14th June 2010, 07:50 PM
Land Rights Network
American Land Rights Association
PO Box 400 - Battle Ground, WA 98604
Phone: 360-687-3087 - Fax: 360-687-2973
Web Address:
Legislative Office: 507 Seward Square SE - Washington, DC 20003
Corps, EPA, Wetland Bill HR 5088 - Vote Any Time, Call Now!
The Corp and EPA Wetlands Land Grab Bill (HR 5088 and S 787) is a
huge threat to private property owners and Federal land users.
Using the term "clean water," the Corp and EPA Wetlands Land Grab
would give the Corps of Engineers, EPA and the Federal Government
massive additional regulatory powers that supercede local and state
That means the end of local control.
Both bills take the word "Navigable" out of the Clean Water Act. You
must insist that the Corps and EPA water jurisdiction only apply to
"navigable waters." Oberstar wants to make the Corps and EPA
jurisdiction apply to "all waters of the United states and all
activities affecting those waters." That means all lands, all
watersheds, everything. All your land.
Chairman Oberstar has changed the name of his House version of the
Clean Water Restoration Act to "America's Commitment to Clean Water
Your calls, e-mails, faxes and letters are the only thing keeping the
Democrats from moving forward. You must deluge the Members of the
Transportation and Infrastructure Committee listed below.
The new number in the House is HR 5088.
To see the new bill, go to:
In the Senate the bill is S 787. It is still called the Clean Water
Restoration Act.
You must call, fax, e-mail and write both your Senators urging them
to oppose S 787.
-----Acton Items:
-----1. Please forward this message to your entire e-mail list. The
more people who hear about this giant land and water grab the better
chance you have to defeat it.
-----2. Call your own Congressman at (202) 225-3121 (this number will
get you to any Congressman) to ask him or her to get a copy of the new
"America's Commitment To Clean Water Act" from the Committee and send
it to you. Even if you have a copy, ask again. That will make sure
his staff is paying attention and knows you oppose the bill.
-----3. Look below to see if your Congressman is on the list of
Members of Congress of the House Transportation and Infrastructure
Committee who will vote on the "America's Commitment To Clean Water
-----4. If you live in the state of one of the Congressman listed
below, call, fax and e-mail him or her to oppose HR 5088. Ask for a
copy of HR 5088 ("America's Commitment to Clean Water Act." Again, do
this even if you already have a copy from the on-line source. Every
Congressman wants to be a Senator. That means he will have to run
statewide eventually. So it is ok to ask any Congressman in your
state for information and to push back against HR 5088.
-----5. If you live in the same state as one of the Congressmen
listed below, you have a tremendous chance to make history. You must
take action to let the Congressmen in your state know they will be
held responsible in November for their vote that could give the Corps
and EPA jurisdiction over "all waters of the United States and all
activities affecting those waters."
If your Congressman is not listed on the Committee, you must still
call, fax and e-mail him or her to get a commitment to oppose the
"America's Commitment To Clean Water Act (HR 5088)", what we call the
Corps and EPA Wetlands Land Grab Bill. Make sure you ask for a copy of
HR 5088.
-----6. Don't forget to call, fax or e-mail the Congressmen on the
Committee to ask for a copy of the new "America's Commitment To Clean
Water Act." By just calling or sending your e-mail, you put them on
the defensive. Call any Congressman at (202) 225-3121.
-----7. Call both your Senators at (202) 224-3121 to ask for a copy
of S 787. Ask for the staff person who handles Wetlands, the Corps or
EPA or the Clean Water Restoration Act. Tell them you are opposed to
what you have heard is in the bill. That alerts them that you are
concerned. That may keep them from supporting S 787 in a vote. Make
the same request of your Congressman. The new House bill number is HR
-----8. Fax or e-mail a one-page letter to your Congressman and both
Senators opposing the "America's Commitment To Clean Water Act" (HR
5088) in the House and S 787 in the Senate. Please use fax as mail is
too slow. Votes could come quickly. Just ask for the fax number when
you call. The fax numbers for the Committee Members are listed below.
-----9. Call, fax and e-mail each Member of the House Transportation
and Infrastructure Committee in opposition to the HR 5088,
("America's Commitment To Clean Water Act). An updated list is below.
They are likely to vote on the "America's Commitment to Clean Water
Act" soon.
