View Full Version : White newborn babies set to become a minority in the U.S. 'next year'

12th June 2010, 03:37 PM
The Turd World is where Turd Worlders live. When America is no longer majority White, it will no longer be "America."


White newborn babies set to become a minority in the U.S. 'next year'

By Daniel Bates
Last updated at 5:08 PM on 11th June 2010

Whites are on the verge of becoming a minority of newborn babies in the United States.

Official census figures show that non-white births, including Hispanics, constituted 48 per cent of children born in America between July 2008 and 2009, up from 46 per cent two years before.

Experts said the U.S. could become a 'minority majority' as early as next year, with minority births being greater than whites of European ancestry.
Multi-ethnic New York

Multi-ethnic New York: Whites are on the verge of becoming a minority of newborn babies in the U.S., according to census figures (file picture)

The reason for the change is the higher birth rate among non-white U.S. citizens - even in the recession, where birth rates fell across all racial groups, non-whites saw a lower fall.

But, as in Britain, the changing make-up of the population has led to tensions and particular concern over the strain it puts on schools and social services.

The state of Arizona recently enacted a law which made it an offence to be an illegal immigrant and allowed police to stop and search anybody they thought did not look like they were from the US.

Other laws passed by the state, which were roundly condemned for being discriminatory, required teachers to not have an overly thick accent.

The census data shows that minorities made up 31 per cent of the US population in 2000 but between July 2008 and 2009 that had increased to 35 per cent.

Among Hispanics, there were around nine births for one death, compared to a one-on-one ratio for whites.

In addition, the median age of the white population is older than that of non-whites so a larger share of minority women are in prime child-bearing years.

Kenneth Johnson, senior demographer at the Carsey Institute at the University of New Hampshire, said the tipping point where 'minority' births become a majority could come as early as next year.

'The question is just when,' he said.

In Britain, the pressure of immigration and rising birth rates fuelled by the new arrivals will swell some southern towns by nearly a fifth over the next eight years, official figures show.

In London, the situation is more extreme where four in ten young people are members of ethnic minorities.

A government report found that more than 700,000 children and teenagers are classed as non-white, around 40 per cent of the age group in the capital.

12th June 2010, 06:17 PM
Well now. I've spent so much time emphasizing the importance of educating myself but now it seems I have a new "duty". As a white Christian male maybe it's time to help out my fellow countrymen/women ;)?

12th June 2010, 06:33 PM
Among Hispanics, there were around nine births for one death, compared to a one-on-one ratio for whites.

Well, I think the bold miiiiiiiight be the problem for those wanting more "white" births here..........you guys and gals know what you gotta do if you want the outcome any different right?

Become mormon! ;D

J/k Don't mean to offend anyone.

I'm a mutt of caucasion/hispanic etc. so flame away if you'd like.

12th June 2010, 06:38 PM
And now you know the secret as to why the state of Israel have the Palestinians under such hash control and why they keep on killing the Palestinian kids... they want for the old people to die and that's it.

12th June 2010, 07:35 PM
I was listening to a medical call-in show (Dr. Dean Edell) and "Dr. Dean" opens his show discussing various medical news stories. He brought up a story about companies that offer mail-in DNA testing services to see what races are in a person's bloodline. He said that they are discovering that very few Americans are 100% white, in fact they theorized that less than 5% of people who think they are completely white are 100% white. I guess this also depends on what you consider "white" to be.

I just did a search . . .

They offer group rates! Maybe we could all get together and prove who is the fairest (as in whitest) of them all!

Seriously though, this website is fascinating. I wish it wasn't so expensive, I'd do it for the heck of it. DNA Tribes - What's Your Tribe? Sample Results (http://www.dnatribes.com/sampleresults.html)

12th June 2010, 08:41 PM
I was listening to a medical call-in show (Dr. Dean Edell) and "Dr. Dean" opens his show discussing various medical news stories. He brought up a story about companies that offer mail-in DNA testing services to see what races are in a person's bloodline. He said that they are discovering that very few Americans are 100% white, in fact they theorized that less than 5% of people who think they are completely white are 100% white. I guess this also depends on what you consider "white" to be.

