View Full Version : Avalon - three white soldiers?

15th June 2010, 03:30 PM
any chartists care to comment?


Filthy Keynes
20th October 2010, 01:09 PM
any chartists care to comment?


I guess you should have bought it. It is up 100% since then.


28th October 2010, 12:35 AM
yes. I bought. This forum doesn't care about charts. ::) averaged in to be C$2.50 Still very bullish on it for the short to mid term for technical reasons.

I bought QRM.v 3 times at C$2.8 C$3.4 and C$4.8 The last buy was a mistake because I didn't have money ready the day before (when it was below C$4!) and I thought it was about to take off. I'm also still bullish for the mid and long-term.

GWG.v I got in at C$.175 and have sit tight since then. I'm thinking I will just sit on my shares until it hits my target of C$5 which may take some years or maybe only a couple. who knows, I don't really care how long it takes as long as it's within 5 years.

Filthy Keynes
28th October 2010, 07:27 AM
Thanks for those tips! One that I think will do well is TLG.v - it's not rare earths though.