-----10. Call your friends and neighbors to get them to call your
Congressman and both Senators. Call every organization you are a part
of. HR 5088 and S 787 threaten the entire culture of Rural America.
Tell them to ask for copies of the bill in both the House and the
Senate. Remember it is called "America's Commitment to Clean Water
Act" (HR 5088) in the House and the "Clean Water Restoration Act" (S
787) in the Senate.
-----11. Go to to read what the Oberstar Committee
staff said in a White Paper about their goals for the Wetlands, Corps
and EPA Land Grab Bill (Called the "Clean Water Restoration Act" in
the Senate). You'll see in their own words their giant plan to take
your land.
Here is the link to the letter opposing HR 5088 in the House by the
American Farm Bureau:
The new House "America's Commitment to Clean Water Act" is virtually
the same as the Senate "Clean Water Restoration Act." Rep. Oberstar
is just trying to confuse you. Don't let him get away with it.
The only way Oberstar could introduce his bill was to get a
commitment in advance from the Democrats on the House Transportation
and Infrastructure Committee that they would vote for his bill.
That means that the Democrats on the Committee are planning to sell
you out.
This is the time for backroom deals. A dark of night a deal has
likely been struck between the Democrats on Oberstar's Committee and
It looks like the Democrats on the Committee are "selling you out."
Your Congressman must hear from you that he or she will be held
responsible if the "America's Commitment To Clean Water Act" passes.
(Remember, it is still called the "Clean Water Restoration Act" in
the Senate.)
-----You must call, e-mail, fax and deluge the Democrats on the
Committee list below with your objections. Their phone must not stop
ringing. You can call any Congressman at (202) 225-3121.
You must let them know that you know they are selling you out.
HR 5088 ("America's Commitment To Clean Water Act") removes the word
"Navigable" from the Clean Water Act thereby giving the Corps and EPA
jurisdiction over "All Waters Of The United States" and "all
activities that might affect those waters."
It overturns the two Supreme Court decisions that supported
landowners in their desperate fight to save their lands from the
Corps of Engineers and EPA (Environmental Protection Agency).
-----Nobody wants to see the Corps or EPA in their backyard.
HR 5088 seeks to overturn the Rapanos (2006) and SWANCC (2001)
Supreme Court Decisions that said the Corps of Engineers and EPA
could only regulate "navigable water". If HR 5088 passes in the House
and S 787 passes in the Senate, the Corps and EPA will control all
waters, all wetlands and all watersheds in the U.S. That means all
The Corps and EPA Wetlands Land Grab Bill (HR 5088) (S 787) is the
biggest threat to private property since CARA and actually affects
far more land and people.
-----HR 5088 and S 787 is a huge threat. You will save a lot of money
defeating the Corps and EPA Wetlands Land Grab Bill now rather than
having to spend huge amounts of money on lawyers and the courts to
fight the Corps and EPA in the future for years.
-----The Corps and EPA Wetlands Land Grab (HR 5088 and S 787) will
damage ranchers, farmers, business owners, landowners, miners,
cabinowners, forestry advocates, off highway vehicle users and any
users of private or Federal land. It will strangle small cities and
communities. It will cost millions of jobs.
-----The Oberstar Transportation Committee bill would give the EPA
and Corps jurisdiction over all waters of the United States and all
activities affecting all waters of the United States. Your calls,
faxes and e-mails now will really save you a lot of heartache later.
-----The Wetlands, Corps and EPA Land Grab (now called "America's
Commitment to Clean Water Act (HR 5088 in the House) and ("The Clean
Water Restoration Act, S 787, in the Senate).
It would give the EPA, Corps and the Greens a way to force regulation
of virtually all private property and Federal lands. The bill does not
have a number yet in the House. You must keep calling and putting
pressure on your Senators and Representatives.
*****Notice: Look below for a list of the key Members of the House
Transportation and Infrastructure Committee including Fax and e-mail
addresses. The Democrats must be overwhelmed with calls. The
Republicans appear ready to oppose HR 5088 and S 787.
There are lots of groups who have joined the fight. The coalition of
groups fighting this bill must continue to enlarge. Reach out to your
friends, allies and other groups.
By defeating the Oberstar Corps and EPA Wetlands Land Grab Bill (HR
5088) you prevent the Corps and EPA from gaining jurisdiction over
your property and all Federal lands. The Corps and EPA will be
limited to jurisdiction only over waters that are "navigable." That
was what was intended by the 1972 Clean Water Act according to the
two Supreme Court decisions Oberstar is trying to overturn with this
b bill.