Dean Edell = Jew

I'm sure "Dr." Edell believes most White Americans are "racially mixed," while also believing that "the Jews" are all descended from the Hebrews of the Bible.

These "genetic tests" are garbage, plain and simple. They reflect trends and likelihoods, and these are extrapolated to mean "proof." Similar to how evolutionists use their data to "prove" their theories.

If a person displays all-White traits, the likelihood that they are racially-mixed is very low. In fact, the "Pocahontas Phenomenon" is the reason that some families who claim they're part American Indian are actually pure White. The Pocahontas Phenomenon refers to this idiotic mystique that one must be a "descendant of Pocahontas" or "part Cherokee" to be a "real American." Most such Tribe Wannabee members ain't. I often meet someone with blue eyes and/or blond hair who claim they are "full-blood Native American" (meaning the modern meaning, not the original meaning of native-born White American). I just laugh.

I just did a search . . .

They offer group rates! Maybe we could all get together and prove who is the fairest (as in whitest) of them all!

Seriously though, this website is fascinating. I wish it wasn't so expensive, I'd do it for the heck of it. DNA Tribes - What's Your Tribe? Sample Results (http://www.dnatribes.com/sampleresults.html)

I'd probably get better results about my ancestry from a Gypsy fortune teller, for less money.

I'm willing to take any genetic test someone wants me to take, but at their own expense.

12th June 2010, 11:27 PM
I'm white.

13th June 2010, 11:18 AM
It stands to reason that Africans make Africa, Mexicans make Mexico, Germans make Germany, ect.

I'd love for all those welcoming in the Mexicans and Blacks to move to Mexico or Zimbabwe. Put your money (and family) where your mouth is.

13th June 2010, 11:27 AM
I'm White-er"than any of you... :-*

I am kinda looking forward to whites being the minority....The we won't have to keep hearing all that minority this , minority that, crap...

Twisted Titan
13th June 2010, 03:22 PM
These "genetic tests" are garbage, plain and simple. They reflect trends and likelihoods, and these are extrapolated to mean "proof." Similar to how evolutionists use their data to "prove" their theories.

I Gotta agree Quant

I thin k 20/20 did a piece show casing 2 case studies:

One where a Black woman found her white roots ( This one was accurate because when the two people stood side by side you could actually see some similarities)

The other one was a woman try locate here her Black roots" back in Africa she had three testing compaines all give her three different "readings"

She was no closer at the end then she was at the begining and just made a choice to ascribe to one.

You could tell she felt duped but she tried to make the most of it .The company that gave her the most officical looking documents turned out to be the "winner"

It was more salesman ship than science.

I will pass.

13th June 2010, 03:38 PM
They offer group rates! Maybe we could all get together and prove who is the fairest (as in whitest) of them all!

Or the BLACKEST!! :D (not rascist)

I might want to check that out. I was actually pondering on looking into something like this for the heck of it.

I can only trace as far back as grandparents on both sides of family as both sides were orphans. :'(

I hear stories of blood from Italy, France, Mexico, Peru and possibly some asian ???


13th June 2010, 04:13 PM
They offer group rates! Maybe we could all get together and prove who is the fairest (as in whitest) of them all!

Or the BLACKEST!! :D (not rascist)

I might want to check that out. I was actually pondering on looking into something like this for the heck of it.

I can only trace as far back as grandparents on both sides of family as both sides were orphans. :'(

I hear stories of blood from Italy, France, Mexico, Peru and possibly some asian ???


I really don't know "what" I am. I have fair skin, hair and eyes, but I don't know for a fact where my ancestors come from. My mom's dad was German, and I think her mom was too. I think my dad's family traces back to Ireland and Wales, but this is only hearsay.

