View Full Version : Death of the west....
9th June 2010, 06:40 PM
I like most of this guys videos (as long as they are not too long ) as they get me thinking. Not saying I agree completly with his philosophy, just they it appears like he does his homework and research and talks some interesting ideas.
9th June 2010, 09:21 PM
Haven't watched this guy in a while, but have always enjoyed his topics. This one was no exception.
Very adept observations.
10th June 2010, 06:32 PM
Part 2.
10th June 2010, 07:03 PM
Fascinating theories so far . . . I have to get a bowl of ice cream to watch part two.
Dave Thomas
10th June 2010, 07:23 PM
I think Stephan Moleneux in bits and pieces are okay, his ideas are sound and very valid on the topics of statisim. Do a little more digging, and you'll find a lot of people are on his tail to try and designate him as a cult leader. (Something about DeFooing, try google.)
That being said, I don't this should detract one iota from his arguments against the state in any way.
General of Darkness
10th June 2010, 07:47 PM
Watching now.
10th June 2010, 07:53 PM
Holy moly! Anyone who is considering their choices for their childrens' education needs to take an hour to watch those two videos. They could probably just watch the second one, but watch both to get the full effect.
10th June 2010, 08:13 PM
Fascinating theories so far . . . I have to get a bowl of ice cream to watch part two.
Noooooo.....wait until just before bedtime so you can post your school terror in the DREAMS thread tomorrow morning k-os.
10th June 2010, 08:21 PM
Anyone read the book by Patrick Buchanan?
Any connection to this video (I rarely watch a video)?
Also, does ice cream before bed portend a nightmare? I love ice cream before bed.
Dave Thomas
10th June 2010, 08:27 PM
One usually gets the best dreams on a stomach full of red meat. That's what I've found.
10th June 2010, 08:37 PM
Also, does ice cream before bed portend a nightmare? I love ice cream before bed.
Food Dreams (
I dunno. I suggested in another thread that watching a horror movie while eating ice cream just before bedtime promoted nightmares.
General of Darkness
10th June 2010, 08:51 PM
I think the guy is right on a lot of points and yet he leaves out a lot of points. I'd rate it a 75%, but is going in the right direction.
Hatha Sunahara
11th June 2010, 02:06 AM
This is the kind of stuff that scares TPTB. This is fuel for the awakening that Brzezinsky fears is coming and will derail their plans for the NWO.
It is interesting that the word 'apocalypse' means a mass awakening. We imprint on those who raise us like ducks imprint on an orange balloon. When people see what the elite have done to them, it will be an apocalypse.
Relearning everything they taught you in school is not an easy road to travel. I've been doing it for 8 years now. I've noticed lately that the number of lies that I have been taught in my 'education' that I am becoming aware of is increasing at and increasing rate. Every day I discover more frauds and swindles.
For years now I've been saying that when TSHTF, we will all emerge from it with a strong sympathy for anarchism. I have an idea where Molyneaux is going with this Death of the West story. He's a big fan of free markets, and keeping government out of the economy. I'm a big fan of restrictions on rich people who use their money to corrupt the markets, the government, and every other aspect of our lives. The rich might control us by teaching us lies in their public schools, but I don't think that kind of control holds a candle to control over our livelihoods that they have by virtue of their control of the distribution of money. Money makes the world go around. If you don't have money, you can't enjoy the ride. The elite can cut off anybody's money as easily as they can have people killed. It took me many many years to come around to that kind of thinking. Molyneaux seems to be able to speed up that shift in viewpoint if you pay attention. I'm pretty sure if you listen to him long enough, you'll start seeing some beauty and practicality in anarchism.
11th June 2010, 08:08 AM
Anyone read the book by Patrick Buchanan?
Any connection to this video (I rarely watch a video)?
I did, I've read a few of his and enjoyed them all. I especially liked The Unnecessary War .
11th June 2010, 08:24 AM
I think Stephan Moleneux in bits and pieces are okay, his ideas are sound and very valid on the topics of statisim. Do a little more digging, and you'll find a lot of people are on his tail to try and designate him as a cult leader. (Something about DeFooing, try google.)
That being said, I don't this should detract one iota from his arguments against the state in any way.
11th June 2010, 08:46 AM
He's able to fit much in such a small time, he must rehearse those bits.
11th June 2010, 08:49 AM
Horn, I was thinking the same thing . . . how does he stay focused with that much information? He must rehearse.
11th June 2010, 09:52 AM
I've only managed 1/2 of the first video to process yet.
Was that part about Lenin true, he was an implant from Germany?
I do agree with most everything else said up to that point, so far.
philo beddoe
11th June 2010, 01:00 PM
Horn, I was thinking the same thing . . . how does he stay focused with that much information? He must rehearse.
It's called extemporaneous speech. it's where you just have bullet points, and you ad lib the rest. It is much different than a teleprompter.
philo beddoe
11th June 2010, 01:11 PM
Here is a key ingredient....the Rothschilds planned the year 1914 in advance.....
11th June 2010, 02:19 PM
If even a tenth of the population were as researched as this, the world may be in a semi-bearable state currently.
Yes philo, indubitably. :sun:
philo beddoe
12th June 2010, 02:18 PM
I don't trust the guy. He still thinks WWI happened, not planned.
12th June 2010, 08:54 PM
Part 3
13th June 2010, 11:51 AM
Appreciate it Steal, was an excellent overview.
13th June 2010, 12:37 PM
It is a real shame that many are now waking up as to what is going on and yet cannot do anything about the very best a minimum.
The time to sell the house is past, the time to buy food is almost gone and pretty soon you will be paying very high prices.......soon the gun stores will be closing down "for your safety".........and closed they will be for ever.
I am not a "pesimist" but simple someone that can see what will happen and not because I am a sears but simple because I can put two plus two together.
13th June 2010, 01:52 PM
It is a real shame that many are now waking up as to what is going on and yet cannot do anything about the very best a minimum.
i think a lot of times the person who can do the most is an insider.
all it takes with a few troops with a conscience and some technical knowhow and they can monkey-wrench the system to stop an aggressive attack.
e.g. Ellsberg releasing the Pentagon papers. perhaps it's just for show, but Nixon in his autobiography said that the protests did slow down his war-making.
getting back to insiders - what happens if a small team of satellite technicians, in the event of an Israeli attack on Iran, re-programs the coordinates for the US government GPS system so that Iran's nuclear missiles slam into the side of a mountain ?
what happens if those insiders on the GPS program have the latitude & longitude shifted so that the Israeli missiles begin to think that Natanz is 500 miles East of where they thought it was - and fly into Tel Aviv ?
i encourage people with conscience' to become insiders because it is often insiders who are in a position to monkey wrench the war-makers.
13th June 2010, 02:03 PM
The only part of me that's an "insider" is my read the news is really to read the parts that are missing........I do this by reading the world wide news and then while falling asleep I think about it.
I always think the consequences of something upon something else and if I don't read about it I then do further search and if I still don't see it then I know that someone is hiding something......that's because what I try to find is just plain commons sense and should not be a mystery to anyone, specially to those in the government.
13th June 2010, 04:14 PM
Reminds me of the old SmokeyBear quote "Only you can prevent History"
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