Because this is a big election year, the Democrats are very nervous.
Your calls, faxes and e-mails will have more effect than usual. You
must remind them know their vote in Committee will affect your vote
in November and likely the votes of all your neighbors.
At this point it looks like all the Republicans still oppose HR 5088.
But don't take them for granted. Write the Republicans also.
Your calls, faxes and e-mails must make the Democrats concerned in
the House Transportation Committee Chaired by Oberstar. But they now
seem willing to follow Rep. Oberstar's lead.
With the election hanging over the head of Congress, the longer you
drag this out, the better your chances get to defeat this huge land
and water grab altogether.
You must keep up the pressure on your Congressman and both Senators.
The Corps and EPA Wetlands Land Grab bill (HR 5088) (S 787) already
passed the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee as S 787.
Rest assured that American Land Rights will send you a vote summary
after any Committee vote so you can see how your Congressman voted.
The same is true of the full Senate if and when it takes up S 787.
No matter what the Committee staff says, Oberstar and his Committee
plan to vote on the "America's Commitment To Clean Water Act" as soon
as possible. You need to call, fax and e-mail your personal
Congressman plus the key Congressmen on the Oberstar Committee listed
below. They must continue to be overwhelmed with calls, faxes and
*****-----The Democrats are trying to seize control of all U.S.
waters. The goal of the Corps and EPA Wetlands Land Grab is to give
the Corps and EPA jurisdiction over, and control of, all watersheds
and all activities affecting all waters of the United States
That means national land use controls. It will give the Corps of
Engineers and EPA control over all of your property and water and any
Federal land you use.
-----The Corps and EPA Wetlands Land Grab Bill is the biggest threat
to private property since CARA and actually affects far more land and
people. It seeks to overturn the Rapanos (2006) and SWANCC (2001)
Supreme Court Decisions that said the Corps of Engineers and EPA
could only regulate navigable waters. If the bill passes, the Corps
and EPA will control all waters, all wetlands and all watersheds in
the U.S.
Congress is considering in HR 5088 and S 787 (Corps and EPA and
Wetlands Land Grab Bill to expand the jurisdiction of the Clean Water
Act Corps of Engineers and EPA to include all "activities affecting
these waters."
It expands the definition of waters and gives the Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA), Corps of Engineers and the Feds control over
activities that affect all waters-any land use activities.
The Supreme Court said that when Congress passed the Clean Water Act
in 1972 and limited the Corps and EPA jurisdiction to "navigable
waters" they meant navigable waters.
But Oberstar is trying to get rid of the word "navigable" to give the
Corps and EPA jurisdiction over ALL waters in the U.S. Right now the
Corps and EPA are limited to jurisdiction over "navigable" waters.
You must get your Congressman and both Senators to oppose this bill.
You must tell them that you will hold them responsible in the next
election if the "America's Commitment To Clean Water Act" or a bill
like it with another name, passes Congress. Please call, fax, e-mail
and visit your Congressman.
Congressman James Oberstar, Chairman of the House Transportation and
Infrastructure Committee said he is changing the name of his proposed
"Clean Water Restoration Act" to "America's Commitment To Clean Water
Act." (He is doing this to try to confuse you. This is a common
tactic in Congress.
They are getting so much opposition from you and others that they
have changed the name to confuse the voters (you). You can call the
bill "America's Commitment To Clean Water Act" or "Clean Water
Restoration Act" or the Corp and EPA Wetlands Land Grab.
-----Let there be no mistake. The House Transportation and
Infrastructure Committee is going to vote on the Corps and EPA
Wetlands Land Grab Bill (HR 588) shortly. You need to call, fax and
e-mail your personal Congressman plus the Congressmen on this
Committee with your opposition to the bill. You can call any
Congressman at (202) 225-3121.
-----See the Committee List with phone, fax and e-mails for staff
The bill has already passed the Senate Environment and Public Works
Committee as S 787. You must also keep the pressure on the US Senate.
Don't forget to ask both your Senators for a copy of S 787, what they
call the "Clean Water Restoration Act in the Senate, now called
"America's Commitment To Clean Water Act" in the House.
Please don't sit back and say "I'll let someone else do it." If you
do your part, you will defeat this bill. If you fail to do your part,
you could lose. And the loss would be staggering.
