View Full Version : Oregon Secretary of State's Office "Finds" $3.3 billion in Available Funds

15th June 2010, 12:29 PM
in its CAFR (Comprehensive Annual Financial Report).

"Oregon’s Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) released by the Secretary of State’s office last week states that more than $3.3 billion in “unreserved, undesignated fund balance… was available for spending[1].” A budget plan pushed by Senate Republicans calls for $133 million from those balances to help finance this cycle’s budget in a way that protects the economy and preserves important services."

It sure would be nice if the extra cash in the thousands of other local, state, and federal CAFRs could be "found" too!

In other news, Walter Burien's (CAFR1.com, "The Biggest Game in Town") Wikipedia biography got deleted recently, after being on the site for seven years.

Hmmm, it wouldn't have anything to do with the fact that government CAFRs are getting more publicity, would it?