 06:16 PM
So it's considered "classic work" as a great novel, like Huckleberry Finn or Moby Dick?

8th June 2010, 06:30 PM
Try bringing up the Constitution or the Declaration in a court or government meeting. Laughter, and then anger if you persist.

8th June 2010, 07:33 PM
Trying bringing up the Constitution or the Declaration in a court or government meeting. Laughter, and then anger if you persist.

From the same people who swear an oath to uphold the same... it's sickening really.

8th June 2010, 08:36 PM
Trying bringing up the Constitution or the Declaration in a court or government meeting. Laughter, and then anger if you persist.

From the same people who swear an oath to uphold the same... it's sickening really.

I Swear...

8th June 2010, 09:36 PM
Trying bringing up the Constitution or the Declaration in a court or government meeting. Laughter, and then anger if you persist.

Dont mention the Creator either. That is really a pain in their side.

If that is real, it doesnt surprise me, and its quite frightening. The Social Change Agents have altered most of the true history and teachings of our founders.

8th June 2010, 10:10 PM
I had to get up out of my nice comfy bed to see if my copy of the Constitution had a disclaimer. It did not. It is a pocket-sized version printed in 2000 by the Cato Institute.

I realize this might gain me some smites, but first, hear me out.

I invite you to think about the disclaimer in the original post, rather than react to it. Aren't those topics that parents should discuss with their children? I do not have children, but isn't how you feel about race, gender, sexuality (is that even mentioned in the Constitution?), ethnicity (isn't that the same thing as race?), and interpersonal relations (whatever that means) topics that should be discussed with your children if you want them to carry on your values and traditions?

My point is that the disclaimer can be taken different ways. Some can take it as a threat, while others can take it as friendly advice.

8th June 2010, 10:25 PM
Friendly advice from a publisher? A faceless corporation magnanimously reminds me to discuss these serious issues with my child(ren), even though they don't know me personally and have absolutely ZERO credibility pertaining to parenting skills... I think I'll pass. I'd rather a stranger approach me in the supermarket to give me the same advice. But honestly, I wouldn't appreciate that, either. Honest question: if a stranger approached you in the supermarket with the same advice, would you be greatful or resentful? And if resentful, why in the world would you be greatful (or even tolerant) of a limited liability corporation presuming to offer you advice about your children?
(sorry spelling, a little drunk after a big Celtics loss- btw Celtics come back and win this series)


I had to get up out of my nice comfy bed to see if my copy of the Constitution had a disclaimer. It did not. It is a pocket-sized version printed in 2000 by the Cato Institute.

I realize this might gain me some smites, but first, hear me out.

I invite you to think about the disclaimer in the original post, rather than react to it. Aren't those topics that parents should discuss with their children? I do not have children, but isn't how you feel about race, gender, sexuality (is that even mentioned in the Constitution?), ethnicity (isn't that the same thing as race?), and interpersonal relations (whatever that means) topics that should be discussed with your children if you want them to carry on your values and traditions?

My point is that the disclaimer can be taken different ways. Some can take it as a threat, while others can take it as friendly advice.

8th June 2010, 10:32 PM

Kids don't get their Thinking from parents anymore.


8th June 2010, 11:07 PM
Friendly advice from a publisher? A faceless corporation magnanimously reminds me to discuss these serious issues with my child(ren), even though they don't know me personally and have absolutely ZERO credibility pertaining to parenting skills... I think I'll pass. I'd rather a stranger approach me in the supermarket to give me the same advice. But honestly, I wouldn't appreciate that, either. Honest question: if a stranger approached you in the supermarket with the same advice, would you be greatful or resentful? And if resentful, why in the world would you be greatful (or even tolerant) of a limited liability corporation presuming to offer you advice about your children?
(sorry spelling, a little drunk after a big Celtics loss- btw Celtics come back and win this series)

You have a point. I would not want unsolicited advice from a stranger at the supermarket about anything except to remove the spinach from my teeth or something like that.

In the interest of perspective . . . The LLC isn't advising you whether or not to give your child flu vaccines, whether to have your child circumcised, or whether to encourage them to join the army. They're advising you to talk to your children about heavy topics that are discussed (and for some reason, topics that are not discussed) in the publication they have printed and are providing.

8th June 2010, 11:46 PM
Wilder Publications needs to be targeted...for some nasty email from all of us, maybe even a phone call or two!!!! Who the fvck do these jack offs think they are??? It's one of those days that just keeps on givin'!! DAMNIT!!!

9th June 2010, 07:23 AM
Can i explain to my child what the Eagle holding 13 arrows, a olive branch with 13 leaves, the 13 stripes in the shield, or the 32 feathers on the left, and 33 feathers on the right means?


9th June 2010, 09:51 AM
The LLC is a for profit company trying to sell material that was produced hundreds of years ago- by someone else other than them- for monetary gain. Let's not be pretentious and pretend that the LLC is motivated by something other than profit.
Come on, now.


You have a point. I would not want unsolicited advice from a stranger at the supermarket about anything except to remove the spinach from my teeth or something like that.

In the interest of perspective . . . The LLC isn't advising you whether or not to give your child flu vaccines, whether to have your child circumcised, or whether to encourage them to join the army. They're advising you to talk to your children about heavy topics that are discussed (and for some reason, topics that are not discussed) in the publication they have printed and are providing.

Twisted Titan
9th June 2010, 03:04 PM
History is being changed before your eyes

Just like in Animal Farm

In the end their was only was only one rule.