View Full Version : Guys I Found Something Metal Detecting

9th June 2010, 07:29 PM
All of this was found within one square foot of soil directly in front of my house. Insight? When I found the bone to the left I immediately stopped digging. The (possibly silver) necklace to the lower right reads, "O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee."

History of the house.... it's old but I don't know how old. It used to be a farm, then a junkyard (around the 1930's), and has now been modernized. It has an old history. About a week ago I found a 1942 Belgian Franc about 10 yards away from where I found this stash.


The landlord swears the old lady who used to live here had a hell of a lot of money, but no one ever found it.

Immediate thoughts?

9th June 2010, 07:36 PM
Immediate thoughts?

Jealousy. I have a metal detector, and I haven't used it in a while. The most I have ever found on my property was a 1982 penny and an unopened super old Budweiser can.

I say keep on searching. Why not? That bone sure looks ominous, though. I hope you are not superstitious.

Grand Master Melon
9th June 2010, 07:38 PM
All of this was found within one square foot of soil directly in front of my house. Insight? When I found the bone to the left I immediately stopped digging. The (possibly silver) necklace to the lower right reads, "O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee."

History of the house.... it's old but I don't know how old. It used to be a farm, then a junkyard (around the 1930's), and has now been modernized. It has an old history. About a week ago I found a 1942 Belgian Franc about 10 yards away from where I found this stash.

The landlord swears the old lady who used to live here had a hell of a lot of money, but no one ever found it.

Immediate thoughts?

The stuff you found is interesting. The comment the landlord made sounds like an "urban legend."

9th June 2010, 07:42 PM
The landlord swears the old lady who used to live here had a hell of a lot of money, but no one ever found it.

Immediate thoughts?


If you bought a Sawzall instead of the metal detector would you now be looking for the old lady's treasure within the walls?


9th June 2010, 07:43 PM
lol Book!! :D

the riot act
9th June 2010, 07:44 PM
Jealousy. I have a metal detector, and I haven't used it in a while. The most I have ever found on my property was a 1982 penny and an unopened super old Budweiser can.

I say keep on searching. Why not? That bone sure looks ominous, though. I hope you are not superstitious.

k-os, have you tried using it on your interior walls?

BV, keep hunting for that hidden treasure.

9th June 2010, 07:45 PM
The landlord swears the old lady who used to live here had a hell of a lot of money, but no one ever found it.

Immediate thoughts?


If you bought a Sawzall instead of the metal detector would you now be looking for the old lady's treasure within the walls?


LMAO, I just hope to god this isn't the old lady I dug up!!!! We don't have any doctors in the house do we? That is a very zoomed in shot so the bone looks quite curved. If I zoom out it looks a little more narrow. The bone is cracked off. It isn't human is it?

willie pete
9th June 2010, 07:52 PM
Keep looking, you never know...Don't know about the video, could be though

Is that the best shot of the bone you can get?


9th June 2010, 08:16 PM
LMAO, I just hope to god this isn't the old lady I dug up!!!! We don't have any doctors in the house do we? That is a very zoomed in shot so the bone looks quite curved. If I zoom out it looks a little more narrow. The bone is cracked off. It isn't human is it?

Mamboni is a real-life Pathology M.D so send him a private message and ask him about the attached photo of your found bone:

9th June 2010, 08:23 PM
The bone doenst look human to me, but Mamboni would probably be better at identifying it. Whatever it belongs to, it looks like its possible the lower end of a femur.

If I found a riding spur and a peice of bone...I'd probably be waiting for the poltergeist to come around. I mean, thats happened in the movie, right? Whatever you do BV, dont go into the light, throw some tennis balls first.

9th June 2010, 08:44 PM
I don't think that's a human bone...although the photo is dark and I can't be certain that it isn't! Caution is advised as you my have stumbled across a crime scene. I would be discrete.

Here are some photos of distal femur and humerus, the only possible candidate bones:

willie pete
9th June 2010, 08:48 PM
My WAG would be the distal 1/3 of a left OR right femur, the shaft looks too narrow for a humerus ...had to update due to the position of what appears to be a lateral epicondyle I'd say it's Left-sided

We didn't get any dimensions did we? no other fragments present? It absolutely could be animal in origin OR alien :D

You know I wouldn't say it came from an elderly female, it appears to be too thick and rounded, I'd expect a bone fragment from an elderly female to present differently, thinner and possibly small almost microscopic pitting due to Arthritis and Osteo

9th June 2010, 08:51 PM
I could probably take it into the ME's office and leave my phone number. They will contact me if it is something human. I'll drop it by the University of Minnesota tomorrow to be safe.

9th June 2010, 08:52 PM
It could be a pig or boar femur.

9th June 2010, 09:26 PM
what is the model of the metal detector?

9th June 2010, 09:33 PM
...Jealousy. I have a metal detector, and I haven't used it in a while. The most I have ever found on my property was a 1982 penny...

Hey- you have a 50:50 chance it is copper!

9th June 2010, 10:29 PM
The metal detector I have is a Garret Ace 250 and it's been very accurate so far. My brother who is a Med Student said he doesn't think it's human. If it is though I should keep my mouth shut because if they dig up an indian everyone will be forced off the land immediately.

willie pete
9th June 2010, 10:32 PM
The metal detector I have is a Garret Ace 250 and it's been very accurate so far. My brother who is a Med Student said he doesn't think it's human. If it is though I should keep my mouth shut because if they dig up an indian everyone will be forced off the land immediately.

Yea probably an animal bone, it looks gnawed too...how long was it?

10th June 2010, 01:52 AM
That is not a human bone, most likely as Mamboni pointed out it is the femur/humerus (thigh/upper arm bone) of a pig. Another possibility is a chunky dog, like a bull dog...

10th June 2010, 05:03 AM
I was out in the boonies hiking last year. I was in a very remote, area with some very large hills. As I was walking, I smelled a something dead, but didn't see it. I did, however, see several ribs on the road that were about the same size as my ribs. I wasn't sure if it was human or what, but I got the hell out of there QUICK!

10th June 2010, 05:21 AM
I'd be out there with that metal detector doubletime!

I love the Mary charm. If you want to get rid of it, let me know.

11th June 2010, 01:51 PM
That medal is a Catholic Miraculous medal. Ones found today look just like that
and are usually made of aluminum.

11th June 2010, 06:12 PM
Odds are if the medal was burried it was done for protection of the home by a catholic. Put it back where you found it. Thats my advice.

12th June 2010, 03:14 AM
I dont know what part of the country your in, But heres a few Catholic rituals (Orthodox practice some of these as well) The Medallion you found was likely buried for protection against some evil.Remember, the Church does not "officially" recognize exorcism, but do practice it. The bone is from a Hog, probably the remains of a hog used to cast the offending Demon into. Remember the Biblical story of Jesus casting Demons into hogs and sending them over a cliff? Eastern European Catholics(Polish,Czechs) used to practice exorcisms in this manner, the preist would exorcise the offending spirit into a pig, which was then killed and buried,then a talisman, either a medallion or rosary was buried with it. to keep it trapped.likely something evil was happening in that house.Im Irish Catholic in tradition,and exorcisms were seldom done. The Eastern parishes are far more traditional.

12th June 2010, 03:47 AM
The great offspring of exorcism... Modern Medicine!