View Full Version : Evidence indicates damage to subsea wellbore (per BP)

I am me, I am free
12th June 2010, 04:36 PM

I am me, I am free
12th June 2010, 04:48 PM
Geologist Chris Laudau asserts armageddon has been unleashed -


12th June 2010, 05:29 PM
I know we have several threads going about this matter now, you just better get used to it. Soon all the news will be focused on this armageddon scenario, drowning out all other news.
Everyone you know and meet will soon be talking about it.


12th June 2010, 05:48 PM
I am not "worried" about it because there is only three things that I can do........live, fight or die..........and if I die? so what...welcome to the new world.

12th June 2010, 06:17 PM

12th June 2010, 07:50 PM
Geologist Chris Laudau asserts armageddon has been unleashed -


I read what Laudau wrote. Is kind of curious, being that I thought the carbon ring (very organic) was the basis of oil/crude. So, how can it not be organic, or is that kind of his therory. Now carbon dating of crude , has this been done? His whole theory is hindged on the fact that the oil does not exist in the present , but is being produced. Im about 50/50 in calling BS on his theory. Anyone ever heard of carbon dating crude? and it being less that 10 years old? So, oil is NOT carbon based?

12th June 2010, 08:59 PM
Geologist Chris Laudau asserts armageddon has been unleashed -


I read what Laudau wrote. Is kind of curious, being that I thought the carbon ring (very organic) was the basis of oil/crude. So, how can it not be organic, or is that kind of his therory. Now carbon dating of crude , has this been done? His whole theory is hindged on the fact that the oil does not exist in the present , but is being produced. Im about 50/50 in calling BS on his theory. Anyone ever heard of carbon dating crude? and it being less that 10 years old? So, oil is NOT carbon based?

It's been proven (http://www.sciencecodex.com/deep_earth_hydrocarbon_discovery_oil_and_methane_w ithout_organic_matter) that methane can be produced without organics. Also - Saturn's moon, Titan, is loaded with liquid methane (http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2009/01/090130-titan-methane-rain.html)... it rains liquid methane. So where does it come from? Was Saturn's moon so incredibly loaded with organic material at some point in time that it's still producing such copious amounts of methane, that it pours back down to the surface as a liquid?

It's abiotic methane. Chances are, if there's abiotic methane - there's abiotic oil.

I think the whole dino-goo thing is a scam. There is no peak oil... there's seemingly plenty available for us to wipe ourselves off the globe.

13th June 2010, 12:04 AM
As I understand it carbon dating can only be done on carbon based molecules that have belonged to something that was alive. Living things are composed of a proportion of C14 coming from atmospheric CO2, where radiation from the sun alters some of the carbon atoms from C12 and C13 into C14. CO2 is absorbed by plants from the air, and makes carbohydrates, proteins and fats, that we are all made up of. The level of C14 in all living things at a given time is fairly constant, once the living organism dies, the C14 levels starts falling, due to it being a radioactive isotope.

Unless the abiotic oil is made of carbon derived from atmospheric CO2, which is not very likely, since the reaction occurs close to the mantel in the crust, it would have almost no C14 in it, and would appear to be very old if one thinks oil is from decomposed fossils.

In short carbon dating can't be used for dating abiotic oil, oil that was formed a minute ago would appear more than 100.000 years old which is the outer limit on carbon dating.

Another interesting thing with carbon dating is that the levels of C14 in the atmosphere varies with solar radiation, it is not constant, so an organism that have lived in a time period with relatively low solar radiation would appear to be older.