View Full Version : Heads up: Gulf states and Florida

12th June 2010, 07:32 PM
First of all let me preface this with the fact that I've never been a Steve Quayle follower, yesterday though I found a quote where the source was his website, I checked it out and it was there, here is the salient part that I'm referring to.

"EXTREME ALERT — Gulf Coast Evacuation Contingency Plans Soon to Go Operational: The operational name for the Gulf Coast Evacuation is "Swift Fox". Yesterday morning at around 8:30 Mountain time, I received information that specific towns, in Tennessee, Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Texas and Georgia were having hotel rooms rented in mass by different named "Societies" using Federal government credit cards. The block hotel room rentals are for half the available rooms in hotels with a minimum of 120 rooms. Specific conversations were "overheard" that would indicate that the planned Gulf Coast evacuation is soon to be implemented. The only scenario I hear that may force the government to evacuate the coast is a multiple plume situation. Apparently, the unmitigated oil spilling has caused a pressure flux which, ironically, has caused a spider web network of Gulf seabed fissures, which has caused at least one other confirmed oil plume. NOAA is searching for two more suspected ones". This quote is from an insider who is really concerned as he should be. Here's additional info he provided. His comments in the following quote: "I know FEMA has already scoped out FEMA camp locations, i.e. vacant lots and swaths of land that can be leased temporarily in Texas and Georgia".


I read it with a chunk of salt, considered the source and mulled over it a bit. Then along came today.

I was at work today and had quite the alarming interaction with a guy who while in conversation said he was a 20 year retired seal team etc..etc veteran. I asked him if he knew any higher ups and he said "yeah, I know a couple admiralas", very passe....I said he should ask them about “Operation Swift Fox”, his reaction was SRARTLING!!!! For a man with so much time in service and having been a seal no less, his flustered reaction was telling, as well as his subsequent changing of topic PROMPTLY!!! He looked like he saw a ghost and quickly rounded up the women he was there with and got them to the checkout line asap.

I mean WTF!!?? Does something wicked this way come???

Now my question to all the other Gulf coasters and Floridians is, Have you been thinking about a fall back plan/location and exactly when to crank it up?

12th June 2010, 07:41 PM
I said he should ask them about “Operation Swift Fox”, his reaction was SRARTLING!!!! For a man with so much time in service and having been a seal no less, his flustered reaction was telling

You might have mentioned Operation Blue Moon Oyster Bar and gotten the same reaction. For all he knew you were sent there to check to see if he was willing to talk about classified operations.

12th June 2010, 07:43 PM
If the info is TRUE it is very disturbing.

If the info is False it is deeply disturbing.

Either way---


12th June 2010, 07:47 PM
I said he should ask them about “Operation Swift Fox”, his reaction was SRARTLING!!!! For a man with so much time in service and having been a seal no less, his flustered reaction was telling

You might have mentioned Operation Blue Moon Oyster Bar and gotten the same reaction. For all he knew you were sent there to check to see if he was willing to talk about classified operations.

I work in a friggin' liquor store for Christ's sake, I wasn't sent anywhere. He just stumbled across my inquisitive and not very shy path.

12th June 2010, 07:49 PM
I don't know. I really don't think the govt cares enough about people to rent them hotel rooms. If they were to evacuate they would stick them in FEMA camps or football stadiums.

To be honest, I'm skeptical about all this oil crisis hype. Remember all the "alternative" news sites getting everyone all worked up over the swine flu? That turned out to be nothing. I used to feel like I was "in the know" by reading non-mainstream news, but now I don't even trust these sources. I think whatever we get, we're supposed to get. Meaning they aren't letting us hear anything, any news of any kind unless it's what they want us to have.

9/11 : everyone was all hyped up about the "terrorists" and gung-ho about the wars and now we know there never were any terrorists but it worked. Everyone got behind it. We were all manipulated. So I'm just wondering what this is all about. I don't trust any media. There are all kinds of reports of media blackouts trying to report on what is going on out there. What if it's because there is *nothing* happening? I know it sounds crazy but I don't trust them so I'm unsure what to think at this point. It could all just be a diversion or a new way to manipulate us into buying into something.

12th June 2010, 08:00 PM
Hotel rooms wouldn't be 'for the people'! They'd be for FEMA troopers, etc.

12th June 2010, 08:05 PM
Hotel rooms wouldn't be 'for the people'! They'd be for FEMA troopers, etc.

Why would FEMA employees need hotel rooms? That doesn't make a lot of sense either.

