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9th June 2010, 11:31 PM
:conf: :conf: :conf:

9th June 2010, 11:38 PM
got a thread on that article, OP titled it different though,

Approaching the point of no return on the oil volcano? (http://gold-silver.us/forum/general-discussion/approaching-the-point-of-no-return-on-the-oil-volcano/msg59807/#msg59807)

Grand Master Melon
10th June 2010, 12:02 AM
Opps........ I would delete it but I can't!


Sure you can, look on the bottom left at the end of my comment there's an icon to lock or delete.

10th June 2010, 12:31 AM
Not a pretty thought

At some point the drilled hole in the earth will enlarge itself beneath the wellhead to weaken the area the wellhead rests upon. The intense pressure will then push the wellhead off the hole allowing a direct unrestricted flow of oil, etc.

The hole will continue to increase in size allowing more and more oil to rise into the Gulf. After several billion barrels of oil have been released, the pressure within the massive cavity five miles beneath the ocean floor will begin to normalize.

mick silver
10th June 2010, 12:49 AM
thanks ima

10th June 2010, 12:55 AM
Think about this......what is creating the pressure UNDER THE OIL in order to push it up?..........and a long time from now when all the oil is pushed out will the upward pressure stop? or keep on going..........this will wreaking the crust of the Earth and will open many other oil wells.

Like the story of the kindoom that was lost for the lack of a shoe horse this will will be the missing shoe horse of our present civilization.

"And many will die"... Ponce

10th June 2010, 03:20 AM
Think about this......what is creating the pressure UNDER THE OIL in order to push it up?..........and a long time from now when all the oil is pushed out will the upward pressure stop? or keep on going..........this will wreaking the crust of the Earth and will open many other oil wells.

Like the story of the kindoom that was lost for the lack of a shoe horse this will will be the missing shoe horse of our present civilization.

"And many will die"... Ponce

No thanks(think about it that is)

So if it eats away the metal pipe and when thats gone it eats away the earth only faster.And then ,how big does the hole get then.

10th June 2010, 10:39 AM
I'm failing to understand how a pressurized reservoir under deep seawater pressure is going to be able to somehow release pressure past the point of equilibrium thus allowing entry of water into the underground reservoir. What would keep the flow moving past the point of equalized pressure?

10th June 2010, 10:46 AM
The upward pressure of the Earth is more than that of 5,000 of the ocean.

10th June 2010, 10:52 AM
I'm failing to understand how a pressurized reservoir under deep seawater pressure is going to be able to somehow release pressure past the point of equilibrium thus allowing entry of water into the underground reservoir. What would keep the flow moving past the point of equalized pressure?

Here is how it can happen. The pressure in the reservoir is from what is piled on top of it. Rock, mud, water. Water is more dense than oil, in general. If there is a channel for water to reach the reservoir that is not gushing with oil flow, that water can displace oil. Currently, there is pressure forcing the oil up because what is above it weighs more. It is like the mud & rock are trying to get under the oil. I think the pressure and flow are so high right now- and maybe for years, that any openings would push the water away. There is no practical way right now for the water to get down there.

10th June 2010, 11:06 AM
The upward pressure of the Earth is more than that of 5,000 of the ocean.
That much is obvious albeit generalized. That pressure difference is being equalized as we speak. I am talking about what would happen after equalization was found. Dmac's highlighting of the density difference in oil and water has some validity to it.

10th June 2010, 11:18 AM
bp say it all under control but the clean up will take years. years could be 3 or 3000 either way we wont be here.

10th June 2010, 11:26 AM
I've listened to a few of the audios (http://www.thelightgate.com/#update) at this Christian Zionist site http://www.thelightgate.com - it's not obvious that they're Zionists but in one of their audios they started to spew about Izzy and praying for Netenyahu yada yada, I almost zooked. But they are into the Gulf spill & illuminati CT's and scripture, and they aggregate some interesting news & theories.

That said, I see this posted at their homepage,

New E-mail - Interesting concept:

The Gulf of Mexico puzzle pieces are strewn all over the Internet.
We need to explore beyond the narrow limits of this media mindgame known as the "accidental oil spill that is destroying our environment." Why do we need to seek out deeper truths surrounding this two-dimensional cardboard cutout concocted environmental crisis? Because many millions of human beings all around the Gulf of Mexico -- from Mexico through the tip of Florida and the Caribbean Islands -- may soon be swallowed up in a colossal tsunami.

Puzzle Piece #1: A friend, Mark, a Persian Gulf War veteran, maintains some contacts within certain agencies. About three years ago, Mark told me:
"A friend, who is a geologist with the U.S. Geological Survey, told me that they are surveying the seabed of the Gulf of Mexico, because they {the Gov't-Industrial Complex} sees great opportunities for extracting oil from the Gulf, since they have detected that the seabed is rising, and they expect land masses to arise out of the Gulf."
Mark told me this at least three years ago. Is it actually happening now?

Puzzle Piece #2: This morning, Steve Shapiro called me with an insight that just jolted him. Steve thinks he knows why they are planning mass evacuations of the Gulf coast populations: because they anticipate an earthquake and a consequent tsunami. And this conjecture parallels Mark's report from the US Geological Survey geologist, that the Gulf seabed is expected to push up new land masses.

