View Full Version : Van der Sloot Tells All

11th June 2010, 07:44 PM
Van der Sloot Tells All (http://www.thedailybeast.com/blogs-and-stories/2010-06-10/joran-van-der-sloot-confession-whats-next-for-stephany-flores-killer/)

He has spilled gory details about Stephany Flores’ murder, including the drugs he took and why he left her body. Barbie Latza Nadeau and Dan Collyns report on what’s next for his case.

Joran van der Sloot told police investigators that he ate breakfast and sipped coffee as he contemplated what to do with the body of Stephany Flores moments after he killed her. He considered using suitcases, but that would mean dismembering Flores’ body. He didn’t have any friends to call to help and he didn’t want to raise the alarm with the hotel staff. So he popped a few amphetamines to stay awake, and then packed up the bare essentials and headed for Chile. On his way out, he told the receptionist at the front desk not to wake “my girl,” who he said was sleeping off a long night playing poker.

Under Peruvian law, Van der Sloot’s confession is similar to a plea bargain, which will reduce his prison sentence if he is convicted of Flores’ murder.

Gory details of Flores’ senseless murder are being drip fed to the Peruvian press as police prepare to file formal murder charges against the 22-year-old Dutch native. Normally in Peru, suspects of violent crimes who confess, like Van der Sloot did earlier this week, are required to visit the crime scene and “recreate” the crime in an effort to garner even more evidence. But due to media attention and the thoroughness of Van der Sloot’s confession, the crime scene visit has been waived.

"If he's going to survive he will need money," said the police source who spoke on condition of anonymity. "The state provides around $1.50 a day per prisoner, he will need to buy everything from toothpaste from a decent space in which to sleep. On top of that, the mafias will be pressing him for protection money, all foreign prisoners have to pay just to stay alive." The source added: "The prisons are run by the prisoners, everything is available there: drugs, alcohol, sex.”

Van der Sloot could wait years in prison for his trial to begin. The time he serves in Castro Castro waiting will be hard indeed, but as bad as it sounds, Peruvians say Van der Sloot is actually considered lucky to have escaped being sent to the more dangerous but less secure San Juan de Lurigancho prison in the same Lima district. No doubt, he will wish he were back in the Aruban prison where he once spent three months in connection with the disappearance and presumed murder of American teen Natalee Holloway.

Under Peruvian law, Van der Sloot’s confession is similar to a plea bargain, which will reduce his prison sentence if he is convicted of Flores’ murder. Van der Sloot also confessed to being high on marijuana when he killed Flores, which may have been a strategic attempt at a further reduction in his sentence since crimes committed under the influence of drugs are often treated with leniency. Peru does not try criminal cases by jury like in the United States.

Instead a judge will apply the rule of law based on the evidence presented including his prior criminal record. The accusations against him in Aruba will most certainly be used against him in Peru.

Van der Sloot’s actions so far imply that he has good legal advice, but it probably won’t be enough. Authorities in Aruba say they are ready to redouble efforts in the Holloway investigation and will seek to extradite Van der Sloot if they finally have enough evidence to tie him to her murder. The FBI in Birmingham, Alabama has also filed extortion and wire fraud charges against the Dutch national in connection with a sting operation that began in April. Van der Sloot was paid $25,000 in cash and wire transfers by Holloway’s mother in exchange for information about her daughter’s whereabouts and the circumstances of her murder. The FBI was waiting for Van der Sloot to provide details before making an arrest but he slipped away to Peru before keeping his end of the deal.

In a poignant coincidence, Holloway’s mother inaugurated the Natalee Holloway Resource Center inside the National Museum of Crime and Punishment in Washington, D.C. earlier this week. A call center has been established in Natalee’s name to provide families with valuable information if their loved ones disappear abroad. "When Natalee went missing, we desperately needed contact information, law enforcement information, government resources, organization of foot soldiers, setting up command centers and media engagement," Holloway said at the center’s opening. "I feel confident it will serve as a point of light for all missing."

11th June 2010, 08:00 PM
What makes somebody that young go over the edge?

Privileged life, arrogance getting away with it, not enough attention as a child.

Mentally impaired?

