View Full Version : Journalist dives into Gulf, can only see oil

9th June 2010, 02:25 PM

Journalist dives into Gulf, can only see oil

It takes 30 minutes to clean off after diving into ocean 40 miles from shore

No fish for 30 feet under surface, diver says

Associated Press Writer
updated 4:38 a.m. PT, Wed., June 9, 2010

UNDER THE MURKY DEPTHS OF THE GULF OF MEXICO - Some 40 miles out into the Gulf Of Mexico, I jump off the boat into the thickest patch of red oil I've ever seen. I open my eyes and realize my mask is already smeared. I can't see anything and we're just five seconds into the dive.

Dropping beneath the surface the only thing I see is oil. To the left, right, up and down — it sits on top of the water in giant pools, and hangs suspended fifteen feet beneath the surface in softball sized blobs. There is nothing alive under the slick, although I see a dead jellyfish and handful of small bait fish.

I'm alone because the other divers with me wouldn't get in the water without Hazmat suits on, and with my mask oiled over and the water already dark, I don't dive deep.
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It's quiet, and to be honest scary, extremely low visibility. I spend just 10 minutes swimming around taking pictures, taking video. I want people to see the spill in a new way, a way they haven't yet.

I also want to get out of the water. Badly.

I make my way to the back of the boat unaware of just how covered I am. To be honest, I look a little like one of those poor pelicans we've all been seeing for days now. The oil is so thick and sticky, almost like a cake batter. It does not wipe off. You have to scrape it off, in layers until you finally get close to the skin. Then you pour on some Dawn dishwashing soap and scrub. I think to myself: No fish, no bird, no turtle would ever be able to clean this off of themselves. If any animal, any were to end up in this same puddle there is almost no way they could escape.

The cleaning process goes on for half an hour before the captain will even think about letting me back in the boat. I'm clean, so I stand up. But the bottoms of my feet still had oil, and I fall back in the water. The process starts again. Another 30 minutes of cleaning and finally I'm ready to step into the boat.

RELATED: http://news.yahoo.com/video/us-15749625/ap-exclusive-scuba-diving-in-the-gulf-oil-spill-20239801

Twisted Titan
9th June 2010, 03:52 PM
I wonder how much aquatic and bird life will go extinct????

9th June 2010, 04:16 PM
I wonder how much aquatic and bird life will go extinct????

All of them.

9th June 2010, 05:15 PM
if Corexit oil dispersant can dissolve a BIG molecule like complex hydrocarbons such as oil - what effect might it have on human skin ?

or the corneal coverings on dolphins' eyes ?

because of BP's negligence and bad decisions after the fact, this is shear hell for the animals that are dying a slow death in the Gulf.

i wonder what Tony Hayward's home address is ? is he planning to get away scot free from this incident - privatize the profits, socialize the costs ?

i suggest we create a jail on a barge in the Gulf and let the BP execs live there and breathe all the toxic air they have created ... until their lungs dissolve.

9th June 2010, 05:23 PM
if Corexit oil dispersant can dissolve a BIG molecule like complex hydrocarbons such as oil - what effect might it have on human skin ?

or the corneal coverings on dolphins' eyes ?

because of BP's negligence and bad decisions after the fact, this is shear hell for the animals that are dying a slow death in the Gulf.

i wonder what Tony Hayward's home address is ? is he planning to get away scot free from this incident - privatize the profits, socialize the costs ?

i suggest we create a jail on a barge in the Gulf and let the BP execs live there and breathe all the toxic air they have created ... until their lungs dissolve.

I suspect that the dispresant is more of a surfactant (detergent) which helps to emulsify the oil rather than actualy dissolve it.

9th June 2010, 05:25 PM
i wonder what Tony Hayward's home address is ? is he planning to get away scot free from this incident - privatize the profits, socialize the costs ?

i suggest we create a jail on a barge in the Gulf and let the BP execs live there and breathe all the toxic air they have created ... until their lungs dissolve.

Police Protection For BP Boss Hayward Family (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/energy/oilandgas/7809401/Police-protection-for-family-of-BP-boss-Tony-Hayward.html)

9th June 2010, 05:30 PM
if Corexit oil dispersant can dissolve a BIG molecule like complex hydrocarbons such as oil - what effect might it have on human skin ?

or the corneal coverings on dolphins' eyes ?

because of BP's negligence and bad decisions after the fact, this is shear hell for the animals that are dying a slow death in the Gulf.

i wonder what Tony Hayward's home address is ? is he planning to get away scot free from this incident - privatize the profits, socialize the costs ?

i suggest we create a jail on a barge in the Gulf and let the BP execs live there and breathe all the toxic air they have created ... until their lungs dissolve.

I suspect that the dispresant is more of a surfactant (detergent) which helps to emulsify the oil rather than actualy dissolve it.

(Corexit EC 9500 and 9527A)

Dispersants are specially designed oil spill products that are composed of detergent‐like surfactants in low toxicity solvents. Dispersants do not remove oil from the water, but instead break the oil slick into small droplets. These droplets disperse into the water and are further broken down by nature. Dispersants also prevent the oil droplets from coming back together and forming another surface slick. Dispersed oil droplets are less likely to stick to birds and other animals, shoreline rocks, and vegetation."

Here is the MSDS for Corexit EC9527A (http://www.deepwaterhorizonresponse.com/posted/2931/Corexit_EC9527A_MSDS.539295.pdf) . Thisis the one some people are getting upset about.

Here is a
brochure on Corexit 9527A (http://www.cleancaribbean.org/docs/9527A%20Product%20Sheet_01_06.pdf).

"General Description
COREXIT 9527 is a concentrated and highly
effective oil spill dispersant for use on a wide
range of oils. The unique formulation of COREXIT
9527 provides a self-mixing dispersant that is
biodegradable and of low toxicity. Based on
laboratory tests, COREXIT 9527 is effective on
most spreading oils. As with all dispersants,
timely application ensures the highest degree
of success. Early treatment with COREXIT 9527,
even at reduced treat rates, can reduce the
“mousse” forming tendencies of the spilled oil."

"Aerial Spraying
Aircraft provide the most rapid method of
applying dispersants to an oil spill and a variety of
aircraft can be used for spraying. For aerial
spraying, COREXIT 9527 is applied undiluted. A
typical treatment rate is 2 to 10 U.S. gallons per