View Full Version : Passengers Refuse to Give Up Seats for the Family of a Soldier Who Gave His Life

8th June 2010, 10:30 PM
His name was Marine Lance Cpl. Justin Wilson – although I did not know it when his life brushed mine on March 25 at Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport. Lance Cpl. Wilson was not there in the terminal that afternoon; at age 24 and newly married, he had been killed in Afghanistan on March 22 by a roadside bomb. A coincidence of overbooked flights led our lives to intersect for perhaps an hour, one I will never forget.

I did not meet his family that day at the airport, either, although we were there together that evening at the gate, among the crowd hoping to board the oversold flight. I did not know that I had a boarding pass and they did not. I did not know they were trying to get home to hold his funeral, having journeyed to Dover, Del., to meet his casket upon its arrival from Afghanistan.

I also did not know that they already had been stuck for most of the day in another airport because of other oversold flights. But I did not need to know this to realize what they were going through as the event unfolded and to understand the larger cause for it. No matter how we as a nation have relearned the lesson forgotten during Vietnam – that our military men and women and their families deserve all the support we can give them – despite our nation’s fighting two wars in this decade, it is all too easy for most of us to live our lives without having the very great human cost of those wars ever intrude.

But it did intrude heartbreakingly that day at the airport gate. It began simply enough, with the usual call for volunteers: Anyone willing to take a later flight would receive a $500 flight voucher. Then came the announcement none of us was prepared to hear. There was, the airline representative said, a family on their way home from meeting their son’s body as it returned from Afghanistan, and they needed seats on the flight. And there they were, standing beside her, looking at us, waiting to see what we would decide. It wasn’t a hard decision for me; my plans were easily adjusted. I volunteered, as did two women whom I later learned sacrificed important personal plans.

But we three were not enough: Six were needed. So we stood there watching the family – dignified and mute, weighed with grief and fatigue – as the airline representative repeatedly called for assistance for this dead soldier’s family. No one else stepped forward. The calls for volunteers may have lasted only 20 or 30 minutes, but it seemed hours. It was almost unbearable to watch, yet to look away was to see the more than 100 other witnesses to this tragedy who were not moved to help. Then it did become unbearable when, in a voice laced with desperation and tears, the airline representative pleaded, “This young man gave his life for our country, can’t any of you give your seats so his family can get home?” Those words hung in the air. Finally, enough volunteers stepped forward.

I had trouble sleeping that night; I could not get out of my mind the image of the family or the voice pleading for them.When I met my fellow volunteers the next morning at the airport, I found I was not alone. One had gone home and cried, and another had awakened at 3 a.m.; all of us were angry and ashamed that our fellow passengers had not rushed to aid this soldier’s family and consequently had forced them to be on public display in their grief. We worried that this indifference to their son’s sacrifice added to their sorrow.

It turned out my destination was his hometown, so I was able to learn his name and more. I learned he had been a talented graffiti artist and had married his sweetheart, Hannah, the day before he deployed to Afghanistan. They planned a big wedding with family and friends for after he returned home. I learned how proud he was to become a Marine in January 2009. I learned that he and his fellow Marines liked to give the candy they received from home to Afghan children. In sum, I learned that he was the kind of honorable, patriotic young person we want defending our country and how great our loss is that he had to give his life in doing so.

I posted a message to his family on the online condolence book. I told them I was sorry for what they went through in trying to see their son’s body home, but because of it, many more people were going to have heard of Justin and his dedication to his country: I was going to tell everyone I knew about what I had witnessed and tell them his name. And I have.

I thought that was enough, until I received a thank-you note from Lance Cpl. Wilson’s father-in-law.It was a completely humbling experience; he wrote that he was glad I had been able to learn about Justin, and he wanted me to know that Justin “served knowing the risks, but felt it was his obligation and privilege to serve his country.” At that moment, I realized that in this day of an all-volunteer military and a distant war that touches so few of our lives directly, more people should hear the story of Lance Cpl. Wilson and his family.

I’ve thought a lot about what happened that day in the airport, and I choose to believe my fellow passengers were not unfeeling in the face of a soldier’s death and a family’s tragedy. They were just caught off guard – they were totally unprepared to confront the fierce consequences of the war in Afghanistan on their way to Palm Beach on a sunny afternoon.And I believe it was for this reason that people did not rush to the podium to volunteer their seats. It was not that they did not want to, and it was not that they did not think it was the right thing to do. Rather, it was because they were busy trying to assimilate this unexpected confrontation with the irrevocable cost of war and to figure out how to fit doing the right thing into their plans – to fit it into their lives not previously touched by this war. In the end, enough of us figured out how to do the right thing, and it turned out as well as such a painful situation could.

But still I wonder: Barring some momentous personal event that necessitated a seat on that flight, how could any of us even have hesitated? How could we have stopped to weigh any inconvenience to our plans against the sacrifice Lance Cpl. Wilson and his family had made for our country? In such circumstances, it is not a question of recognizing the right thing to do; we should know it is the only thing to do.

From what I have learned of him, in his short life, Lance Cpl. Wilson created a legacy of courage and patriotism that will not be forgotten by those who knew him. I hope there’s a greater legacy as well. I hope through this account of his family’s struggle to see him home, if ever again the war intrudes unbidden on my life or yours, we will know what we must do, and in their honor, and for all those who serve and sacrifice, we will do it.

8th June 2010, 10:44 PM
In sum, I learned that he was the kind of honorable, patriotic young person we want defending our country and how great our loss is that he had to give his life in doing so.


We want? Who here wanted this kid to go to war?


8th June 2010, 10:51 PM
I always give up my seat for the free voucher, one time I got the voucher and they said there was actually enough room and I could keep the voucher. Made like $350-400 for doing nothing.

Now about the story it is only sad, because people still believe in a country that once was.

8th June 2010, 11:19 PM
I'm not amazed at the apathy of the American.

9th June 2010, 12:52 AM
Why wasn't the US Air Force providing the flight home?

And why should passengers have to give up their seats for the family of someone who did not serve the American people, but served the Military-Industrial Complex in destroying an ancient land?

Grand Master Melon
9th June 2010, 01:11 AM
Noble or not noble doesn't matter. There's no need to be dramatic about what happened with the death of the soldier, that's really irrelevant.

What is relevant is that airlines always overbook flights and the customers suffer.

Black Blade
9th June 2010, 01:13 AM
Alternatively this is an airline engaging in fraud. They are selling a product that they have no intention of providing when they overbook flights. Sadly it is quite legal. I have been defrauded this same way in the past by Delta and Frontier Airlines. I no longer fly because I refuse to be treated like livestock.

9th June 2010, 04:01 AM
A real bunch of caring people here.

9th June 2010, 04:04 AM
A bunch of people that see this for the propaganda that it is. Awww, poor guy got killed while stomping around some poor brown guy's country oppressing him and his family and nobody at home appreciates his sacrifice.

*his family should just be thankful it's not the other way around. They can go to the airport and not have to worry as much about being zapped by a predator drone for no reason. When they get back to their huge house with all the amenities of modern life they won't have to worry it's been destroyed by a JDAM. Oh the little inconveniences we all have to bear. :oo-->

9th June 2010, 04:08 AM
Alternatively this is an airline engaging in fraud. They are selling a product that they have no intention of providing when they overbook flights. Sadly it is quite legal. I have been defrauded this same way in the past by Delta and Frontier Airlines. I no longer fly because I refuse to be treated like livestock.


Message to Americans: QUIT FLYING, STUPID!

9th June 2010, 04:26 AM
Most of the kids getting into the military have no clue what is running this world. In like manner, most children going to a playground have no clue what perverts watch them for a moment when they are alone and can be taken.

I don't fault the children for their innocence.

The young and often foolish soldiers usually have a higher respect for the principles of the old America. I don't fault them for their sincerety either.

I do find it loathesome how callous the responses here have been. Sure the airlines are being structured for survival and profit. Thaty is their job. Don't like it? Don't fly. I can guarantee you that the flight attendent and gate personal have no bearing on airline policies. They are people with hurts and joys. They get hungry and sick like everyone else.

Armchair warriors can easily show how brave they are over the internet. You just miss the reality that living souls are in between your brave internet gunfire and the evil corporation targets you shoot.

Grand Master Melon
9th June 2010, 04:46 AM
A real bunch of caring people here.

The airlines sure didn't care when they overbooked the flight.

