View Full Version : "Tree of Liberty" Won't Allow Discussion of USS Liberty !?

11th June 2010, 10:57 AM
I posted about the USS Liberty at

and here was the answer -
"Post anything anti Israel here one more time and your gone."

therefore I encourage the honest historians here at GS-US to go visit "Tree of Liberty" - and teach them about Liberty.

philo beddoe
11th June 2010, 11:03 AM
So......is it basically a bunch of Glen Beck fans?

11th June 2010, 11:03 AM
What for? Let em worship at the altar that is Israel.

Some people like being in an abusive relationship. Who are you, or any of us for that matter to tell someone they are being abused??

11th June 2010, 11:13 AM
Motto: "Americans United for Truth and Freedom*"

* (Except when it comes to Israel since they f*cking own our asses!)

11th June 2010, 11:13 AM
You can't teach when there is no discussion allowed. That is the reason they censor so harshly.

11th June 2010, 11:21 AM
They ain't legit, this is another case study worth looking at.

What and who are the controllers of these forums and what
is their game ? Not just treeofliberty or even gim.

What about the NeoCons, like in the other thread I commented
on how we need to get back to basics, on NeoCons, they never
went away, Obama is fulfilling PNAC, every major scandal last
10 years is theirs and even goes beyond to Clinton years
and the war on Serbia, support for the Chechens against Russia
and all the "colored revolutions" and Oligarchs, their partners
raping Russia.

NeoCons had incredible scandals, instead of screaming "jooo"
just cover their crimes that the media for the most part ignored.
Real names , real crimes, "real msm" sources even to refer to.

There are quite a few freedom forums online now.
We need to compile them maybe ? Get recruits and
spread the seeds of knowledge to other forums.

11th June 2010, 11:27 AM
Yep, just there to monitor. And when a topic pops up they don't like then out you go. I got banned from GLP for simply saying jews own most of the newspapers, tv stations, movie companies, etc...

*Either we tailor the discussion to shape perception or there will be no discussion (by you anyway)

11th June 2010, 11:39 AM
The Tree of (No) Liberty is a controlled opposition site, just like FreakRepublic.

Saul Mine
11th June 2010, 11:54 AM
The Tree Of Liberty (http://www.thetreeofliberty.com/) is sponsored by a fellow who only wants to hear stuff that favors the Christian agenda. If you forget that, he will remind you.

At least he's honest about it, not like some sites that will lock you out and let you figure out why all by yourself.

11th June 2010, 12:20 PM
Some people like being in an abusive relationship. Who are you, or any of us for that matter to tell someone they are being abused??


You tell 'em Ares!


11th June 2010, 12:22 PM
i've been a member there for awhile now

anyone who wants to see the " Christian Zionist " mindset in action, visit the Tree of Liberty forums

sometimes i just shake my head when i see the " Israel, right or wrong " BS they post

what was that thing that bibi i'mayahoo said about christian zionists

" useful idiots "

11th June 2010, 12:29 PM
The Tree Of Liberty (http://www.thetreeofliberty.com/) is sponsored by a fellow who only wants to hear stuff that favors the Christian agenda. If you forget that, he will remind you.

He can be honest about it yes, but his site is a joke if that is the case.

All other truth on there and freedom is meaningless when discussing
supposed liberty on his forum.

As far as him representing Christians and that agenda,
that is nonsense, allied with Rockefeller Rothchild Masons
is not being Christian. We just had this discussion in other
long thread. Lenin is rolling in his grave laughing his ass off.
Turko Mongols Khazars like himself that terrorized Europeans
control "israel", "gods chosen". ROFL ! God smited them with
plague making them ugly shits with turd for brains for all to see.

11th June 2010, 12:34 PM
anyone who wants to see the " Christian Zionist " mindset in action, visit the Tree of Liberty forums

Same with http://www.timebomb2000.com/vb/forumdisplay.php?f=3

Dumbass goyim being corralled by Cryptos...lol.


11th June 2010, 12:42 PM
They ain't legit, this is another case study worth looking at.

What and who are the controllers of these forums and what
is their game ? Not just treeofliberty or even gim.

i think their game is obvious.

to allow discussion of Subject X (9-11, Peak Oil, Tree of Liberty-whatever that is, Computer technology) without any honest discussion about Israel.

like controlling the media, but this is the new media. CraigsList, run by Jew Craig Newmark, one of the biggest military recruiters & uses the Peace sign for a logo ... and so on.

but, in their midst, there are many, many people who are doing 1 or 2 things - trying to "figure things out", plus they're usually off work so they're relaxing at home.

looks like i'll be taking some PHP classes. i feel like such a phpBB script kiddie and got my ass kicked by some porn spam.

i think that's a good option for those of us who are inclined - set up forums in our respective areas of expertise & debauchery 8) and make sure that the forums aren't racist - as defined from a humanitarian (as opposed to Israeli) point of view.

