View Full Version : Progress on BP Spill Containment, But Is It Safe to Swim?

11th June 2010, 06:39 PM
Progress on BP Spill Containment, But Is It Safe to Swim? (http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/progress-bp-oil-spill-containment-safe-swim/story?id=10844269)

Expert Says Health Effects of Oil on Lungs, Skin Unknown So It's Best to Avoid Oily Water

June 7, 2010

Despite the partial capping of the oil-spewing well in the Gulf, beachgoers will likely have to deal with oil on the shores well into the fall, leaving thousands of potential vacationers with one basic question: Is it safe to swim?

Sonja Daniel is a Birmingham resident who travels to the beaches of Gulf Shores, Alabama every...
The health departments of three states have already issued swim advisories urging people to stay away from any waters "visibly affected by oil," and one health expert said swimmers should avoid oily water since the effects of the exposure to oil and dispersant aren't known at this point.

"As a public health person, until you really know what the risks are, if you're seeing oil washing up on various beaches, taking the stance that you want to wait and understand the situation before letting people be exposed is really a good idea," Dr. Richard Besser, ABC News senior health and medical editor, said on "Good Morning America" today. "This is really an experiment going on. This is the first time people have been exposed to this oil mixed with dispersant. And so what the effect will be on people's breathing, on their skin, has yet to be seen."

Sonja Daniel is a Birmingham resident who travels to the beaches of Gulf Shores, Alabama every summer to enjoy the sun and water. Sonja told ABC News today, she was at the Gulf Shores public beach yesterday when the fumes from the oil washing ashore were "so horrible" she became sickened by them. Sonja, like many in this area, was back to the beach today -- this time Sonja brought a gas mask with her - her way of enjoying the beach of Gulf Shores without breathing in what she calls "toxic air" from BP.
(Courtesy Sonja Daniel)

11th June 2010, 06:47 PM
What a fool. Obviously the sun has fried her brain!

11th June 2010, 07:10 PM
Ok. The fumes aren't entering her body through her nostrils now. Doesn't the skin also breathe in a way? What about the tiny pores which house hair follicles all around the body? I'd like to see her tan in a chem suit.