9th June 2010, 05:06 AM
Most of the kids getting into the military have no clue what is running this world. In like manner, most children going to a playground have no clue what perverts watch them for a moment when they are alone and can be taken.

I don't fault the children for their innocence.

The young and often foolish soldiers usually have a higher respect for the principles of the old America. I don't fault them for their sincerety either.

I do find it loathesome how callous the responses here have been. Sure the airlines are being structured for survival and profit. Thaty is their job. Don't like it? Don't fly. I can guarantee you that the flight attendent and gate personal have no bearing on airline policies. They are people with hurts and joys. They get hungry and sick like everyone else.

Armchair warriors can easily show how brave they are over the internet. You just miss the reality that living souls are in between your brave internet gunfire and the evil corporation targets you shoot.

This guy's family cared so much, someone should have known. In the end we are responsible(for ourselves), even if we've been horn-swoggled.

*and I have honorable discharges from 2 branches. One of them active Marine Corps. I know a little bit about it.

Feel sorry for me yet? Yeah, I didn't think so. Only difference between me and that guy is he stepped on an IED.

**I take that back, there is another difference, my family wouldn't have been able to afford to fly to Dover to meet my body bag on the way back into the USA.

9th June 2010, 05:10 AM
The article is propaganda meant to generate sympathy for our "heroes" in Afghanistan. That is all. I hope you can see that.

9th June 2010, 05:22 AM
Here's another on that blogger David Bellavia's page:


Any questions?

9th June 2010, 05:23 AM
And another:


9th June 2010, 05:33 AM
I'm starting to see a theme! Onward brave Christian soldiers!


9th June 2010, 05:38 AM
Blame the people who buy refundable tickets, and the airlines who sell them. They cause inventory gaps between actual passenger demand and capacity.

9th June 2010, 05:42 AM
Thanks for calling out this propaganda Wildcard.

If I had time, I would love to take the facts and re-write the piece from an alternate view point that you have represented. It is all in the spin. This is a load of crap. Reminds me of those in the healthcare industry that prey on organ donors for free organs so they can charge millions to re-install them in someone else.

9th June 2010, 05:45 AM
Thanks for calling out this propaganda Wildcard.

If I had time, I would love to take the facts and re-write the piece from an alternate view point that you have represented. It is all in the spin. This is a load of crap. Reminds me of those in the healthcare industry that prey on organ donors for free organs so they can charge millions to re-install them in someone else.

Glad to help. It's a gift..., and pretty much all I'm good for. :P

9th June 2010, 06:43 AM
I am amazed at the range of responses to this story - in a good way. When we have a variety of views an opinions is when GSUS really shines.

I read it as propaganda, but I still have a heart, and feel for anyone who loses a family member, regardless on which side of the war they fought. I am with Spectrism about these young men being innocent and deceived into fighting a war which has taken me, a grown woman, the better part of a decade to realize doesn't make sense.

The concept of needing to fly several family members to meet a dead body baffles me. It is said that seeing the dead body is part of the grieving process, but I don't understand it and never have.

9th June 2010, 07:05 AM
Interesting thread on many levels. I agree with Spectrism and K-os that we should be showing some compasion for these people if the story is true. I have a nephew in Afghanistan who is a great kid, but who has been brainwashed by a lifetime of television and video games.

If he dies I will surely grieve, not just for my sister but because he may yet wake up. In his heart I know he is a good kid. It's not his fault he is brainwashed.

Twisted Titan
9th June 2010, 07:58 AM
I respect both Wildcard and Spect for their views.

I do feel empathy for the family though

I have been that level of stupid before..........I've just been fortunate enough not to have it cost my life or my health.

Great topic helped me see a issue in a way I wanst paying atttention too.


9th June 2010, 08:06 AM
The article is propaganda meant to generate sympathy for our "heroes" in Afghanistan. That is all. I hope you can see that.


Let's publicly stop calling them "hero" and instead publicly call them "chump". We owe them this Truth since their idiot parents failed them. Their school failed them. Their church failed them.


9th June 2010, 08:15 AM
Why wasn't the US Air Force providing the flight home?

too busy flying pelosi to adl/aipac conventions ... :oo-->

9th June 2010, 09:46 AM
The article is propaganda meant to generate sympathy for our "heroes" in Afghanistan. That is all. I hope you can see that.


Let's publicly stop calling them "hero" and instead publicly call them "chump". We owe them this Truth since their idiot parents failed them. Their school failed them. Their church failed them.


Great post Book. I was the chump at 18 and I freely admit it. These guys, hopefully, will get there too..., before they kill or are killed.

9th June 2010, 09:53 AM
The concept of needing to fly several family members to meet a dead body baffles me. It is said that seeing the dead body is part of the grieving process, but I don't understand it and never have.
Flying the family across the country was a little overboard. I'd trust that they deliver it to my home town. As for seeing the body, I think it proves the reality of the situation. Just imagine someone calling you one day and saying that your son was killed. You never saw him again. A little tiny part of you would wonder if maybe he is still out there somewhere and not really dead.

When I worked at the FUNeral home, I had to pick up victims of a helicopter crash. (it crashed into the forest, started a forest fire) I had 4 charred bodies on my hands that I had to figure out how to identify. Once we got things straightened out, we found out that 2 of the victims were from Korea. The appropriate contacts were made and the father of one of the victims flew out to see his son. We took him to the back room and unzipped the body bag. He started crying and hugging this charred corpse. I didn't understand the hugging. There was no recognizable feature left. But then again, it wasn't my son. Who knows, I might do the same. (hope I never have to find out)

9th June 2010, 10:15 AM
The article is propaganda meant to generate sympathy for our "heroes" in Afghanistan. That is all. I hope you can see that.


Let's publicly stop calling them "hero" and instead publicly call them "chump". We owe them this Truth since their idiot parents failed them. Their school failed them. Their church failed them.


Great post Book. I was the chump at 18 and I freely admit it. These guys, hopefully, will get there too..., before they kill or are killed.

You guys should really do better by the U.S., and advertise better for the last "great thing" it has going for it. The bible belt and it's recruits for religious wars are the windfall of the nation. :soap


9th June 2010, 10:18 AM
Dead because of international Jewry.

9th June 2010, 10:32 AM
The article is propaganda meant to generate sympathy for our "heroes" in Afghanistan. That is all. I hope you can see that.


Let's publicly stop calling them "hero" and instead publicly call them "chump". We owe them this Truth since their idiot parents failed them. Their school failed them. Their church failed them.


Great post Book. I was the chump at 18 and I freely admit it. These guys, hopefully, will get there too..., before they kill or are killed.

You guys should really do better by the U.S., and advertise better for the last "great thing" it has going for it. The bible belt and it's recruits for religious wars are the windfall of the nation (of israel). :soap


FYP horn-swoggler.

9th June 2010, 11:01 AM
Since we know that Israel owns the US government, it's banking/finance system, the government has an Israel 1st, America last policy, and we are fighting wars and dying for Israel...are our soldiers not Israeli soldiers with American uniforms?
Maybe it's time to add a new patch?

I wish American soldiers were fighting for America, we'd be a great country again!

9th June 2010, 11:01 AM
Real sensitive bunch.... a bunch of know it all - know nothing pretenders. Evidently, you know little about matters of the heart.

9th June 2010, 11:07 AM
I'm w/ Wildcard on this one. What creates an obligation for one to give up their seat to the families of criminals?

9th June 2010, 11:17 AM
I'm w/ Wildcard on this one. What creates an obligation for one to give up their seat to the families of criminals?

"Families of criminals"...everyone of you are criminals and just as complicit in all the evils of the world, as much as anybody serving in the military. You use the evil money of the moneychangers, the money that makes all of their power possible...you are a bunch of hypocritical self lying self deluded criminals.

9th June 2010, 11:30 AM
Actually, all of you hypocrites are worse than young unknowing people serving in the military, because you pretend to know how the world works and continue to power evil...conscious evil is much more grave of a crime.

philo beddoe
9th June 2010, 11:46 AM
I'm w/ Wildcard on this one. What creates an obligation for one to give up their seat to the families of criminals?

"Families of criminals"...everyone of you are criminals and just as complicit in all the evils of the world, as much as anybody serving in the military. You use the evil money of the moneychangers, the money that makes all of their power possible...you are a bunch of hypocritical self lying self deluded criminals.
And you use puka shells?