I wonder what goes on in his head.

willie pete
11th June 2010, 08:11 PM
Maybe a privileged life combined with psychotic features? He was a predator, and I'd almost guarantee you none of the murders in the news were the first

11th June 2010, 08:17 PM
Maybe a privileged life combined psychotic features? He was a predator, and I'd almost guarantee you none of the murders in the news were the first

Really you think that Natalee wasn't the first? What was he 17 when that happened.

willie pete
11th June 2010, 08:31 PM
Yes, I believe he was 17, it'd be interesting to know how many other disapperances of young local girls or tourists have been reported in prior years

11th June 2010, 08:34 PM
Actually, I think he's lived a spoiled life - and that turned him into an animal. He acted with impunity.

Not anymore sunshine.

That's what I found intriguing about this article - others will now act on him with impunity unless he can literally pay to stay alive.

He's in quite a pickle. Any misery he bestowed upon others - known or unknown - will now come back to him in spades.

11th June 2010, 09:46 PM
His family are probably members of some occult group, his father was a judge--- Freemason? The 2 murders on the same day, five years apart, makes me very suspicious...

philo beddoe
11th June 2010, 10:39 PM
Actually, I think he's lived a spoiled life - and that turned him into an animal. He acted with impunity.

Not anymore sunshine.

That's what I found intriguing about this article - others will now act on him with impunity unless he can literally pay to stay alive.

He's in quite a pickle. Any misery he bestowed upon others - known or unknown - will now come back to him in spades.
I think deep down he wanted to get caught. Who's room was it? If it was his, he still could of got away.

12th June 2010, 12:14 AM
What makes somebody that young go over the edge?

Privileged life, arrogance getting away with it, not enough attention as a child.

Mentally impaired?

I wonder what goes on in his head.
Some people are just evil. Nothing more than that. No need for psychobabble explanations nor to look for liberal-social based causes. Evil.

12th June 2010, 04:00 AM
Everything you need to know:


*I wonder if the Peruvians knocked him around until he started talking. Or maybe they threatened to put him in with some of the rough boys if he didn't start yapping.

**in any case the jew cog is turning trying to get him out of there. They want to extradite him to the nederlands or back to aruba to do the Natalee murder. I hope Peru refuses to let him go or he is wacked before they can get him out.


Large Sarge
12th June 2010, 05:30 AM
*I wonder if the Peruvians knocked him around until he started talking. Or maybe they threatened to put him in with some of the rough boys if he didn't start yapping.

I think thast is possible, the girls father was some "Big Wig", and after a few days with no sleep, he would start babbling

12th June 2010, 06:41 AM
**in any case the jew cog is turning trying to get him out of there. They want to extradite him to the nederlands or back to aruba to do the Natalee murder.


"We shall demand that this innocent nice jewish boy be released immediately!"


12th June 2010, 06:46 AM
Sounds like a title of a book he'll probably write and make bank on while in prison. >:(


12th June 2010, 07:55 AM
**in any case the jew cog is turning trying to get him out of there. They want to extradite him to the nederlands or back to aruba to do the Natalee murder.


"We shall demand that this innocent nice jewish boy be released immediately!"


bwaaahhaa...after all rabbi, he was only obeying talmudic law!

12th June 2010, 08:45 AM
**in any case the jew cog is turning trying to get him out of there. They want to extradite him to the nederlands or back to aruba to do the Natalee murder.


"We shall demand that this innocent nice jewish boy be released immediately!"


Jewish Claw is a physical deformity found mainly amongst Jewish Landlords and Money Lenders, possibly as a result of excessive hand rubbing at the mere mention of the word shekel. Recent research has linked the condition to a reaction to the large amounts of zinc found in modern currency. The Jew Claw has also been linked to bankers in Germany and the disputed Palestinian lands. It also has been related to the jews taking peoples money. It is very hard to defend against the jew claw
Jew Claw is seen by many as a particularly debilitating deformation of the hands, but the banking community discovered in Germany, during die Weimarer Republik, that their hands were suited for carrying gold bars from vault to vault. This would prove invaluable to das dritte Reich bankers pressed for suitable workers capable of such tasks. Moving gold, however, wasn't their only use. Large sums of cash and coinage during WWII and subsequent years required the manual and rapid movement of money by means of Jew Claw.