American Land Rights Association
PO Box 400 - Battle Ground, WA 98604
Phone: 360-687-3087 - Fax: 360-687-2973
Web Address:
Legislative Office: 507 Seward Square SE - Washington, DC 20003
Corps, EPA, Wetland Bill HR 5088 - Vote Any Time, Call Now!
The Corp and EPA Wetlands Land Grab Bill (HR 5088 and S 787) is a
huge threat to private property owners and Federal land users.
Using the term "clean water," the Corp and EPA Wetlands Land Grab
would give the Corps of Engineers, EPA and the Federal Government
massive additional regulatory powers that supercede local and state
That means the end of local control.
Both bills take the word "Navigable" out of the Clean Water Act. You
must insist that the Corps and EPA water jurisdiction only apply to
"navigable waters." Oberstar wants to make the Corps and EPA
jurisdiction apply to "all waters of the United states and all
activities affecting those waters." That means all lands, all
watersheds, everything. All your land.
Chairman Oberstar has changed the name of his House version of the
Clean Water Restoration Act to "America's Commitment to Clean Water
Your calls, e-mails, faxes and letters are the only thing keeping the
Democrats from moving forward. You must deluge the Members of the
Transportation and Infrastructure Committee listed below.
The new number in the House is HR 5088.
To see the new bill, go to:
In the Senate the bill is S 787. It is still called the Clean Water
Restoration Act.
You must call, fax, e-mail and write both your Senators urging them
to oppose S 787.
-----Acton Items:
-----1. Please forward this message to your entire e-mail list. The
more people who hear about this giant land and water grab the better
chance you have to defeat it.
-----2. Call your own Congressman at (202) 225-3121 (this number will
get you to any Congressman) to ask him or her to get a copy of the new
"America's Commitment To Clean Water Act" from the Committee and send
it to you. Even if you have a copy, ask again. That will make sure
his staff is paying attention and knows you oppose the bill.
-----3. Look below to see if your Congressman is on the list of
Members of Congress of the House Transportation and Infrastructure
Committee who will vote on the "America's Commitment To Clean Water
-----4. If you live in the state of one of the Congressman listed
below, call, fax and e-mail him or her to oppose HR 5088. Ask for a
copy of HR 5088 ("America's Commitment to Clean Water Act." Again, do
this even if you already have a copy from the on-line source. Every
Congressman wants to be a Senator. That means he will have to run
statewide eventually. So it is ok to ask any Congressman in your
state for information and to push back against HR 5088.
-----5. If you live in the same state as one of the Congressmen
listed below, you have a tremendous chance to make history. You must
take action to let the Congressmen in your state know they will be
held responsible in November for their vote that could give the Corps
and EPA jurisdiction over "all waters of the United States and all
activities affecting those waters."
If your Congressman is not listed on the Committee, you must still
call, fax and e-mail him or her to get a commitment to oppose the
"America's Commitment To Clean Water Act (HR 5088)", what we call the
Corps and EPA Wetlands Land Grab Bill. Make sure you ask for a copy of
HR 5088.
-----6. Don't forget to call, fax or e-mail the Congressmen on the
Committee to ask for a copy of the new "America's Commitment To Clean
Water Act." By just calling or sending your e-mail, you put them on
the defensive. Call any Congressman at (202) 225-3121.
-----7. Call both your Senators at (202) 224-3121 to ask for a copy
of S 787. Ask for the staff person who handles Wetlands, the Corps or
EPA or the Clean Water Restoration Act. Tell them you are opposed to
what you have heard is in the bill. That alerts them that you are
concerned. That may keep them from supporting S 787 in a vote. Make
the same request of your Congressman. The new House bill number is HR
-----8. Fax or e-mail a one-page letter to your Congressman and both
Senators opposing the "America's Commitment To Clean Water Act" (HR
5088) in the House and S 787 in the Senate. Please use fax as mail is
too slow. Votes could come quickly. Just ask for the fax number when
you call. The fax numbers for the Committee Members are listed below.
-----9. Call, fax and e-mail each Member of the House Transportation
and Infrastructure Committee in opposition to the HR 5088,
("America's Commitment To Clean Water Act). An updated list is below.
They are likely to vote on the "America's Commitment to Clean Water
Act" soon.
-----10. Call your friends and neighbors to get them to call your
Congressman and both Senators. Call every organization you are a part
of. HR 5088 and S 787 threaten the entire culture of Rural America.