9th June 2010, 11:54 AM
I'm w/ Wildcard on this one. What creates an obligation for one to give up their seat to the families of criminals?

"Families of criminals"...everyone of you are criminals and just as complicit in all the evils of the world, as much as anybody serving in the military. You use the evil money of the moneychangers, the money that makes all of their power possible...you are a bunch of hypocritical self lying self deluded criminals.
And you use puka shells?

I'm not deluding myself to the way of the world...I understand it, and am also guilty. Which make the self righteous proclamations of the posters condemning the soldiers and family as criminals... myopic liars.

9th June 2010, 11:56 AM
Monkey gangs get together to kill monkeys from other tribes (as example), it is not 'the evil money of the moneychangers, the money that makes all of their power possible'.

So we get a corporation that took a calculated risk it was better to overbook for profit and screw the odd family of hero. But as so often happens, compliant media ensure a third party must take both the blame, guilt and damages.

Cedarchopper you keep escalating in attacks on other members. it is incorrect to say other members here are hypocritical liar's as while labelling others as criminals, I saw no statements stating we here are not criminals.

It was also not stated that the families were criminal, but the family of a criminal.

Since you are making false accusations and attacking members here for a good cause, the defense of heros, I will not make a complaint. ;D

9th June 2010, 11:59 AM
Don't include me in the condeming crowd. I have the utmost respect for our boys in the military!
I have a complete lack of respect for those that wage the wars.

9th June 2010, 12:03 PM
the airline representative pleaded, “This young man gave his life for our country, can’t any of you give your seats so his family can get home?

Mr. Airline Representative, can't you figure something out? You're the guys that sold the frigging tickets and are running the planes. Maybe tell the other passengers that if they give up their seats, they get the next flight free, and $500 each? If no one takes it, then $1000. You made the problem, you should be the ones to fix it.

Naw easier to fuck it all up and then try to guilt-trip the passengers.

9th June 2010, 12:39 PM
Please name for me the number of innocent people that I've murdered for the benefit of the theiving, murdering, raping, pillaging thugs otherwise known as TPTB. Please name for me the number of times that I've agreed to accept stolen money intending to use it to murder people, AND THEN ASKED FOR PRAISE AND RESPECT FOR MY ATROCITIES.

Yet I'm "just as complicit" as they are? Sorry, cd, specious argument.


I'm w/ Wildcard on this one. What creates an obligation for one to give up their seat to the families of criminals?

"Families of criminals"...everyone of you are criminals and just as complicit in all the evils of the world, as much as anybody serving in the military. You use the evil money of the moneychangers, the money that makes all of their power possible...you are a bunch of hypocritical self lying self deluded criminals.

9th June 2010, 12:51 PM
Actually, all of you hypocrites are worse than young unknowing people serving in the military, because you pretend to know how the world works and continue to power evil...conscious evil is much more grave of a crime.


My religious experience was with peyote, years ago. It was a high vibrational experience that spoke to me...for days. I think that is what religions are founded on...then all the followers try to understand what can only be understood by personal experience.

9th June 2010, 12:57 PM
I don't "blame" the useful idiots who serve in our military protecting Israel but I certainly don't respect them or mourn them. Sure I understand where they are coming from and what they 'think' they are doing but that doesn't mean I will just ignore the reality of what they are doing.

9th June 2010, 01:08 PM
I'm not saying that the kid or his family are "criminals".
I am not saying that the kid deserved to die.
I am not saying I am glad he died.
If fact I empathize with the greif the family must feel.

They have a right to greive, but they don't have a right for force me to suffer for their grief; this is just another symptom of our entitlement-minded society.

It is my right to offer compassion, it is not someone else's right to demand that I give it. Nothing is so sancitmonious as someone who self-righteously demands compassion. There is physical slavery, economic slavery and to top it off, we got folks who now want to empower emotional slavery.

9th June 2010, 01:09 PM
I don't "blame" the useful idiots who serve in our military protecting Israel but I certainly don't respect them or mourn them.


We should ridicule them for being tools and chumps of Israel. They are fools unworthy of encouragement.


9th June 2010, 01:23 PM
The soldier (or model) front and center needs to keep his finger OUT of the trigger guard area!

9th June 2010, 01:26 PM
The soldier (or model) front and center needs to keep his finger OUT of the trigger guard area!

That's hilarious.. they probably did use models.. LOL

philo beddoe
9th June 2010, 01:28 PM
I don't "blame" the useful idiots who serve in our military protecting Israel but I certainly don't respect them or mourn them.


We should ridicule them for being tools and chumps of Israel. They are fools unworthy of encouragement.



Grand Master Melon
9th June 2010, 01:52 PM
Blame the people who buy refundable tickets, and the airlines who sell them. They cause inventory gaps between actual passenger demand and capacity.

People who buy refundable tickets are smart, airlines that overbook flights are stupid.

9th June 2010, 01:55 PM
Most of the kids getting into the military have no clue what is running this world. In like manner, most children going to a playground have no clue what perverts watch them for a moment when they are alone and can be taken.

I don't fault the children for their innocence.

I fault them the moment they either extinguish an innocent life or witness the extinguishing of an innocent life.

I don't know of any soldier in Iraq or Afghanistan who doesn't know the score within a month of the tour there.

The young and often foolish soldiers usually have a higher respect for the principles of the old America. I don't fault them for their sincerety either.

Their "higher respect" is obedience to "authority." If they respected the "principles of the old America," they'd say, "what in Hell are we doing here, this isn't Constitutional, I'm not doing this no more?!"

I do find it loathesome how callous the responses here have been.

I'm sure some here find you loathsome. Mainly due to your shilling for "Israel" and the Military-Industrial Complex.

Armchair warriors can easily show how brave they are over the internet. You just miss the reality that living souls are in between your brave internet gunfire and the evil corporation targets you shoot.

So, tell us, how is it you have consistent Internet access while you're serving in Iraq or Afghanistan?

Grand Master Melon
9th June 2010, 01:58 PM
Dead because of international Jewry.

It could've been a negro fish.

9th June 2010, 02:01 PM
I am with Spectrism about these young men being innocent and deceived into fighting a war which has taken me, a grown woman, the better part of a decade to realize doesn't make sense.

It took you "the better part of a decade" to realize that "thou shalt not murder" is not just God's law, but a good idea in every way?

Are you saying American soldiers are that stupid, that they can't recognize that an Afghani or Iraqi child of 8 couldn't possibly have had anything to do with 9/11, and that killing him, regardless of any excuse of "collateral damage," is nothing but clear and inexcusable murder?

9th June 2010, 02:03 PM
I have a nephew in Afghanistan who is a great kid, but who has been brainwashed by a lifetime of television and video games.

It is your DUTY to educate him in whatever way possible, to the point of risking your relationship with him.

If he dies I will surely grieve, not just for my sister but because he may yet wake up. In his heart I know he is a good kid. It's not his fault he is brainwashed.

In part, it's your fault. You "know." You allow him to continue to be ignorant or in denial.

Tell him. Tell him NOW. Send him a care package, along with a letter of reality.

9th June 2010, 02:04 PM
The article is propaganda meant to generate sympathy for our "heroes" in Afghanistan. That is all. I hope you can see that.


Let's publicly stop calling them "hero" and instead publicly call them "chump". We owe them this Truth since their idiot parents failed them. Their school failed them. Their church failed them.


You are absolutely correct. And God does NOT bless those who do great wickedness.

Grand Master Melon
9th June 2010, 02:06 PM
You are absolutely correct. And God does NOT bless those who do great wickedness.

Thanks for clearing that up GOD.

9th June 2010, 02:06 PM
Real sensitive bunch.... a bunch of know it all - know nothing pretenders. Evidently, you know little about matters of the heart.

What have you done for the child and women victims of push-button Predator strikes?

9th June 2010, 02:07 PM
I have a nephew in Afghanistan who is a great kid, but who has been brainwashed by a lifetime of television and video games.

It is your DUTY to educate him in whatever way possible, to the point of risking your relationship with him.

If he dies I will surely grieve, not just for my sister but because he may yet wake up. In his heart I know he is a good kid. It's not his fault he is brainwashed.

In part, it's your fault. You "know." You allow him to continue to be ignorant or in denial.

Tell him. Tell him NOW. Send him a care package, along with a letter of reality.

Believe me, I would do something about it if I thought I could. My sister has shielded him from me all his life. She knows what I think, and so does he. I don't consider it my fault at all, sorry.