11th June 2010, 12:53 PM
Some people like being in an abusive relationship. Who are you, or any of us for that matter to tell someone they are being abused??


You tell 'em Ares!


Can roll your eyes all you want. But my statement is true. No way are you going to convince those tools over at the tree of liberty that Israel is not an ally.

11th June 2010, 01:29 PM
Can roll your eyes all you want. But my statement is true. No way are you going to convince those tools over at the tree of liberty that Israel is not an ally.

the point is not really to convince anybody.

i find most groups have a form of "polite conversation", and the moderators at Tree of Liberty dictate that Israel's many crimes not be discussed. so be it.

BUT - i'm sure that many of the participants have questions and are capable of thinking.

not that i'm planning on spending a whole bunch of time on it.

though my response to a speech lockdown is that they can shove it where it will be found at their next prostate exam. 8)

11th June 2010, 01:35 PM
though my response to a speech lockdown is that they can shove it where it will be found at their next prostate exam.

I agree, I was completely oblivious to Israels many crimes in the past. I only started looking after I saw how much the mods at GIM didn't want to allow that type of discourse.

11th June 2010, 02:14 PM
Post this pro-American, pro-Christian, pro USS Liberty Survivor news clip and see what happens.



tell them Glenn Beck approves ;D

11th June 2010, 02:15 PM
Read the sight very little now. Noticed how they fawn all over Glen Beck. It's like a Fox News fan club sometimes.

I was listening to one of their most famouse posters on GLP the other night, johngaltfla.

I am pretty sure he brought up the Liberty in that interview / answering questions.

I had never noticed the lack of zionist realization.

11th June 2010, 03:34 PM
WELLL HOW ABOUT THAT...........man oh man, was I surprised that my name is still up as a member of good standing......I believe that the reason for that is that I haven't posted in about a year hahahahahahahaha, I will have to remedy that by posting something about the Zionists.

11th June 2010, 04:25 PM
WELLL HOW ABOUT THAT...........man oh man, was I surprised that my name is still up as a member of good standing......I believe that the reason for that is that I haven't posted in about a year hahahahahahahaha, I will have to remedy that by posting something about the Zionists.

you could always talk about, "Ritual Human Sacrifice in the Jewish Culture".

Something they have many centuries of history doing, as documented in the book "Blood Passover", by Ariel Toaff -
Blood Passover
by Ariel Toaff

about Ariel Toaff - "Ariel Toaff is a professor of Medieval and Renaissance History at Bar Ilan University. He is the son of Elio Toaff, a former Chief Rabbi of Rome."

About Jewish authorship of the Holocaust & involvement in financing and providing victims to Nazi Germany -

A. Personnel Negotiations between Israeli Jews & Nazi Germany - the Jews that wanted to create Israel ran into considerable opposition in the form of other European Jews. They dealt with that by negotiating with Hitler to leave them behind - in his hands - in Nazi Germany.

The Transfer Agreement
by Edwin Black

B. Financing of Nazi Germany by Wall Street -

George Bush, the Un-Authorized Biography.
See Chapter 2, about Wall Street financing Nazi Germany as late as October 1942.

11th June 2010, 07:06 PM
Thanks for the discussion. Understanding bias is very important.

There are quite a few freedom forums online now.
We need to compile them maybe ? Get recruits and
spread the seeds of knowledge to other forums.

Coming back home tonight I noticed in the last 24 hours not far down the street someone spay painted 'thinkfree.ca (http://www.thinkfree.ca/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=11&Itemid=11)' 20 feet long on the concrete barrier on the corner.

It is nice to think we may soon reach some sort of tipping point in awareness.

Perhaps I'll spray 'gold-silver.us' after it. ;)

11th June 2010, 08:29 PM
Yeah... TTOL has its issues. There are some good eggs there and some blindered narrow and wrong folks too. Happens everywhere. Ain't much you can do when people choose what they will see and refuse to see anything else. It is a part of the human condition. I suppose I have my blind sides too... though I am sure nobody here thinks that. :sarc:

11th June 2010, 08:37 PM
Perhaps I'll spray 'gold-silver.us' after it. ;)

Damn Crips and Bloods ain't gonna own my 'hood bro. I gotta carry my Glock 24/7 now.


11th June 2010, 09:02 PM