View Full Version : Tried to take the kids out yesterday evening...

11th June 2010, 01:26 PM
I live in Corpus Christi, we have a lot of Mexicans, (I think) most of them are illegal. Our city just got done building a new city park near the bayfront, (http://www.caller.com/news/2010/may/31/new-splash-park-kicks-up-worries-over-safety/) which includes an interactive water fountain. You can take the kids to it in their swim suits and they walk around while the fountain will spray them, etc. It was supposed to be a lot of fun. Well I suited the kids up last night and drove to the park, and here's what I saw. Groups of mexicans bathing themselves in the water, washing their kids' hair in the fountain, some washing clothes. A lady changing her baby's diapers, leaving the feces-filled diapers on the sidewalk (we call them 'wallmart burritos' here in CC on account of they're all over the parking lot in the walmarts down here). Well we turned around and went back home, played in the sprinkler in our front yard. I can't take my kids there, it's overrun. Corpus is being taken over, we're leaving as soon as we can.

Ha ha, be sure to read the comments at the link, this is the first one: "I didn't know this pretty fountain area would be the new public bath house, but I guess I should have known." LOL

11th June 2010, 01:31 PM
That really is a shame:(.

Grand Master Melon
11th June 2010, 01:33 PM
What is with Mexicans leaving diapers around? I've seen people from other races doe it but more often then not it's some Mexican. WTF?

11th June 2010, 01:34 PM
The Sparkling Ghetto By The Sea :]

Lived there for 4 years. Lots of better places, The Hill Country for one.

11th June 2010, 01:38 PM
Mexicans are disgusting.

They do that sort of stuff in California too.

You go to the lakes to water ski and there are
crappy diapers floating in the freaking LAKE!!! :o

What kind of POS does stuff like that? ???


11th June 2010, 01:39 PM
They didn't show any kids shampooing in the pics... did you take pics?

I wonder if the city park could have an adult/parent provide local id as a precursor for entrance... to help weed out the illegals

We have some free community activities but you have to show proof of residence and id... doesn't seem like a big deal.

or maybe, for some bizarre reason, they want defecation, urine, various other body fluids contaminating the pool... sounds great!

11th June 2010, 01:54 PM
...I wonder if the city park could have an adult/parent provide local id as a precursor for entrance... to help weed out the illegals ...

Maybe in Arizona!

11th June 2010, 01:56 PM
We have one of these water fountains at our Zoo. They have a posted list of rules, and I always laughed because the first rule is "No diaper changing." I just thought that was a silly rule . . . who would change their baby's diaper in some fountains?

Now I know.

About the littering: I have traveled quite a bit in Central America, and they do not have the same taboo against littering as we do. They have no taboo against littering at all, in fact. Store owners sweep the front of their stores several times a day, but places like bus stops are very polluted with garbage. You can tell where the bus usually waits even if the bus is not there, because all around that spot, directly under where the windows would be you will see bottles, bags, etc.

I don't know how many of you were around in the 70's, but people in the US used to throw their fast food bags right out of their car window. Not just occasionally, either. I remember my dad honking at them. People still throw their cigarettes out of their window without even a thought.

The only reason why we don't litter as much as we used to is because we've been bombarded by an anti-litter ad campaign that has lasted decades.

11th June 2010, 02:06 PM
Seriously, read the comments at the linked article. Lots of people saying the same thing. Here are some:

Took some out of town family to see the park on Saturday. It's already a disgusting sight of people "bathing" in the fountain, babies with saggy diapers, trash from fast food containers and no shortage of tattooed, pierced low-lifes.

A homeless guy told me the other day that the city had built this wonderful new public bath down by the waterfront.

I walked away from this scene. I was disgusted at all the people staying there like it was a day at the beach. And to the poster saying "be the change you want to see" I'd like to see you challenge that behavior. It won't take long before the next article is a stabbing at the downtown bath park.

11th June 2010, 02:13 PM
That is so sad. I'd be writing /calling officials & complaining! After all, it's your tax dollars, no?

Sad too, that you have to leave. Will you stay in Texas?