Grand Master Melon
9th June 2010, 02:08 PM
Real sensitive bunch.... a bunch of know it all - know nothing pretenders. Evidently, you know little about matters of the heart.

What have you done for the child and women victims of push-button Predator strikes?

I hope you don't pay taxes.

9th June 2010, 02:08 PM
I have the utmost respect for our boys in the military!
I have a complete lack of respect for those that wage the wars.


"Those that wage the wars" ARE the "boys in the military."

If the military said, "no more!," and laid down their arms, the AIPAC high command would be sh*t out of luck.

Grand Master Melon
9th June 2010, 02:09 PM
Real sensitive bunch.... a bunch of know it all - know nothing pretenders. Evidently, you know little about matters of the heart.

What have you done for the child and women victims of push-button Predator strikes?

I hope you don't pay taxes.

Nevermind, surely GOD doesn't pay taxes.

9th June 2010, 02:12 PM
I have a nephew in Afghanistan who is a great kid, but who has been brainwashed by a lifetime of television and video games.

It is your DUTY to educate him in whatever way possible, to the point of risking your relationship with him.

If he dies I will surely grieve, not just for my sister but because he may yet wake up. In his heart I know he is a good kid. It's not his fault he is brainwashed.

In part, it's your fault. You "know." You allow him to continue to be ignorant or in denial.

Tell him. Tell him NOW. Send him a care package, along with a letter of reality.

Believe me, I would do something about it if I thought I could. My sister has shielded him from me all his life. She knows what I think, and so does he. I don't consider it my fault at all, sorry.

Like I said, and I'm serious: Send him a care package, with lots of good stuff, and a heartfelt letter laying out the reality of what "the mission" is truly about...and encouraging him to get home as quickly as he can, by whatever reasonable means.

9th June 2010, 02:14 PM
I am with Spectrism about these young men being innocent and deceived into fighting a war which has taken me, a grown woman, the better part of a decade to realize doesn't make sense.

It took you "the better part of a decade" to realize that "thou shalt not murder" is not just God's law, but a good idea in every way?

Yep. You know, it's not like there are only two speeds here on planet Earth: murderous rampage and saint. I think "thou shalt not kill" is a very good idea. I did however believe that "we" were fighting for something in the middle east. I thought "we" had to engage them over there so they didn't bring a war here. I wasn't one of the "kill everyone and turn everything into a parking lot" people, but I was not against the war either. I was misinformed, and I can admit it.

Are you saying American soldiers are that stupid, that they can't recognize that an Afghani or Iraqi child of 8 couldn't possibly have had anything to do with 9/11, and that killing him, regardless of any excuse of "collateral damage," is nothing but clear and inexcusable murder?

I don't think that they are stupid. I think they are brainwashed and bribed. I think there are very, very few of them that will be able to lead normal, healthy lives after serving time in the middle east.

9th June 2010, 02:15 PM
I'll think about it. It would probably do more harm than good; he's already killed a "terrorist." He's so deep in that he is going to cling to his cherished delusions right till the end.

I told his mom before he went in "It's not like we're fighting the Germans, it's like WE ARE the Germans." She barely speaks to me.

Grand Master Melon
9th June 2010, 02:20 PM
I'll think about it. It would probably do more harm than good; he's already killed a "terrorist." He's so deep in that he is going to cling to his cherished delusions right till the end.

I told his mom before he went in "It's not like we're fighting the Germans, it's like WE ARE the Germans." She barely speaks to me.

How do you know the person he killed wasn't a terrorist?

I don't think we have any business being over there but you make it seem as if our troops can do no good while the oppositions troops couldn't possibly warrant a bullet to the head.

9th June 2010, 02:23 PM
I'll think about it. It would probably do more harm than good; he's already killed a "terrorist." He's so deep in that he is going to cling to his cherished delusions right till the end.

I told his mom before he went in "It's not like we're fighting the Germans, it's like WE ARE the Germans." She barely speaks to me.

How do you know the person he killed wasn't a terrorist?

I don't think we have any business being over there but you make it seem as if our troops can do no good while the oppositions troops couldn't possibly warrant a bullet to the head.

My rule of thumb is quite simple: If I'm shooting someone in another country on the other side of the world from my home, I can't call "them" a freaking terrorist. If I lived in Afghanistan i'd be shooting at my nephew too.

Grand Master Melon
9th June 2010, 02:26 PM
I'll think about it. It would probably do more harm than good; he's already killed a "terrorist." He's so deep in that he is going to cling to his cherished delusions right till the end.

I told his mom before he went in "It's not like we're fighting the Germans, it's like WE ARE the Germans." She barely speaks to me.

How do you know the person he killed wasn't a terrorist?

I don't think we have any business being over there but you make it seem as if our troops can do no good while the oppositions troops couldn't possibly warrant a bullet to the head.

My rule of thumb is quite simple: If I'm shooting someone in another country on the other side of the world from my home, I can't call "them" a freaking terrorist. If I lived in Afghanistan i'd be shooting at my nephew too.
That's logical but I still would argue that one could still be a terrorist. Surely there are fighters there from other countries fighting for whatever goal it is they have.

9th June 2010, 03:00 PM
I'm not saying that the kid or his family are "criminals".
I am not saying that the kid deserved to die.
I am not saying I am glad he died.
If fact I empathize with the greif the family must feel.

They have a right to greive, but they don't have a right for force me to suffer for their grief; this is just another symptom of our entitlement-minded society.

It is my right to offer compassion, it is not someone else's right to demand that I give it. Nothing is so sancitmonious as someone who self-righteously demands compassion. There is physical slavery, economic slavery and to top it off, we got folks who now want to empower emotional slavery.

I couldn't agree with you more.

9th June 2010, 03:07 PM

Fools and the Zio-Tool. This the best they can do to earn college money?


9th June 2010, 03:21 PM
What is the statute of limitations on this type of...."sacrifice"?

Just curious...

9th June 2010, 04:45 PM
I support our troops, but am against the war.

The way I look at it, is this...for each young man and woman that willing sign up for duty, brainwashed or not, they give another young man or woman the opportunity to pursue their dreams.

We would have a draft in this country if they didn't sign up. That really takes our freedoms away..

I remember graduating high school, my biggest concern was whether or not we would instituted the draft (first gulf war). I wanted to go to college, and there was lot's of rumours about a draft.

So, I got to go to college, because someone else willing took my place.

God bless our young ones over there, and I pray for their safety.

9th June 2010, 04:48 PM
I support our troops, but am against the war.

The way I look at it, is this...for each young man and woman that willing sign up for duty, brainwashed or now, they give another young man or woman the opportunity to pursue their dreams.

We would have a draft in this country if they didn't sign up. That really takes our freedoms away..

I remember graduating high school, my biggest concern was whether or not we would instituted the draft (first gulf war). I wanted to go to college, and there was lot's of rumours about a draft.

So, I got to go to college, because someone else willing took my place.

God bless our young ones over there, and I pray for their safety.

Very well said, I agree completely .

9th June 2010, 04:52 PM
Boy do you have it wrong. I'd say the opposite- for each young man and/or woman that signs up, other people's dreams are destroyed. I can't believe that so many people are so willing to defend the indefensible.
There is no justification for murdering innocent people.


I support our troops, but am against the war.

The way I look at it, is this...for each young man and woman that willing sign up for duty, brainwashed or now, they give another young man or woman the opportunity to pursue their dreams.

We would have a draft in this country if they didn't sign up. That really takes our freedoms away..

I remember graduating high school, my biggest concern was whether or not we would instituted the draft (first gulf war). I wanted to go to college, and there was lot's of rumours about a draft.

So, I got to go to college, because someone else willing took my place.

God bless our young ones over there, and I pray for their safety.

9th June 2010, 04:56 PM
Boy do you have it wrong. I'd say the opposite- for each young man and/or woman that signs up, other people's dreams are destroyed. I can't believe that so many people are so willing to defend the indefensible.
There is no justification for murdering innocent people.


They are not going there to kill innocent people. They are going there, because they believe, they are protecting our freedom.

Yes, they are brainwashed, but their intentions are GOOD. They are young, and don't know any better...

I chose to get brainwashed by our higher education system instead. ;D

Grand Master Melon
9th June 2010, 05:00 PM
Boy do you have it wrong. I'd say the opposite- for each young man and/or woman that signs up, other people's dreams are destroyed. I can't believe that so many people are so willing to defend the indefensible.
There is no justification for murdering innocent people.


