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willie pete
9th June 2010, 09:59 PM
From Brazil, no less...happens everywhere I suppose

Man in Brazil jails daughter, has 7 kids with her

In this photo released by the civil police, Jose Agostinho Pereira is seen at a police station in Maranhao state, Brazil, Wednesday, June 9, 2010. According to police, Pereira kept his daughter imprisoned for 12 years in a remote fishing village, raped her repeatedly and had seven children with her. Police allege that Pereira, 54, kept his daughter, now 28, under virtual house arrest in a two-room, thatched-roof hut near a tiny fishing village in northeastern Brazil.BRADLEY BROOKS
From Associated Press
June 10, 2010 12:42 AM EDT
RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — A man in a remote fishing village in Brazil kept his daughter imprisoned for 12 years, raped her repeatedly and had seven children with her, police said Wednesday. The man is also accused of abusing a young girl he had with his daughter.

Police allege that Jose Agostinho Pereira, 54, kept his daughter, now 28, under virtual house arrest in a two-room, thatched-roof hut near a tiny fishing village in northeastern Brazil.

An officer who aided in the arrest said the home was located in such a remote, jungle area that the only way to reach it was by using canoes. Authorities said the children appeared to suffer from malnutrition and could barely communicate with others. Most were unclothed.

The alleged abuse began when Pereira's wife left him in 1998, said police inspector Jair Lima de Paiva.

Pereira has been in jail since Tuesday in the city of Pinheiro in Maranhao state, about 1,400 miles (2,250 kilometers) north of Rio de Janeiro. Charges have not been filed against him. Under Brazilian law, prosecutors only file charges after police have ended their investigation.

It was not immediately known if Pereira had a lawyer.

Paiva said Pereira kept his daughter and the children in nearly complete isolation in the countryside near the village of Experimento, about 50 miles (80 kilometers) outside of Pinheiro.

While the exact ages of the children — four girls and three boys — were not known as none of their births were registered, police believe they range in age from 2-months-old to 12.

"None of them were allowed to leave the house. None can read, they can barely communicate with other people," said Paiva. "They were all threatened with their lives if they tried to escape or tell anyone about the situation."

Paiva said police were tipped off about Pereira's alleged crimes by an anonymous phone call.

Officers from Pinheiro were sent to the remote area about 10 days ago, where they located Pereira's house, kept it under observation for a few days and then arrested him.

"He confessed to everything," said a police officer who helped arrest Pereira, speaking on condition of anonymity, as he was not authorized to discuss the case.

Pereira's daughter and the seven children are now under the care of the government's protective services.

It was last year in Austria that Josef Fritzl was found guilty of locking his daughter in a dungeon for 24 years and fathering seven children with her.

Festina Lente
9th June 2010, 11:33 PM
This is sickening.


I say .22, to the back of the head.

Grand Master Melon
10th June 2010, 12:07 AM
This is sickening.

I say .22, to the back of the head.

Eh, I think that's too easy. I've always been partial to a good ol' fashioned stoning.

10th June 2010, 12:45 AM

The Fritzl case emerged in April 2008 when a 42-year-old woman, Elisabeth Fritzl (born 6 April 1966), stated to police in the town of Amstetten, Austria that she had been held captive for 24 years in a concealed part of the basement of the family home by her father, Josef Fritzl (born 9 April 1935), and that he had physically assaulted, sexually abused, and raped her numerous times during her imprisonment. The incestuous relationship forced upon her by her father had resulted in the birth of seven children and one miscarriage.

Three of the children had been imprisoned along with their mother for the whole of their lives: daughter Kerstin, aged 19, and sons Stefan, 18, and Felix, 5. One child, named Michael, had died of respiratory problems three days after birth, having been deprived of all medical help; his body was incinerated by Josef Fritzl on his property. The three other children were raised by Fritzl and his wife Rosemarie in the upstairs home. Fritzl had engineered the appearance of these children as foundlings discovered outside his house: Lisa at nine months in 1993, Monika at ten months in 1994, and Alexander at 15 months in 1997. When the eldest daughter, Kerstin, became seriously ill, Josef acceded to Elisabeth's pleas to take her to a hospital, triggering a series of events that eventually led to discovery.

Josef Fritzl was arrested on 26 April 2008, aged 73, on suspicion of serious crimes against family members and went on trial in Sankt Pölten, Austria on 16 March 2009. He was charged with incest, rape, coercion, false imprisonment, enslavement and the negligent homicide of the infant Michael. After a four day trial from which the public and the media were largely excluded, he was sentenced to life imprisonment.

