View Full Version : New Red Cross logo paves way for Israel to join.

13th June 2010, 02:06 PM
Changing the red cross of sixty years to acomodate a shitty little country......some day it will be the turn for a "USRael" flag.........

b]New Red Cross logo paves way for Israel to join.[/b]

Delegates OK ‘red crystal’ emblem, resolving Israeli objections to red cross.

updated 1:02 a.m. PT, Fri., Dec . 9, 2005
GENEVA - A new Red Cross emblem was accepted at an international conference Thursday over Syrian objections, paving the way for Israel to join the humanitarian movement after nearly six decades of exclusion.

The 192 signatories of the Geneva Conventions approved the new “red crystal” emblem by vote after last-ditch negotiations between Israel and Syria over Damascus’ demands for humanitarian access to Syrian citizens in the Golan Heights broke down.

The new emblem — a red square standing on one corner, with a blank white interior and a thick red border — was aimed at resolving the dispute with Israel but also could be used by any national society that feared the red cross used by most countries and the red crescent preferred by Muslim nations would not be respected by combatants.

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Israel’s Magen David Adom rescue service has used a red Star of David to identify its ambulances and medical workers.

Magen David Adom, or Red Shield of David, could place a red star in the center of the crystal for humanitarian missions at home or abroad if a host country allowed it.

“Unfortunately, it has not been possible to adopt the protocol by consensus, but it has been adopted by a clear majority,” said Didier Pfirter, a Swiss diplomat who has been coordinating global efforts to muster support for the new emblem.

Swiss officials said international law on such sensitive points is much better if it can be adopted without any objections, but that two-thirds majority vote was the next best option. The vote was 98 in favor, 27 against and 10 abstentions, officials said. A number of small states were absent.

Meeting in the spring
The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies now has to hold a meeting — probably in the spring — to change the statutes to incorporate the new emblem, after which Israeli membership can be considered.

Magen David Adom will not operate under the cross or crescent. A request for recognition of its red Star of David emblem was rejected in 1949 and Arab countries have since blocked attempts to find an alternative symbol.

There wasn’t a breakdown of the vote, but Syria had refused to agree to the new emblem unless Damascus was given humanitarian access to Syrian citizens in the Golan Heights, which has been under Israeli control since the 1967 Middle East war.

Muslim countries oppose
A number of Muslim countries again tried to block Israel’s path into the Red Cross movement early Thursday morning, voting against the proposal after three days of negotiations in Geneva.

“The most important thing is the result,” Noam Yifrach, head of the Magen David Adom, said after receiving a congratulatory call from Bonnie McElveen-Hunter, chairman of the board of governors of the American Red Cross. “Tomorrow, nobody will remember the numbers.”


13th June 2010, 02:36 PM
The new logo:


13th June 2010, 02:42 PM
Magen David Adom, or Red Shield of David, could place a red star in the center of the crystal for humanitarian missions at home or abroad if a host country allowed it.

Seems to me if the above is true, then other countries ought to be able to place a red cross or red crescent in the center of the crystal.

J in AZ
13th June 2010, 02:49 PM
The new logo:


That should be even easier to target than the cross was: just aim the missile lasers at the white square/diamond and goodbye amberlamps and the wounded being carried within...

13th June 2010, 03:21 PM


Israeli missiles had clearly pierced the very centre of the red cross on the roof of each ambulance

By Robert Fisk

07/26/06 "Independent" --- -- From Qlaya, Southern Lebanon -- The battle for Southern Lebanon is on an epic scale but from the heights above Khiam, the Israelis appear to be in deep trouble. Their F-16s turn in the high bright sun - small silver fish whose whispers gain in volume as they dive - and their bombs burst over the old prison where the Hizbollah are still holding out; but beyond the frontier, I can see livid fires burning across the Israeli hillside and the Jewish settlement of Metullah billowing smoke.