I support our troops, but am against the war.

The way I look at it, is this...for each young man and woman that willing sign up for duty, brainwashed or now, they give another young man or woman the opportunity to pursue their dreams.

We would have a draft in this country if they didn't sign up. That really takes our freedoms away..

I remember graduating high school, my biggest concern was whether or not we would instituted the draft (first gulf war). I wanted to go to college, and there was lot's of rumours about a draft.

So, I got to go to college, because someone else willing took my place.

God bless our young ones over there, and I pray for their safety.

"Innocent" is subjective.

9th June 2010, 05:02 PM
Boy do you have it wrong. I'd say the opposite- for each young man and/or woman that signs up, other people's dreams are destroyed. I can't believe that so many people are so willing to defend the indefensible.
There is no justification for murdering innocent people.


I support our troops, but am against the war.

The way I look at it, is this...for each young man and woman that willing sign up for duty, brainwashed or now, they give another young man or woman the opportunity to pursue their dreams.

We would have a draft in this country if they didn't sign up. That really takes our freedoms away..

I remember graduating high school, my biggest concern was whether or not we would instituted the draft (first gulf war). I wanted to go to college, and there was lot's of rumours about a draft.

So, I got to go to college, because someone else willing took my place.

God bless our young ones over there, and I pray for their safety.

A true shill for the Islamic bloc. Innocents,murder pffft, there are no innocents. Saddam was ruthless, ask his MUSLIM neighbors, like Iran. Taliban was ruthless look at the way they treated their own,and the country was in civil war before NATO arrived. We just have better weapons and more of them. You guys better recognize there is more than one Bloc in the World, not just Zionists. they all want to rule.

9th June 2010, 05:08 PM
(QUOTE) Boy do you have it wrong. I'd say the opposite- for each young man and/or woman that signs up, other people's dreams are destroyed. I can't believe that so many people are so willing to defend the indefensible.
There is no justification for murdering innocent people.


Would you rather have a draft?

9th June 2010, 05:12 PM
A true shill for the Islamic bloc.


Nice try pal. The Israeli Army's favorite battle cry is Onward Christian Soldiers...lol.


9th June 2010, 05:17 PM
A true shill for the Islamic bloc.


Nice try pal. The Israeli Army's favorite battle cry is Onward Christian Soldiers...lol.


yes yes, all others are innocent! no one ever does wrong but the Evil Zionists! I never said the US wasnt in bed with Israel, but the whole martyr thing is getting passe', Cmon! "Innocents!,Murderers!" There is definitely more to this than one group.

9th June 2010, 05:28 PM
Would you rather have a draft?

Yes. Then it would force the masses of morons to FACE REALITY. Right now, it's so very easy to "support the troops" with a cheap-ass, made in China yellow ribbon or "'god' [sic] bless 'our' [sic] troops" sticker.

It wouldn't be so easy if your dear boy or "daddy's girl" were FORCED to go to fight for "Israel" and the Military-Industrial Complex.

Some of us would resist, of course.

9th June 2010, 05:33 PM
A true shill for the Islamic bloc. Innocents,murder pffft, there are no innocents. Saddam was ruthless, ask his MUSLIM neighbors, like Iran. Taliban was ruthless look at the way they treated their own,and the country was in civil war before NATO arrived. We just have better weapons and more of them. You guys better recognize there is more than one Bloc in the World, not just Zionists. they all want to rule.

"The Islamic Bloc" is a threat to America, HOW?

In 1947, how many Islamic countries were at war with America? In 1947, how many Islamic countries were not friendly towards America?

Oil embargoes? Irrelevant...if you ditch "Israel." The Arabs retaliated against America's aggression with the only tool they had.

Islamic immigrants? Well, guess who's fault that is? Who pushes open immigration to America the most? It ain't Muslims. It ain't WASPs.

"ISRAEL" is the first problem. Anglo-American imperialism, the second. The infamous British Petroleum is the number one reason the Iranians hate "the West."

Ditch "Israel," make an honest apology, withdraw all occupation forces, and that would go incredibly far at getting the Muslims to calm down.

9th June 2010, 05:35 PM
yes yes, all others are innocent! no one ever does wrong but the Evil Zionists! I never said the US wasnt in bed with Israel, but the whole martyr thing is getting passe', Cmon! "Innocents!,Murderers!" There is definitely more to this than one group.

Which side is in the other side's homeland?

9th June 2010, 05:39 PM
We would have a draft in this country if they didn't sign up. That really takes our freedoms away..

The draft would be the only way this war would end. See Vietnam if you are interested. TPTB learned their leson from that war, thus we'll only have economic drafts from now on.

Nomen luni
9th June 2010, 05:40 PM
The article is propaganda meant to generate sympathy for our "heroes" in Afghanistan. That is all. I hope you can see that.
I concur with this statement.

I'm not saying that the kid or his family are "criminals".
I am not saying that the kid deserved to die.
I am not saying I am glad he died.
If fact I empathize with the greif the family must feel.

They have a right to greive, but they don't have a right for force me to suffer for their grief; this is just another symptom of our entitlement-minded society.

It is my right to offer compassion, it is not someone else's right to demand that I give it. Nothing is so sancitmonious as someone who self-righteously demands compassion. There is physical slavery, economic slavery and to top it off, we got folks who now want to empower emotional slavery.
Sometimes, someone has already expressed what you are thinking better than you can. At times like this, I quote.

I feel for the guy and his family, but stop glorifying these 'heroes'. At best he was a well-meaning individual misguided by the propaganda machine, at worst, he was a mercenary. I cannot see into his heart, so I cannot judge which, however, I know this; I will not sacrifice one single life to a military machine by glorifying him. Maybe people didn't volunteer because they do not feel the Afghanistan war is a noble cause?

9th June 2010, 05:47 PM
Just curious if the kid had died in say, a geological survey or some other innocuous profession with high risk, if the airline would have still held the family on a podium and played the bleeding heart bit to get them home faster?

If you suspect, as I do, that the scenario would have gone drastically different sans a military death then you must question what makes the death of this young man somehow more worthy of your attention than the death of any other young man in the line of duty (not military duty but engaged in profession).

9th June 2010, 05:48 PM
Gbo's post was ridiculously good... I agree.

9th June 2010, 05:51 PM
yes yes, all others are innocent! no one ever does wrong but the Evil Zionists! I never said the US wasnt in bed with Israel, but the whole martyr thing is getting passe', Cmon! "Innocents!,Murderers!" There is definitely more to this than one group.

Which side is in the other side's homeland?

You speak as these people are innocent of all crimes! Foolishness!look what the Muslim has done against Western and African societies in the past! Look at the origins of the Balkans, The Muslims and Christians there are from the same Slavic stock.Yet they slaughter one another as they are of a different race. Muslims killed Serbs by the bushel and collaborated with the Nazisagainst their own.This is a power struggle for power and control. look at the book "1984", they are all against each other, yet in it together.

9th June 2010, 05:52 PM
Yes. Then it would force the masses of morons to FACE REALITY. Right now, it's so very easy to "support the troops" with a cheap-ass, made in China yellow ribbon or "'god' [sic] bless 'our' [sic] troops" sticker.

It wouldn't be so easy if your dear boy or "daddy's girl" were FORCED to go to fight for "Israel" and the Military-Industrial Complex.

Some of us would resist, of course.

Wait a second....you want a draft, so you can fight for no draft, but we have no draft now!

I don't understand this logic. You want something taken away, just so that you can fight to take it back?

What about our constitution, do you want that taken away too?

9th June 2010, 05:53 PM
yes yes, all others are innocent! no one ever does wrong but the Evil Zionists! I never said the US wasnt in bed with Israel, but the whole martyr thing is getting passe', Cmon! "Innocents!,Murderers!" There is definitely more to this than one group.

Which side is in the other side's homeland?

And whos homeland do you reside?

9th June 2010, 06:11 PM
Looks like everyone's been recruited by Albert Pike?

9th June 2010, 06:36 PM
Being led to take sides in this matter is part of the plan to "divide and conquer".

There are no winners in this debate - all lose.

Because it avoids the "real" question: why are American lives and property being expended in Asia?

The last time I read the foundation documents, governments were instituted among men to :
(a) secure rights, and
(b) govern those who consent.

Furthermore, in pursuit of securing the rights of injured Americans, the Congress was authorized to declare war.