12th June 2010, 08:06 PM
I work in a friggin' liquor store for Christ's sake, I wasn't sent anywhere. He just stumbled across my inquisitive and not very shy path.
Next time he comes in make sure that you tell him you are not part of military sting operation. This should calm him down sufficiently so that he will be willing to fill you in on everything :ROFL:

12th June 2010, 08:09 PM
I work in a friggin' liquor store for Christ's sake, I wasn't sent anywhere. He just stumbled across my inquisitive and not very shy path.

Seriously, the guy could have been reacting to medication or the women he was with or suddenly had a nature call.

He looked like he saw a ghost and quickly rounded up the women he was there with and got them to the checkout line asap.

Maybe the women loaded up their purses with free booze and it was time to get the hell out of your liquor store.

No reason to think this confirms the USA going Defcon 4...lol.


12th June 2010, 08:10 PM
Have a friend whom's sister works in fema, asked him to mention to her about operation swift fox. will post his reply when ever he gets it regardless of what she says.

12th June 2010, 08:12 PM
Hotel rooms wouldn't be 'for the people'! They'd be for FEMA troopers, etc.

Why would FEMA employees need hotel rooms? That doesn't make a lot of sense either.

The gotta stay somewhere. Growing up, I had a friends whos dad was coordinator for FEMA and he would go all over the south, especialy during hurricane seasons for weeks at a time. FEMA has employees all over the country and move them around as such. They dont sleep in their cars.

12th June 2010, 08:18 PM
Hotel rooms wouldn't be 'for the people'! They'd be for FEMA troopers, etc.

Why would FEMA employees need hotel rooms? That doesn't make a lot of sense either.

The gotta stay somewhere. Growing up, I had a friends whos dad was coordinator for FEMA and he would go all over the south, especialy during hurricane seasons for weeks at a time. FEMA has employees all over the country and move them around as such. They dont sleep in their cars.

Well, I don't work for FEMA but I would assume they would have local people to deal with all the dislocated people. If not, they can get their ADL and SPLC buddies to help out.

I am me, I am free
12th June 2010, 08:21 PM
Steve Quayle is every bit as credible as Sorcha Faal imo. lol

12th June 2010, 08:22 PM
Hotel rooms wouldn't be 'for the people'! They'd be for FEMA troopers, etc.

Why would FEMA employees need hotel rooms? That doesn't make a lot of sense either.

The gotta stay somewhere. Growing up, I had a friends whos dad was coordinator for FEMA and he would go all over the south, especialy during hurricane seasons for weeks at a time. FEMA has employees all over the country and move them around as such. They dont sleep in their cars.

Well, I don't work for FEMA but I would assume they would have local people to deal with all the dislocated people. If not, they can get their ADL and SPLC buddies to help out.

They do have local people for sure, but some areas have much less than others and even the big areas dont have many. Look at katrina where thousands of people were displaces and thousands of FEMA/Fed workers were coming in from all over the country. In a situation like is being described in the OP, no way local branches would be able to handles literaly millions of displaced people.

12th June 2010, 08:27 PM
I work in a friggin' liquor store for Christ's sake, I wasn't sent anywhere. He just stumbled across my inquisitive and not very shy path.

Seriously, the guy could have been reacting to medication or the women he was with or suddenly had a nature call.

He looked like he saw a ghost and quickly rounded up the women he was there with and got them to the checkout line asap.

Maybe the women loaded up their purses with free booze and it was time to get the hell out of your liquor store.

No reason to think this confirms the USA going Defcon 4...lol.


I don't know about defcon 4 Book, but I do know people and all I can say is that this was very out of the ordinary and I'm not prone to delusional exaggerations.

12th June 2010, 08:32 PM
Steve Quayle is every bit as credible as Sorcha Faal imo. lol

I agree 100%!!! And if that dude would have kept up his passe attitude I would have thought no more about it, just more internet food for fodder.

12th June 2010, 08:33 PM
I work in a friggin' liquor store for Christ's sake, I wasn't sent anywhere. He just stumbled across my inquisitive and not very shy path.

Seriously, the guy could have been reacting to medication or the women he was with or suddenly had a nature call.

He looked like he saw a ghost and quickly rounded up the women he was there with and got them to the checkout line asap.

Maybe the women loaded up their purses with free booze and it was time to get the hell out of your liquor store.

No reason to think this confirms the USA going Defcon 4...lol.


I don't know about defcon 4 Book, but I do know people and all I can say is that this was very out of the ordinary and I'm not prone to delusional exaggerations.

I'd say you're very prone to delusional exaggerations. I mean, you thought you'd make it through a weekend of appleseed!!!

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

ah, I kid, I kid.

12th June 2010, 08:40 PM
Steve Quayle

One point (out of one thousand) more credibility than Sorcha Faal.

hotel rooms rented in mass by different named "Societies" using Federal government credit cards.

