View Full Version : Deutsche Mark Quotations Restored At German Financial Portal

13th June 2010, 10:53 AM
Deutsche Mark Quotations Restored At German Financial Portal (http://www.zerohedge.com/article/deutsche-mark-quotations-restored-german-financial-portal)

Another sign of the imminent return of the Deutsche Mark comes this weekend courtesy of BoersenNEWS.de, one of the largest German stock market portals. Due to popular demand, the portal has reintroduced quotations in DEM, alongside those in EUR: "Due to the ongoing Euro crisis many investors expect the return of the Deutsche Mark. A recent survey, showed that 39% of 1,364 börsennews.de users, would like the good old Deutsche Mark reintroduced. Börsennews.de has responded and will immediately display share prices in Euro and Deutsche Mark." The commentary on this symbolic switch is enough to indicate just how the majority of Germany feels about this issue: "With the symbolic reinstatement of the Deutsche Mark Börsennews.de is not supporting to the abolition of the Euro, however the desire of many citizens for economic security. One thing is clear, the German Mark represented the economically strong and healthy Germany. The Euro represents a cracked economic system, not only throughout the world, in Europe, but above all in Germany." We couldn't have said it better ourselves. Suddenly, Jim Rickards' observation that Germany and Russia could be very well considering a new gold- and oil-backed currency, does not seem all that very ludicrous to us. In fact, should the two countries indeed be in such deliberations (and for their literal recent proximity, look no further than the seating chart in this year's Mayday parade in Moscow), the end of fiat could be approaching much faster than previously expected.

More from BoersenNews.de:

The Euro has been making headlines for months, recently falling under $1.19, a four year low. In comparison, last year the course was over $1.50. So far, only a massive Rescue Package of 750 billion Euros has prevented the Euro crash. Germany contributes the lion's share of 147 billion euros, whereas weak countries such as Spain or Portugal, can at any time, under certain circumstances, opt out of the rescue pact.

The fact that the Euro has brought significant benefits for Europeans, especially the Germans, is undisputable. However, before its introduction, it was clearly regulated, that measures such as the Euro Rescue Package are not permissible. One of the former most ardent Euro advocate, previous head of the Federation of German Industries, Hans OLAF Henkel, recently demanded the abolition of the euro and the reintroduction of the Deutsche Mark. Reason, due to the 750 billion Rescue Package, the euro zone has become a pure capital transfer zone. The head of the leading economic research institute Ifo, Hans Werner Sinn Professor, sees in the Rescue Package incalculable risks for Germany.

With so much criticism of the now established Euro, the fears of many Germans before its introduction are understandable. With the symbolic reinstatement of the Deutsche Mark Börsennews.de is not supporting to the abolition of the Euro, however the desire of many citizens for economic security. One thing is clear, the German Mark represented the economically strong and healthy Germany. The Euro represents a cracked economic system, not only throughout the world, in Europe, but above all in Germany.

13th June 2010, 11:28 AM
The WHOLE world should do it with the US petrodollar, where other countries are now going up with their trade and economy the US is going downnnnnnn, and more now what with the "OIL LEAK".

We are doomed in many way and only he who does not want to open his eyes is blind.

13th June 2010, 11:35 AM
Another sign of the imminent return of the Deutsche Mark comes this weekend courtesy of BoersenNEWS.de, one of the largest German stock market portals. Due to popular demand, the portal has reintroduced quotations in DEM, alongside those in EUR: "Due to the ongoing Euro crisis many investors expect the return of the Deutsche Mark.


East and West Germany are now once again unified and they should end the silly notion of carrying the surrounding losers. The Euro is toast...lol.


13th June 2010, 11:43 AM
Another sign of the imminent return of the Deutsche Mark comes this weekend courtesy of BoersenNEWS.de, one of the largest German stock market portals. Due to popular demand, the portal has reintroduced quotations in DEM, alongside those in EUR: "Due to the ongoing Euro crisis many investors expect the return of the Deutsche Mark.

East and West Germany are now once again unified and they should end the silly notion of carrying the surrounding losers. The Euro is toast...lol.


I say just skip the National Socialist experiment and go back to when Germany (or theGerman states) was producing great music, literatrure, engneering, etc.


13th June 2010, 11:47 AM
I say just skip the National Socialist experiment and go back to when Germany (or theGerman states) was producing great music, literatrure, engneering, etc.

They will eventually but first the host must expel the parasite.


13th June 2010, 11:55 AM
LOL Book, very true........if Germany had won the war we now would be living on Mars and have a super space ship traveling to infinity looking for a new home.

To me they were the smartest and most intelligent people in the world and their only mistake in loosing the war was to fight on to many fronts at the same time, as the US is planning on doing.

Instead on picking on Russia they should had fought the smallest countries first and that way increasing their assets and fighting force.

They also saw the danger that the Zionist "Jews" presented to their country and to the world.

13th June 2010, 12:11 PM
They also saw the danger that the Zionist "Jews" presented to their country and to the world.

According to some of the theories presented in this thread, Hitler was working for the zionists (to populate Palestine).

13th June 2010, 01:23 PM
Yes, I have read about this many times and like I posted before......two high ranking Germans Generals went to Palestine to see if it was "safe" for the Zionists to live there...............every time that a Zionist "Jew" left Europe the Zionists themselves would call them DEAD and that's where the story of the SIX MILLIONS JEWS came from.

13th June 2010, 03:19 PM
stories like that incline me to think that the lifespan of the euro should now be measured in weeks.

General of Darkness
13th June 2010, 03:31 PM
If Germany goes back to the Mark, it will destroy the EU, and that's a great thing.

13th June 2010, 04:02 PM
couple of interesting comments on ZH's site about this article that both german and spanish supermarkets have started to quote prices in marks and pesetas.

13th June 2010, 04:27 PM
I say just skip the National Socialist experiment and go back to when Germany (or theGerman states) was producing great music, literatrure, engneering, etc.

The National Socialist "experiment" accelerated German production of great Kultur.

13th June 2010, 04:34 PM
LOL Book, very true........if Germany had won the war we now would be living on Mars and have a super space ship traveling to infinity looking for a new home.

To me they were the smartest and most intelligent people in the world and their only mistake in loosing the war was to fight on to many fronts at the same time, as the US is planning on doing.

Instead on picking on Russia they should had fought the smallest countries first and that way increasing their assets and fighting force.

They also saw the danger that the Zionist "Jews" presented to their country and to the world.

Germany couldn't win when its brothers in other Germanic-dominant countries (the USA and Britain, in particular), sided with Jew-Bolshevism.

The collapse of Germany on May 8, 1945, was the collapse of Western Civilization. We have been descending, slowly, into a new Dark Ages of non- and anti-culture since. Anyone who questions this fact merely need turn on the Talmudvision or visit a modern "art" museum.

The degeneration of the culture will begin to accelerate now since non-White "culture" is now dominant and the permanent Depression will prevent the remnants of real culture from being saved from the cesspool.

14th June 2010, 09:24 AM
spanish unions now calling for a general strike (http://translate.google.com/translate?js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=1&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.elmundo.es%2Fmundodinero%2F2010 %2F06%2F14%2Feconomia%2F1276514984.html%3Fa%3D97e4 6121d5902f8f4631ea0e71d6ba41%26t%3D1276532541%26nu mero%3D&sl=auto&tl=en). apparently unemployment among under 25s is almost 50%.