Since 1945, Congress has not exercised that power.
Can you point to the specific instances, since 1945, that a foreign power deliberately attacked Americans and their property, to instigate our military retaliation?
Pursuant to the U.S. Constitution?

That's the question that no one in D.C. can answer, or wants to answer.

One possible explanation, offered by John Nelson (a fringe paralegal researcher), is that the U.S. government went bankrupt, in 1933, was re-organized to prosecute the bankruptcy, and ceased to operate under the original charter.

In other words, the U.S. A. was transformed into the United Socialist States of America, under the benevolent guidance of the usurer / collectivist alliance. That may explain why nothing makes sense, anymore.

If you have a better explanation, that's fine.

But ultimately, the reason for government is to cooperate in the defense of property rights.

And war ultimately boils down to piracy or the defense against piracy.
To figure out the true nature of the parties, determine who kept the property of the loser.

("property rights" under the U.S. Con means private property rights. Under collectivism, those rights are the property of the collective State.)

Desolation LineTrimmer
9th June 2010, 06:52 PM
I don't agree with the war(s), but I would rather live in a society filled with people willing to stand aside for the grieving family of a dead soldier than a society of people unwilling to stand aside.

9th June 2010, 08:27 PM
I don't agree with the war(s), but I would rather live in a society filled with people willing to stand aside for the grieving family of a dead soldier than a society of people unwilling to stand aside.

Nicely put.

the riot act
9th June 2010, 08:34 PM
I don't agree with the war(s), but I would rather live in a society filled with people willing to stand aside for the grieving family of a dead soldier than a society of people unwilling to stand aside.

Nicely put.

I also get on board with that thinking. But that's just me.

9th June 2010, 08:34 PM
A true shill for the Islamic bloc.


Nice try pal. The Israeli Army's favorite battle cry is Onward Christian Soldiers...lol.


yes yes, all others are innocent! no one ever does wrong but the Evil Zionists! I never said the US wasnt in bed with Israel, but the whole martyr thing is getting passe', Cmon! "Innocents!,Murderers!" There is definitely more to this than one group.

The point is we have no right to be there killing these people. If nobody is innocent then we deserve to have islamic/joo forces taking over and bombing the shit out of our towns and communities. If there were Afghani predators flying over your home every night then you'd probably join the rebellion wouldn't you?

And as far as Saddam goes, we helped put him in power.

the riot act
9th June 2010, 08:40 PM
The point is we have no right to be there killing these people. If nobody is innocent then we deserve to have islamic/joo forces taking over and bombing the sh*t out of our towns and communities. If there were Afghani predators flying over your home every night then you'd probably join the rebellion wouldn't you?

And as far as Saddam goes, we helped put him in power.

Let's admit it, we are there to protect the drug trade. Same reason that we are busting Iran's balls. Does anyone really think we are busting Iran's nuts over nuclear material?

Please...It is always about the drugs/money, power.

Grand Master Melon
9th June 2010, 08:41 PM
The point is we have no right to be there killing these people. If nobody is innocent then we deserve to have islamic/joo forces taking over and bombing the sh*t out of our towns and communities. If there were Afghani predators flying over your home every night then you'd probably join the rebellion wouldn't you?

And as far as Saddam goes, we helped put him in power.

Let's admit it, we are there to protect the drug trade. Same reason that we are busting Iran's balls. Does anyone really think we are busting Iran's nuts over nuclear material?

Please...It is always about the drugs/money, power.

I thought we were there for pipelines and oil?

the riot act
9th June 2010, 08:47 PM
I thought we were there for pipelines and oil?

Iran's oil is heavy crude. Cost a fortune to refine it. Why do you think they want nuclear power?

The re-directors are working fine.

EDIT: See PatColo's post. Link to Article (http://gold-silver.us/forum/news-and-current-events/russia-orders-troops-to-prepare-for-war-with-us-%28over-drug-traffiking%29/msg60110/#msg60110)

EDIT: Changed long link to named link to prevent horizontal scrolling. -Gaillo

Grand Master Melon
9th June 2010, 08:55 PM
I thought we were there for pipelines and oil?

Iran's oil is heavy crude. Cost a fortune to refine it. Why do you think they want nuclear power?

The re-directors are working fine.

EDIT: See PatColo's post. Link to Article (http://gold-silver.us/forum/news-and-current-events/russia-orders-troops-to-prepare-for-war-with-us-%28over-drug-traffiking%29/msg60110/#msg60110)

I thought we were talking about Afghanistan & the middle east in general?

Do you really think we wouldn't pilfer Iran's crude if given (or when) we take the opportunity?

EDIT: Changed long link to named link to prevent horizontal scrolling. -Gaillo

9th June 2010, 08:57 PM
And whos homeland do you reside?

No one's but mine.

9th June 2010, 08:57 PM
I don't agree with the war(s), but I would rather live in a society filled with people willing to stand aside for the grieving family of a dead soldier than a society of people unwilling to stand aside.

You'd rather live in a society filled with people who want to reinforce the Lie?

Grand Master Melon
9th June 2010, 08:59 PM
And whos homeland do you reside?

No one's but mine.

The aryan homeland free of negro fish? Exactly what part of the aryan world?

9th June 2010, 09:04 PM
Iran is a key chess piece being fought over by two players who are working for the same owner.

We are the paying spectators of the tournament, this much is obvious.

I respect our soldiers (and their parents) as much I respect anyone I would meet on the street.

People grieve everyday, I do my part to help, but as far as what I have left to give depends much on as much as what I have time during the day.

To sit down & right a story about this situation is only to inflame as seen in this thread.

9th June 2010, 09:07 PM
I don't agree with the war(s), but I would rather live in a society filled with people willing to stand aside for the grieving family of a dead soldier than a society of people unwilling to stand aside.

"Mercy triumphs over judgment"

the riot act
9th June 2010, 09:09 PM
I thought we were talking about Afghanistan & the middle east in general?

Do you really think we wouldn't pilfer Iran's crude if given (or when) we take the opportunity?

Sure they would, that's a given. But they won't start a N-war over oil. Hell they won't start a N-war over oil either. I have a feeling that someone in Iran wants a bigger cut of the drug money.

But the drug trade brings in more money for the elite than oil ever dreamed of.

the riot act
9th June 2010, 09:11 PM
Iran is a key chess piece being fought over by two players who are working for the same owner.

We are the paying spectators of the tournament, this much is obvious.

I respect our soldiers (and their parents) as much I respect anyone I would meet on the street.

People grieve everyday, I do my part to help, but as far as what I have left to give depends much on as much as what I have time during the day.

To sit down & right a story about this situation is only to inflame as seen in this thread.

Spot on Horn.

Oh, and sorry for hi-jacking the thread. I'm outta here.

Desolation LineTrimmer
10th June 2010, 07:09 AM
You'd rather live in a society filled with people who want to reinforce the Lie?

Parents grieving for their dead sons is not a lie. Let me guess, you're a "god hates fags" sort of guy?

10th June 2010, 09:00 AM
If folks want to see an end to our imperialistic wars, restart conscription. Slavery at the barrel of a gun does much more to wake people up than the backdoor American Idol slavery folks worship today.

10th June 2010, 09:04 AM
Iran is a key chess piece being fought over by two players who are working for the same owner.

We are the paying spectators of the tournament, this much is obvious.

I respect our soldiers (and their parents) as much I respect anyone I would meet on the street.

People grieve everyday, I do my part to help, but as far as what I have left to give depends much on as much as what I have time during the day.

To sit down & right a story about this situation is only to inflame as seen in this thread.

Yeah, good post Horn.

10th June 2010, 09:13 AM

10th June 2010, 09:41 AM
You'd rather live in a society filled with people who want to reinforce the Lie?

Parents grieving for their dead sons is not a lie.

Parents believing that their son was a "hero" and who "fought for our 'freedom'" indeed is a Lie. A BIG one.

Expecting people to give up their seats for the family of such a "hero" is indeed reinforcing the Lie.

Let me guess, you're a "god hates fags" sort of guy?

Let me guess, you are a fag?

10th June 2010, 09:47 AM
I agree. Furthermore, the guy said that the young man had died for his country. He didn't die for his country- he died for the enemies of this country. And on top of all the lies, there is a demand for reverence for his criminal and immoral actions on top of even that.

You'd rather live in a society filled with people who want to reinforce the Lie?

Parents grieving for their dead sons is not a lie.