It was not meant to be like this, 13 days into Israel's assault on Lebanon. The Katyushas still streak in pairs out of Khiam, white contrails that thump into Israel's hillsides and border towns. So is it frustration or revenge that also keeps Israel's bombs falling on the innocent? In the early hours of yesterday morning, a tremendous explosion woke me up, rattling the windows and shaking the trees outside and a single flash suffused the western sky over Nabatea. The lives of an entire family of seven had just been extinguished.

And how come - since this now obsesses the humanitarian organisations working in Lebanon - that the Israelis bombed two ambulances in Qana, killing two of the wounded inside and wounding the third civilian for the second time in a day. All the crews were injured - one with a piece of shrapnel in his neck - but what worried the Lebanese Red Cross was that the Israeli missiles had clearly pierced the very centre of the red cross painted on the roof of each vehicle. Did the pilots use the cross as their aiming point?


General of Darkness
13th June 2010, 03:28 PM
Here's a logo from them.


13th June 2010, 04:15 PM
No more donations to the Red Cross, ever.

I'll give my money to the Salvation Army, which is not afraid to speak the name of Jesus Christ...or embrace symbols which represent Him.

13th June 2010, 04:18 PM


Israeli missiles had clearly pierced the very centre of the red cross on the roof of each ambulance

By Robert Fisk

07/26/06 "Independent" --- -- From Qlaya, Southern Lebanon -- The battle for Southern Lebanon is on an epic scale but from the heights above Khiam, the Israelis appear to be in deep trouble. Their F-16s turn in the high bright sun - small silver fish whose whispers gain in volume as they dive - and their bombs burst over the old prison where the Hizbollah are still holding out; but beyond the frontier, I can see livid fires burning across the Israeli hillside and the Jewish settlement of Metullah billowing smoke.

It was not meant to be like this, 13 days into Israel's assault on Lebanon. The Katyushas still streak in pairs out of Khiam, white contrails that thump into Israel's hillsides and border towns. So is it frustration or revenge that also keeps Israel's bombs falling on the innocent? In the early hours of yesterday morning, a tremendous explosion woke me up, rattling the windows and shaking the trees outside and a single flash suffused the western sky over Nabatea. The lives of an entire family of seven had just been extinguished.

And how come - since this now obsesses the humanitarian organisations working in Lebanon - that the Israelis bombed two ambulances in Qana, killing two of the wounded inside and wounding the third civilian for the second time in a day. All the crews were injured - one with a piece of shrapnel in his neck - but what worried the Lebanese Red Cross was that the Israeli missiles had clearly pierced the very centre of the red cross painted on the roof of each vehicle. Did the pilots use the cross as their aiming point?


The Star "of David" is the visualization of the number 6-6-6. It is always a symbol of the Devil.

Act accordingly.

13th June 2010, 04:22 PM
The last president of the Red Cross was a Zionist "Jewish" woman and she quit after 20 millions dollars went into the Twilight Zone.

13th June 2010, 04:29 PM
The red cross is a major criminal organisation anyway. Very little proceeds from fund raising/donations ever gets to the people they claim to help. The Aceh tusnami is a prime example of how they steal. I wouldn't worry about what they do. It won't affect you unless someone from the red cross offers you help. Then you'll be in trouble.

13th June 2010, 07:18 PM
They wouldn't be able to call themselves Red Cross anymore. It seems they'd have to be called Red Shield? :oo--> Rothschild.

14th June 2010, 06:40 AM
Seriously? The Muslims and Jews don't want to use the cross because it's a cross? Damn they should have called themselves "Red plus-sign" from the get-go as to not offend these nutballs. Unreal. F-ing busy-bodies have no real problems in life so they worry about seeing crosses and being offended by neckties. Do they also boycott words with "t" in them?

14th June 2010, 06:45 AM
Yep, it's disgusting. It'll be the red star of the devil next.

*and the only time the red cross helped me, I had to repay it completely. Withdrawn from my check before I saw a nickel.

**and they practically twist your arm in USMC boot camp to sign up to donate. And I mean that literally. They get in your face until you agree to donate.