View Full Version : Top Shot tv show

11th June 2010, 09:30 AM
It's on the History channel I think. Started last Sunday 10pm EST.

I watched the first show, it was interesting. It combines the Survivor show with a bunch of different weapons. Last sunday was rifles, this sunday is pistols. So you get a look at some weapons you don't see all the time, and maybe get to learn something you didn't know, or maybe get some new ideas for drills to run.

Kind of humbling, here I was thinking I was a good shot because of the drills I run, and the first show a 22 year old shooter made me realize there was a lot I didn't know.

The History channel also has a show on trick shooters that is worth looking for.

11th June 2010, 09:37 AM
I watched it. Thought it was pretty interesting. I felt bad for the bald guy that got voted off. I dont know how anyone could take 30 shots with a 1903 springfield and NOT hit a target at 100 yards. Im thinking there was something seriously wonky with the sights on that rifle.

I was also suprised at how many misses most of them had at 50 and 100 yards in general. But who knows whats up.

I was pretty impressed with that 22 year old. He definitley knows his long range shooting. He zipped through that course of fire with the remington 700's pretty quick, outpacing his spotter like he wasnt even there.

Cant wait till they start doing the archery and stuff.

willie pete
11th June 2010, 10:21 AM
I missed that, I would've liked to seen that, I did see an ad about the pistols, I want to try and see it

Someone missed a 100 yrd target with a Spingfield '06? Damn....no wonder they got voted off

11th June 2010, 11:16 AM
I missed that, I would've liked to seen that, I did see an ad about the pistols, I want to try and see it

Someone missed a 100 yrd target with a Spingfield '06? Damn....no wonder they got voted off

Yeah, and he was actualy an accomplished rifleman and former marine with quite a reputation behind him. Generaly, I say "its a poor craftsman that blames his tools." but in this case it may very well have been

Im looking forward to the pistols, as there were quite a few champion pistol shooters in the group.

big country
11th June 2010, 11:17 AM
Isnt the lowest sight position on an '06 set for 200 yards? Maybe he had it clicked down to the lowest and still forgot to hold under the target? since it was at 100 yards?

11th June 2010, 11:20 AM
Isnt the lowest sight position on an '06 set for 200 yards? Maybe he had it clicked down to the lowest and still forgot to hold under the target? since it was at 100 yards?

Even still though, with a 6 o'clock hold hed only be what, maybe a few inches high at 100 yards. The targets looked to be about 24 inch circles, or there abouts. I dunno, I've never shot a '03 springfield, maybe theyre different :-\ lol