Parents believing that their son was a "hero" and who "fought for our 'freedom'" indeed is a Lie. A BIG one.

Expecting people to give up their seats for the family of such a "hero" is indeed reinforcing the Lie.

Let me guess, you're a "god hates fags" sort of guy?

Let me guess, you are a fag?

Grand Master Melon
10th June 2010, 10:29 AM
You'd rather live in a society filled with people who want to reinforce the Lie?

Parents grieving for their dead sons is not a lie. Let me guess, you're a "god hates fags" sort of guy?

He's no God Hates Fags type, he doesn't have the balls.

10th June 2010, 10:38 AM
He's no God Hates Fags type, he doesn't have the balls.

What a surprise that you admire race-mixer Fred "the Phag" Phelps.

Grand Master Melon
10th June 2010, 11:29 AM
He's no God Hates Fags type, he doesn't have the balls.

What a surprise that you admire race-mixer Fred "the Phag" Phelps."

Desolation LineTrimmer
10th June 2010, 07:12 PM
A person has to be truly miserable to protest funerals. In early times here in this country this Phelps character would have been strung-up. The fact that he continues to insult the sanctity of funerals without anyone killing him shows that the country itself has lost its vitality. America has become too civilized, or more accurately, the white part of the country has become too civilized, because you notice Phelps only protests white funerals. How far do you think he would get showing his demented mug and insulting the funeral of a Mexican or a Black? Rome fell because it was too civilized, and the same is happening here.

10th June 2010, 07:19 PM
A person has to be truly miserable to protest funerals.

Phelps is a race-mixer, and therefore, a lunatic. No surprise he'd do other outrageous things.

In early times here in this country this Phelps character would have been strung-up.

In early times, Phelps would have had nothing to protest, since the criminals in government that even suggested this abomination in Iraq would have been strung up.

The fact that he continues to insult the sanctity of funerals without anyone killing him shows that the country itself has lost its vitality. America has become too civilized, or more accurately, the white part of the country has become too civilized

The fact the abomination in Iraq & Afghanistan continues without lots of Americans taking out the gangster "government" shows that the country has lost its vitality.

Grand Master Melon
10th June 2010, 07:24 PM
Phelps is a race-mixer, and therefore, a lunatic. No surprise he'd do other outrageous things.

So anyone that mixes with another race is a lunatic? Really?

In early times, Phelps would have had nothing to protest, since the criminals in government that even suggested this abomination in Iraq would have been strung up.

In early times Phelps' protest against fags would have been a major hit.

Desolation LineTrimmer
10th June 2010, 07:39 PM
In early times Phelps' protest against fags would have been a major hit.

Phelps picks out some kid who died in Afghanistan or Iraq and protests his funeral under the theory that god let him die because there are fags marrying in California or Iowa. That is pretty goddamned stupid.

Desolation LineTrimmer
10th June 2010, 07:43 PM
Phelps is a race-mixer, and therefore, a lunatic.

Where do you get the idea that race-mixing is lunacy?

10th June 2010, 07:53 PM
Phelps is a race-mixer, and therefore, a lunatic.

Where do you get the idea that race-mixing is lunacy?

same place he gets all his opinion, his Pentacostal minister and Adolf Hitler.

Grand Master Melon
10th June 2010, 09:25 PM
In early times Phelps' protest against fags would have been a major hit.

Phelps picks out some kid who died in Afghanistan or Iraq and protests his funeral under the theory that god let him die because there are fags marrying in California or Iowa. That is pretty goddamned stupid.

Stupid indeed but he doesn't limit him and his followers to only protesting the deaths of soldiers. It was only a couple years back that he showed a couple miles from my house to protest the German Consulate office because god hates Germany too. I talked to a couple of his offspring, some were nice and some were downright rude. No matter how you slice it though, they're all crazy.

10th June 2010, 11:17 PM
Phelps is a race-mixer, and therefore, a lunatic.

Where do you get the idea that race-mixing is lunacy?

same place he gets all his opinion, his Pentacostal minister and Adolf Hitler.

I have no minister but Jesus Christ, and definitely not a Pentecostal one.

As for St. Adolphus of Braunau, he was a philosopher who explained modern racial reality in a manner most people can understand. Most people today, however, don't like the answers. Most often because they themselves are mamzers, or they are "unequally yoked" to another species.

10th June 2010, 11:18 PM
Phelps is a race-mixer, and therefore, a lunatic.

Where do you get the idea that race-mixing is lunacy?

Are you a race-mixer? Are you racially-mixed?

Grand Master Melon
10th June 2010, 11:29 PM
Phelps is a race-mixer, and therefore, a lunatic.

Where do you get the idea that race-mixing is lunacy?

Are you a race-mixer? Are you racially-mixed?
Nope, care to answer my question?

11th June 2010, 05:56 AM
As for St. Adolphus of Braunau

Oh yeah, Adolf Schecklegruber... :)

11th June 2010, 06:41 AM
Perhaps Adolf Shekelgrabber?

11th June 2010, 07:05 AM
Perhaps Adolf Shekelgrabber?

Oy Vey, thanks for the spelling correction... : ;D

Desolation LineTrimmer
11th June 2010, 09:04 AM
Phelps is a race-mixer, and therefore, a lunatic.

Where do you get the idea that race-mixing is lunacy?

Are you a race-mixer? Are you racially-mixed?

No, I'm not mixed, and I am against whites mixing in large numbers, because that will be the end of us, and the world's greatest race should be preserved, not mixed out of existence , but I'm trying to understand how you categorize race mixing as "lunacy"? It is more circumstantial, predictable too.

11th June 2010, 09:28 AM
Phelps is a race-mixer, and therefore, a lunatic.

Where do you get the idea that race-mixing is lunacy?

Are you a race-mixer? Are you racially-mixed?

No, I'm not mixed, and I am against whites mixing in large numbers, because that will be the end of us, and the world's greatest race should be preserved, not mixed out of existence , but I'm trying to understand how you categorize race mixing as "lunacy"? It is more circumstantial, predictable too.

I won't speak for Quantum but I believe race mixing is lunacy because it is completely against nature.
If nature wanted us to dilute our species and sub-species then there wouldn't be so many diverse kinds of species on this planet. There would be one bird, one bear, one dog, one cat, ect.
Instead in nature we find an incredibly wide range of different species. For example in just the Trochilidae (Hummingbird family) we find that there are over 330 different species of hummingbirds. Now keep in mind those hummingbirds are just like us in that the have the ability and means to reproduce with each other but they don't. Because again, if they did and if nature wanted them to then there wouldn't be so many different species.
Each species is also in competition with each other for resources so looking at it from another perspective if one is race mixing they are essentially "switching sides". They are saying that they no longer want their genetic line to be a part of their race.

Some of you should also keep in mind that there are many race mixers on these boards. Either they themselves or someone in their family. This means that they will probably never be able to comprehend the above. It takes a very strong (and rare) person to be able to face reality after that happens and so most of these types will always lash out against anyone who dares to speak out about something that affects them so personally.
Basically, they or their family made a huge irreversible mistake and they know it. If you remind them about this mistake or even call it a mistake in the first place one can expect their hatred and ignorance to rear its ugly head.

One last thing, anyone interested in why "modern" anthropology is so corrupt and flat out wrong can simply look to the "father" of modern anthropology, Frank Boas.
By the way, he just so happens to be Jewish. :oo-->

11th June 2010, 09:32 AM
They want us all amalgamated into one shade of mud brown.

That is why we have a mulatto king.


Desolation LineTrimmer
11th June 2010, 09:37 AM

You've never been sexually attracted to a hot Asian or Latina?

11th June 2010, 09:46 AM
Yes, almost married one or two of them. I am glad I didn't.

The reasons? I was in the military, far from home(on the behalf of the banksters), which I wouldn't have been otherwise. The promotion of this lifestyle in all joo controlled media. The diversity meme crammed into my head in public schools.

I don't call for their extermination or anything like that. I would just like to be able to promote the white race/culture without being attacked. You can't even say "hey, I'm white and I'm ok!"

11th June 2010, 09:50 AM

You've never been sexually attracted to a hot Asian or Latina?

Some people also fuck goats.

"Normally" White people don't race mix just like normally people don't fuck goats. This is especially true within males of our race. It is only when there is a huge shortage of available White women that a White man will then mix his genes otherwise it is highly unlikely and most racially mixed couples involve a White female, not male.