Large Sarge
11th June 2010, 02:21 PM
When I was younger, college days, I and a few friends took a road trip through part of mexico.

just the northern areas, perhaps 2-3 hours from the border.

I can still remember driving by these canals, and one end of the canal are some folks washing clothes, down further are folks bathing, and down a little further is someone urinating in it.

After I saw that, I understood the whole "do not drink the water"

thats what they do at home, so they bring it here with them

11th June 2010, 02:30 PM
Ha ha, be sure to read the comments at the link, this is the first one: "I didn't know this pretty fountain area would be the new public bath house, but I guess I should have known." LOL



ridley writes:

A homeless guy told me the other day that the city had built this wonderful new public bath down by the waterfront.

PizzaGal writes:

Took some out of town family to see the park on Saturday. It's already a disgusting sight of people "bathing" in the fountain, babies with saggy diapers, trash from fast food containers and no shortage of tattooed, pierced low-lifes.
Sorry to be so negative but this park has not added anything positive to the city.


11th June 2010, 02:32 PM
The only reason why we don't litter as much as we used to is because we've been bombarded by an anti-litter ad campaign that has lasted decades.

Waaaaaay before then we didn't litter because our parents taught us not to.


11th June 2010, 02:44 PM
The only reason why we don't litter as much as we used to is because we've been bombarded by an anti-litter ad campaign that has lasted decades.

Waaaaaay before then we didn't litter because our parents taught us not to. :)

I'll have to believe you, because I wasn't here for that, but from my experience lots of people littered in the 70's, and it slowly tapered off to about the late 80's, when littering was basically eradicated.

I am still finding litter in my own yard from the 70's and the 80's with my metal detector.

11th June 2010, 02:45 PM
When I was younger, college days, I and a few friends took a road trip through part of mexico.

just the northern areas, perhaps 2-3 hours from the border.

I can still remember driving by these canals, and one end of the canal are some folks washing clothes, down further are folks bathing, and down a little further is someone urinating in it.

After I saw that, I understood the whole "do not drink the water"

<b>thats what they do at home, so they bring it here with them</b>

That's how they treat their own homes/country...they don't give a flyin' rats ass about America and it's even worse.

willie pete
11th June 2010, 02:56 PM
When I was younger, college days, I and a few friends took a road trip through part of mexico.

just the northern areas, perhaps 2-3 hours from the border.

I can still remember driving by these canals, and one end of the canal are some folks washing clothes, down further are folks bathing, and down a little further is someone urinating in it.

After I saw that, I understood the whole "do not drink the water"

<b>thats what they do at home, so they bring it here with them</b>

That's how they treat their own homes/country...they don't give a flyin' rats ass about America and it's even worse.

That about sums it up.....I've been told before by "foreign nationals", America is like one big vagina, just waiting to have sex with.....(Of course I changed the verbage) Disgusting, Very Disgusting.....also heard this, If the US opens up all the borders and lets everyone in, it'll soon be like the country they all left

11th June 2010, 02:59 PM
I can still remember driving by these canals, and one end of the canal are some folks washing clothes, down further are folks bathing, and down a little further is someone urinating in it.

I have a picture of me in a river near the Belize/Guatemala border taken earlier this year. I was swinging from a rope swing and across the river a truck labeled "Potable Water" was sucking water from the river. I think the photo is of just me and the truck, but there were people doing laundry at several places along the river. My friend thought it was a stupid thing to take a picture of, but I thought it was hilarious.

11th June 2010, 03:51 PM
I don't believe ya k-os.

11th June 2010, 03:57 PM
I have a picture of me in a river near the Belize/Guatemala border taken earlier this year...

San Ignacio? I visited that area once (as well as the other sibe of the border).

11th June 2010, 04:04 PM
I have a picture of me in a river near the Belize/Guatemala border taken earlier this year...

San Ignacio? I visited that area once (as well as the other sibe of the border).

Yep, I believe that's where we were.

The pics are for Trinity, even though I know you were half kidding. I had to mark my own face out because it was a very hideous picture of me. You will have to trust me on this.

