View Full Version : Dylan Ratigan & Matt Simmons "Oil could flow for 30+ years"

Large Sarge
12th June 2010, 09:08 AM

Large Sarge
12th June 2010, 09:17 AM
the end of this interview, Matt Simmons seems terrified.

Mumbles something, almost an apology for the oil industry.

Large Sarge
12th June 2010, 09:26 AM
Simmons "it could end up poisoning the atlantic ocean as well"

12th June 2010, 09:34 AM
Everything that he said I did it on the second day......and I am not PhD or anything like that........but for the thirty years "leak", no matter, there is more to come.

Now then, make a 15 or 20 feet wide cone shape out of heavy metal with weights on the side and a hose at the top going to the surface...........lover the cone as close to the leak as you can and the oil for that leak should go up the cone.............after the cone has been lowered as close to the leak as you can then start placing weights around the edges of the cone and you should be able to lower it some more.........at the surface the oil-water should go to a permanent stationed ship to separate the oil from the water and then the oil to oil tankers standing by (on line) to fill them with the oil.

PS: What I call a "hose" is really a metal pipe at least 3 feet OD that would be able to take the force of the pressurise oil...........in a way this would be good, because you would be making the pressure of the oil work for you.

12th June 2010, 09:44 AM
Everything that he said I did it on the second day......and I am not PhD or anything like that........but for the thirty years "leak", no matter, there is more to come.

Now then, make a 15 or 20 feet wide cone shape out of heavy metal with weights on the side and a hose at the top going to the surface...........lover the cone as close to the leak as you can and the oil for that leak should go up the cone.............after the cone has been lowered as close to the leak as you can then start placing weights around the edges of the cone and you should be able to lower it some more.........at the surface the oil-water should go to a permanent stationed ship to separate the oil from the water and then the oil to oil tankers standing by (on line) to fill them with the oil.

PS: What I call a "hose" is really a metal pipe at least 3 feet OD that would be able to take the force of the pressurise oil...........in a way this would be good, because you would be making the pressure of the oil work for you.

But what do you do if there are multiple cracks/fissures in the sea bed spewing oil?

willie pete
12th June 2010, 09:53 AM
Everything that he said I did it on the second day......and I am not PhD or anything like that........but for the thirty years "leak", no matter, there is more to come.

Now then, make a 15 or 20 feet wide cone shape out of heavy metal with weights on the side and a hose at the top going to the surface...........lover the cone as close to the leak as you can and the oil for that leak should go up the cone.............after the cone has been lowered as close to the leak as you can then start placing weights around the edges of the cone and you should be able to lower it some more.........at the surface the oil-water should go to a permanent stationed ship to separate the oil from the water and then the oil to oil tankers standing by (on line) to fill them with the oil.

PS: What I call a "hose" is really a metal pipe at least 3 feet OD that would be able to take the force of the pressurise oil...........in a way this would be good, because you would be making the pressure of the oil work for you.

Ponce, are you suggesting something like an inverted funnel? I wonder if someone has spoken with this company?

They may have some type of engineering applicable

On another another note, I happen to over-hear someone the other night on C2C say there IS another rupture 5 or 6 miles away from this well head, that is leaking to, caused by the explosion of this one

Large Sarge
12th June 2010, 09:56 AM
the funnel thing is what mccanney said on his last show

put a huge one over each leak, and have a fleet of tankers on the surface, just keep filling them up.

he said the shipyards in Louisiana are already designed to make huge steel items, so creating a monstrous funnel, say 200 feet across would not be hard for these folks

willie pete
12th June 2010, 10:03 AM
the funnel thing is what mccanney said on his last show

put a huge one over each leak, and have a fleet of tankers on the surface, just keep filling them up.

he said the shipyards in Louisiana are already designed to make huge steel items, so creating a monstrous funnel, say 200 feet across would not be hard for these folks

I'm not an engineer, and I know things like this aren't as easy as it seems, the logistics are what makes it so complicated, IF somehow you could fashion a pump to create a vacuum that would help to hold the "china-cap or inverted funnel" in place on the sea floor......

12th June 2010, 10:03 AM
Yes, and inverted funnel.......thanks..........for the other leak? simple, another funnel ahahahahahahah, anything is hard to do only if you make it hard to do.

I would say that only about 5% of the oil would scape my inverted funnel.

LOLLLLLLLLLLLL sarge I was about to post when I read your post.......glad to see that others are thinking like me, or maybe me like others? hahahahahahah....... but 200 feet? the closer to the leak the smaller that the funnel would have to be.......the three feet wide pipe going up is VERY important.

Hummmmmmmm thinking about it..........because in the outher edge of the funnel there would be less pressure you put a skirt all the way around it..

Large Sarge
12th June 2010, 10:14 AM
the high pressures of the oil, help the funnel idea

and even if you get some sea water with the oil

you can separate it on land, after it is unloaded.

very easy to do

this alleviates the nuke fears,.

the biss
12th June 2010, 10:19 AM
The funnel idea is awesome, but a team has to go down with it to ensure it's in place properly. Simply put, someone's gonna have to die.

This is like that movie Armageddon... we're ultimately going to have to send people down. All this ROV stuff isn't cutting it... jagged cuts, misinserted plugs, etc. And chances are that it's going to be a suicide mission.

Large Sarge
12th June 2010, 10:23 AM
The funnel idea is awesome, but a team has to go down with it to ensure it's in place properly. Simply put, someone's gonna have to die.

This is like that movie Armageddon... we're ultimately going to have to send people down. All this ROV stuff isn't cutting it... jagged cuts, misinserted plugs, etc. And chances are that it's going to be a suicide mission.

The Funnel is made in new orleans, shipped over

Weight around the edges of it

then lowered over each hole.

I know its a mile down, but the holes are only 5 feet across or so

I think you could get it in place remotely.

once in place, it would be just a matter of placing enough weight around the sides, to hold it there

I am me, I am free
12th June 2010, 10:45 AM
As I suggested before, use brute force applied slowly. Build a concrete and steel sarcophagus entombing the BOP and directly on top of that massive base install a large steel sleeve with perforations (vents) all around the circumference and length. Then slowly lower a massive concrete and steel plug (say 100 tons or whatever) slightly smaller than the sleeve itself down the sleeve (the vents in the sleeve are closed off as it is lowered). The plug could have a tube through the center of it for managing/collecting the reduced flow.

However the good possibility of a problem of a damaged subsurface wellbore resulting in oil in the strata finding another way to the sea floor remains.

Large Sarge
12th June 2010, 10:47 AM
short of using a nuke, I see no way to close it

and with what lindsey williams said on the geology, the nuke option might not work either, just blow a bigger hole in it.

so think "containment"

funnel it to the surface, take it by ship to new orleans, houston, or any other refinery.