Obviously there are exceptions but like I said some people also fuck goats, does that make it right, or even okay?

Desolation LineTrimmer
11th June 2010, 10:01 AM
Yes, almost married one or two of them. I am glad I didn't.

The reasons? I was in the military, far from home(on the behalf of the banksters), which I wouldn't have been otherwise. The promotion of this lifestyle in all joo controlled media. The diversity meme crammed into my head in public schools.

I don't call for their extermination or anything like that. I would just like to be able to promote the white race/culture without being attacked. You can't even say "hey, I'm white and I'm ok!"

I'm glad you didn't too, but the very fact that you were sexually attracted to non White contradicts the notion that race mixing is unnatural.

Desolation LineTrimmer
11th June 2010, 10:02 AM

You've never been sexually attracted to a hot Asian or Latina?

Some people also f*ck goats.

"Normally" White people don't race mix just like normally people don't f*ck goats. This is especially true within males of our race. It is only when there is a huge shortage of available White women that a White man will then mix his genes otherwise it is highly unlikely and most racially mixed couples involve a White female, not male.

Obviously there are exceptions but like I said some people also f*ck goats, does that make it right, or even okay?

Don't know about you Brent but I've never been sexually attracted to a goat or any other animal. Whereas I see attractive non White females all the time.

11th June 2010, 10:06 AM
I'm glad you didn't too, but the very fact that you were sexually attracted to non White contradicts the notion that race mixing is unnatural.


Again some people fuck goats. Does that mean it is natural to fuck goats? ::)

If race mixing is unnatural then why has nature made so many different races? Was nature "wrong" up until this point? Is the Black bear "wrong" for not reproducing with the Brown bear?

Just because there are mutations and mental disorders does not change natures laws.

11th June 2010, 10:12 AM

You've never been sexually attracted to a hot Asian or Latina?

Some people also f*ck goats.

"Normally" White people don't race mix just like normally people don't f*ck goats. This is especially true within males of our race. It is only when there is a huge shortage of available White women that a White man will then mix his genes otherwise it is highly unlikely and most racially mixed couples involve a White female, not male.

Obviously there are exceptions but like I said some people also f*ck goats, does that make it right, or even okay?

Don't know about you Brent but I've never been sexually attracted to a goat or any other animal. Whereas I see attractive non White females all the time.

So your own attraction for non Whites some how makes race mixing natural? Forgive me but I am confused.

I have been attracted to non Whites in the past but I never considered for a second reproducing with them (or even having sex for that matter).

Do my personal experiences with attraction trump yours? Or should we instead look at the bigger picture to determine what is natural and unnatural?

Desolation LineTrimmer
11th June 2010, 10:18 AM
I'm glad you didn't too, but the very fact that you were sexually attracted to non White contradicts the notion that race mixing is unnatural.


Again some people f*ck goats. Does that mean it is natural to f*ck goats? ::)

If race mixing is unnatural then why has nature made so many different races? Was nature "wrong" up until this point? Is the Black bear "wrong" for not reproducing with the Brown bear?

Just because there are mutations and mental disorders does not change natures laws.

Nature designed us, or rather random mutation and natural selection designed us, differently because our early environments were different, but natural selection also provides man with intelligence to change his environment to the point where Africans can live in Iceland and Nords can live in the tropics. Nature is neutral on the question. Nature doesn't care if Whites and Blacks mix. All nature "cares about" is reproductive success. It is human culture that cares about preserving the beauty of White women for instance. Nature doesn't consciously care about a thing. It is human culture that cares about living in South African style hell-civilization, which is an argument against importing Blacks, for instance, to live amongst Whites. But nature doesn't give a damn.

11th June 2010, 10:28 AM
I'm glad you didn't too, but the very fact that you were sexually attracted to non White contradicts the notion that race mixing is unnatural.


Again some people f*ck goats. Does that mean it is natural to f*ck goats? ::)

If race mixing is unnatural then why has nature made so many different races? Was nature "wrong" up until this point? Is the Black bear "wrong" for not reproducing with the Brown bear?

Just because there are mutations and mental disorders does not change natures laws.

Nature designed us, or rather random mutation and natural selection designed us, differently because our early environments were different, but natural selection also provides man with intelligence to change his environment to the point where Africans can live in Iceland and Nords can live in the tropics. Nature is neutral on the question. Nature doesn't care if Whites and Blacks mix. All nature "cares about" is reproductive success. It is human culture that cares about preserving the beauty of White women for instance. Nature doesn't consciously care about a thing. It is human culture that cares about living in South African style hell-civilization, which is an argument against importing Blacks, for instance, to live amongst Whites. But nature doesn't give a damn.

Then why are there still different races after millions of years? Surely nature doesn't need that long to mix us all up? If it truly was only human culture that cared about preserving the species then wouldn't there only be only a tiny handful of different species? Wouldn't there only be a tiny handful of different birds? How about fish? Wouldn't there only be a few different kind of fish it if was natures way to mix?

Sorry but you are just not correct and nature itself shows us that.

edit: I hate to run in the middle of a discussion but I have to go I will try to remember to check this later.

Grand Master Melon
11th June 2010, 11:09 AM

You've never been sexually attracted to a hot Asian or Latina?

Some people also f*ck goats.

"Normally" White people don't race mix just like normally people don't f*ck goats. This is especially true within males of our race. It is only when there is a huge shortage of available White women that a White man will then mix his genes otherwise it is highly unlikely and most racially mixed couples involve a White female, not male.

Obviously there are exceptions but like I said some people also f*ck goats, does that make it right, or even okay?

You're telling us race mixing is lunacy while you're comparing a white getting with someone of another race to a man fucking a goat. Do you expect anyone to take you seriously at all?

11th June 2010, 11:09 AM
Brainwashing through popular media has a powerful effect. Otherwise the tribe wouldn't dominate it the way they do and push positive multi-cultural images on us in such an avalanche.

*that, and drunk Marines stick their dicks into things that would make anyone question their sanity.

11th June 2010, 11:43 AM

You've never been sexually attracted to a hot Asian or Latina?

Could you post some pictures of examples of these "hot Asians or Latinas"?

11th June 2010, 11:50 AM
I'd never bump a black goat. Them black goats smell funny. :-\

But I seen me a curvy little white doe once that, well,... woohoo.... that's what God made cowboy boots for. ;D

Desolation LineTrimmer
11th June 2010, 02:45 PM

You've never been sexually attracted to a hot Asian or Latina?

Could you post some pictures of examples of these "hot Asians or Latinas"?

Are you saying there are no hot women of other races?

11th June 2010, 02:48 PM

You've never been sexually attracted to a hot Asian or Latina?

Could you post some pictures of examples of these "hot Asians or Latinas"?

Are you saying there are no hot women of other races?

Since you, apparently, can't post any photos, I guess not.

Desolation LineTrimmer
11th June 2010, 02:51 PM
Brainwashing through popular media has a powerful effect. Otherwise the tribe wouldn't dominate it the way they do and push positive multi-cultural images on us in such an avalanche.

*that, and drunk Marines stick their dicks into things that would make anyone question their sanity.

Many young people are attracted to the exotic. TV doesn't necessarily have anything to do with it. I think there is an implanted psychological tendency with certain White women who date Black men, but not so much with Asian females and White men, and many other combinations. It is a cop out to blame it all on televitz, as if an easy going Mexican American guy who is funny and good looking can't be naturally attractive to a White American girl.

Desolation LineTrimmer
11th June 2010, 02:53 PM

You've never been sexually attracted to a hot Asian or Latina?

Could you post some pictures of examples of these "hot Asians or Latinas"?

Are you saying there are no hot women of other races?

Since you, apparently, can't post any photos, I guess not.

Oh yeah, that's it! There are no photos of pretty Asian and Hispanic girls on the internets.

I am me, I am free
11th June 2010, 02:58 PM
"...a Soldier Who Gave His Life"...for what?? As cannon fodder for the banksters' agenda?? To prop up the illusion that the US military is kicking ass in some dirt poor 3rd world country halfway around the world that never attacked us because 'they're there defending our freedom'?? Securing the poppy fields and the flow of opiates?? As a blood sacrifice on the altar in the Synagogue of Satan?? To prop up the illusion that the USD is worth more than the paper it's printed on?? All of the above??

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood...won't you be my neighbor?


Desolation LineTrimmer
11th June 2010, 04:01 PM
Great photograph. The land of the lotus eaters.