Tell them to ask for copies of the bill in both the House and the
Senate. Remember it is called "America's Commitment to Clean Water
Act" (HR 5088) in the House and the "Clean Water Restoration Act" (S
787) in the Senate.
-----11. Go to to read what the Oberstar Committee
staff said in a White Paper about their goals for the Wetlands, Corps
and EPA Land Grab Bill (Called the "Clean Water Restoration Act" in
the Senate). You'll see in their own words their giant plan to take
your land.
Here is the link to the letter opposing HR 5088 in the House by the
American Farm Bureau:
The new House "America's Commitment to Clean Water Act" is virtually
the same as the Senate "Clean Water Restoration Act." Rep. Oberstar
is just trying to confuse you. Don't let him get away with it.
The only way Oberstar could introduce his bill was to get a
commitment in advance from the Democrats on the House Transportation
and Infrastructure Committee that they would vote for his bill.
That means that the Democrats on the Committee are planning to sell
you out.
This is the time for backroom deals. A dark of night a deal has
likely been struck between the Democrats on Oberstar's Committee and
It looks like the Democrats on the Committee are "selling you out."
Your Congressman must hear from you that he or she will be held
responsible if the "America's Commitment To Clean Water Act" passes.
(Remember, it is still called the "Clean Water Restoration Act" in
the Senate.)
-----You must call, e-mail, fax and deluge the Democrats on the
Committee list below with your objections. Their phone must not stop
ringing. You can call any Congressman at (202) 225-3121.
You must let them know that you know they are selling you out.
HR 5088 ("America's Commitment To Clean Water Act") removes the word
"Navigable" from the Clean Water Act thereby giving the Corps and EPA
jurisdiction over "All Waters Of The United States" and "all
activities that might affect those waters."
It overturns the two Supreme Court decisions that supported
landowners in their desperate fight to save their lands from the
Corps of Engineers and EPA (Environmental Protection Agency).
-----Nobody wants to see the Corps or EPA in their backyard.
HR 5088 seeks to overturn the Rapanos (2006) and SWANCC (2001)
Supreme Court Decisions that said the Corps of Engineers and EPA
could only regulate "navigable water". If HR 5088 passes in the House
and S 787 passes in the Senate, the Corps and EPA will control all
waters, all wetlands and all watersheds in the U.S. That means all
The Corps and EPA Wetlands Land Grab Bill (HR 5088) (S 787) is the
biggest threat to private property since CARA and actually affects
far more land and people.
-----HR 5088 and S 787 is a huge threat. You will save a lot of money
defeating the Corps and EPA Wetlands Land Grab Bill now rather than
having to spend huge amounts of money on lawyers and the courts to
fight the Corps and EPA in the future for years.
-----The Corps and EPA Wetlands Land Grab (HR 5088 and S 787) will
damage ranchers, farmers, business owners, landowners, miners,
cabinowners, forestry advocates, off highway vehicle users and any
users of private or Federal land. It will strangle small cities and
communities. It will cost millions of jobs.
-----The Oberstar Transportation Committee bill would give the EPA
and Corps jurisdiction over all waters of the United States and all
activities affecting all waters of the United States. Your calls,
faxes and e-mails now will really save you a lot of heartache later.
-----The Wetlands, Corps and EPA Land Grab (now called "America's
Commitment to Clean Water Act (HR 5088 in the House) and ("The Clean
Water Restoration Act, S 787, in the Senate).
It would give the EPA, Corps and the Greens a way to force regulation
of virtually all private property and Federal lands. The bill does not
have a number yet in the House. You must keep calling and putting
pressure on your Senators and Representatives.
*****Notice: Look below for a list of the key Members of the House
Transportation and Infrastructure Committee including Fax and e-mail
addresses. The Democrats must be overwhelmed with calls. The
Republicans appear ready to oppose HR 5088 and S 787.
There are lots of groups who have joined the fight. The coalition of
groups fighting this bill must continue to enlarge. Reach out to your
friends, allies and other groups.
By defeating the Oberstar Corps and EPA Wetlands Land Grab Bill (HR
5088) you prevent the Corps and EPA from gaining jurisdiction over
your property and all Federal lands. The Corps and EPA will be
limited to jurisdiction only over waters that are "navigable." That
was what was intended by the 1972 Clean Water Act according to the
two Supreme Court decisions Oberstar is trying to overturn with this
b bill.