Link to Article (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1184457/Fritzls-tenants-COULD-hear-imprisoned-daughter-new-book-claims.html)

EDIT: Changed long link to named link to prevent horizontal scrolling. -Gaillo

10th June 2010, 01:25 AM
Link to Article (http://www.thefirstpost.co.uk/53674,news-comment,news-politics,australian-fritzl-raped-and-imprisoned-daughter-jaycee-lee-dugard-incest)

A man dubbed the Australian Fritzl after he allegedly fathered four children by his daughter has been charged with rape and incest
By Rachel Helyer Donaldson

A man already dubbed 'Australia's Fritzl' has been charged with rape and incest after he allegedly raped his daughter almost daily for three decades and fathered her four children.

The man, who has not been named but is thought to be in his 60s, is also accused of keeping his daughter a virtual prisoner in her own home. He is said to have sexually abused her since the 1970s, when she was just 11 years old.

According to a report in Melbourne's Herald Sun newspaper, the man was arrested in February after the victim, who is now in her forties, reported the rapes to police four years ago. However she then refused to co-operate further because she feared for her safety. Last year, however, she went to the police again and gave a statement against her father.

Police charged some 80 sex offences against the man in February, after DNA tests allegedly proved he is the father of his daughter's four children. The trial starts in November.

All four children had been born in Melbourne hospitals with serious health problems, and one, a girl, died soon after birth. None of the children had a father listed on their birth certificates, raising concerns about why questions were not asked at the time.

The victim's mother claims to have been unaware of any abuse, despite sharing a house in rural Victoria with her daughter, husband and grandchildren until 2005. In an interview she said that when she asked her daughter who had fathered the children, she would "clam up".

Although her husband was moody and could be verbally abusive, she had never suspected him of sexual abuse, she added. "We lived in a big house, so I wouldn't have known. He had a very sharp tongue. He was a drinker."

10th June 2010, 01:28 AM
Link to Article (http://www.thefirstpost.co.uk/52921,news-comment,news-politics,jaycee-lee-dugard-case-lifts-lid-on-the-boondocks-where-men-like-phillip-garrido-prey)

The discovery of Jaycee Lee Dugard and her abductor lifts the lid on the ‘other’ America – off the grid, down in the boondocks, where neighbours turn a blind eye
By Charles Laurence

It is not hard to find a corner in America where a man might father children with a kidnapped girl, start his own religion or run a private army, and the 'unincorporated' section of Antioch, California, zip code 94509, is one of them.

The hardscrabble collection of crude cinderblock houses, wooden cabins and trailer homes north of San Francisco is where Jaycee Lee Dugard surfaced last week as a 29-year-old mother of two, 18 years after she was kidnapped as a little girl with a golden pony tail.

'Unincorporated' means that this section of the local conurbation is not a town, nor even a village. It is a collection of buildings arranged around a network of streets without a school, library, post office or even police station. This is a modern-day Dodge City before Wyatt Earp came by to clean it up.

Before Jaycee's kidnapper Phillip Garrido, 58, put it on the map it was a backwater where people came to disappear. They might be hiding from debt - Antioch notched up 699 mortgage foreclosure notices in July alone, for a population of 100,000. Or they might be hiding from a shameful past, hoping for the freedom to indulge in a shameful present.

That is why there are four registered sex offenders within a five minute walk of Walnut Street, home to the Garridos. One of the four is Garrido himself: he was on parole for life.

The numbers expand with the horizon: Captain Daniel Terry of the Contra Costa County Sheriff's Department, explains that his own section has 350 registered sex offenders, while the county itself has 1,700. "That's significantly higher than average," he says. "These people are walking among us."
There are four registered sex offenders within five minutes of Walnut Street, home to the Garridos. One of the four is Garrido
Phillip Garrido

They come because they can: as registered sex offenders, they are subject to Megan's Law, named for the seven-year-old New Jersey girl murdered by a paedophile, which mandates that they cannot live near a school, church, park, or playground, none of which are to be found in unincorporated Antioch. They are 'off the grid', beyond civilisation as we know it.

The phrase 'off the grid' came into the language 20-odd years ago with the rise of the militia movements, self-styled armies determined to live out of reach of government, recruited largely by National Rifle Association propaganda that Washington and the United Nations were plotting to confiscate their guns. They produced Timothy McVeigh, the Oklahoma City bomber.