Nowhere in history had the Jew Claw been so useful. Money was being rapidly transfered, efficiently and safely by banking assistants with Jew Claw. Later these same assistants would be promoted to Bank Tellers and middle management loan officers. The curve of the claw would be apt to give money away, but always with the rapid ability to flick the wrist and return money as quickly as it was taken, plus interest.

The garden Jew Claw

12th June 2010, 08:55 AM

Large Sarge
12th June 2010, 08:58 AM
**in any case the jew cog is turning trying to get him out of there. They want to extradite him to the nederlands or back to aruba to do the Natalee murder.


"We shall demand that this innocent nice jewish boy be released immediately!"


Jewish Claw is a physical deformity found mainly amongst Jewish Landlords and Money Lenders, possibly as a result of excessive hand rubbing at the mere mention of the word shekel. Recent research has linked the condition to a reaction to the large amounts of zinc found in modern currency. The Jew Claw has also been linked to bankers in Germany and the disputed Palestinian lands. It also has been related to the jews taking peoples money. It is very hard to defend against the jew claw
Jew Claw is seen by many as a particularly debilitating deformation of the hands, but the banking community discovered in Germany, during die Weimarer Republik, that their hands were suited for carrying gold bars from vault to vault. This would prove invaluable to das dritte Reich bankers pressed for suitable workers capable of such tasks. Moving gold, however, wasn't their only use. Large sums of cash and coinage during WWII and subsequent years required the manual and rapid movement of money by means of Jew Claw.

Nowhere in history had the Jew Claw been so useful. Money was being rapidly transfered, efficiently and safely by banking assistants with Jew Claw. Later these same assistants would be promoted to Bank Tellers and middle management loan officers. The curve of the claw would be apt to give money away, but always with the rapid ability to flick the wrist and return money as quickly as it was taken, plus interest.

The garden Jew Claw

thanks for that!


12th June 2010, 11:11 AM
The garden Jew Claw

http://cache4.asset-cache.net/xc/200325553-001.jpg?v=1&c=IWSAsset&k=2&d=91F5CCEF208281FDAC6E203E84249CFDA91641E99CE39E1A 6DED97FA2DB8B29CEC7C5022FB410D56

They invented an even longer-handled rake for Wall Street harvesting.


12th June 2010, 12:37 PM
Jewish Claw is a physical deformity found mainly amongst Jewish Landlords and Money Lenders, possibly as a result of excessive hand rubbing at the mere mention of the word shekel.

I was tossed from Free Republic at the end of the Clinton years for not supporting Bush. I was invited to Liberty Forum at its beginning and became an admin there.

Like most Americans, I knew something was wrong with the state of affairs in this country, but was still very much asleep. Because LF was a wide-open, no holds barred kind of place, the discussion immediately turned to the jews. I was shocked at the time - and even a bit appalled at the way they were represented (I live in the NE - my schools were heavily populated with them and I've been friends with many).

That said - LF was an awakening for me in this area. It explained the sense of 'somethin' just ain't right', but not knowing what it was. I now know and have a pretty good grasp of why things are the way they are.

That said - I was bummed to see this thread turn into yet another Jew slam-fest.

It's good to educate the sleeping of the problems with the US .gov that are hidden-in-plain-site and the stranglehold that a small population has on .gov.

If that's a goal - this is not how to go about it. LF was an excellent forum with many good, intellectual posters - it was turned into a wasteland over just such threads. After a while Jew slams on every thread becomes a turn-off for the less than zealous... and they move away.

It's a shame that the same will probably happen here. Not because of any inherent problems with free speech - but because people just don't know where to draw their own lines. If you want an anti-jew satire thread... post one. But this thread wasn't started with that intention.

Large Sarge
12th June 2010, 12:48 PM
Jewish Claw is a physical deformity found mainly amongst Jewish Landlords and Money Lenders, possibly as a result of excessive hand rubbing at the mere mention of the word shekel.