Grand Master Melon
14th June 2010, 01:43 AM
It stands to reason that Africans make Africa, Mexicans make Mexico, Germans make Germany, ect.

I'd love for all those welcoming in the Mexicans and Blacks to move to Mexico or Zimbabwe. Put your money (and family) where your mouth is.

Right because welcoming in some blacks and mexicans is totally the same as up and moving to a country with far less freedoms than the one we're currently in.

I welcome all those with ridiculous arguments to take a minute to think before they start typing. :oo-->

14th June 2010, 03:55 AM
It stands to reason that Africans make Africa, Mexicans make Mexico, Germans make Germany, ect.

I'd love for all those welcoming in the Mexicans and Blacks to move to Mexico or Zimbabwe. Put your money (and family) where your mouth is.

Right because welcoming in some blacks and mexicans is totally the same as up and moving to a country with far less freedoms than the one we're currently in.

I welcome all those with ridiculous arguments to take a minute to think before they start typing. :oo-->

Its obviously not the exact same but there is a reason that those countries are the way they are. I am simply suggesting that those who wish to live with third worlders move to those countries instead of importing them here.

Non-White immigration isone of the main reasons America is in such trouble.

History supports my position, how about you?

14th June 2010, 12:48 PM
I was listening to a medical call-in show (Dr. Dean Edell) and "Dr. Dean" opens his show discussing various medical news stories. He brought up a story about companies that offer mail-in DNA testing services to see what races are in a person's bloodline. He said that they are discovering that very few Americans are 100% white, in fact they theorized that less than 5% of people who think they are completely white are 100% white. I guess this also depends on what you consider "white" to be.

I just did a search . . .

They offer group rates! Maybe we could all get together and prove who is the fairest (as in whitest) of them all!

Seriously though, this website is fascinating. I wish it wasn't so expensive, I'd do it for the heck of it. DNA Tribes - What's Your Tribe? Sample Results (http://www.dnatribes.com/sampleresults.html)


FDA calls for genetic tests crackdown

By David Gelles in San Francisco

Published: June 13 2010 19:19 | Last updated: June 13 2010 19:19

The US Food and Drug Administration has called for regulation of companies selling personal genetic tests after one laboratory mixed up the results of nearly 100 clients.

The Silicon Valley company 23andMe, which uses personal genetic tests to predict hereditary diseases, last week said that it gave 96 clients inaccurate information after a lab error. The mistake left one client believing that her son was not her own, while another was led to understand that she was of African origin while the rest of her family is Caucasian.

The gaffe raised questions about the ethics and safety of personal genetic testing – a nascent industry – as doctors and advocates warned that inaccurate results could prompt patients to make potentially life-threatening changes to their medications. “There is a real risk in these mix-ups,” said Jesse Reynolds of the Center for Genetics and Society. “Incorrect data can have serious implications, such as inaccurate beliefs about the potential to develop serious diseases and what medications one should take.”

The company declined a request for interview but said on its website: “We fully realise the gravity of this incident.”

Anne Wojcicki, the wife of Google co-founder Sergey Brin, set up 23andMe, which is backed with funding from Google and Genentech. It collects saliva samples from customers, then analyses their DNA for about $500.

The results can provide insight into a person’s genetic composition and warn of potential risks of inherited disease, but they are not meant to influence medical treatments.

Such companies have so far operated free from regulatory oversight. However, on Friday, the FDA sent letters to five genetic testing companies, including 23andMe, asking them to submit their tests for approval.

The FDA said: “This premarket review of medical devices enables the FDA to protect the public from medical products that may pose an unreasonable risk of harm. It is important that they be analytically and clinically accurate so that individuals are not misled by incorrect test results or unsupported clinical interpretations.”

Doctors welcomed the FDA’s move but experts said that, despite the concerns, personal genetic testing was likely to proliferate. “There are always things to be ironed out in new technologies,” said Sharon Terry, president of Genetic Alliance, an advocacy group.