'Off the grid' refers to living without electricity supplies, but it came to denote a wider backwoods lifestyle. It can include all sorts - the Unabomber, jailed for life, was a scientist who turned Luddite - but it has its roots in the Hillbilly ways of the Appalachian 'hollers' of Tennessee and West Virginia: banjoes, beards and boondocks.

Almost anything goes 'off the grid': if Grandpa is fathering children with his 14-year-old 'niece', quite legally if he has her parents' signature on the marriage licence, who would pay attention to a Garrido squiring a teenage captive?

America is huge, there are boondocks everywhere beyond the limits of its conurbations, and where there are 'boonies' there is poverty and white trash.

White trash culture has been defined as having no shame, but it is generally recognisable by the mess it makes. The Garrido compound on Walnut Street turns out to be a textbook example.

The family had not got around to stuccoing the cinder block of their house, while a neighbour explained that they had never noticed Jaycee and the children, captive in the back yard, because it was so overgrown with trees and shrubs, so cluttered with sheds and rubbish dumpsters and rotting vehicles, and so shrouded with old tarpaulins that the kidnap victims might as well have been in purdah in a mud-walled compound in Kabul.

White trash culture has been defined as having no shame

The boonies are a state of mind. In 2001, I drove to the far north of Idaho, home to the militia movement and the scene of the Ruby Ridge massacre of 1992 which, along with the siege of the Waco religious cult in Texas, had motivated Tim McVeigh.

I was looking not for a private army or religion but for the compound of Michael McGucklin, a one-time hippy who had been born to a Boston fortune. He had built a cabin and a barn not far from the tourist resort of Sandpoint, lived there with a wife and six children, and starved to death when the money ran out. His story came to light when child protection officers went there to rescue the children after he died, and were met by dogs and gunfire.

The odd thing was that the appalling compound - the septic tank had long overflowed, so the kids used the barn, and when that became too fetid, went out into the woods in the snow - was set along a paved road with suburban-style homes, a mile or so from a grocery shop, restaurant and lakeside marina. The locals knew perfectly well that six children were living raggedly behind the thickets of trees, along the driveway blocked by the carcass of a Chevrolet.

"Up here," neighbour Lloyd Wyatt told me, "we are a breed of people who say 'this your home', and you are entitled to live as you please, and to protect that home."

I also visited the family of Megan Kanka, whose kidnapping, rape and murder by Jesse Timmendequasi inspired the sex offender law. They lived in New Jersey, in a brand new suburban estate of cul-de-sacs, trimmed lawns and double garages, similar to South Lake Tahoe, the scene of Jaycee Dugard's abduction in 1991. It was clean and tidy, patrolled by the local cops. The killer lived there too, around the corner from Megan, on probation. It was a suburb of strangers, and Timmendequasi seemed just like everybody else.

Megan might have been saved by her own law. In theory, the killer could have been identified and banished. And if he had, he might have ended up in a place like 'unincorporated' Antioch.

Shockingly commonplace... this seems to know no borders or cultural boundaries. :-[

big country
10th June 2010, 06:50 AM
Wow Gaillo, That has got to be one of the most offensive articles that I have read in a LONG time.

Off-the-grid = Timothy McVeigh, anti-govt, militia, or White Trash
Tenn. and WV = Banjoes, beards, and boondocks

I dont say this because I want you to take it down, but that is some piss poor reporting by some city slicker that can't understand why ANYONE would want to live out of the city, and anybody that DOES must be a sex offending, tax evading, white trash, unibomber. WTF?

In full disclosure I live in WV, maybe that is why I took offense to it? I'm not white trash, I'm white and I know white trash when I see it. It isn't me. I don't have a beard, hell, I can't even GROW A BEARD if I wanted to!! I choose to be out in the "boondocks" so I can have a house, 10 acres, and a mortgage that costs $500/mo instead of a studio apartment costing $2100/mo.

Grand Master Melon
10th June 2010, 09:36 AM
Wow Gaillo, That has got to be one of the most offensive articles that I have read in a LONG time.

Off-the-grid = Timothy McVeigh, anti-govt, militia, or White Trash
Tenn. and WV = Banjoes, beards, and boondocks

I dont say this because I want you to take it down, but that is some piss poor reporting by some city slicker that can't understand why ANYONE would want to live out of the city, and anybody that DOES must be a sex offending, tax evading, white trash, unibomber. WTF?