11th June 2010, 04:08 PM
The only reason why we don't litter as much as we used to is because we've been bombarded by an anti-litter ad campaign that has lasted decades.

Waaaaaay before then we didn't litter because our parents taught us not to.


Americans used to litter without a second thought, everything went out the window...the countryside was strewn with trash. Things began to change in the 1960's with Beatify America Campaigns. Lady Bird Johnson spearheaded these efforts as 1st Lady, especially in Texas...including getting the Highway Dept to sow wildflower seeds and mow accordingly.

Mexico is like American was, even worse. I was in the Copper Canyon in a pristine area...took a bus, the bus stopped at a store for everybody to get refreshments, every Mexican on the bus threw their trash out the window. The area where the bus stopped was covered in trash...on down the road it was spectacular.



willie pete
11th June 2010, 04:18 PM
Oh No...k-os, there's a black triangle trying to eat your face :o I believe ya, I've been to "other" countries on par with those, some of the stuff you see..... :D I guess the first thing I remember is how EVERYONE urinates in public, I don't mean in the middle of the street, but against a wall, behind a tree, I swear I saw a little girl, I happened to be on a bus looking out the window, she must've been about 7 or 8, squat right down and pee right there... :D Guess she had to go..

11th June 2010, 04:32 PM
The only reason why we don't litter as much as we used to is because we've been bombarded by an anti-litter ad campaign that has lasted decades.
There once was a very thought provoking article posted on an oft mentioned forum that really blew my mind. The article is not proper to post in long form in this thread as it is off-topic so here is the link:

11th June 2010, 04:36 PM
I have a picture of me in a river near the Belize/Guatemala border taken earlier this year...

San Ignacio? I visited that area once (as well as the other sibe of the border).

Yep, I believe that's where we were.

The pics are for Trinity, even though I know you were half kidding. I had to mark my own face out because it was a very hideous picture of me. You will have to trust me on this.

It's actually a nice picture.. she just doesn't want TPTB having too much info on her. ;)

11th June 2010, 04:42 PM
Uh, you know her avatar is honest, right? :P

11th June 2010, 05:04 PM
The only reason why we don't litter as much as we used to is because we've been bombarded by an anti-litter ad campaign that has lasted decades.
There once was a very thought provoking article posted on an oft mentioned forum that really blew my mind. The article is not proper to post in long form in this thread as it is off-topic so here is the link:

Wow, that was an excellent read. Thanks.

11th June 2010, 05:17 PM
I believe ya now k-os. :D

11th June 2010, 05:19 PM
<-------------- Waits for someone with photoshop skills to shoop 3x's avatar over the triangle.

In my experience the majority of people who say "oh I don't have a problem with (insert minority group here)" has either

a) never been around them at length
b) only been around proffesionals, so the top of their race
c) has only been around 1-2, where Whites are 50-60

For example a girl I dated in HS was like "oh your racist blah blah blah" checked back in with her a few years later after she had worked at a fried chicken place no less, needless to say we then saw eye to eye.

I tell people all the time, "you might not be racist, but your kids will be" Because they will grow up being the minority, being beaten, raped, victims of "affirmative action" etc. their entire lives. They won't be growing up in America like you did where Jose happens to mow your yard but your neighborhood is all White. They will grow up in modern day South Africa, where those people understand full well everyone ain't equal.

11th June 2010, 05:26 PM
A question for the board regarding litter.

I know litterers are portrayed as hating the environment etc. but where I live anyway every few months mexicants roam the side of the roads picking it all up, so knowing that someone is going to pick it up soon is it still bad?

For example we set bags of trash out in our front lawn knowing the trashman will pick them up. If they didn't pick them up it would be an eyesore to see everyday. How is litter in the above described environment different?

11th June 2010, 05:35 PM
that is absolutely disgusting madfranks

hope you and your family are able to make it back up north asap!!!

