12th June 2010, 10:13 AM
i belong to a community garden where i have a 15x15 plot.
2 years ago i had a teeny mint plant that i kept stepping on when i was working on a compost pile, the winter of 2008-2009.
by the spring of 2009, it grew back to nice big plant about 4x4 feet. the bees love it, i like it.
but the "garden management" (a Jewish woman who manages a Lutheran church) has decided that mint is invasive and so it is a BAAAAAAD plant.
after 2 2 hour work sessions to dig it out this last winter, the mint has come back and i am being accused of garden negligence etc.
so i gave up on the environmentally sound approach and bought "Spectracide" (sort of like Round-up).
i sprayed some on yesterday & checked it this morning. the mint plants i sprayed are burnt & brown. i pulled all them, and sprayed a little more, trying to stay away from the food plants.
i never ever expected to use anything like an herbicide, but ...
2 years ago i had a teeny mint plant that i kept stepping on when i was working on a compost pile, the winter of 2008-2009.
by the spring of 2009, it grew back to nice big plant about 4x4 feet. the bees love it, i like it.
but the "garden management" (a Jewish woman who manages a Lutheran church) has decided that mint is invasive and so it is a BAAAAAAD plant.
after 2 2 hour work sessions to dig it out this last winter, the mint has come back and i am being accused of garden negligence etc.
so i gave up on the environmentally sound approach and bought "Spectracide" (sort of like Round-up).
i sprayed some on yesterday & checked it this morning. the mint plants i sprayed are burnt & brown. i pulled all them, and sprayed a little more, trying to stay away from the food plants.
i never ever expected to use anything like an herbicide, but ...