Because this is a big election year, the Democrats are very nervous.
Your calls, faxes and e-mails will have more effect than usual. You
must remind them know their vote in Committee will affect your vote
in November and likely the votes of all your neighbors.
At this point it looks like all the Republicans still oppose HR 5088.
But don't take them for granted. Write the Republicans also.
Your calls, faxes and e-mails must make the Democrats concerned in
the House Transportation Committee Chaired by Oberstar. But they now
seem willing to follow Rep. Oberstar's lead.
With the election hanging over the head of Congress, the longer you
drag this out, the better your chances get to defeat this huge land
and water grab altogether.
You must keep up the pressure on your Congressman and both Senators.
The Corps and EPA Wetlands Land Grab bill (HR 5088) (S 787) already
passed the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee as S 787.
Rest assured that American Land Rights will send you a vote summary
after any Committee vote so you can see how your Congressman voted.
The same is true of the full Senate if and when it takes up S 787.
No matter what the Committee staff says, Oberstar and his Committee
plan to vote on the "America's Commitment To Clean Water Act" as soon
as possible. You need to call, fax and e-mail your personal
Congressman plus the key Congressmen on the Oberstar Committee listed
below. They must continue to be overwhelmed with calls, faxes and
*****-----The Democrats are trying to seize control of all U.S.
waters. The goal of the Corps and EPA Wetlands Land Grab is to give
the Corps and EPA jurisdiction over, and control of, all watersheds
and all activities affecting all waters of the United States
That means national land use controls. It will give the Corps of
Engineers and EPA control over all of your property and water and any
Federal land you use.
-----The Corps and EPA Wetlands Land Grab Bill is the biggest threat
to private property since CARA and actually affects far more land and
people. It seeks to overturn the Rapanos (2006) and SWANCC (2001)
Supreme Court Decisions that said the Corps of Engineers and EPA
could only regulate navigable waters. If the bill passes, the Corps
and EPA will control all waters, all wetlands and all watersheds in
the U.S.
Congress is considering in HR 5088 and S 787 (Corps and EPA and
Wetlands Land Grab Bill to expand the jurisdiction of the Clean Water
Act Corps of Engineers and EPA to include all "activities affecting
these waters."
It expands the definition of waters and gives the Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA), Corps of Engineers and the Feds control over
activities that affect all waters-any land use activities.
The Supreme Court said that when Congress passed the Clean Water Act
in 1972 and limited the Corps and EPA jurisdiction to "navigable
waters" they meant navigable waters.
But Oberstar is trying to get rid of the word "navigable" to give the
Corps and EPA jurisdiction over ALL waters in the U.S. Right now the
Corps and EPA are limited to jurisdiction over "navigable" waters.
You must get your Congressman and both Senators to oppose this bill.
You must tell them that you will hold them responsible in the next
election if the "America's Commitment To Clean Water Act" or a bill
like it with another name, passes Congress. Please call, fax, e-mail
and visit your Congressman.
Congressman James Oberstar, Chairman of the House Transportation and
Infrastructure Committee said he is changing the name of his proposed
"Clean Water Restoration Act" to "America's Commitment To Clean Water
Act." (He is doing this to try to confuse you. This is a common
tactic in Congress.
They are getting so much opposition from you and others that they
have changed the name to confuse the voters (you). You can call the
bill "America's Commitment To Clean Water Act" or "Clean Water
Restoration Act" or the Corp and EPA Wetlands Land Grab.
-----Let there be no mistake. The House Transportation and
Infrastructure Committee is going to vote on the Corps and EPA
Wetlands Land Grab Bill (HR 588) shortly. You need to call, fax and
e-mail your personal Congressman plus the Congressmen on this
Committee with your opposition to the bill. You can call any
Congressman at (202) 225-3121.
-----See the Committee List with phone, fax and e-mails for staff
The bill has already passed the Senate Environment and Public Works
Committee as S 787. You must also keep the pressure on the US Senate.
Don't forget to ask both your Senators for a copy of S 787, what they
call the "Clean Water Restoration Act in the Senate, now called
"America's Commitment To Clean Water Act" in the House.
Please don't sit back and say "I'll let someone else do it." If you
do your part, you will defeat this bill. If you fail to do your part,
you could lose. And the loss would be staggering.