I was tossed from Free Republic at the end of the Clinton years for not supporting Bush. I was invited to Liberty Forum at its beginning and became an admin there.

Like most Americans, I knew something was wrong with the state of affairs in this country, but was still very much asleep. Because LF was a wide-open, no holds barred kind of place, the discussion immediately turned to the jews. I was shocked at the time - and even a bit appalled at the way they were represented (I live in the NE - my schools were heavily populated with them and I've been friends with many).

That said - LF was an awakening for me in this area. It explained the sense of 'somethin' just ain't right', but not knowing what it was. I now know and have a pretty good grasp of why things are the way they are.

That said - I was bummed to see this thread turn into yet another Jew slam-fest.

It's good to educate the sleeping of the problems with the US .gov that are hidden-in-plain-site and the stranglehold that a small population has on .gov.

If that's a goal - this is not how to go about it. LF was an excellent forum with many good, intellectual posters - it was turned into a wasteland over just such threads. After a while Jew slams on every thread becomes a turn-off for the less than zealous... and they move away.

It's a shame that the same will probably happen here. Not because of any inherent problems with free speech - but because people just don't know where to draw their own lines. If you want an anti-jew satire thread... post one. But this thread wasn't started with that intention.

actually thats a pretty fair criticism, since you originally posted this thread

the van der sloots are rumoured to be jewish (I cannot find anything substantial on this, Skunk @ Judicial has a write up, but no references)

Anyway you make a fair criticism

this drifted off topic, whether it was jew bashing or not.

Maybe we need a new thread on the "jew claw" ???

philo beddoe
12th June 2010, 01:27 PM
Jewish Claw is a physical deformity found mainly amongst Jewish Landlords and Money Lenders, possibly as a result of excessive hand rubbing at the mere mention of the word shekel.

I was tossed from Free Republic at the end of the Clinton years for not supporting Bush. I was invited to Liberty Forum at its beginning and became an admin there.

Like most Americans, I knew something was wrong with the state of affairs in this country, but was still very much asleep. Because LF was a wide-open, no holds barred kind of place, the discussion immediately turned to the jews. I was shocked at the time - and even a bit appalled at the way they were represented (I live in the NE - my schools were heavily populated with them and I've been friends with many).

That said - LF was an awakening for me in this area. It explained the sense of 'somethin' just ain't right', but not knowing what it was. I now know and have a pretty good grasp of why things are the way they are.

That said - I was bummed to see this thread turn into yet another Jew slam-fest.

It's good to educate the sleeping of the problems with the US .gov that are hidden-in-plain-site and the stranglehold that a small population has on .gov.

If that's a goal - this is not how to go about it. LF was an excellent forum with many good, intellectual posters - it was turned into a wasteland over just such threads. After a while Jew slams on every thread becomes a turn-off for the less than zealous... and they move away.

It's a shame that the same will probably happen here. Not because of any inherent problems with free speech - but because people just don't know where to draw their own lines. If you want an anti-jew satire thread... post one. But this thread wasn't started with that intention.


12th June 2010, 01:34 PM
What makes somebody that young go over the edge?

Privileged life, arrogance getting away with it, not enough attention as a child.

Mentally impaired?

I wonder what goes on in his head.

Talmudic upbringing. Holloway and Flores were both Shiksas...non-Kosher "pieces of meat" for the pleasure of a Jew-boy, to be discarded at will after the enjoyment of their bodies was complete.

I don't believe a word he says...he's already lied about nearly everything regarding Holloway. The video tapes are what got him.

12th June 2010, 01:35 PM
His family are probably members of some occult group, his father was a judge--- Freemason? The 2 murders on the same day, five years apart, makes me very suspicious...

No, the Jewish occult group.

12th June 2010, 01:37 PM
They want to extradite him to the nederlands or back to aruba to do the Natalee murder.

Yes...they want to "extradite" him from Jorge Chávez (Lima International) to Schiphol (Amsterdam International) to David Ben Gurion (Tel Aviv International)...then he's home-free.

12th June 2010, 01:40 PM
It's good to educate the sleeping of the problems with the US .gov that are hidden-in-plain-site and the stranglehold that a small population has on .gov.

Who might that be Carbon?