I thought Quayle said FEMA "camps" were going to be used, with the FEMA "coffins" ready for those who were "processed"?

Now Americans are going to be incarcerated in hotels? Wow, that's a big improvement! ::)

the planned Gulf Coast evacuation is soon to be implemented.

There IS NO plan.

Not to stop the spew, and not to evacuate any of the victims. You don't remove the lab rats from the laboratory. And the Gulf Coast is the largest "laboratory" the US Government & the MIC has ever created.

I said he should ask them about “Operation Swift Fox”, his reaction was SRARTLING!!!! For a man with so much time in service and having been a seal no less, his flustered reaction was telling, as well as his subsequent changing of topic PROMPTLY!!! He looked like he saw a ghost and quickly rounded up the women he was there with and got them to the checkout line asap.

"Operation Swift Fox" sounds more like an operation to nuke Iran.

12th June 2010, 08:41 PM
I don't know. I really don't think the govt cares enough about people to rent them hotel rooms. If they were to evacuate they would stick them in FEMA camps or football stadiums.

To be honest, I'm skeptical about all this oil crisis hype. Remember all the "alternative" news sites getting everyone all worked up over the swine flu? That turned out to be nothing. I used to feel like I was "in the know" by reading non-mainstream news, but now I don't even trust these sources. I think whatever we get, we're supposed to get. Meaning they aren't letting us hear anything, any news of any kind unless it's what they want us to have.

9/11 : everyone was all hyped up about the "terrorists" and gung-ho about the wars and now we know there never were any terrorists but it worked. Everyone got behind it. We were all manipulated. So I'm just wondering what this is all about. I don't trust any media. There are all kinds of reports of media blackouts trying to report on what is going on out there. What if it's because there is *nothing* happening? I know it sounds crazy but I don't trust them so I'm unsure what to think at this point. It could all just be a diversion or a new way to manipulate us into buying into something.

Very good post. I think it's smart to be skeptical about this. Besides, what can we do about the Gulfs earthly foundation cracking anyway?

I don't think anyone has the capability to swiftly evacuate the entire Gulf region without warning. Not FEMA. Not the US Army Reserves. Not the UN. Noboby...

They'd be lucky to swiftly evacuate one medium sized city without a massive media campaign lasting several days at least.

12th June 2010, 08:53 PM
Remember what I said?..............."Move now and buy all the food that you can because later on those coming behind you wont find a room and if they do they will pay ten times what you paid"......more and more true every day, I am kind of proud of myself ;D

12th June 2010, 09:10 PM
I said he should ask them about “Operation Swift Fox”, his reaction was SRARTLING!!!! For a man with so much time in service and having been a seal no less, his flustered reaction was telling

You might have mentioned Operation Blue Moon Oyster Bar and gotten the same reaction. For all he knew you were sent there to check to see if he was willing to talk about classified operations.

I work in a friggin' liquor store for Christ's sake, I wasn't sent anywhere. He just stumbled across my inquisitive and not very shy path.
Invite him to the "sampling room" (employee lounge) and loosen his tongue up a bit.

12th June 2010, 10:06 PM
I said he should ask them about “Operation Swift Fox”, his reaction was SRARTLING!!!! For a man with so much time in service and having been a seal no less, his flustered reaction was telling

You might have mentioned Operation Blue Moon Oyster Bar and gotten the same reaction. For all he knew you were sent there to check to see if he was willing to talk about classified operations.

I work in a friggin' liquor store for Christ's sake, I wasn't sent anywhere. He just stumbled across my inquisitive and not very shy path.
Invite him to the "sampling room" (employee lounge) and loosen his tongue up a bit.

As a matter of fact Defender, I was thinkin' the same thing in retrospect. I woulda broke out the primo tequila and pried for top notch intel, lolol.

13th June 2010, 03:44 AM
Here's another take on operation Swift Fox:

Operation Lame Duck (http://ctsurvivalist.blogspot.com/2010/06/rumor-operation-swift-fox-more-like.html)

13th June 2010, 05:50 AM
Here's another take on operation Swift Fox:

Operation Lame Duck (http://ctsurvivalist.blogspot.com/2010/06/rumor-operation-swift-fox-more-like.html)

Rumors of a planned scenario for a Gulf
Coast Evacuation are circulating on the Internet like a venereal disease in a a
whore house.
Much of the information is pure unadulterated bullshit,
but a definite pattern can be discerned by examining information.
The problem with this information is that much of it comes from anonymous
sources or highly placed confidential sources.
We can fully understand individuals wanting to protect their identities if they
work for British Petroleum (BP) or the government,
but having anonymous and confidential sources immediately makes the information


13th June 2010, 06:34 AM

13th June 2010, 08:01 AM
Andy9999 - Too funny! :)