Puzzle Piece #3: This so-called oil spill is obviously more like an oil volcano erupting beneath the seabed. There are reports that the upward pressure is enormous, which explains why they would currently be drilling relief wells to reduce the danger at the infamous pressure point -- pressure which is plausibly producing a bulge in the seabed. Indeed, seabeds are rising in places around the globe.
The following Internet report has been widely circulated by many credible sources, a fact which can easily be verified by search engine.

///// A guy who monitors the NOAA (National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration) national data buoy center says the data shows that the sea floor is rising by as much as 13 feet A DAY in the Coral Sea. Since the great tsunami of 2004 a chain of buoys has been tethered in various parts of the ocean to help act as a tsunami warning system. They tell scientists what's going on in terms of how high the ocean surface is above the sea floor. And it seems they have been feeding back some unexpected information.
As he says: "The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has a Tsunami station in event mode activated for Station 55023 – STB Coral Sea located at 14.803 S 153.585 E (14°48’9″ S 153°35’6″ E).
"The tsunami station has been in event mode since the large quakes occurred in the area for several days now. This is triggered by the buoys’ anomalies of water column height above the sea floor. If you do a data search for 2010 March 20th to 2010 April 13th you get this - Over 100 meters or 328 feet less distance from buoy to sea floor in
24 days! That’s 13 feet per day since the quakes. "This is disturbing."
If his analysis is accurate, it is disturbing indeed.
But if you go to the NOAA site, you'll find those buoys have not been recording any data lately. Suspicious, that. Are we being kept in the dark yet again? Quite likely. \\\\

Puzzle Piece #4: ??
Well, I've had it for now. The numerous remaining puzzle pieces are just too fatiguing for both you and me to labor over, right now.
Maybe we can continue this examination tomorrow -- and maybe you can contribute a clue and an insight of your own, such as the 4,000 mass evacuation(?) vehicles blanketing the air strips and flight lines of an Air Force base near Jacksonville, Florida, photographed on GoogleMaps, possibly before the April 20th gusher broke out.

John DiNardo

10th June 2010, 12:35 PM
Finding the reason for what is happening is not as important as knowing that is going to happen..........get ready for that and forget about the coats and ties.

The early bird gets the worm........leave now and once you get as far away as you can buy as much food as you can.......those who moves later on will be paying ten times more than what you paid for your new home or rental unit.

10th June 2010, 01:04 PM
I found this USGS paper on the ocean floor of the gulf. It seems the area down in the deep water sections are quite prone to Mud Volcanos. There also seems to be a relationship between shallow sub-surface gas release and sea floor failure. The paper is from 1999 Dept. of the Interior and in the end calls for further research.

PDF LINK A seismic-reflection investigation of gas hydrates and sea-floor
features of the upper continental slope of the Garden Banks and
Green Canyon regions, northern Gulf of Mexico: (http://geopubs.wr.usgs.gov/open-file/of99-570/of99-570.pdf)

Here is another paper. Within the pages it also discusses the positions of various undersea mud volcanoes. (PDF LINK) SITE SELECTION FOR DOE/JIP GAS HYDRATE DRILLING IN THE
NORTHERN GULF OF MEXICO (http://www.mms.gov/revaldiv/PDFs/Hydrates%20Pub-JIP.DOE.pdf)

I made this post in the "Flames from the leak" thread a couple days ago. Within these documents there are scientific descriptions of the Gulf sea floor that outline the effect of gas escaping from the ground and its effect on the sea floor, while the second paper is an analysis of the geological integrity of the Gulf of Mexico.

The area where the wellhead is contains many mud volcanoes. As I wrote in the post:

There also seems to be a relationship between shallow sub-surface gas release and sea floor failure (http://openlearn.open.ac.uk/mod/resource/view.php?id=172153):

On the negative side, it is now recognised that gas hydrates are a potential geohazard. Dissociation of hydrates at the base of the gas hydrate stability zone (Figure 21) can cause increased pore-fluid pressures in under-consolidated sediments, forming a zone of weakness and a site of potential sea-floor failure. Slope failure can threaten underwater installations and, in extreme cases, generate tsunamis.

The conspiracy (part of it anyway) might be claiming the oil and gas pollution will be reason for an evac (http://gold-silver.us/forum/conspiracy-theories/forced-evacuations-begin-in-less-than-two-weeks-%28gulf-catastrophe%29/), while the truth of the matter might be much much worse! (ie tsunami/earthquake)

Doing some searching on mud volcanoes and tsunamis I found this tidbit, from some Thai scientists (http://www.changingearth.org/Article/Thai-scientists-find-undersea-mud-volcanoes/8147):

Mud volcanoes have earlier been located in the Andaman Sea. The one located near Andaman island in India, which is still active, is believed to have links with tsunami waves caused by massive quakes under the sea.

Also, the Gulf of Mexico seems to be one of the only locations in the world that contains Asphalt Volcanoes (http://www.marum.de/en/Asphalt_volcanoes_discovered.html).

Underwater volcanoes that spew asphalt instead of lava: they were discovered in the Gulf of Mexico during an expedition of the research vessel SONNE, led by Prof. Gerhard Bohrmann of the DFG Research Center Ocean Margins. On these volcanoes the multinational team of scientists encountered a previously unknown highly diverse ecosystem at a water depth of 3,000 meters. The prominent scientific journal Science reports the spectacular discovery in its issue of 14 May 2004.

Ponce might be right after all.