In full disclosure I live in WV, maybe that is why I took offense to it? I'm not white trash, I'm white and I know white trash when I see it. It isn't me. I don't have a beard, hell, I can't even GROW A BEARD if I wanted to!! I choose to be out in the "boondocks" so I can have a house, 10 acres, and a mortgage that costs $500/mo instead of a studio apartment costing $2100/mo.
You know, I was thinking that too but then I noticed the article was British in origin.

10th June 2010, 11:47 AM
Wow Gaillo, That has got to be one of the most offensive articles that I have read in a LONG time.

Off-the-grid = Timothy McVeigh, anti-govt, militia, or White Trash
Tenn. and WV = Banjoes, beards, and boondocks

I dont say this because I want you to take it down, but that is some piss poor reporting by some city slicker that can't understand why ANYONE would want to live out of the city, and anybody that DOES must be a sex offending, tax evading, white trash, unibomber. WTF?

In full disclosure I live in WV, maybe that is why I took offense to it? I'm not white trash, I'm white and I know white trash when I see it. It isn't me. I don't have a beard, hell, I can't even GROW A BEARD if I wanted to!! I choose to be out in the "boondocks" so I can have a house, 10 acres, and a mortgage that costs $500/mo instead of a studio apartment costing $2100/mo.
You know, I was thinking that too but then I noticed the article was British in origin.

LOL at the British.

big country
10th June 2010, 11:52 AM
I didn't notice it was brittsh and I've calmed down a little now. Still though that article is a piece of work. Nothing but garbage with a little bit of story about a few people that are even MORE garbage then the article.

willie pete
10th June 2010, 01:19 PM
Wow Gaillo, That has got to be one of the most offensive articles that I have read in a LONG time.

Off-the-grid = Timothy McVeigh, anti-govt, militia, or White Trash
Tenn. and WV = Banjoes, beards, and boondocks

I dont say this because I want you to take it down, but that is some piss poor reporting by some city slicker that can't understand why ANYONE would want to live out of the city, and anybody that DOES must be a sex offending, tax evading, white trash, unibomber. WTF?

In full disclosure I live in WV, maybe that is why I took offense to it? I'm not white trash, I'm white and I know white trash when I see it. It isn't me. I don't have a beard, hell, I can't even GROW A BEARD if I wanted to!! I choose to be out in the "boondocks" so I can have a house, 10 acres, and a mortgage that costs $500/mo instead of a studio apartment costing $2100/mo.

BC, I think most if not all know where you're coming from, you can be "off the grid" or CLOSE to being off the grid in the city too, just a little bit harder and more inconvienent, yea a british reporter writing about something like that? they don't understand it

11th June 2010, 01:56 PM
The 1st scum bag was bad, no doubt. I think this %#%^ takes the cake.

Investigators suspect teen stabbed child to death (http://www.wafb.com/Global/story.asp?S=12630575)

ST. FRANCISVILLE, LA (WAFB) - A Louisiana subdivision is reeling after the brutal murder of an 8-year-old boy Thursday afternoon. A teenage boy was taken into custody in connection with the crime.

West Feliciana Parish Sheriff Austin Daniel said a 16-year-old walked up to a carpenter in the Bluffs subdivision and told him to call 911 because he had stabbed a child.

The subdivision is located northeast of St. Francisville. Daniel said the crime was particularly disturbing.

"I was shocked at what I saw down there," he said. "It was just a terrible scene."

Ken Roark, who lives about 100 yards from the scene, had just returned to his home on a quiet cul-de-sac that accesses The Bluffs bike and walking trail.

"You wonder what brought something like this on," said Roark. "From what I understand, the kid was a good student and didn't even know the kid that he had killed and then he goes and confesses and turns himself in."

Neighbors at the scene said the 16-year-old lived in the nearby subdivision.

Daniel added if the district attorney's office decides to try the suspect as an adult, then his name will be released to the public.

Authorities said the victim was biking with his mother.

They reportedly drove over from their home in Clinton.

Copyright 2010 WAFB. All rights reserved

Didn't even run. Went and told someone to call 911. Sick

11th June 2010, 03:07 PM
I didn't notice it was brittsh and I've calmed down a little now.


He became a US citizen and now lives in New York (http://www.lmqlit.com/author-display.php?art=Charles+Laurence). You and yur brothers aughts ta go up there and teach him some manners.