11th June 2010, 05:39 PM
I have a picture of me in a river near the Belize/Guatemala border taken earlier this year. I was swinging from a rope swing and across the river a truck labeled "Potable Water" was sucking water from the river. I think the photo is of just me and the truck, but there were people doing laundry at several places along the river. My friend thought it was a stupid thing to take a picture of, but I thought it was hilarious.

Not only hilarious but instinctively you knew you were witnessing something just not right:

Indicators of safe drinking water

Access to safe drinking water is indicated by the number of people using proper sanitary sources. These improved drinking water sources include household connection, public standpipe, borehole condition, protected dug well, protected spring, and rain water collection. Sources that don't encourage improved drinking water to the same extent as previously mentioned include: unprotected well, unprotected spring, rivers or ponds, vender-provided water, bottled water (consequential of limitations in quantity, not quality of water), and tanker truck water.

You caught an obvious crime being perpetrated on camera.


11th June 2010, 05:44 PM
Here in California the illegals are very litter conscious...they get up very early in the morning and remover the litter right out of the trash cans. Nice people!

11th June 2010, 05:47 PM

11th June 2010, 06:27 PM
Why people litter is beyond me. I went to a state park on Lake Erie near my home one weekend and it was mostly filled with minorities. I was there at the end of the day when most were leaving and the beach was completely trashed. The people there would just leave their mess on the picnic tables and grills rather than pick it up and walk 30 feet to a trash can. Poor state workers have to clean that beach every Monday.

I don't understand why state officials can't just start writing $500 tickets for not picking up after yourself? I mean the states need money and writing those tickets would provide somebody with a job and help the state make money.

Just an idea.

11th June 2010, 06:30 PM
Great idea at that!!

11th June 2010, 06:39 PM
I don't understand why state officials can't just start writing $500 tickets for not picking up after yourself?


Society does not punish bad behavior anymore. Even here some post Bad Cop videos and those threads become long with indignation demanding freedom...lol.



13th June 2010, 12:22 AM
I don't know how many of you were around in the 70's, but people in the US used to throw their fast food bags right out of their car window. Not just occasionally, either. I remember my dad honking at them. People still throw their cigarettes out of their window without even a thought.

I remember very well in the 70's that people would routinely throw trash out their window. Now it repulses me.

OK, here's a longstanding fantasy of mine. I'm in traffic at a stop light. The guy in front of me tosses his lit cigarette butt out the window. I get out of my car, pick up the still-smoldering butt, and throw it back through his open window.


Twisted Titan
13th June 2010, 01:21 AM
The only reason why we don't litter as much as we used to is because we've been bombarded by an anti-litter ad campaign that has lasted decades.

Waaaaaay before then we didn't litter because our parents taught us not to. :)

I'll have to believe you, because I wasn't here for that, but from my experience lots of people littered in the 70's, and it slowly tapered off to about the late 80's, when littering was basically eradicated.

I am still finding litter in my own yard from the 70's and the 80's with my metal detector.


13th June 2010, 06:04 AM
I don't know how many of you were around in the 70's, but people in the US used to throw their fast food bags right out of their car window. Not just occasionally, either. I remember my dad honking at them. People still throw their cigarettes out of their window without even a thought.

I remember very well in the 70's that people would routinely throw trash out their window. Now it repulses me.

OK, here's a longstanding fantasy of mine. I'm in traffic at a stop light. The guy in front of me tosses his lit cigarette butt out the window. I get out of my car, pick up the still-smoldering butt, and throw it back through his open window.

One of the problems is, they don't even put ash trays in cars anymore. I know it's not an excuse but it explains why people do this. What I don't understand is the soda bottles, fast food bags, etc. Litter is a huge problem in my area. Sometimes they have the prisoners out picking it up but there's just so much of it that it never looks clean.

still afloat
13th June 2010, 07:30 AM
Hey , take a drive through Eastern Ky after a flash flood and you'll see the diaper trees in full bloom .
Yep, they just toss 'em out anywhere and when the water gets up they get caught in the trees .

General of Darkness
13th June 2010, 07:50 AM
And the Mexican version of bowling is really hard. It seems the balls aren't very round.
